• Published 5th Aug 2021
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Guardians of Harmony: Rise of the Knights - Postwarmonkey50

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Chapter 15: Gaining Trusts and Freeing Prisoners

A few days later, after Thorin’s broadcast, the entire Mountain of Moria was moved to the secret location of the Sacred Flame. Seeing that it’s an important relic to Caribouria, they were all sworn to secrecy and protect it. But at the same time, it was discovered that the entire place was a forgotten city, built by the first civilization that had been forgotten long ago. And seeing that the sacred flame was deep within the city, it was well protected and had enough room to store everything and have rooms for everyone, both together and individually. At the throne room, Thorin and his trusted Generals were looking over the map of Caribouria.

“What’s the status of the villages, towns, and cities?” asked Thorin.

“From the other Resistance Cells,” said Balin, “Many of the citizens have revolted and risen up against Dainn’s forces and pushed them away.”

“But it was only a matter of time before he sent out more to wipe them out,” said Dwalin.

“So they evacuated them and are planning to bring them here. From what they told us, the civilians were overjoyed to have the true King returning, so they wished to help in any way they could. The women and youngest ones remain here while every adult and young lad able to hold a sword would join the cause.”

“Have only the men fight,” said Thorin “The young lads that can hold a sword will remain. They are not ready to face a foe such as this yet.”

“And until we try to convince the other Houses and find the remnants of the Caribourian military, it’ll be impossible for us to launch an attack on Dainn’s forces.” Said Beau.

“Precisely.” Said Thorin.

Beau then thought of something. He looked at Thorin and asked, “If I might ask, where would the captured civilians of the other houses be?”

“That would be right there,” said Dwalin. “After Dainn came to power, he first burnt down the entire land and turned it into a prison state, where many of its civilians live in poverty. Why do you ask?”

“My friends and I will rescue them first before we rescue anyone else.” Said Beau, taking them in shock.

“That would be suicide.” Said Glóin.

“There are no other options,” said Beau, “Besides, when the time comes, we will need all the help we can get. We know that all of their leaders and important supporters are locked away. Freeing them will bring the rest of their territories out of hiding, allowing them to rise up against Dainn’s forces. And by doing that, we would convince the remaining houses to side with us as they see that Dainn’s forces are vulnerable.”

“Ah yes, another factor.” Said Balin. “We must convince them and prove why they should side with us. That was always a factor we had not considered yet.”

“I’ll come along too.” Said Daisy. “I will remain in the shadows. Plus, I am an expert archer; thus, we will be able to provide support. I have two platoons worth of Archers who could help.”

“That would be handy and very helpful.” Said Beau, then he looked at Thorin and said, “In the meantime, Thorin and his company will go with Angi.”

“Really? How come?” asked Dori.

“Because she knows where the Generals of the Remnant Caribouria armies are hidden,” said Beau. “She kept tabs on them and knows how to contact them.”

“Then that is what we will do.” Said Thorin. He looked at Daisy and said, “Daisy, gather your troops. You leave within the hour.”

“Yes, sir.” Said Daisy as she left.

Thorin looked at Beau and said, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Same here.” Said Beau as he left.

But at the same time, as Lizzie watched them at work, she felt deep down that she could also do more to help. She then suddenly felt something. Something she had never felt before. She looked to her right and saw a tunnel she had never seen before. She felt compelled to follow it. She followed it down the hall and soon disappeared.

Thorin looked away for a few moments and noticed Lizzie wasn’t there. “Where did she…?”

“My lord.” Said Angi, gaining his attention as she looked at him. “We should be moving out. I’ve already called the other leaders, and they all gather at the House of Dragons. They’ll see us soon.”

“But what of the Caribourian military?” asked Thorin.

“From what we heard, they’re just in the center of where the other Five Houses reside.” said Angi, “We can’t get past there without provoking them.”

“Understood.” Said Thorin. “We should head out immediately.”

“At once.” Said Angi as she bowed and moved away.

Thorin looked back and said, “Lizzie. Where did you go?”

He soon left to rejoin the others.


From far away, near a charred and desolate wasteland, Beau and the Husband six and Emily, along with Daisy and two Platoons of Archers, all moved through the shadows and moved to and fro to ensure that no one would spot them, not even a few random patrols.

They soon made their way toward the edge of a cliff. When they took a peak below, they saw what they didn’t expect. Down below was the largest prison anyone had ever seen. Many were taken prisoner and treated harshly as if they were 2nd class citizens. Many creatures were left to suffer.

“Holy Celestia.” Muttered Bolt.

“How many are down there?” said Silver.

“Too many.” Muttered one of the Caribou.

“According to our spies,” said Daisy, “There are at least five prisons like this. There are at least over a hundred thousand people. This one holds the Kirin, Buffalo, Deer, and Minotaurs.”

“Alright then,” said Beau, “We’ll try to sneak inside. In the meantime, Daisy, you, and the others try to find a perfect spot to cover us.”

“It’s going to be difficult.” Said one of the Caribou, “Our arrows won’t be able to go that far.”

“Maybe I can help.” Said Beau.

He took out a bag and placed it on the ground.

“Is that the bag of infinity?” asked one of the Caribou.

“You got a good eye,” said Beau. “The bag allows anyone to store as much of their things as possible, leaving them safe from harm. When they mentioned the prison, I thought it would work.”

