• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 20,287 Views, 133 Comments

Hot Chocolate - Kommunist Kensei

Rainbow Dash, troubled by nightmares, seeks comfort from a small pink pony and some hot beverages.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Somehow, Pinkie Pie managed to extricate the petrified Rainbow Dash from her window and soon the pegasus was comfortably wrapped up in a snug pink blanket, lying down on the rug in Pinkie's room. The pink pony trotted over to the door.

“I'm just going to get us something to drink!” she told her friend while exiting into the hallway. “Stay right there; I'll be back in a jiffy!” Dash sighed and nodded resignedly. She had, by now, gotten over her fear, and was beginning to feel worry creeping into her mind. Lying to Scootaloo was one thing. Lying to Pinkie Pie? Dash gulped. This was not going to be easy.

A short while later Pinkie bounced back into the room, a large tray in her mouth. Dash considered it a miracle, as the pink pony set the tray down in front of her, that none of the two large mug's contents had spilled. “Here we go!” Pinkie grinned, “My extra special hot chocolate!” The blue pegasus stared at the steaming beverage before her. A mountain of whipped cream with marshmallow skiers floated on a warm, frothy chocolate sea. It looked... incredible.

“Thanks Pinks,” Dash replied before taking a sip. To say it was delicious would be an understatement.

The room was silent for a while, as both ponies enjoyed their drinks.

“Right then Dashie,” Pinkie suddenly said, her newly acquired whipped cream mustache twitching as she spoke. “Why did I find you all shivery and scared outside my window so early in the morning? You almost woke up Gummy!” She waved her hoof towards a basket where a small green lump snored quietly. Suddenly snapped back into reality, Dash nervously glanced up at her friend before staring into her mug.

“Me? Scared?” Dash chuckled nervously, “heh, you must have imagined it.” Her eyes darted around the room, never settling on one spot for more than a few seconds. “I... just came to visit!” she explained, forcing herself to lock gazes with Pinkie and hoping against hope that her poker face would hold. The pink party pony stared back with a deep, penetrating stare. The blue pegasus felt her already tenuous grin beginning to falter under her mustachioed friend's soul searching eyes.

“So, why did you decide to visit this early?” Pinkie slowly asked.

“Um... I just wanted to.”

“Okey dokey lokey,” The pink pony responded in the same slow, doubtful tone, “well, why were you crying?” Dash felt beads of perspiration forming on her forehead. Pinkie was hard to lie to.

“I was, um, happy!” Pinkie continued her unrelenting stare.

“Okey dokey lokey,” she replied, “Then why did you squeal?”

“I - wait, what?” Dash broke off mid sentence. Pinkie giggled, her serious expression a thing of the past.

“You don’t remember? You went like this,” She said, miming how her friend had squealed and whipped around in fright. The pegasus felt her face grow hot.

“I can't do it,” she sighed, finally giving in to the earth pony's unwavering stare. “I was scared, alright? Just... please don’t tell anypony about this.”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Pinkie replied solemnly, “Now what was it that scared you Dashie? Its better to let it out than keep it all bottled up inside!”

“Well,” the pegasus began, feeling a small thrill at her nickname, “I was scared because... I... I had a nightmare, ok?” Dash said in a rush. She ruffled her wings and looked away from her friend. “This is so stupid,” she mumbled quietly. Pinkie looked confusedly at the pegasus.

“What's stupid Dashie?” she asked.

“What's stupid?” Dash chuckled sadly. “Me! I'm stupid. The self proclaimed bravest, toughest pony in Equestria is reduced to... this, over a stupid nightmare...”

“Don't be a silly filly!” Pinkie interjected, “Everyone gets frightened by nightmares!”

“Yeah, but I've done tonnes of scarier stuff,” Rainbow replied, “I went into a Diamond Dog lair, I kicked a dragon in the face, I -”

“Yes, but they're different!” Pinkie interrupted. “They might be scary, but were they your fears?” Dash stopped and thought.

“Well, no. I mean, I never had a fear of dragons or of going underground.”

“Exactly!” the pink pony exclaimed. “Nightmares are scary because they're what you're truly afraid of!” Rainbow thought carefully for a moment before nodding slowly; Pinkie was right. “Now then,” Pinkie Pie said, “Tell me what happened.”

Slowly, Dash recounted the experiences of the previous nights. She told of how Ponyville was empty, of how all her friends were gone. How she frantically searched through every building for some sign of life. Then she went on to tell of the next night's terrors, of how she was ignored by everyone, how they abandoned her to lie in the dirt, of how they were unreachable. Yet for some reason the cyan pegasus refrained from mentioning her encounters with Pinkie. Maybe it was because she didn't want to hurt the pink mare's feelings, maybe it was because it seemed oddly personal, but Dash made it seem as though Pinkie had never been a prominent figure in her nightmares. Either way, she didn't feel in the right frame of mind to question her emotions.

