• Published 16th Jun 2021
  • 1,593 Views, 53 Comments

Logic vs Emotion - A HiE Tale - MetalGenocide

After falling asleep in the garden, you end up in Equestria. A chance encounter sets your course, but will it lead you home?

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Chapter 10 - Show and Tell

“Oooo, are those new clothes?” The scarlet unicorn chimes as you enter the office, admiring your new attire.

You glance down at the clothing Rarity crafted for you. A simple navy t-shirt and straight black trousers which fit snuggly around your waist.

“Ah, yeah. Rarity bought them over yesterday morning. It was a nice surprise actually.” You answer, your mind drifting back to the previous morning.


As the morning light gently shines through the windows, you sit at the table berating yourself.

“You are such an idiot. You were meant to keep your distance. Not make more friends and definitely not agree to some stupid information exchange session.”

Twilight especially seemed overjoyed at becoming your friend, after the minor misunderstanding was sorted out. And thanks to the ensuing cotton candy attack, you also felt a little closer to Spike. You let out a long sigh and face plant the table in disbelief.

“Oh my. Have I come at a bad time?”

The voice catches you off guard. Looking up, you meet Miss Rarity’s gaze from across the table. Her eyes showing a mixture curiosity and concern. Her pale blue aura carrying a box above her head.

“Oh. Miss Rarity. I didn’t hear you.” You utter, catching yourself in the moment.

“No ‘Miss’, darling, I did tell you.” Rarity jumps up into the seat next to you and hovers the box down on the table. “I knocked, but it seems like you were, ‘busy’. Anything you want to talk about?”

She places a hoof on your arm and stares at you with her large eyes.

Everything’s fine. Just tell her everything’s fine.


“Not fine.” She interrupts. “I may not be the most observant pony when it comes to others’ feelings. But even I can see something is troubling you. And talking about it might help, you know?”

You stare intensely at hands as the suddenly become very interesting. Fiddling about with the ring on your finger, you try to come up with some way to avoid answering her. Rarity inches closer to you as her hoof rubs your arm trying to coax out your feelings, much like a parent or significant other might do. These ponies have a way of manipulating your emotions.

“I’m just feeling low today, that’s all.” You give your vague answer, hoping it will satisfy her. You take a deep breath, changing the subject. “What brings you here this early?”

“I finished your clothes. As you requested, practical and not too dashing.” The unicorn is clearly not convinced, but luckily does not to press the matter.

Removing her hoof from your arm, Rarity brings the box closer and expertly begins to pull out several pieces of clothing, presenting them for you to see before neatly folding and stacking them on the table. Her effortless control over the fabric speaks volumes of her expertise as a seamstress. She explains, in no small detail, the methods that she used in crafting as well as the complications she faced for designing non-pony clothing. Watching the scene, you can’t help but feel some tears of happiness form in your eyes

Soon the stack stops growing, and you admire the clothing for yourself. Several black trousers and a few plain t-shirts of varying colours, atop which were multiple approximations of underwear and socks as well as a green and black scarf. You gingerly reach out and grab hold of the long material, it’s soft texture gliding through your fingertips. Along the end of the scarf, you spot three diamonds inscribed into the material. The same shape and design as those of Rarity’s cutie mark.

“Ah that. Well, I thought just in case you are here for winter, a scarf will do you good. It gets quite cold.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” You face softens into a smile. Clothing was always a default present back home, especially socks and underwear, but these feel like a real treasure in your grasp.

“I’m glad you like them. Truth be told, they were quite fun to make. And they certainly gave me more than a few ideas. Speaking of which...” Rarity pauses, casting a knowing gaze at you.

“Alright, if you got the time, I could regale you with what little fashion knowledge I have from home.” Rarity’s eyes light up, her ears twitching in excitement. You get up of your chair. “But first, some tea.”

