• Published 4th Jul 2021
  • 310 Views, 2 Comments

Little star chaser - Chloemcg

Doctor Whooves comes home to find out his younger daughter, Dinky Doo, troubled and the two do a bit of stargazing.

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Little Star chaser finale

15 years later...

Dinky Doo Whooves had grown up into a mare with a bright mind.

After that fateful night all those years ago, when her father had prevented her from sinking into the dark chasm of sadness, she had found herself peering into her telescope more and more. As a matter of fact, her father had encouraged her fascination of astronomy so much that the two would sometimes sneak out together to watch the stars in the night sky.

The father and daughter duo had become inseparable.

Ever since that night, the pale purple unicorn swore that she would continue to follow those stars someday and, whether they would lead her to something good or something bad, she didn't know but she felt a rush of excitement flow through her veins at the mere imagination of what the future could hold in store just for her.

The thought thrilled her more than anything in her life.

She grew up to be quite the sensible mare. Whenever she had found herself in a precarious situation, she always knew the rational thing to do and would be the first pony to suggest the sensible option among an ocean of stupidly impulsive ones. She had become the town darling, you could even say! She had taken to being the town librarian after Princess Twilight had left to rule in Canterlot in place of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna but her main passion was actually what her nighttime occupation was —an astronomer.

It was Dinky's father that helped her truly discover her passion for astrophysics and astronomy and it was with fond memories that father and daughter spent a lot of time with one another.

The bright pink scarf Dinky wore around her neck fluttered in the late night breeze.

The unicorn stood proud and tall as she lit her horn up with magic (albeit, her magical aura flickered on and off like a faulty switch). The bright magenta aura fizzled in and out as it crackled and popped as the magical aura surrounded the telescope and, with great difficulty, the magical clasp turned and then lowered the optical tube so it now pointed towards the ground instead of up towards the sky.

The skies above were coloured a fine blend of black, navy blue and purple. Stars were dotted all over the place and they twinkled brightly, the moon hung high in the sky as it beamed silvery streams of light down on the world below.

Dinky smiled.

Princess Luna must have put a lot of effort to make this night as enchanting as possible.

The unicorn dug her hooves into the ground as she strained herself as hard as she could, her face sticky with hot sweat. After exerting so much energy, she fell back on her haunches and hung her head so she could catch her breath. Using magic had remained a difficulty and the only spells she could successfully pull off were the levitation spell, the spell that helps non-Pegasi to walk on clouds and the illumination spell.

Nevertheless, she had learned to accept it as part of herself a long time ago….

It was after she had grabbed her telescope with her magic that she turned on her hooves and started to walk back inside to pack up her belongings to get ready for her journey.

After that initial night that started everything, Dinky was determined to leave Ponyville in order to seek out her true destiny. She grew up in Ponyville, she had friends who support him, a family who love her, and he has all she could ever want. Alas, she was also a blank flank…despite being on the cusp of adulthood. She just felt this nagging in her mind and she was just itching to go and travel the world and see where the stars took her.

She was determined to follow those stars.

Of course, convincing her family was a bit difficult as her mother and older sister were both hesitant in watching the young adolescent leave on her own. When she explained everything to her father, though, while he was reluctant too, he believed in her and knew that it was time for his youngest daughter to fly the nest.

After Dinky had packed her belongings, items and other stuff in a bag that had previously lay on her bed, she decided that she was ready as she made her way out of her bedroom for the very last time in a long while. The room was almost the same as it was from when she was a young filly with the exception of a few posters of DJ Pon-3 on the wall and she had a few star maps stuck to the wall. There were no longer any toys with the exception of a plush version of her mother laying on the bed next to her pillow.

The unicorn grabbed her suitcase in her mouth and and crossed the doorway.

She forced herself to not turn around and look back into her bedroom as she didn't want to feel any reluctance about leaving her home. She knew that she needed to do this and she couldn't afford to have any doubts. Her legs were stiff as she had trouble maintaining a cool and confident stride while keeping her eyes forwards as she gave a tentative canter down the staircase.

Her mother, father and older sister were both there to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

The years had changed everyone, appearance-wise.

The years had rendered Derpy's wings frail, her crossed eyes foggy and her mane a blend of yellow, platinum and silver. She had bags gathered and stretching beneath her special eyes yet she wore that same, kind-hearted, loving smile that she always wore when she was young.

Doctor Whooves/Time Turner looked almost the same except with his mane and tail beginning to gray and there were wrinkles sagging beneath his eyes, as well as the odd age line decorating the bridge of his muzzle. Instead of wearing his collar and green tie, he instead wore a black coat with a white shirt underneath. His pale blue eyes still retained that same wisdom he had in his youth, just like his wife.

Amethyst Sparkler looked practically the same but had become slightly taller and was wearing a Pearl necklace with a black jacket with a white shirt underneath. Her mane was styled and tied into a ponytail and she had her eyelashes decorated with eyeliner. She truly looked the part of an organiser now.

The Whooves family were practically still the same ponies but they were definitely beginning to show their ages.

Dinky lowered her head to place her suitcase down on the ground and then watched her mother step towards her, her (Derpy's) wall eyes were practically overflowing with pure emotions and her eyes seemed to become misty when they landed on the suitcase the unicorn was clutching in her teeth.

Derpy stopped in front of her and then nuzzled the lilac unicorn's cheek affectionately with her snout.

Dinky giggled as she resisted the urge to move away from the embarrassing show of affection.

"Mama, please…." Whined the young adolescent unicorn, shutting one eye although she couldn't fight back a smile as she let her mother shower her with every ounce of motherly affection.

A bashful scarlet tint coloured Dinky's cheeks as she ducked her head in between her shoulders and she turned her head a bit, her heart warming up immensely at her mother's gentle nuzzling. She wondered whether or not if she was too old for this but, then again, if it put a smile on her mother's muzzle then she would gladly endure it.

"What?" Derpy teased, faking being offended "You aren't telling me you're too old for your mother's love, are you?"

Dinky just giggled at the older Pegasus's teasing as it reminded her of when her mother would play with her when she was a foal, making her heart feel even warmer. She'd tickle her before bedtime, always making sure to be the kindest and sweetest yet playful of parents ever. The unicorn remembered how her mother loved to blow bubbles and watch both her (Dinky) and Amethyst chase the bubbles around until they popped and then she'd blow some more.

Dinky shook her head, snapping herself back to the present so she could stop reminiscing for a moment and remain in the present. She softly pushed her mother away so they could look each other in the eye but she made sure her shove was nowhere near hard since she didn't want to inadvertently hurt her chest or something.

The mother and daughter pair stared at one another, completely ignoring the staring eyes belonging to both Sparkler and Time Turner, and just letting the actual reality of the current situation sink in. It was as if the space they were occupying had become a gooey mass where time didn't matter and never moved.

Dinky watched with growing worry as her mother stood there in front of her, those unique eyes of her starting to accumulate the biggest tears she had ever seen. Her mother's smile had wobbled until it had morphed into a frown and a couple of choking sobs slipped from her throat. Her body trembled and shivered and even her wings had started to bristle due to the upset energy that had started to accumulate around her.

All of a sudden, the older pegasus started to (quite literally) cry a river.

It wasn't a surprise that the mail pony would cry like this.

The gray Pegasus mare loved her daughters to the end of the world and back and there was nothing that could make her love diminish in the slightest. She felt that the puzzle pieces of her life had clicked into place ever since she laid her special eyes on Sparkler for the first time…it was as though she was always meant to become a mother, it felt natural and imagine how much her joy doubled when her little Dinky Doo was born! True, being a mother with her wonky eyes was no trot in the park but she would readily do it all again if given the chance.