Once the final word of her tale left her tongue, a great weight seemed to lift from Dash's shoulders. For a while, Pinkie simply sat there. And then, suddenly, she leapt forward and held the pegasus close in a rib shattering hug. “Oh, you poor, poor filly,” she said softly, “That sounds horrible.” Rainbow Dash just sighed. She felt shattered, and the candyfloss scented fur her face was buried in was as inviting as any cloud bed.

“Pinkie,” Dash said, her voice muffled by the party pony's shoulder, “Can you... can you promise me one thing?”

“Sure, Dashie, what is it?”

“Promise me that you'll never leave me alone.”

“I promise, Dashie,” Pinkie whispered. Dash smiled and fell limp, her body finally succumbing to it's fatigue. Pinkie Pie giggled softly to herself and with surprising strength carried the snoring pegasus over to her bed. She yawned loudly; Helping friends was tiring work. Pinkie climbed into the other side of her bed and was soon fast asleep.

* * *

Dash awoke to the sound of birds twittering in the early morning air, and snuggled further into the comfy bed she found herself in. She knew she'd have to get up soon, but for now the cyan pegasus just enjoyed the relaxing haze of being half awake. It was then that she noticed something warm and fluffy curled up near her back. Dash rolled over lazily and hugged the cozy, comfortable object, causing it to grunt quietly before resuming it's steady rise and fall. I wonder what this thing is? the pegasus pondered sluggishly. Maybe it's Pinkie Pie... Smiling slightly at the idea, she leant over and nuzzled the neck of the strange creature. A soft, buoyant mane tickled her face and filled her nostrils with the scent of something sugary and strangely familiar. Dash stroked the soft, snug fur beneath her hooves. With a small twitch, a murmur escaped the mystery pony. “...I'm not food gummy...” Dreaming about gummy? Now this sounds almost exactly like Pinkie. But what would she be doing in my house?

Suddenly, and with an uncomfortable lurch, Dash's mind was forced awake as memories of the night before cascaded into her mind's eye. This was Pinkie's house. Her eyes snapped open to see a bright pink mane. That warm object had been Pinkie Pie. With her famous speed, the pegasus jerked her hooves back and tumbled hurriedly out of the bed, landing in a sprawled heap on the floor. Her mind rapidly kick started out of it's previous stupor.

“Oh sweet Celestia,” she mumbled. “I really hope Pinkie's still asleep.” Her ears pricked up as she listened intently for a few moments. A great sigh of relief escaped her as she heard the gentle snoring of her friend. Relief, however, was quickly overridden by another emotion. Dash felt her face begin to burn, and was sure she was blushing enough to illuminate half of Canterlot, her wings outstretched to their fullest extent. “Horseapples!” she grunted angrily, “snap out of it Dash!” A mumble escaped the pink pony before her. Hurriedly, the pegasus did an awkward dive out of the mercifully open window and into the crisp morning sky.

* * *

Later, as she battled the remnants of a particularly nasty storm front, Rainbow's mind drifted back to Pinkie Pie. For as long as she could remember, she'd had feelings for the pink party pony. Maybe it was her bubbly personality, her ingenious pranks, the way her hair smelled of candy floss - No! Dash shook her head in frustration to clear her thoughts. She'd learned the hard way that... no good could come of trying to date another filly. She tore through the last storm cloud, causing the ponderous weather pattern to explode in a vibrant shower of mist. The pegasus smiled as the droplets of water created rainbows that warped and swirled around her. She had to admit, the weather could be quite beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Pinkie - Dash stopped in mid air and rapped her hoof against her head. “For peat’s sake! Stop. Thinking. About. That. Mare!” she grunted to herself, each pause accompanied by a tap to the head. “Why cant I get rid of thoughts like I can get rid of clouds?!” she moaned, “wait - maybe Twilight can help! She probably has a spell somewhere in that library of hers that can get rid of... this.” So thinking, Dash snapped out her wings and glided slowly towards ponyville.

* * *

Twilight Sparkle carefully levitated the feather duster towards the upper shelves of the library's many bookcases. Every morning she made sure to dust the vast collection of tomes, and today was no exception. She meticulously dusted the spines of books she had read at least 17 times. Just as she reached 'Infamous Flight Accidents: A History', a tremendous crash shook through the library. She whipped around to see a rainbow blur shooting in through her window and bouncing furiously around the room, and watched in dismay as several of her perfectly arranged rows of books flew off their shelves like rectangular projectiles of knowledge.

Finally, the blur skidded across the floor to rest at the hooves of Twilight. Rainbow Dash looked up sheepishly. “Um, yeah,” she began, just starting to notice the destruction she'd caused, “I wondered if you could help me.” A nearby stack of books on Twilight's desk chose this moment to grandly cascade onto the rug. The purple unicorn surveyed the wasteland left behind after the cyan pegasus' one pony library apocalypse. Trying to ignore the tic in her left eye, she grinned dangerously at Dash. “Heh-heh...” the pegasus chuckled nervously, slowly getting to her feet. “Perhaps I’d better help you clean up first.”

“That,” Twilight said, “is a very wise decision.”

As the pegasus carried the books in haphazard stacks to the bookshelves, Twilight returned to her dusting, all the while humming a merry tune. Dash placed her stack of books in alphabetical order, before flying down to collect more. However, she now had to re-arrange the existing books to make them all alphabetically correct, but there wasn't enough room on that shelf so some had to come down a row but then that meant -

“Agh, This is so frustrating!” she groaned, “How do you do this all the time?!” Princess Celestia's student giggled and moved to help.

“How about you dust the books, then I’ll organize them. Deal?” she asked.

“Deal!” Dash replied, picking up the large feather duster and beginning to bludgeon the nearest thesaurus.

“Now then,” Twilight said, returning the thoroughly cleaned book to its rightful place. “You said you needed help with something?”

“Well, you see... I think I have a crush on somepony -” She was quickly interrupted by the purple unicorn, who gasped excitedly and levitated a large book towards herself.

“I've read all about crushes!” She giggled happily, clapping her hooves together and scouring through the book. “Do you have actual butterflies in your stomach, or is it a metaphor? How much would you say your heart rate increases by in the presence of the colt? Thirteen percent? Forty?” she asked, rattling off the questions like a machine gun. Dash began to regret asking Twilight for help.

“Uhm, it's not really like that at all,” she told her friend, finally getting a word in edgeways. “Books cant really describe it.” The purple unicorn looked crestfallen for a moment or two, but perked up immediately.

“So,” she asked excitedly, “who is is he?”

“It's a fil – erm, actually I'd rather not say,” Dash said, blushing slightly. Twilight gave a hastily muffled giggle at her friends shyness, causing the pegasus to blush even more.

“Sorry!” the unicorn apologized, “I shouldn't laugh. Have you... how do you say it... asked them out?”

“Well, about that,” Dash mumbled awkwardly, “It - well, it's a long story, but it wouldn't work out. So... I was wondering if you maybe, um, knew a spell to get rid of love?” Twilight shook her head slowly.

“I'm sorry Dash, truly I am,” she replied sadly, “but love is an unbelievably strong force. Many scholars tried in the past to affect love with magic, but it was like trying to stop a waterfall using a colander.” The pegasus groaned and tossed the duster aside in frustration.

“So I’m going to be stuck like this?” she asked angrily, “loving somepony I can never admit my feelings to?”

“Stop listening to your brain; listen to your heart!” Twilight replied. “Deep down, what do you want to do?”

“I want to hold them close, I want to take them on dates, I want to make them happy,” Dash blurted out. Twilight stamped her hoof.

“Then do it.” she told her friend firmly. “You're always loyal to us. Now be loyal to yourself.”

“It's not that easy!” Dash said exasperatedly. As if on cue, a large stack of parchment was suddenly thrown into the air by a gust of wind from the open window.

“Nothing ever is,” the unicorn sighed. For a long time, the two stood silently.

“Well... better get this bombsite cleared up...” Dash said lightheartedly, her words hollow and reserved. Slowly, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle returned to their arduous task. I hope Dash's alright, Twilight thought to herself. The only time I’ve seen her this nervous about something was when she performed in Cloudsdale, and then she had her friends to rely on. But this time... The unicorn shook her head slightly.

I'm sorry, Dash. This is a battle you'll have to fight on your own.

* * *

Rainbow Dash groaned and rolled over for what seemed like the hundredth time. It wasn't that her cloud bed was uncomfortable. Far from it. And the cleaning she had done with Twilight had left her weary. How could anypony have so many books? Once again, Dash rolled over onto her left side and tried to force her mind to shut down. Twilight's words buzzed around inside of her skull, while half formed imaginings flitted in and out of her vision.

In some of them, she confessed her feelings to Pinkie and the two quickly fell into a loving embrace, or went on a walk in the park, or just went for a pizza. Some of the things they did made her blush slightly, and caused her wings to tingle slightly under her fluffy blanket.

Yet in others, Pinkie rejected her, crushing her self esteem like an autumn leaf and harshly pointing out the pegasus' flaws. Annoyingly, those occurred far more often than the good outcomes.

Dash was just about to turn over once again when she finally fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

The pegasus trotted nervously past the happily mumbling ponies at the party, their monotonous tones occasionally broken by a loud guffaw or the tinkling of glasses. The ornate chandeliers that hung from the gilded ceiling bathed the room in a warm glow that put Dash in mind of firesides after a freezing winter day. As far as she could tell, the room went on forever in all directions. She hadn't even noticed when or where she had entered. Wherever she walked the crowds of ponies mysteriously opened up and left her in a small clearing amongst them. Seeing nothing else to do, Dash walked over to a nearby table laden with punch, food and snacks.

“Hey, move your flank!” she grunted at a green pegasus stood in front of the punch. He sidestepped casually out of Dash's path. As she reached for a cup, she noticed something strange. All the ponies in the room had their backs to her. Puzzled, she walked round to the front of the pegasus that had obstructed her path. Yet, without moving a muscle, he always faced away from her. She ran round and round, trying to outpace his bizarre turning, bet to no avail. Finally, slightly tired and not so slightly frustrated, she poked him with her hoof. “Are you shy or something?” she asked, “or are you just ignoring me?” In an instant, all talk in the room stopped.

“You want to see my face?” he whispered sadly, “sure thing, friend...” The green pegasus turned around slowly to lock eyes with Rainbow Dash. She hastily muffled a scream with her hoof, and took an involuntary step backwards. The pegasus' face was blank. The features were exactly the same. He still had a snout, ears, a mane. But where he should have had eyes or a mouth... there was nothing. Dash took a few more nervous steps backwards now, when she heard a rustling from behind. Spinning around, she caught sight of other ponies turning their heads to scrutinize her. “What's the matter?” the faceless pony asked in the same quiet, silky, melancholy voice. Dash ignored him, trying not to panic, or think about how he spoke without a mouth, or think about how she was going to escape a room she couldn't see the end of. She galloped through the nearest ponies, the faceless beings silently moving out of her way in the nick of time. She needed a familiar face somewhere in the nightmarish party. And wherever there's a party, Dash thought, there has to be -

“Pinkie!” Dash called out to the ball of pure energy in pony form. Pinkie Pie turned from where she was dancing upon a table and tackled the sky blue pegasus.

“Dashie!” she squealed, “I’m so glad you could come!” Dash wriggled out from under her friend and gave her a curious look.

“Come to what?”

“Duh,” Pinkie replied, rolling her eyes. “Your super special extra fantastic tremendously terrific party!” Dash looked around Pinkie's shoulder at the ring crowds of faceless, staring ponies and shivered slightly.

“What kind of a party is this?” she asked, trying to keep her rising fear out of her voice. “What are – who are they?” Her voice trailed off as she pointed a hoof at the silent 'party guests'.

“Those?” The pink pony giggled. “They're your friends, silly!” Pinkie got up off of Dash and helped the pegasus up.

“Why don’t I recognize any of them then? Why are their faces... blank?” Dash asked.

“Don't you see?” Pinkie asked, chuckling slightly. She bounced round and round the pegasus with her usual excitement. “It's because... you never had any friends in the first place!” At this she collapsed on the floor mid bounce in fits of laughter, tears of mirth forming in her eyes. Dash began to tremble. She shook her head.

“No,” she whispered. “No, that's not true. I have Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack,” she listed, gaining confidence with each name, “and you!” Pinkie laughed even harder, pounding her hooves on the wood paneled floor. Finally, the laughs subsided and she stood up shakily, still chuckling occasionally.

“Sure, they may claim to be your friends,” Pinkie said softly, “but remember your 'friends' in flight school?”

“Sh – Shut up!” Dash replied angrily, caught off guard.

“And as for me?” the pink pony continued, “I wouldn't want to be friends with a fillyfooler like you if you were the last pony in Equestria.” She glared at the pegasus, her exuberance now a distant memory. Pinkie spat on the floor in front of Dash before turning around and trotting away. Silently, as if on command, the party guests followed suit.

Rainbow Dash didn't even try to catch up to them. She had curled into a ball, tail and wings wrapped tightly around her body as though trying to fend off invisible blows. “Fillyfooler!” Pinkie's voice rang out, though from her head or the room Dash couldn't tell.

“Shut up!” Dash sniffed. “Just - go away... please...” But the pegasus' pleas fell on deaf ears. Again and again, like the tolling of a bell, the voice sang it's hurtful phrase, reverberating louder and louder in Rainbow Dash's ears.

“Fillyfooler... fillyfooler... fillyfooler...”

“I am not - ”

* * *

“ - A fillyfooler!” Dash yelled, waking up with a start. She glared around her moonlit bedroom as if daring her dresser or her posters to contradict her, her chest rising and falling heavily. She hadn't been called a fillyfooler for such a long time. She had hoped she would never be called it again. Gradually, the glare broke down with the pegasus as tears began to trickle down her cyan fur. “I'm – not – a – fillyfooler” she sobbed, pounding her pillow with her hooves. Burying her face in the fluffy cloud, Twilight's words echoed in her ears.

“Listen to your heart...”