• Member Since 30th Apr, 2019
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Where headcanon becomes absurd and canon absurder


A thousand years the Mane Six era, the fight for Gay rights was just as important as the Mares’ Rights movements years before. With the vote not in the LGB communities favor, they decide to make it legal themselves. They call for revolution.

A few things about this fic. One, yes it’s for Pride and Positivity, but I’d do it regardless. Two, if the cover art looks familiar, the original version had the flag on fire. But uh, since people don’t read, I decided to use the censored version. That’s all, enjoy.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 54 )

Ah, so this is gonna be more than one chapter then?

I love it so far! Keep up the good work Hero!!


Wonder what’s with the downvotes tho

There’s gotta be a specific reason for them. Like, is there something wrong with the story or how LGBTQ is portrayed? I’m so confused.

It's a queer related story. Sadly for us queer folk, any kind of queer related story tends to get bombarded. Keep on keeping on.



I did end the chapter with the LGBTQ side losing the vote… is that why?

Oh? What do they have against queer?

Or the term LGB instead of LGBTQ?

Or maybe it is just because it’s an LGBTQ fic


They likely saw the pride flag and just downvoted automatically


We’ll likely never know until someone states their opinion.

That's what usually happens

When was the last time it happened?

I wish I knew. As far as I'm concerned, being something other than cishet shouldn't be treated any differently than cishet. But a lot of people don't see it that way. There's a reason I stay home most of the time. Trans women in particular are one of the most endangered minorities period. We get murdered so often, and so rarely does anyone even care. Add in complex sexuality to that and it gets really sad and worrisome.

Anytime there's a pride fic with a rainbow on it? It's pretty common Bez

Hmm... I need to get around more

Wanna know the ironic part? When I posted that art with the burning flag, people hated me. Now that I have a pro-pride fic up, it’s unpopular

So what the fuck am I supposed to make?

I... I don’t know. I just wish we knew what was wrong so we could possibly fix it. If it really is people downvoting it because it’s LGBT then...

FiM Fiction users: Love lesbian clop fics, but hate the gays. :facehoof:

Sounds about right…

10853057 And don't even start on the futa porn!

I think the downvotes are the fact that while the message is good, the execution is.... Off. Like, there's several spelling errors and confusion, why is Luna homophobic, When is this set, ect. So I think the story just needs to be read by an editor. But again, I do like the story idea. :) Happy pride, now excuse my asexual ass as I leave to consume the garlic bread.

Thanks. Also, Luna isn’t homophobic (or, I wasn’t trying to make her homophobic), it’s more of a, “if I do this even though I don’t agree with it, more people will like me.” kinda thing

Wait a minute...

Luna stared at the envelope, nervous to open it. She knew she’d lose a lot of support of the LGB ponies if her and the homophobic ponies won. She didn’t want to side with them, and if they found out she was secretly Lesbian…

I think you’re right.

I can see your heart is in the right place with this story, but there are some pitfalls. Luna being against gay rights, or really any of the good guys from the show, is very strange. I can see your thought process with people not knowing what "trans" means, but you should know (1) that it's very common for bigots to leave the T out of LGBT+ to pit gay people against trans people, and (2) trans people were the ones driving LGBT+ rights movements, a fact that often gets whitewashed when telling the history of the movements. I strongly recommend just including the "T" in chapter one and the story description, and adjusting the rest of your story as such.

He said there was a reason for it, it's supposed to be historically accurate

I'm assuming that this is 1,000 years before the show's era. Might wanna fix the description, because it doesn't make any sense for establishing the time frame as is.

Luna's attitude doesn't help either. Yes, it is a different time to what we know, and she and Celestia wouldn't be 100% the same as we knew them from the show. But still.

Downvotes from that, more than likely. Plus the usual homophobic downvote bombing, Pride and Positivity always brings out for any story that's part of it 😑.

I liked the edited parts, it was a very good way to introduce Luna's perspective on the matter. Great job Hero

First off, I have some facts in here, but it is still mostly just opinion... I hope you at least think about what I have to say, it is ok to dissagree openly with me. I understand I could be wrong and am open to discussion.

The majority of ACTUAL Anti-LGBTQ groups are extreme religious folk. Think of religion like a government... there is central, left, right, FAR left, and FAR right...

The FAR right are religious extremists that belive humanity is filth and we need to obey the word of God EXACTLY in order to ascend. THESE are the people who make up tha majority of those that oppose LGBTQ.

The FAR left are Satan worshipers who believe humanity is greater than the Angles, Demons, and sometimes even God!... humanity should do what it wants.
These people would hold you up and REVERE you.

Centralists just don't care what you do as long as it doesn't affect me too much or actually hurt me.

Religious-Leftist like me want there to be freedom and acceptance but also awareness that certain actions affect other people, sometimes negatively...

The Bible was more than a religious text, it held the values and laws of the age... in this case, homosexuality was wrong because ANYTHING that was out of the ordinary back then was. People back then didn't understand it...

So, let's get into the criticism, shal we?

The teacher walked over. “You see, it’s evil if a mare loves a mare. Celestia will never forgive you.”

