• Published 18th Jun 2021
  • 701 Views, 44 Comments

The Pony - FIM Fiction

Welcome to a story where you choose what happens.

  • ...


Amber let out a groan, slowly picking herself up. "Watch it pun-" She stopped, seeing the cyan mare before her.

"Are you alright!?" the cyan winged mare asked, concern in her voice.

"Uhhhh..." Amber stared at the rainbow mane the pony had. "Cool hair."

"Oh, thanks! It's really awesome, isn't it?" the mare responded. Ambient walked over and stomped on the mare's hoof. "Ouch! Hey, what was that for!?"

"You crashed into my friend!" Ambient shouted.

"What in the hey is goin on here?" a new voice called out. An orange mare climbed up the small hill. "Rainbow Dash, what you do?" she asked, sounding annoyed.

Oh my it's her!
Quiet down.
But it's Apple

"What makes you think I did something?" Rainbow Dash asked, sounding offended. The orange mare simply arched a single brow, before motioning to the amber mare with a bruise on her chest and the angry filly. "Oh."

The orange mare shook her head. "Sorry bout my friend. She's a bit of an idiot." She extended a hoof. "I'm Applejack. Welcome to Ponyville, partner!"

Amber stared at the hoof. She reached forward, and gently pushed the hoof down. Ambient walked over and shook the now lower hoof eagerly. "I'm Ambient Light!"

"Jigsaw." Amber said with a nod.

"Nice to meet cha!" Applejack began.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, the best flyer in all Equestria!" Rainbow Dash said, puffing out her chest. She then frowned, looking up at the sun. "Crap, I'm late! See ya Applejack!" Rainbow Dash shouted. She zoomed off, leaving a rainbow blur.

'Well, she seems cool.' Amber thought to herself.

"So, y'all here for the town brunch?" Applejack asked.

"YES!" Ambient shouted, bouncing in place.

"Heh, sure looks like you're excited. Come on then sugar cubes, food's waitin!" Applejack trotted down the hill.

"Come on Jigsaw!" Ambient began pulling on Amber's hoof. "Also weren't you gray earlier?"

"I- No?" Amber said, confused. She followed her friend to the bottom of the hill.

"Oh. My. Chaos. THERE'S SO MUCH FOOD!" Ambient squealed, before rushing to the food tables.

"Did somepony say"


Amber jumped back as a poof of pink and a burst of brown appeared.

"I'm Pinkie!"

"And I'm Discord!

"And together we are

Party Patrol!"


The two looked at each other. "We gotta work on our intro." Pinkie commented, grabbing a slice of pie from a nearby table.

Discord nodded, before munching on a pie tin. "That we do." he said, before being sprayed with water.

"Git! Get on now, git!" Applejack scolded Discord while spraying him with a squirt bottle. Discord let out a hiss and scampered off.

"Applejack, that wasn't very nice!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Applejack picked up the half eaten tin. "It ain't nice when he eats mah cookin utensils!" she replied. "Besides, we got you some new folks to throw a party for!"

Pinkie let out a gasp. "OHMYGOODNESS!" she shrieked. She then disappeared in a cloud of dust. Amber could see her in the distance down a dirt road.

"Well that was... odd." Amber Jigsaw said.

"That was Pinkie." Applejack said with a chuckle. "Any who, I see your daughter is quite the muncher, ain't she?" she said, looking at the table where Ambient Light was stuffing her face.

"Not dau-" Amber began in a dull voice, before coughing. "Sorry. She isn't my daughter. She just follows me, I guess."

"So just kin, then?" Applejack asked.

"I guess." Amber said with a shrug. She headed over to the tables, grabbing a slice of pie. Her eyes glanced around the crown, before stopping on a filly. Her heart skipped a beat. "Question."

"Shoot." Applejack said.

"Whos the cutie in the bow?"
Oh dear
Shut up
But it

Applejack opened her mouth to an

Until they push actions towards M, it will be E. Like romance, if you will. Now will you shut up?
So, she is not bad?
She's not anything but what they make her, remember?

"That's my lil sis, Apple Bloom! Reckon your kin and her will be good friends!" Applejack answered.

Amber nodded, biting into the pie. 'She's really cute.' she thought to herself. She began pondering on why the two voices in her head argued.

Oh right. She can hear us.
How did you forget?
It didn't seem important until it did.
Fair enough.

'Actually is there a difference? Cute and attractive. Cute is aw. Attractive makes your heart feel strange. So Apple Bloom is both.' Amber thought with a nod. She wondered why the nod was mentioned. "I nod a lot." The mouse on her head nodded in agreement.

Amber gave the mouse a piece of the pie. "Thank you." the mouse said, in an oddly deep voice that would normally be impossible for it's size. Amber only knew it was small, but did not know what it looked like, for she had yet to see it. But she did want to see the Rainbow Dash again.

"Hey you!" a voice called out. Amber looked up and saw Rainbow Dash zooming towards her. She stepped to the side at the last moment, only to step into Rainbow Dash's landing spot.

"OOF!" "OUCH!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack scolded. "Why you crashing into the poor girl!?"

"I didn't mean to!" Rainbow Dash said, getting off of Amber. She extended a hoof to help her up.

Amber took the hoof. "Thanks." she said, getting up. "Hey, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Sure! Least I could do after crashing into you." Rainbow Dash said.

"Nah, that was my fault. I stepped directly into your landing zone." Amber said with a shrug. "Question. We, Ambient Light and I, come from a different world. Now we are here. Did you see how we arrived when you saw us?"

"No, not really. But my bits are on Discord. He's always doing stupid ponycrap like that." Rainbow Dash answered. She then downed a mug of cider.

Amber tilted her head. "...Pony... Crap?"

"It's an expression." Rainbow Dash replied.

Amber nodded. The mouse also nodded.

Time went on. Amber stood mainly to the side, before grabbing Ambient, who seemed to have fallen asleep from all the food she ate. They heading back into the orchard. The two found a shady tree and fell asleep at it.
You took a while saying that.

On a hillside, through a tree, through a pony shaped gate, past a freezing scorch, up the tallest mountain, in the very stars, IT watched.

"I must confess, this is interesting even to me. I suspected little would come of this tale, and yet it arrives with many eyes on it." IT said, glowing brightly. "Then came the strange thing. I gave a blank vessel, and made the mistake of giving it gender. It became 'She'. And then the greatest oddity. Feelings. I paint feelings on an empty vessel. While the idea of pedophile might bring disgust in self or a villain about in the main character, this one merely has the idea imprinted. Attraction to not children, but to "Apple Bloom", painted in her mind. I am forced to think of this creation in new ways to further it's attitude, as you seem to keep the vessel. I thank you Commenter for bringing this unique challenge to me."

"I would change 'Her' to 'It' if I could, but that sort of change would disrupt the idea of the experiment. So I guess it will be called she, so long as you refer to them as such. Additionally for any of you who don't see the comments."

Name: Amber Jigsaw
Coat: Amber
Mane: "Any color of blue"
Jigsaw cutie mark. Cutie mark is not known by any due to jean shorts covering the rump.
Height: Size of Adult
Age: Irrelevant (for the most part)
Discord: is a doosh.