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Adagio, Aria, and Sonata looked up with horrified expressions, as they gazed up at an angry blazing, demonic Sunset Shimmer who smiled down at them. She got down to their level. “H-Hey! DONT YOU DARE GET CLOSER!” Aria shouted, trying to be brave, but her voice shook when she spoke.

The demon laughed. Then she moved an inch closer. “Heh, I SAID BACK UP.” The response did not come out of the demon’s mouth. Instead it seem to come from all around the sirens and from their mind at the same time. A voice that did not sound anything like Sunset at all, but it was much deeper and it echoed. It was never a full on exclame or shout, but it was very threatening all the same. She opened her mouth and a cloud of smoke began to rush out of Aria’s body and into Sunset’s mouth. As if she was sucking the siren’s soul right out of her.

“This is all your fault, Dagi, you shouldn’t have been so harsh on her like that.” Sonata whispered in her leaders ear. She had tears rolling down her face as she looked up at the beast before them.

Adagio growled under her breath. She got up from her position and got in front of Aria. Then she pushed the demon away from her sister. She began to chanting her siren song again. Aria, weak from the physical draining that Demon Sunset had done to her, she to followed her her leader’s lead. With uncertainty, Sonata did as she usually does, and followed along, not really knowing what else to do.

The gems around the necks began to glow again, a deep red. The demonic girl shook from the powerful dark chanting. Sunset Shimmer could feel her body growing warmer, so hot she began to scream from the pain. The nightmares become worse. In one nightmare , she saw herself being burned alive by her own demonic self. It was so intense that she could actually feel the intensity of the heat on her skin. The smell of her own flesh being burned alive scarily satisfying. In another, she saw herself burning Twilight Sparkle alive instead of herself, the five other girls had already been stripped of their lives. She felt sick to her stomach as she felt herself smile and cackle as Twilight Sparkle cried in pain. The next one, she found herself surrounded by the whole school, students, teachers, principals and all lifeless on the ground. All had been burned alive. Interestingly enough, there was not a single blood that was shed. Although all nightmares contained lifeless bodies of the people around her, they seemed to all transform into little demonic minions afterwards.

Along with the horrific nightmares and conjured up horrific memories from her past about her childhood, her school days and with Princess Celestia, being thrown out of the castle and into exile, figuring out a world without magic and its bazar creatures, stealing the crown, her falling, and all the horrible treatment she received afterwards, the bullying, the humiliation, the harassment, the name calling, she sexual assaults, the horrible beating she’d get from the students and even sometimes rape which was always looked over. All of those memories played through her mind over and over, but somehow she could her and see everything that was happening in present day.

The siren’s kept on with their song. Singing louder, their sirens forms coming on as they tap into all the power that they’ve obtained before then. Their melodies became stronger, hitting the demon redhead with hard blows. The sound waves somehow managing to push the girl down to the ground.

The more the sang their song, the more it seemed to be working. Though that was not the case, it was actually fueling the demon even more as the darkness was actually sucking up all of the negative energy that the sirens had.

With amazement, they saw the hot blazing fire around her body bolt away from Sunset and shot right into them. They were thrown back by some dark force, it’s black tongues licked their skin. It was so hot, it left red marks on where it had just been before, leaving being little tiny stings, like little paper cuts. Then they became engulfed by it.

Sunset Shimmer screamed at the top of her lungs. She had green glowing tears running down her face, which the sirens never heard because what came out of her was a demonic laughter. So what Sunset was experiencing, the siren’s experienced something totally different.

Suddenly Sunset heard a voice in her head, followed by a new vision, one of what was happening in present time. “Hehe, how pathetic, look at them on the ground crying.” Said a demonic voice in her head. “Watch them burn.” Sunset saw the sirens screaming in pain, tears falling down their face. They were not yet completely in fire, but they could feel the heat of the flame, and although it was not burning their skin, it certainly seem to feel like it was.

“No! NOOOO! Let the go!” Sunset protested. She wanted to turn away from the scene but she was held by against her own will.

She her the voice cackle. “Oh haha! After what they did to you? They don’t deserve to see another day.”

“They don’t deserve this! No one does! Please leave them alone!” Sunset said angrily. To her dismay, the voice did not respond and suddenly she felt left alone again. Trapped in her own demonic body.

Suddenly an idea came to mind. She smirked as the idea grew. “Actually, I don’t think you seem to understand me. I said, LET THEM GO!”

The voice laughed. “Ha! And why would I do that?”

The little unicorn smiled, “because the element of harmony are here.” ,she said.

She could hear the voice booming with laughter. “HAHAHA! What a joke! That was a joke right? I don’t see any of your so called friends here.” It said.

‘Please for Celestia sake, please let this work.’ She thought to herself. Sunset closed her eyes. She began to think of happy thoughts, rainbows, cotton candy, new clothes, leather jackets, slick motorcycles, and more. Then she thought about Principal Celestia and how she has helped her through a lot over the past 2 months since the fall formal.

She thought about how happy it made Fluttershy when she finally agreed to allow the girl to help her choose a pet, of Pinkie Pie when she invited her over to help her bake cakes for a baby shower, and of Dash when she tried to coach Sunset into becoming a better swimmer. She thought of Rarity when the girl made her an adorable new dress, and of Applejack when the the two worked together to mend broken fences. Then she remember how Twilight Sparkle help sent her in the right direction, knocking her flank out of the sky and showing her the right way of things instead of leaving her to a never ending fate.

Sunset could feel a change in the atmosphere, the hot burning feeling that was on her skin was lessening, and she could her the sound of her own voice being heard from her own mouth for the first time since she got sucked back into the darkness. The blazing fire that was swallowing the sirens had begun to cool down. Then in her mind she called out to the Elements of Harmony, something she once read in Celestia’s forbidden library. “BY THE POWER OF THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY, I CALL UPON YOU TO COME TO MY SIDE NOW!”

Suddenly, a familiar voice could be heard from outside the hallway. “SUNSET SHIMMER! WHAT IS GOING ON!”

Author's Note:

Wow! This chapter.....was pretty intense for me. Heh, I’d like some feedback on this one as well. Tell me what your thoughts are, and do you think that this story needs to be rated “M” for the scary part? Or do you think it’s not that bad, cause I really don’t know.🤷‍♀️

Anyways thank you for reading this far! :derpytongue2: