• Published 25th Jun 2021
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Foalish Desires - Foal Star

This is an anthology of the mane six having odd dreams about being treated as foals

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Chapter Four: Pinkie Pie defeats a tickle monster

Pinkie hummed happily as she skipped into the large nursery with a pink teddy bear upon her back. "I'm back!" she sang, smiling at Pound and Pumpkin Cake, who were surrounded by the scattering of toys. The party pony was a foal sitting once more, and she loved every moment of it. Setting the teddy bear on the floor, she waves one paw at the two. "Hi there."

Pumpkin laughed at the silliness, waving back as she waddled over and hugs the bear. Her brother, meanwhile, moved over to Pinkie, clutching her leg. As Pinkie pats his head, the little colt pointed towards the crib babbling something although their caretaker didn't understand.

"Oh, it's not nap time yet, silly," Pinkie chimed as the two foals looked at each other for a moment and went to the pile of toys digging around for something. Pinkie, of course, kept a good eye on them. Soon after, she watched the two find the plastic toy clock with big numbers and a silly image of Luna's face upon the surface as if the hands were a mustache. "Oh, you two want to learn how to tell time?" she asked as the two foals clapped and giggled. "Alright, let me show you. Well, not sure you two can count yet."

The two foals let the big pony sit down and start to explain it, but Pound soon got bored and grabbed the hour hand and began to spin it clockwise, amused by the music that came out of the clock... Pinkie, however, found that the room was steadily getting bigger, or maybe she was getting smaller. She gasped in surprise as she looked down, observing as her belly grew rounder and her limbs got shorter. The pink pony began to giggle, her voice getting even more high pitch as she changed. Once it was all over, Pinkie turned to look at herself, seeing she was now sporting a diaper with pink balloon prints all over the padding.

"Yay, now you can see the cave!" Pound cheered as his hoof pointed towards the crib once more.

Pinkie, wondering what he was talking about, looked over, gasping as she saw that the mouth of a cave made out of bedsheets was under the crib. "Wow, where did dat come from?"

"You gotta help us, Pinkie. We need to defeat the tickle monster." Pumpkin said as she held out plush knight armor along with a foam sword.

Strapping the armor on, Pinkie beamed, swishing the sword about with a smile. "Oh no, not the tickle monster. We'll have to teach it a good lesson." She reached into the toy box nearby to fetch feather dusters for the other foals. "What better way to beat a tickle monster than with tickles!"

The two cheer, taking hold of the dusters before waddling along towards the cave.

Pinkie soon leading the way with a skip in her step. Nothing was quite so fun as a foals' runaway imagination. The mouth of the plush cave was lit by little night lights along the walls as they headed inside, the floor feeling lovely and soft too.

After descending for a moment, they eventually came upon a giant door with three holes, a triangle, a square, and a circle; it looked like one of those simple puzzle toys foals play with. Pinkie plopped onto her padded rump as she looked around and saw three giant plastic shapes. "Hmm, something is wrong?"

Pound turned to Pinkie. "What's that? You know these shapes, right? Ya gotta teach us."

"um...I...I did! But something is messing with me; I can't seem to remember which shape goes where?" Pinkie Pie confessed.

"Maybe ya just need your think binky," Pumpkin chimed, popping a large blue pacifier into Pinkie's mouth with a soft giggle.

Pinkie tapped her chin as she began to suckle upon the pacifier, trying to recall what shape was which. Although the colorful patterns upon the plush walls were somewhat distracting, they always seemed to make her forget her train of thought for a moment or two.

Pound Cake soon got bored and picked up the triangle block knocking it against the square hole, the shape making a funny squeak sound with each smack.

Pumpkin Cake picked up the circle block and tried to place it in the square slot. "Hehe, this is making funny noises too!"

Pinkie watched the two as she kept thinking. "Hmmm, which shape was which...oh a lever!" Spotting a bright-colored lever. She waddled over and pulled it, watching as a rubber ball rolled out from the ball. Being easily amused, the pink foal picked up and bounced it about. "Oh, I know we just try each hole until one of the shapes fits." She replied as the three spent a bit of time passing the ball around.

Pumpkin coo. "Oh, that sounds smart. You da best, Pinkie." She chimed, sending the ball back to her brother.

Pinkie soon got up and nodded "uh-huh, I'm smart," She stood up while still suckling the pacifier as she took the circle and smacked it against each hole until it slid in place. She giggled, clapping her hooves. "Look, I did it!" The other two cheered at her simple achievement as Pinkie got the other two in place despite still not being sure which shape was which. The door soon flashes various colors before sliding open, showing off the hallway ahead. The three foals waddle along further before reaching the next chamber, the next door looking like a large canvas with several pots of different colored paint next to it.

Pound stared at the door tilting his head. "What do you think it wants us to do?" He asked, watching Pinkie waddle over to the jars.

She tapped a hoof to her chin as she was also somewhat confused about the situation and wasn't sure how they would proceed. Then above, there was a small picture of three balloons, two blue and one yellow. "Huh, I think this one wants us to paint my cutie mark."

"That's easy enough! It's just two colors!" the two foals exclaimed; they then started taking some of the paints and shoving their hooves into them and started to smear random colors onto the canvas. During the process, Pound flicks some blue paint into Pinkie's muzzle, giggling happily. "Oops."

Pinkie chewed on it and giggled, "yum! Tastes like cotton candy!"

Pound was now curious as he tips his hoof into the blue paint jar and licks at it, cooing, "ooh yay candy" He begins to suckle on his hoof with delight as his sister tries out the red paint and smiles too.

"Apples!" Pumpkin smiled, licking her hoof some more.

Pinkie tummy rumbles some as she licks up some more blue paint. "Mmm, tasty," She said to drool as they continued to enjoy the oddly tasty hoof paint. They soon found they gained polka dots all over their bodies from eating so much. The foals burst out into laughter over how silly they looked. Pinkie soon looked at the canvas with the random colors on it. "Hehe, oops, I don't think those are the right colors."

She then took a pot full of white paint and dumped it over the canvas as it became pure white again. "Okay, this time, we should try paying close attention! We still have a tickle monster to take down!"

Pound and Pumpkin nodded in agreement, "okay, Pinkie!"

The two foals then took some blue paint and placed it down on the canvas as they began to paint giant blue ovals looking like the balloons that made up Pinkie's cutie mark. She then took a yellow pot and began to paint the giant yellow balloon. It was sloppy, and they looked rather blobby, but the painting looked a lot better than last time. Pinkie then took out a giant pencil and traced lines beneath the circles to finish it off. Then the painting flashed a bright light as it shined a light onto Pinkie Pie's diaper, which now had her cutie mark printed on the padded seat. The light then shot out at the door, and it opened up for the foals' delight. Pinkie bounced, "yay, let's get going." She held on her hind legs sitting on her rump before bouncing her way down the passage on her diaper, making it a trampoline-like surface. Pound and Pumpkin Cake followed suit, reflecting on their diapers through the entrance.

After making another turn, the group reaches a large open room with a plush tiled floor and walls with posters on them. The entire room looked like a massive playroom with toys of all kinds just left scattered around from some other foal's playtime. It reminded Pinkie of the tornado the twins made when they played for a few hours.

There was a giant toy chest at the end of the room, and the sign above it read 'Put away the toys."

A motherly voice was heard giggling. "Aww, what a hard challenge you foals must face." It teased. "However, will you do it to face the tickle monster?"

Pound and Pumpkin were pouting, "we wana play!"

Pinkie Pie turned to face the two foals and shook her head, "we can play after we defeat the tickle monster, okay? For now, I need your help cleaning up."

Pound pointed to the toy train with little flashy lights. "But PInkie, choo train!"

The Pumpkin was already waddling over to a rubber chicken and was chewing on it. Pinkie rubbed a hoof over her face. "Okay, this is going to be a lot like me babysitting again...how do I get foals to do something they don't want to do?" She then had a lightbulb appear over her head. "ah-ha! Persuasion!"

Pinkie Pie took out two foal bottles filled to the brim with chocolate milk. "Hey, Pound and Pumpkin Cake, you want some chocolate-flavored formula!"

"Yeah!" the two foals cheered as they waddled over Pinkie Pie, then held out a hoof. "Wait before you can have this; I need your help to clean up the place."

Pumpkin and Pound Cake both nodded, "otay Pinkie, that's a deal!" they then went about scooping up the toys and trotting to the toy chest to dump them in. Pinkie Pie beamed a smile as she helped the foals gather the toys and plopped them in the trunk as well; luckily, the two foals were staying on task. But then she noticed a light-up piano with colorful lights and making sounds. "Oh dear," she mumbled, seeing Pumpkin and Pound Cake now memorized by this new fancy foal toy.

Pinkie Pie bounced over, "Hey, remember my promise! We have to put all the toys away or no chocolate formula!"

But the foals seemed to not hear her being wholly absorbed with the piano and mashed their hooves on the keyboard, making sounds and flashing more lights at them.

Pinkie Pie knew that getting their attention would be rather tricky; she would have to look more distracting than that toy. She then saw a random bag of flour nearby, and she smacked a hoof to her face. "Ugh, of course! I never understood why these foals like seeing me covered in flour!?"

Pinkie Pie picked up the bag of flour and got in front of the foals; she then got on her hind legs with her cheeks turning red (seeing her diaper was now in full view), took the bag over her body, and then plopped the powdery substance over her. But the starchy smell of flour wasn't there. Instead, she sniffed the air and realized it was foal powder! She felt even more embarrassed with her pink coat turning red.

But despite the embarrassing nature of the foal powder now all over her body, the foals were laughing and giggling, seeing her having the white powdery substance over her body. The two clapped and cooed like they usually did. "Yay ya!" Pumpkin smiled "do it again!"