Eventually, Derpy had accepted that her children would have to leave but that didn't mean that she wasn't upset over it…

She had been as supportive as she possibly could of her foals decisions and smiled through each and every time there was a possibility she'd suffer heartache but the reality that her youngest daughter was living was bound to hit her like a ton of bricks and it appeared that this was happening right now.

"We'll miss you so much, muffin…" Derpy cried as she pulled in her younger daughter for a tight embrace.

Dinky couldn't hold it back anymore.

She felt as her own eyes filled with tears and she had to bite her lower lip to fight back the sobs that were trying desperately to wrack her body. Her ears drooped and her big amber eyes were bloodshot. She could feel her throat throb and quiver as the sobs and violent sniffles tried their best to slip out and

This was so difficult.

She didn't want to leave her life here in Ponyville...but destiny was calling her name and she had to heed it.

"I'll miss you too, mum. You and daddy and Sparkler…" The pale purple unicorn whimpered as she shut her eyes to try and prevent the tears from continuing to flow, but that only served to make it worse as the tears kept on streaming out of her closed eyes.

Doctor Whooves and Sparkler stood back as they knew they needed to let Derpy and Dinky have this moment.

It took a few minutes of the mother and daughter pair to cease their hysterics and Dinky eventually stopped crying. However, the same couldn't have been said about Derpy as she just kept on bawling like now tomorrow, clinging on tight to Dinky as if she'd vanish should she relinquish her hold.

Dinky decided to try and calm her mother down.

"C'mon, mum…there, there, it's going to be alright…" She soothed, gingerly rubbing her mother's back with a shaking hoof. She tried desperately to keep her own voice from cracking.

It took some more time but Derpy's wails were subdued eventually.

The motherly, cross-eyed pegasus pulled herself away and noticed that her daughter's scarf tails had become slightly unravelled. The gray pegasus grabbed one tail in her teeth and proceeded to furl it more securely around Dinky's neck before tying both tails into a tight knot to avoid it from loosening again. Now the scarf was wrapped more securely around her daughter's neck, even though Ditzy knew the scarf was more an acessory rather than a piece of clothing to keep warm.

Dinky smiled warmly, albeit tearfully at her mother.

"Thank you."

Derpy smiled right back at her youngest filly, her facial expression matching her daughter's.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

Dinky then went over to her father and wrapped both hooves around him, nuzzling her tear-stained face into his shoulder; she had spent all of her tears during her mother's emotional breakdown but that didn't make this any less painful and heart-wrenching for her.

"You'll make us proud, Dinky, I know you will…" Doctor Whooves murmured softly. "You go and follow those stars."

Dinky sniffled and smiled sadly at her father.

He had believed in her since the beginning and there were no words that she could say that could even come close in conveying her thanks for that. She appreciated him in more ways than one and she felt her own heart swell in her chest as she thought about how much her family had supported her and loved her with every fibre of her being.

"Thanks, daddy."

Doctor Whooves kissed his daughter's forehead gave her a nod full of pride and love.

Dinky leaned into her father's kiss before she finally turned to face Sparkler.

The older unicorn's ears were splayed backwards and she hard trouble looking either one of them in the eye as she tried to make eye-contact with her mother and baby sister; she was a bit timid and wasn't much of a social butterfly (sort of like Fluttershy, the element of kindness) but she was organising events, she truly shined and temporarily broke from her shell.

The purple pony gulped nervously as she fixed her little sister with a single look full of reluctant anxiety.

Dinky's bloodshot, teary eyes softened to her big sister as she wrapped one forehoof around her and held on to her. Sparkler more than happy to accept her sister's embrace. The two sisters loved each other unconditionally and made sure to go to the Sisterwhoove social every year and, even though Amethyst was busy with her job a lot of the time, she made sure to partake in a lot of other activities with her sister and they both got along like two peas in a pod.

Sparkler moved her muzzle to whisper in her baby sister's ear. "I'm going to miss you, sis."