As you proceed to make the tea, you start to talk about the different clothes and styles. Rarity got out a pad and started taking notes as you talked. You explained, in a simple, hap hazardous way, different outfits you had seen on tv or in magazines. How extravagant they looked, the different materials they used. From fancy suits to gowns depicting nature, the usage of feathers or other shining decorations that made the clothing stand out. The recent use of translucent fabrics seemed to catch her interest, but the most surprising was how much was similar between Earth and Equestria. Just like back home, Rarity’s fashion designs followed whatever was considered in season at the time, but she also considers the looks of individual ponies. It also shed some light as to why she was disappointed when you requested something that wasn’t ‘fashionable’.

You move on to other, more casual pieces of clothing, many of which also exist here in one form or another. You start to talk about swimsuits and undergarments, describing different types for men and women, from the basic to the exotic. Explaining women’s exotic undergarments to a pony made for a strange conversation, but Rarity takes it all in stride. Her eyes focused, tongue sticking out of her mouth, writing furiously on her pad as you talk. She occasionally lets out a creepy cackle as you watch the gears spin in her mind.

Rarity finishes her notes and hopes down from the table. Thanking you for the information and bidding you a fond farewell she lets herself out. You watch her skip merrily towards the town, a cloud of excitement circling around her. You can’t help but smile, staring out as she returns to her boutique…


“That was nice of her.” Scarlet’s response brings you out of your daydream. “Is everything alright?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Everything’s fine.” You quickly shift your gaze away from Scarlet. You let out a weak chuckle. “I just got lost in thought.”

“I see.” Scarlet raises an eyebrow questioningly before continuing. “Well, anyway. All the materials, and the ladder, have been delivered to the school and are ready when you are.”

“Thanks Scarlet, I’ll report back when it’s done.”

“See you later!” she says with excitement.

You head out of the building and make your way towards the school.


The sun has started its slow afternoon descent as you reach the schoolhouse. It stands alone, painted red and white with hearts over the windows. A bell tower sits upon the roof with a weathervane perched on the tip. As you cast your eyes along it, you notice several loose and splintered boards.

Approaching the main door, you notice just how small the building is compared to others, having to bend slightly to get under the porch roof. Your ears pick up talking from inside.

“Only three of you left and we’ll be done for today. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, you’re up next.” A cheery voice calls out over hushed whispers. It gains a slight knowing undertone as it continues. “I’m rather excited to see this surprise you three have been talking about, as is the rest of the class, I’m sure.”

“Um, yes. Well...” You hear Apple Bloom stammer inside. “The thing is…”

“Oh look, they don’t have anything. Their assignment is all blank! Just like their flanks!” a familiar snarky voice cries out, enticing laughs from inside.

The cheery voice gains a disciplinary tone. “Now, now Diamond Tiara. Don’t be rude. I’m sure they have worked just as hard on their project as the rest of you.”

The laughter dies down enough for you to hear Sweetie Belle start talk with a discerning sadness in her voice. “Miss Cheerilee, we-“

You quickly knock on the door, interrupting her.

“Oh my, I wonder who that could be. Come in!” The voice calls out to you.

A collection of gasps greets you as the door gently opens. The inside consists of only one large room. At one end of the classroom was a black board with a desk in front of it, next to which stood a purple mare with a pink mane and green eyes, whom you conclude is the teacher. Along with her, there are several rows of desk, all of which are occupied by foals that are now staring wide eyed at you. It starts to creep you out a little. Kids staring is weird no matter the species. Though you do notice two of the filly’s ducking down, trying to appear as small as possible.

“Ah, you must be here about the roof.” The mare says. “You are a bit early though. We still have a lesson to get through.”

“Sorry about that, Miss?”

“Cheerilee.” She answers with a smile.

“Miss Cheerilee. I do suppose I am a bit early, but there is a good reason for that.” You point out, casting a glance around the classroom. You spot your targets in the front row, just as surprised to see you as the rest of the class.

“A good reason?” Miss Cheerilee tilts her head.

“Show and Tell, of course.” You say with a smile as you duck through the door and enter the classroom. Moving past the rest of the class, you reach the crusaders in a just a few paces and kneel in front of their desks.

