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Buster Knutt Reborn

Welcome back to the cum zone

Comments ( 26 )

fancy description for what is essentially twilight fucking twilight. ill take it

Comment posted by LightGust deleted Jul 21st, 2021

This interpretation of "go fuck yourself" will never stop being hilarious.

A Buster fic a day keeps the blue balls away

A fun read though the ending kinda just stopped. Still good though

I can’t find it now no matter how hard I google but I remember a sci-fi forum discussion about what would happen to the child genetically in this kind of scenario. I believe the conclusion was that it would be equivalent to a couple dozen generations of incest and the odds of stillbirth would be extremely high.

For people who want this story to have a happy ending just assume immortal alicorn perfect genetics make it not an issue.

that's fucked up and false, incest is more of a immediate moral problem than a biological one, to not enter in a genetic mindfuck let's be simple: the incest in this situation is between 2 exact same individual (if you exclude the sexual chromosome) which as far as we know are the first to inbreed in there family , incest is problematic because the child will have way more chance to pick up the 'bad' genes of his parents when those parents share a big part of there genes. To be honest there is not a big chance of this being a big problem with the first generation of incest because the randomness of sexual reproduction will most likely still give him enough viable genes to not show signs of any deformation, genetical illness maybe a small mental disorder, but here the two individual share 100% of there genes so the chance of passing bad genes and even awoken some recessive one by passing on 2 of the same, here are very high and means the consequences of incest would no doubt happens with less generation than normal. But the child between our two nerds here, would most likely have some genetical illenesses that appeared in there family and also could get several mental disorder, but that's not a percentage very high that he would be plagued with some much that the foetus would be nonviable, there is always a chance of it happening but also of the child having nothing big.

TL:DR:the child will without doubt have a high chance of getting problems(minor or major) but not likely to be straight up nonviable, because the genes have not been echanged as much as a few generation of incest reproduction so the bad genes have not as much chance of resurfacing.
sorry for the bad grammar but English is not my native language and I never really learned how to say a lot of genetics-related word in any other languages other than my own.

No, it's absolutely true. The odds of the offspring in this situation inheriting doubled traits is 50% for every single gene, which is even worse than parent-offspring incest where it's a little over 25%. Miscarriage is extremely likely.

and they both soon fell asleep, leaving the world, reality, and the consequences of their 'scientific adventures' to be dealt with later on down the line.

If other ask, they probably say something along the line of masturbation and shrug it off. Cadance and her counterpart would probably dance with joy since they get a chance to set an interdimensional wedding.

It really depends on how many "bad" genes they had to start with, because that 50% chance is only relevant if they have genes you wouldn't want. With Twilight probably being a minor noble of some kind before getting a crown shoved on her, things are admittedly looking less than ideal...

You know inheriting the same genes is not the problem just that some of them being bad or just nonviable, but recessive, makes having 2 of the same, a problem, because the genetics of the child might get fucked up and he will not fonction as planned because his genes are nonviable. But that will not always lead to a miscarriage because he may as well not pick up a lot of problematic genes, the problem is amplified but it would still takes multiple generation to have a child so plagued by genetical malfunction that he would die in the womb.

I don't want to invoke Dunning-Kruger here but y'all don't understand the statistics behind genetics. There are lots of rare genes you don't want two copies of and nearly everypony has some of them—just not the same ones. First-generation incest (parent/offspring or siblings) carries nearly a 50% chance of a severe birth defect or mental disability(!), and that's for the ones that survive to term. Most children of first-generation incest do not survive long enough to produce children of their own. These facts are well-established and not in dispute, whether or not you understand the mechanics behind incest.

The effect of second-generation incest (grandparent or avuncular) can be bad if repeated over more than one generation. However, third-generation incest (first cousins, grand-avuncular, or great-grandparent) is less pronounced and its effects are usually exaggerated by people. First cousins (for one example) have a 3.5% higher mortality rate, but this is usually not a problem unless you do it over several generations like the infamous Hapsburgs. I believe most laws in the US prevent even fourth-generation incest, but this is an overreaction as anything past third-gen is pretty much negligible.

