• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,243 Views, 124 Comments

Blip on the Radar - Cheer

Sunset got sent to a different world. One with heroes and villains. But being a hero doesn't pay the bills. But someone like Sunset can't stay under the radar forever. Teen Titans crossover

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Chapter 1: Sunset in Jump City

Sunset was whistling as she made her way down the street. A simple little tune she remembered from Equestria. Things had been going alright so far. She'd been collecting funds and collecting information. She knew one thing pretty quickly from her time here.There were powerful risks here. They didn't show up for her but she knew it would be bad to agitate them. This world was filled with superpowered people. Heroes and villains Her magic wasn’t too out of place.

Too bad being a hero didn’t pay the bills.

Those risks were the reason she kept her crimes small. Gas station robberies, ATM hold ups, pickpocketing and the like, never anything with good cameras, never anywhere packed, and never during the ‘crime hours’ at night. Sunset did what she called the Mid-day Heist. Everyone at work, streets open and clear, in and out. As easy as a bank robbery would be with her abilities, it would also put her on the map with things that she really didn’t want to deal with and definitely not fight.

She was still whistling the most casual of activities, completely non-suspicious. She peered around the air as she slipped into the shadowed alleyway and tucked close behind a dumpster. Fashion was one of the few luxuries she offered herself in this lifestyle, emphasis on style. Versatility was key in her chosen outfit, a tall neck, nearly frictionless running pants, Sleeves that could be rolled or tucked in gloves. It was all about modular style. So long as the style was black. She wore, in contrast, white gloves, a custom job with a burn decal on the fingers. And the finishing touch was her mask, a smooth faceplate that hid her identity well, half red and half yellow it hugged a bit snuggly but comfortably, after all it wasn’t enough to be unidentifiable, she had to look good.

The mask was a truly special piece of work. She put a lot of work into it. From the outside it was just a simple piece of flat, unassuming metal. But if she poured magic into it, the enchantments she put into it would go into effect until she ended them. It was enchanted to have increased durability, be see-through from the inside, change it's outer look and not fall off. A fine piece of work if she said so. She wished she could take credit for it though and as much as she would rather do exactly that, she was pretty sure that the one who she'd worked with had half of the devices in the city bugged.

The most important thing about the mask was that the enchantment wouldn't work for anyone else. Once it connected to her magic it activated. It would simply fall off anyone else's face. Not that anyone else would slap a piece of metal to their face anyway.

She used a hair-tie she'd put a simple enchantment on to pull her hair back behind her head in a low ponytail, turning it black so not only was it much different from her usual bright colors but it could also easily be mistaken for part of her clothes. The more mistakes those trying to identify her made, the better.

Now that she was all dressed up and ready, It was time to make some money at another gas station. She could never believe how lucky she was to have full access to her magic in a world mostly filled with magic-less people.

Things were supposed to go smooth, everything was supposed to be ice cold, simple, easy in and easy out. It was a blur, the rush of action, and Sunset wasn’t even sure when things took a turn south, but she knew to run when she saw the glint of gunmetal gray.

"How was I supposed to know?!" Sunset shouted, voice augmented by a simple tool worn around her neck, a gift of the human world. She didn't have to put everything into the mask after all.

"You had to! Why else would you attack some shitty gas station?!" The voice scowled after her flight. Husky and heavy, the smooth sound of gravel rolling in a washing machine, a chain smoker easily.

Sunset dodged another round of bullets "Because, it's a robbery? Because I wanted money? " she shouted back.

This was bad. This was going to attract attention. How was she supposed to know that it was a front for a mob racket? A freakin gas station?

A different mob member started shouting, his accent was heavy. "Likely story! You freaks wit’cha powers ALWAYS tryin ta bite off more than ya can chew! And I wouldn’t ‘ave it any other way freak."

She had already set off the sprinkler system. She was drenched, annoyed and irritable. She had dozens of ways she could deal with these bozos but she didn't want to risk it. A one trick pony (ironic expression, given the situation) was less threatening to the big wigs.

She took a chance and glanced around, only for more bullets to streak around her. The red light of the cameras watching her were a pain in the ass.Those cameras were still on while drenched? Seriously?

Sunset was getting really sick of this. There were bullets, she was soaked and worst of all, the money was a mess. She'd have to wait hours for it to dry if she didn’t want to waste her magic on it. She probably would anyway. No one wants a moldy duffle bag. "Dammit..." She groaned "Can't believe I have to deal with this shit."

But then the bullets stopped.

"Come on out, freak! We won't do much to ya. Just fill ya fulla lead!"

She rolled her eyes. These guys were certainly confident. Though that made sense. They ran out spraying bullets. Heck. She was pretty sure the cashier was dead. Though, given this place he probably worked for them. "I think I'd prefer not to! Thanks though!" She was getting really fed up. Luckily she hadn't been just sitting here. She grinned as she felt her clothes dry.

She took a deep breath and popped out, just quick enough to send her spell out. It wasn't much at its core. She just used the water and her magic heat to create humidity.

Usually it was just a figure of speech when you got slapped by humidity but this time they ACTUALLY got slapped by the air. Giving her just enough time to melt the window and rush out. She could just hear their curses behind her.

As she landed on the other side of the glass, she looked side to side and saw a woman near a vehicle. She was giving Sunset a weird feeling. It was like... well she didn't really have something to compare it to. All she knew is, there were guns behind her and a weird girl was to her left. With a wall in front of her there was only one way to go.

She turned to the right and ran.

She heard soft footsteps rushing behind her. It seemed that the weird girl was more interested in her than the gas station. Though Sunset was pretty sure she wouldn’t be too eager to run back into a building full of bullets either.


The girl shouted and Sunset shouted back “Not interested!”

A shiver ran through her spine as she felt magic flow in the air. That magic did not feel good. It gave her a bigger reason to get away from this random weirdo. When she looked back, the girl seemed to be flying.

“Nope!” She grumbled before jumping into a just big enough entryway as she activated her magic. She didn’t like using teleportation. It used too much magic and left her a little useless afterwards. But as she looked at her “home” she sighed and pulled herself over to the couch. “Ugh… today was a mess.” She grumbled as she took off her mask, tossing it onto the couch as it turned back into a slab of metal.

“At least I got some cash out of this mess.” She grumbled as she opened the duffle bag.

As she looked inside she felt her eye twitch. The money was running. The ink itself was coming off of it. DAMN IT!” The bills were all counterfeit, not a real one in the bunch. The paper had grown brittle and started to turn to clumps.


Back in the now empty alleyway the one who’d been chasing Sunset sighed and landed back onto the ground “Raven to Titans. They got away.”

Her earpiece was silent for a moment before it came to life “Understood. Come on back after catching up with the police.”

Raven sighed in annoyance as she looked towards the doorway the one she’d been chasing had jumped into. She narrowed her eyes and turned away.

Author's Note:

SO! I got someone to go over this chapter and holy crap their recommendations are fire! SO good.

I also fixed some plot holes that would come up later. Ripperoni that I let them sit there for so long.