“Sorry I’m late girls. I trust you didn’t get into any trouble on my account.” You wink, hoping they get the hint.

“Erm. I. Ah.” The girls mumble under their breath.

“Don’t worry! We were just stalli-I mean, waiting till you got here!” Scootaloo suddenly announces. “Didn’t want to ruin the surprise, you know?”

“I know.” You smile at her. “So, where do you want me?”

“In front of the board is fine, sorry we didn’t get you a seat.” Sweetie Belle quickly adds as she and Scootaloo get off their seats.

“I… see. So, YOU’RE their ‘super-duper-awesome-special-surprise’ they mentioned this morning.”

You raise one eyebrow at the girls as they giggle nervously.

“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m all that. Certainly nothing special.” You laugh the description off. “But they asked, so here I am.” You lie. They were obviously stalling for time, probably so they could figure something out. No doubt your arrival has bailed them out of a tight spot.

“Now hold on!” The little tiara calls from her desk. “You can’t just group up and have that… thing for your show and tell!”

“Firstly, he’s not a thing! He’s a human!” Apple Bloom angrily defends you. “And secondly, why not!? You grouped up with Silver Spoon AND brought your butler to show off!” She points out the window where an old pony is balancing on a ball while juggling. Pretty impressive considering his apparent age.

“Apple Bloom.” Miss Cheerilee’s voice turns stern, her gaze focused on the filly next to you.

“What? She started it.” Apple Bloom replies angrily.

“That doesn’t mean you have to finish it.” You add.

“Ugh, fine.” She huffs, crossing her forelegs.

“Thank you.” Cheerilee’s voice regains its happy tone. “Now, why don’t you girls start with an introduction.”

“Right!” Scootaloo jumps to attention. “This is our friend, and as Apple Bloom said, he’s a human. The only one in Equestria. That makes him pretty cool!”

You feel your face redden slightly at Scootaloo’s admission of you being ‘pretty cool’. Though the reasoning behind it causes your heart to ache a bit, you push the feeling aside.

“He comes from a place called Earth.” Sweetie Belle tugs at your trousers lightly, showing them to an echo of ohs and ahs. “As you can see, humans wear clothing. This is because humans don’t have a coat or tail to protect their bodies from the environment like we do.”

Sweetie Belle holds her head high as she demonstrates her knowledge to the class. In a sudden burst of chaos and excitement, the class start yelling out questions.

“How did you get here?”
“What’s Earth like?”
“How did you meet?”
“Can you fly?”
“Can humans use magic?”

The barrage of endless questions along with the loud shuffling of desks causes you to step back. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo share a look of panic as they brace themselves for the oncoming stampede.

“That’s enough children!” Miss Cheerilee cries out with a tone of authority. The class falls silent immediately. “I’m sure our friend will not mind answering some questions, but only if you behave yourselves.”

Miss Cheerilee looks up at you expectantly. You relax, nodding at the teacher and agreeing to answer any questions the children might have.

“Now, if you have a question, raise your hoof.”

The air was filled instantly. Every small pony seemed to have a question. It almost worried you that your answers won’t be nearly as interesting as they hope.


You spent the rest of the lesson answering every question you could, making sure to omit some of the more delicate pieces of information. You told the children how you woke up in the Everfree forest and of your meeting with the crusaders at Zecora’s hut. Explaining that humans don’t have cutie marks which show their special talent, instead having to study and learn everything.

Describing Earth was a bit of a challenge. With all the similarities, the one major difference that sticks out is the absence of magic back home. This threw some of the ponies for a loop, but as soon as you started getting into inventions and technology, how much humanity has progressed, their little eyes lit up in awe. Aeroplanes were met with excitement as you talked about how you could travel all over the globe. Scootaloo in particular was fascinated by the technology. You were met with a scoff when you told them that humans had even been to the moon. Diamond Tiara cried out that it was impossible to go to the moon and, while clearly flustered, claimed you were making the whole thing up. You quickly put her in her place when you mention that Princess Celestia had banished a pony to the moon before. Without a retort, she folded her forelegs and pouted for the rest of the lesson.

