• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Comments ( 26 )

Will update every 10 or so minutes until all 5 chapters are up.

Why not just post them all at once?

Your optimism will get you killed in this universe, Twilight.

Was rechecking them for errors.


Agreed! When she will learn what and who are the demons really are? And knows that trying to "reform, give friendship, or harmony" is the most stupidest, and dumbest thing to try against the Demons themselves!!!

Especially, that they are pure evil, and did conquered, corrupted, and absorbed entire worlds/solar systems in the past eons. Full of Innocent tredecillion people, and more!!!!

And I'm guessing that this is before the Doom Slayer hunts down Deag Ranak in his Arctic Bases?

( Specifically Chapters 3: Cultist Base, and 4: Doom Hunter Base? ).

Is this chapter a flashback?!

The story starts at the begining of doom eternal and will eventually bridge doom 2016 to eternal, as well as continue through the events of eternal.


So, Doom 2016 is already has passed. And so far, this is moments before Doom Eternal?

But, it seems like Twilight has already met the Doom Slayer himself, before the demon invasion of Earth in Doom Eternal???!!! But, has short memory loss?!

Yup. Shes taken a few hits to the head unfortuantely.

I feel like I'm missing some important context here, almost like this was a sequel to a story that I skipped. Is that intentional?

Yes. Backstory will be provided in spurts while Twilight struggles to deal with her new reality as a prisoner of the hell priests.

I also want to create a hectic pace that leaves the audience as confused as Twilight is. Though that confusion will be cleared up in a few chapters as more stuff gets revealed.

Wow, never expected you to write sumthin like this mate...

Imma start reading it now

Is this... Something that's not porn? Impossible! It must be some sort of trick!

It's been too long since I've read a good Pony-learns-to-kick-ass-in-another-world story. I just hope nothing too awful happens to Twilight.
One question though:

“Clearly it has learned much from its time with the slayer. We should wait, and see what else it is capable of,” offered another.

When did she spend time with the slayer?

All will be explained in time. Also, rude! I've got like 3 million words worth of non smut content. XD

The man raised an eyebrow. “Oh I don't think I’ll have to worry about that particular detail one bit.”

Oh no, that doesn't sound good.

Hmm…methinks that revelations will be made in future chapter.

Now where to put this story in my vast library of categories…

Great story, however, isn't it Maykr instead of Makyr?

I would have preferred a pony alicorn Twilight.

2 more chapters have been penned are in the midst of being edited. Expect them by/or for christmas.

Thank you, my friend.

A wild trip so far. But so good, can’t wait for more. :pinkiesmile:

continue with this story please it's really cool I really loved this story please 👍 :)

If a supporter wants more then it will get updated until then it can hang out in limbo.

Well that's... unbelievably unfortunate. That all grows back, surely?

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