(Note: sibling, avuncular, and cousin above refer specifically to blood relatives. Your spouse's sibling is fair game for you, but not for your children.)

It's worth mentioning that all of this is talking about humans. Horses are known to have a considerably weirder genome that hasn't had these kinds of studies done for fairly obvious reasons, and magic probably adds additional wrinkles.

Also, most incest statistics are skewed by the fact that it's outlawed and stigmatized basically everywhere; the numbers are likely at least slightly better than reported due to people who got away with lying about it. Not enough to seriously tilt a figure on the order of 50%, but a 3.5% increase of the already-low modern infant mortality rate is already probably not worth making a law against. (A quick Google says that Canada has somewhere on the order of half a percent in infant deaths and that's considered high in the developed world, and also that the reason for this is more about lower standards than Europe for what we're willing to call an infant than any actual difference in deaths)

As a technically unrelated aside to make it clear I'm not really disagreeing with you, this:

Your spouse's sibling is fair game for you

makes a lot of people happy in their pants just to think about. Especially when twins are involved.

Sorry if I sounded overconfident in my comments I didn't realise and after just rereading what I just said, you made me realise that I was largely wrong because I mess up and thought in my head that twi and dusk were closely related and not straight up the same person.
So yeah sorry if I got you angry because just because I'm too dumb and tired to realise my mistakes.

No, it would still be 25 percent. Since neither twilight nor dusk have the trait expressed, they each have at least one dominant gene and at most one recessive for each trait.

So the outcomes, where 'X' means the bad gene is inherited from the parent and 'O' means they inherited the good gene, the possibilities are :


Only in the last case would that cause a defect. So it is still a 25% chance. Inbreeding defects become common when you keep inbreeding, or when someone with a defect still has kids. Both of those reared their heads with prior royal families because you don't kill the prince on a whim, and people had as many kids as they could.

I don't think any other porn story on this site has sparked this much of a scientific debate. What is the world coming to?

May we have some stories following the ra-ra-randy Twilight Sparkle from the alternate universe, please?

No worries. I'm not good at social interaction myself, so I was likely too aggressive in my response.

Nope! Reread what I wrote and think about it to see if you can figure it out. The answer is spoilered below.

I said doubled traits, which is 50%. You can easily have two different genes which work fine together, but for which either would be bad to have two of.

So you're including the possibility of getting the good trait doubled as well. I see. You're right, I read it as if you were speaking of the incidence of a negative outcome specifically. Mea culpa.


Dude like every featured incest fic that includes impregnation has this convo in the comments. I've seen this before. Eleven times, in fact.

There isn't necessarily a "good" trait between A and B, and expression is not always based on total dominance of one allele (AB may do something totally different from AA or BB, in other words). It could be that AB/BA is fine, but AA or BB is trouble, because there are usually more than two versions (called alleles) of a gene: A and B could both be rare and recessive when compared with C, D, and E. Humans are diploid organisms which means each human has exactly two alleles for each gene, but the population can have many more. Gene expression in general isn't as simple as the characteristics of pea plants often used as an introductory example.

So we come back to the "how good were the genes to start with?" problem again, and by extension the hints that Twilight was theoretically some kind of minor noble before jumping the queue by sprouting wings, and why that's not good because a lot of the really famous incest shenanigans were nobility (you've already brought up the Hapsburgs). This is at least partly because a lot of the really famous everything were nobility until pretty recently, but also more complicated sociological reasons why they couldn't justify killing the severely deformed unless they were peasants. (Remember, presenting the awful things that people thought isn't the same thing as agreeing with them!)

Dimensional impregnation... bringing a whole new meaning to 'go fuck yourself'

Found it. :twilightsheepish:

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