Uhhh... why? Are you saying Celestia is like God? Where is her Bible saying it was wrong back when?
Where is the propaganda saying it is wrong? And WHY are they saying it is wrong?
And if this is NOT religious... you need to give a REASON they believe it is wrong.
I need to see WHY the other side is the way they are so we can work towards fixing it.

“Merry the mare married a mare?”

Man, I remember when people made fun of me because I couldn't remember stuff and because I walked like a penguin... I remember my nickname was "yellow bird" because I didn't like the color yellow...
Then high school hit and everyone was chill. A lot of my old bullies became my friends...

Celestia shook her head. “You know we can’t. If our ponies want this, they want it…”

No, but they could get the news to over time release proglpaganda that paints guys in a positive light and condems bigots... maybe a "I have a dream" speech here and there... I feel this is not realistic... they don't seem to have a REASON for this...

“LGBT, one hundred, forty votes out of five hundred votes…” he spoke. “Anti-LGB… three hundred and sixty votes…”

What? During such an important event, propaganda would FLY around and WAY more votes would be made than that...
Especially if other races/countries got involved in the propaganda.

The anti-LGBT crowd erupted into cheers. They’d won.

Untill Celestia hears of the REASON the ponies are against LGBTQ rights and then she developes a plan to spread acceptance and harmony and allow LGBTQ to WIN next time the vote is made... THIS IS NOT a one time thing... they need to pick their heads up, and try harder next time to win hearts and minds. By NOT being violent or toxic...

Last but not least... this doesn't SEEM positive AT ALL. This doesn't show any deep lessons or meaning so far... This LOOKS like it is just "hey, ponies are discriminative for not reason at all and that blog made it seem like they won't change unless violence is applied...". And that's REALLY annoying.

I hope I can have a calm discussion of what I think MIGHT have wrong or why you think I am, because there ARE other LGBTQ fics out there with decent and even good ratings...
What I am saying is, there MUST be something that can be done...
I suppose it doesn't matter that much, the downvotes mean FAR less than the upvotes. Take "PRIDE" in those... heh...hahahahaha, ahem... sorry.

In the mean time, enjoy some weird facts...



Really? How so?

Two different versions of how it could end, all extremely well written!

Congrats on completing it, Hero. And having multiple endings was a neat little take-on.

Yay, approval

Oh boy, I'm probably gonna regret getting involved in all this.

But here we go. I've seen this story's poor like-dislike ratio being attributed to homophobia. I really don't think that's the case. Sure, some dislikes certainly are because of that. But I've seen some other pride-centred fics in passing with much more positive ratings. And due to the show's cast being predominantly female, most of the romance fics on the site are centred around homosexual relationships. Even when a story introduces a non-straight OC it doesn't seem to get much flak. It seems far more likely that this fic fails both as LGBT representation, and as a story in general.

It takes LGBT rights, a very real and loaded issue which affects people worldwide, and boils it down to "hey kids, do you like violence?". When you make a story commenting on a real issue, what you write will inevitably reflect on what you think of it. What I got from this story, is that there is no hope of tolerance for LGBT people and they should revolt and fuck all consequences or logical reasoning. It's not a good moral.

Then there is the fact that the only two canon characters in the story, Celestia and Luna, are both firmly against LGBT rights. Despite the fact that it's hinted that Luna isn't straight herself. Show characters can absolutely be used as antagonists. But if you write an AU, you need to make it clear that the characters you write about are not the ones from the show, and there needs to be at least some characterisation to give them a new personality. We don't get any of that here. Luna and Celestia are just shoved in there because the story needed an antagonist, with no explanation.

Then there is the fact that the story just plain doesn't make much sense. It starts with a referendum on LGBT rights in which one side wins by what is described as landslide. Which means that the vast majority of the population would be against Marching Colours. But then the rebels get enough recruits and public support to overrun the royal guard. Where did they all come from? And there is no answer from the rest of the population either. We know for a fact the referendum wasn't rigged, so it has to be an accurate representation of the general populace and their feelings.

And where are all the show characters? The fact that both Luna and Celestia are present sets the story either before Nightmare Moon, or somewhere during the show. And the presence of changelings that no one freaks out about pretty much firmly grounds this fic after Thorax's reformation, but before the show's end, seeing as the sisters are still in charge. Are we supposed to believe the Mane 6 didn't get involved in the conflict, on either side?

And what exactly were the consequences of the revolt? We know they won, due to that one scene on modern Equestria. But what exactly happened? Did Equestria's government change? What is Luna's role in all this? Was there a purge of non-LGBT people, or were they left alone? If so, what stops them from bringing back the status quo?

You wrote a poor plot with many, many loose ends. How did the rebellion end successfully if they were in the vast minority of the population? Why are Celestia and Luna so homophobic, even when one of them is hinted to be homosexual or nonbinary herself? What is happening with all the other characters? What are foreign nationals (other races mentioned in chapter 2) doing in the middle of an armed revolt?

Let me try to answer as many as I can.

1): The plot is set before Luna’s banishment
2): Celestia and Luna aren’t homophobic. The original plot was to have Luna vote in favor of homophobia to try and get more support than she was getting.
3): The changelings there were just outliers who were able to integrate themselves into small town populations
4): Most of the foreign creatures moved to Equestria in hopes of more freedom than their own nations were allowing

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