“Ok children. I’m afraid that’s the end of the lesson.” Cheerilee’s news is met with disappointing ‘awws’ from the class as they collect their things. Each of the foals thank you for the stories as they slowly head out the door. Soon enough only you, Miss Cheerilee and the crusaders are left.

“That went well.” You rub your neck, soothing out the tension. “I was really nervous for a while there.”

“I thought you did wonderfully.” Miss Cheerilee beams up at you.

“Yeah!” The girls cry out at your feet.

“Thanks for coming! You really saved our flanks!” Apple Bloom adds happily.

“Oh really?” Cheerilee smirks. “And here I thought this was planned.”

“Ah, well, I mean…” The girls fidget slightly. “Gotta go! See Ya!”

The three of them dash for the door and out of sight.

“It’s cute how they think I don’t know.” Miss Cheerilee smiles while shaking her head. Her eyes gleam as she turns her head towards you. “Still, the children did very much enjoy your stories, as did I. Perhaps you would be willing to come back some time and tell us more? I’m sure there’s plenty that you could talk about.”

No. Just say no. That’s all you need to say.

“I don’t know. Maybe?” you answer half-heartedly. Idiot. You motion towards the door. “I best get started on that roof.”

“It would be nice if you could.” She smiles. “But I won’t force you.”

Miss Cheerilee starts to hum happily as she starts to pack up her saddle bags with papers. You take your leave and head outside. Locating the ladder and the replacement boards resting against one of the walls you slowly begin your job, lifting the ladder up and propping it against the roof. You should really have someone holding it stead at the bottom, but with no one around, you resort to digging the ladder into the ground. Ensuring your tools are secure, you carry the wooden roof boards up.

You feel some eyes on you and glance down over the side of the building.

“Are you ok up there?” Miss Cheerilee calls from below.

“All good!” Miss Cheerilee continues to stand there looking up at you. “You don’t have to wait around Miss Cheerilee. This won’t take too long.”

“If you’re sure.” Her voice trails off slightly. She glances around, perhaps unsure of whether she should leave or not. Eventually she does decide to leave you to it. “See you later then!”

You give her a quick wave before getting to work. You carefully straddle the roof and one by one, replace the damaged boards with new ones. From the looks of it, something crashed into the roof, cracking it in several places. Because of their size, you end up travelling on the ladder several times. Whoever ordered the boards did very well as they fit perfectly and only require securing, speeding up the job a fair bit.

As you finish securing the last board, you get distracted by a loud clatter of wood on the ground, followed by a burst of laughter. Turning your head, you see the ladder has disappeared. With a sigh, you shift your way across the roof and slowly lean over the edge to see what happened.

“Let’s see it get out of this!” The familiar voice of Diamond Tiara tells Silver Spoon as they continue to laugh.

“That’s not very nice you know.” You call out, causing the girls to look up.

“And what are you going to do about it? You’re stuck up there!” You roll your eyes. Unfortunately for them, the roof is not as high as those back on home. Sighing, you position yourself feet first, preparing to slide off.

“This is going to sting.” You mutter, before letting go and sliding off the roof. You fall through the air feet first, hurtling towards the ground. Loosening your knees, you prepare for landing, hitting the ground with a hard *Thud*. The soles of your feet sting like mad as you stabilise yourself with your hands. Giving yourself a moment to recover, you slowly stand up. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stare in horror as you block the sun, your shadow swallowing them up.

“What did you think was going to happen?” You fold your arms and stare the fillies down.

“We-well… um…” They stutter, frozen in place.

“Did you think that I was stuck? That I’d be unable to get down and start to cry?” You chastise the girls. “Go home. Both of you.”

The fillies quickly turn and run off towards the town. As soon as they are out of sight, you collapse on the ground. Removing your shoes, you rub the soles of your feet, clearing off the remaining stinging sensation.

“Seriously, what is their problem.” You muse as the pain slowly subsides. Putting your shoes back on, you arrange the ladder and the old boards by the wall before heading back to give your report to Scarlet Memo.