• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 331 Views, 1 Comments

I’m fine! - Betsy

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Chapter 3

After Applejack's failed attempt at talking with Rainbow Dash, the girls tried a few more times and tried to be discreet. Every single time they tried they got shot down, after another two weeks of trying they reluctantly decided to just let her come to them if and when she was ready. It has been a few months since then and even though they decided to lay off, they would still let Rainbow know they were there for her.

Rainbow felt bad about loosing it on Applejack, after all she was just trying to help. But then again whose business is it how she’s doing? Heh,
I’m FINE. JUST GREAT! Why wouldn’t I be? There is NOTHING wrong. At least that’s what Rainbow Dash told herself constantly.

Truthfully, Rainbow wasn’t fine, and deep down she knew it. She just couldn’t bring herself to tell her or her friends. Every since that horrible day, Dash had slowly been distancing herself from her friends and family.

A week ago Rainbow Dash, reluctantly, went to Cloudsdale to visit her family. Her parents mentioned her aunt was visiting. She had been meaning to go see her parents but with the news of her aunt she was thinking about what excuse would work best. She loved her aunt but she was pushy and didn’t always think of others. In the end she decided it was worth it to get to visit her parents.

Fluttershy had told Rainbow Dash’s parents about Tank and Rainbow knew she had, she was a little annoyed but didn’t mind. She knew they knew and they knew she knew. Windy and Bow also knew that Rainbow Dash didn’t want to talk about it. Fluttershy had told them about their failed attempts to help her. Dash and her parents silently agreed to not talk about it, Bow and Windy just wanted to make their daughter feel comfortable and happy with them.

They were in the middle of dinner when, “Rainbow dearie I heard about your Turtle.”

Rainbow Dash froze. Her parents looked at her Aunt and back at their daughter. Rainbow Dash looked down at her food and angrily stuffed broccoli into her mouth to avoid having the conversation.

Rainbow's aunt didn’t take the hint. “So I was talking to one of my friends who works with animals. She told me about some animal called a Trionyx and I think you’d just love him. I know it’s a different turtle than-“

“Tortoise.” Bow Hothoof inturruoted his sister. “He was a Tortoise, and if Rainbow Dash wanted a new pet then I’m sure she would get one. Jesabel can I see you in the kitchen real quick?”

After Rainbows dad took her aunt away, Windy put her hoof on her daughters.

“Honey. I’m so sorry, we should have told her-“

“It’s…fine Mom. That’s just Aunt Jesie.”

“It looks like you’ve pretty much finished your dinner. Do you wanna get out of here?”

“Uhh. Yeah. Thanks Mom.” Rainbow and her mom left the table and Windy walked her outside. Rainbow Dash gave her mom a tight hug which she returned. “Thanks Mom. I love you, and tell Dad thanks too.”

“Will do sweetie.”

“Rainbow Dash! Are you in there? It’s Twilight and Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash opened the door and welcomed her friends inside. “Hey guys! You both ready for the most epic Daring Do marathon EVER?”

“Of course! We’ve planned this for at least a year!”

“The last book is finally out! Not to mention it being a collaboration between A.K Yearling, Dr. Caballeron, and Ahuizotl!”

“I know right! And do think. Rainbow Dash used to think that only eggheads read. Now she’s the one who planned this whole marathon to celebrate the last Daring Do book!”

“Heh Yeah.” Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head with her hoof. “Thank Celestia Twilight showed me just how wrong I was! Anyways. Let’s get reading!”

As the night went on, the girls made their way through all the Daring Do books. Each taking their turn to read their favorite book. When it got to the very last book, Rainbow Dash realized something. This is it. Daring Do is over. Theres never gonna be another book. This series helped me through so much, It can’t just be over, it just isn’t right. Why can’t there be more adventures?

Rainbow Dash started to tear up. Why am I getting so worked up about a book series? I know A.K. personally, if I want to hear about any adventures then I’ll just ask her to tell me some stories.

“Rainbow Dash, what’s wrong?”

“Rainbow! Are you ok?”

“It’s over. This is it. This is the last book and once this chapter is finished then it’ll never come back!”

“Uhm. Rainbow Dash?”

“ITS NOT FAIR! IT CANT JUST BE OVER!” Now she was fully crying. “I’m gonna miss him so much. Why did he have to leave?”

“Oh Dashie…”

Fluttershy and Twilight quickly figured out of this wasn’t about Daring Do.

“It’s ok to say you need help.” Fluttershy said softly.

“Ok, yeah. I need help”

“Not like that,” Twilight said as she let Dash lean on her. “It’s not supposed to be a punishment. It’s supposed to make you feel better. It’s not healthy to keep this all bottled up. If you say it I promise you’ll tell better!”

“Alright. I need help. I’ve been so sad and I’ve been keeping it in for so long. Please. What do I do?”

“It’ll be ok Rainbow.”

“It’ll be ok. Just let it all out.”

Author's Note:

Did you spot the Friendship is for Adults Reference?

Comments ( 1 )

Now I interrupt this fan fiction to bring you a special message from the Princess of Friendship's voice actress herself!


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