"No, we gotta clean up, or we'll never get to the tickle monster." PInkie retorted, still blushing and letting out a few sneezes.

"Aww, why doesn't the pink filly want to play with toys too. Don't they look fun," the motherly voice calls out from the walls as it pushes Pinkie along. Not that the idea doesn't sound fun, and she didn't mind wearing diapers and acting like a foal….but something felt off following this voice, and there was this urge to defeat it. "Sorry, I will have to decline that offer!" Pinkie Pie chirped as she bounced over, took the flashy toy, and threw it across the room and into the toy chest.

As the last toy was put away, the doors opened up, and a happy chine rang out, "Good foals, for cleaning up after your playtime. Yes, you are."

Pinkie rose up, and with a puff of foal powder poofing from her body, she cheered, "All Alright, everypony! Let's go and take down this tickle monster!" She then bounced off once more, feeling excited to see this tickle monster and hopefully find out whether or not this is a dream.

As the three came through the door into the final room, the same motherly yet silly mare's voice was soon heard calling out to them, "hahaha, so some foals are trying to come and stop me? I guess they want to be tickled till they pee." the voice teased with more laughter.

Pinkie gasped, "oh no! The tickle monster! Pound and Pumpkin Cake, get ready!"

The two foals took out their feather dusters as a giant blue teddy came into the large room ahead... "Are you sure you foals aren't skipping out on your nap?" The bear wagged its paw around, still smiling.

"We gonna defeat you tickle monster. You want to make us Pee." PInkie declared, having her foam sword. "We shall be free to not nap and play all day."

The Cake Twins chimed in shouting, "yeah, no naps for us!"

They then all rushed ahead, trying to use their feather dusters to tickle the giant teddy bear. The bear, however, took Pinkie Pie into her paws and started to massage her relentlessly. "Hehe, coochy coo!"

Pinkie Pie giggled and cooed the entire time, not unlike a foal but squeaked, feeling her padding starting to warm up, and she realized she was peeing herself!

"Hehe, you were right about one thing: I love tickling foals to make them pee." The teddy snickered, blowing a raspberry into PInkie Pie's belly as well, causing more squeals and laughter. Not that Pinkie minded.

Pound and Pumpkin were trying their best to tickle the teddy with their feather dusters, but nothing seemed to be working. Pound pouted, "ugh, what do we do!? At this point, Pinkie is gonna leak her diaper before we save her."

"We hug its legs and knock it over!" Pumpkin said, rushing over grabbing a leg to snuggle it.

Pound shrugged, "it's worth a shot."

The two foals ran into the teddy's giant plush legs, and it squeaked as she started to feel unbalanced. She squealed as her plush body tumbled over, and Pinkie Pie escaped its clutches. She squealed, plopping down onto the tickle monster's belly using her diaper to bounce on the tickle monster's plush belly. It was rather bouncy, which gave the other two an idea.

The twins climbed on the giant Teddy's belly quickly and started to jump on it like a trampoline, the bear beginning to laugh and kick its legs. "Hehe, how do ya like it?" Pound teased, giggling with joy at the bouncing, and Pumpkin joined in as well. The three foals continued to bounce up and down on the giant plush teddy making her giggle and bellow out laughter. Pinkie Pie was smiling, seeing that they had defeated the tickle monster; however...she wanted to pay back by pissing herself. She took a giant diaper from out of nowhere. "Let's finish it off by padding it up!"

"Yeah!" the other foals cheered.

"W..wait!? What! How did you do that!?" the tickle monster cried out, being somewhat surprised.

Pinkie Pie shrugged and replied, "eh, I do stuff like this all the time!? Not sure why you're surprised?"

She and the other foals padded up the teddy in the massive diaper; due to its size and weight, the tickle monster couldn't get up. Pinkie cheered, "Yay! We defeated the tickle monster!"

The little pink foal then gave a loud yawn as she ended up laying on the teddy's belly once more, feeling that it was now nice and warm too…

Pinkie woke up seeing she was in her bed and then turned to a mirror and saw she was wearing a set of footed pajamas with a noticeable diaper bulge. A pacifier was in her mouth, and she was hugging a plush teddy.

The mare scratched her head, "huh? How did I end up dressed like this?"

Pinkie poked the diaper bulge, hearing it crinkle and the smell of foal powder wafted over her. It was actually rather calming, and she wasn't upset or embarrassed about the strange attire. But what made her worry was how did it get on her in the first place?

She thought it over, asking out loud, "it could've been Rainbow Dash playing a prank on me? Or maybe princess Luna? Discord perhaps?" But each answer seemed to ring hollow. It might be somepony she hasn't met yet… The pink-coated mare then gave a tired yawn as it was still rather late, and she was still sleepy and shrugged. "Mmm, oh well," and gave her teddy bear a hug. "Hmm, I wonder if that was just a dream?"

Pinkie Pie then snuggled under the covers, tucked in her adorable little outfit, scrunching the diaper between her legs and feeling secure and happy...with the hopes that as she slept that she received another sweet and fun dream.