"Me too, Sparkler…" Dinky whispered back.

Dinky and Sparkler held on to each other for a long couple of moments before they drew away from each other.

Amethyst glanced down at the floor with a sad look in her eyes. Her horn lit up with magic for a few moments before everyone saw that same magical aura surround Dinky's suitcase, the suitcase was levitated up into the air before it hovered right in front of Dinky for her to grab in her mouth once again. Dinky didn't hesitate before biting down on the suitcases handle so she could grip it in her mouth yet again.

Dinky stepped back and took a good look at her family.

They all had tears in their eyes as they smiled right back at her, they looked like the proudest ponies in all of Equestria.

These three ponies had helped shape and mould Dinky into the young mare she was today and no words could even come close to conveying how much she appreciated that fact; Derpy was the best mother who used one eye to keep the world safe and the other to watch her family grow. Sparkler was the best sister who made sure to remind her family to have fun and to put their all into what they do. Doctor Whooves/Time Turner was the best father who encouraged his daughters and wife to be the best they could be whilst making sure he did his very best to provide for them.

"I love you guys. I promise that I'll keep chasing those stars no matter where they lead me…I'll see you later."

Dinky gave them one big smile before she started to head out the door.

She didn't feel that reluctance anymore nor did she feel afraid of where her destiny would lead her. Her legs moved smoothly and she kept her head up high. Her heart felt as light as a feather and her resolve was strengthening with every second that had passed. Her confidence was growing higher and higher and her eyes hardened with determination.

She headed out the door and she was immediately basked beneath Princess Luna's light.

The streets outside was quiet, due to it being so late at night.

No pony was awake and the world was so quiet and empty, the lampposts were the only sources of light and there were no sounds with the exception of Derpy, Sparkler and Doctor Whooves bidding their youngest daughter farewells. The collectedly faint calls of farewell carried across the gentle breeze of nighttime, like a ship sailing across to the ocean.

She swore to come back and visit someday but now she needed to leave the nest.

This was her time to shine.

The skies above had turned into a deep indigo hue with a thin veil of transparent stars stretching across, casting a second hue of silvery/pale blue to cast itself across the land. The stars twinkled and shined and they lit up the world like fireworks.

Dinky kept beaming as she eyed the starry skies looming overhead and she started to venture out of town as her eyes kept gazing skywards while she sought out a shooting star.

As if on cue, though, she saw one cross the sky and it headed in the northern direction.

She followed that star and galloped after it as fast as she could while she was headed towards the exit to Ponyville.

What she didn't know was that something had happened:

There was a flash swift flash that lasted for a whole second before it faded and left no traces behind that it was even there to begin with.

She wasn't even aware that a fresh new cutie mark had appeared on her flank.

The image that was depicted were four shooting stars with a bright blur streaking behind them —one pale yellow, one light blue, one bright purple and the last was a pure white colour. It was thought that each star represented her family; the pale yellow represented her mother, the light blue represented her father, the bright purple represented her sister and the white colour represented none other than herself.

She glanced down at her flank for a moment and practically jumped out of her skin and immediately smiled an ear-splitting smile.

The pale purple unicorn's heart had stopped momentarily and her breath hitched in her throat, which forced her to give a strange mix of a sharp gasp which coincided with a few gags and a sigh. If that sound didn't convey that the young adolescent unicorn wasn't surprised to the point of almost going into cardiac arrest, then nothing else would!

She had gotten her cutie mark!

Nevertheless, she kept on running as fast as her legs could carry her as her scarf tails kept on fluttering in the wind rushing behind her.

Dinky didn't know what destiny had in store for her but she swore to always let those stars and the love of her family guide her.

Author's Note:

Heres the second and last chapter of this fic, guys!

Dinky grew up and is now searching for her destiny. I had this story in the works for ages but had finally decided to finish it.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Comments ( 1 )

Lovely! Nicely done!

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