• Member Since 3rd May, 2021
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


Nai hiruvalye Valimar, nai elye hiruva; namarie!


In the beginning, there was the world, and the creatures that dwelt within it. But the world was incomplete, possessing only poor magic.

In the fullness of time, She, the One with Hair of Flame, the Beaconess, came, and gave magic to the world, and all was reborn in wonder.

Many trials did the Divine Beaconess endure, and with her friends overcome; the Renewal, the Dark Lady, the Great Mage War, all rose against her and failed. Their darkness could not overcome the light of her Harmony.

Many years have come and gone, countless generations lived and died, but still the Divine Beaconess endures, ascended to the heavens and enthroned in power, gazing lovingly down upon her children. And still we, her faithful ones, proclaim her truth to the world, crying out the words she herself taught us when she still walked among us; "Amikeco estas magio!"

A story set in the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Oh, this is exquisite. It's always flattering to see people play in my sandbox. Seeing this is like watching someone train for a sand sculpting competition with it.

I will say that it's not entirely how I have the far future of this world planned, but it's still an outstanding presentation of one way it can all go down. And you're closer than you realize with Starlight. I really do need to actually see that plot line through...

In any case, thank you for a fantastic use of the setting.

I just saw this come up due to FOME adding it to the group! His praise sounds cool so I read tonight...

Glad you liked it! I know this isn't exactly what you have planned (the AU tag wasn't just put there because it's set in Oversaturated), but I'm glad you could still see it happening.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Fitted Mask? Interesting name. Sounds evil. And reading though it... Aww! That's a nice ending!

Oh, huh, that's interesting. The Friend Loss plot. Disharmonious? As in Discord? Or an Alt-Sunset? Discord's not evil, he really should be helping? If he can...

But the most non-canon bit is that she doesn't know where souls go... Or is it just the six? That's interesting if so... Then where did the Geodes go? Canonically, they hold mind shards of their bearers or something. Hmm...

Dimiourgos is Theseus! Cool!


Again, that's a sweet ending! Very AU, but cool story, full of linguistic shift and stuff! Sweet conversation, and turning the Bonaj of Empathy on Sunset! Nice~!


Disharmonious? As in Discord? Or an Alt-Sunset? Discord's not evil, he really should be helping? If he can...

In this timeline, Discord passed on his powers, and immortality, to a successor. "After all," he said. "it wouldn't do for the world to have a consistent Master of Chaos, would it?" Yes, his successor tries to help Sunset, but she doesn't have the same rapport with them that she did with the eccentric professor.

But the most non-canon bit is that she doesn't know where souls go... Or is it just the six? That's interesting if so... Then where did the Geodes go? Canonically, they hold mind shards of their bearers or something. Hmm...

The thing is, those shards are just that, shards, fractions of her friends. Where their consciousness, what made them them, went after death she doesn't know. She knows where the Geodes are, and thus some of the minds of their first bearers, but there was something, something beyond mere thought, that was lost when they died. She doesn't know exactly what it is, and she doesn't know where it went; all she knows is that it's gone, and without it she isn't able to get her friends back, even with all the might of magic at her disposal.

Dimiourgos is Theseus! Cool!

Actually, it's Greek (Google Translated Greek, be warned) for "I create," meant to be a less obvious expy for Lego.

Overall, glad to hear you liked it!

I suppose the one thing I find intriguing here is that all contact with Equestria seems to have been lost. It's pretty much all interesting, but that's the one thing I find intriguing.

An interesting possibility for the future, sad for how much the Divine Bacon Horse suffered. Having lost Twilight must have hurt even more :pinkiesad2:

Never read nor heard of Oversaturated (though I probably will read it now), yet this stands very well on it's own.

It mentions an Embassy? Could be an equestrian one.

It's not impossible, but the way certain knowledge of Sunset had faded to myth makes that seem unlikely.

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