Beau took out the things he needed. Strange materials and potions that they’ve never seen before. At the same time, Beau began to place them together, merging and combining them, which the others watched with eagerness to see what he had in mind. Once done, he lifted it up and revealed it to have been crafted into a crossbow, with a strange glass attached and a gem placed at the back.

“What is that?” said one of the Caribou.

Beau motioned one of them to pull out an arrow, which they did. He Daisy the newly crafted weapon. She placed it in the center, aimed at the farthest rock. To her surprise, she can adjust the glass by zooming in like a telescope. The moment she pulled the trigger, the gem instantly made the arrow glow, allowing it to fire. The arrow hit the rock, which surprised them to see such great accuracy, even from such a great distance.

“Incredible.” Said Daisy before she looked at Beau.

“It’s a makeshift crossbow I made, combined with what some would call a sniper rifle.” Said Beau, “I call it the Imperium.”

“Clever.” Said one of the Caribou.

“Now then,” said Beau as he took out more parts, “Who here wants to help?”


They had some trouble, but they were able to make their makeshift crossbows. Each was stationed at different parts of the cliffs and hills to gain a few vantage points. At the same time, Beau, the husbands, Emily, and another fifty Caribou were following them behind. They quickly hid near the wall while trying to avoid any patrols. Once they were close enough, Beau used a signal stone to transmit a small blinking light, gaining Daisy’s attention.

She looked at her fellow Caribou and signaled them. The first five groups fired at the Warg guards on the walls, killing them. Beau signaled them to use the grapple to climb up, allowing a few of them to get it hooked on the walls. They slowly began to climb up the walls. They took a peak and looked around. So far, there were many patrols, but enough to open a gap. Silver looked ahead and saw two large towers, which were high enough for them to gain a vantage point. They soon climbed the walls and jumped over. Once they were over, Husband 6 and Emily cleared the way for the Caribou to climb the two towers. Once they were up top, they subdued the guards and immobilized them. Once they were done, they took out their makeshift crossbows and aimed them all around.

Once they were in position, Beau and the others soon made their way to the prisons while trying to avoid the guards. When they got inside, they saw so many in cages. The guards were watching over them from above. But they were suddenly knocked out before reacting, which surprised the Kirin, Buffalo, Deer, and Minotaurs. They were curious about who they were when they saw Beau and the others. Bolt removed his hood, which surprised them to see what they were, while also motioning them to be quiet to avoid making a scene.

They soon made it down and opened their cages. They immediately got out as some walked over to them.

“A human.” Muttered one of the Deer. “I never thought I’d live to see the day.”

“Trust me,” said Silver. “This is nothing.”

“Is there anyone else?” asked Beau.

“There are more prison quarters around us.” Said one of the Buffalo.

“And our leaders are locked up at the main headquarters above.” Said a Kirin.

“All of you wait here for our signal.” Said Bucky, “Once we make some noise, all hell is going to break loose. Which will allow you to escape?”

“And how can you be so sure?” said one of the Minotaurs.

“Because Thorin Oakenshield sent us.” Said Beau, “The true King of Caribouria has returned.”

They were surprised to hear this, as were the other prisoners.

Beau and the others placed their bags and took out a few weapons and armor resembling their species’ military.

“You might need these.” Said Emily.

They were surprised to see their equipment. They smiled and accepted their armor. After Beau and the others quickly got out, Beau saw the creatures were getting geared up and were already waiting for their signals.

After they got outside, Beau and the others regrouped.

“According to the map,” said Emily as she looked through the map, “There happens to be six more like this all around. Their headquarters is just above, where the leaders are being kept.”

“You six focus on getting to the other prison locations,” said Beau. “I’ll go and rescue the heads of the other Houses. Once all of you are done, regroup to my position.”

“You got it.” Said Bucky before all of them quickly split up.

Beau soon made his way toward the location where the leaders were kept. When he took a peak, he was surprised to see how well-defended they were, so he decided to do this the other way by sneaking inside. He pulled over a hood over himself to conceal himself before disappearing into the shadows. He went from corner to corner, cover to cover, and would soon find his way to the building. He was able to get to the rooftop without being spotted. When he looked around, he saw an opening on the roof. He snuck over, took a peak, and saw that the coast was clear. He jumped in and looked around, seeing that the coast was clear. He moved towards the door while also studying the ground for some reason.

He looked the other way and quickly followed the trail. He looked from room to room until he finally found what he was looking for. He saw a female Kirin, a male Buffalo, a female Deer, and a male Minotaur, all chained while they were on their seats. He then looked at the lock and saw that they were similar to the ones back in Equestria. He pulled out a small tool set and began to pick the lock. Once he was done, the cell unlocked, gaining the four creature’s attention. Beau entered the cell while he quickly looked outside.

“Are all of you alright?” said Beau.

“Hmph, and who are you?” said the Minotaur with a grunt.

“My name is Thomas Rohan,” said Beau, “But you can call me Beau.”

The deer perked up and said, “Wait, did you say Rohan.”

Beau removed his hood and said, “I did.”

The four were shocked to see a human before them. Beau went over to the Kirin first and used his tools to unlock her shackles, especially the device keeping her from using her Nirik powers, which she felt relieved of. He went over to the deer next. When the deer got a good look at him, the deer gasped in surprise.

“It’s true,” said the Deer. “You have the Rohan’s eyes.”

“You know of my family?” said Beau.

“Yes,” said the deer after she was freed. “My ancestors had served the Rohan family for many years before they were forced to leave.” Said the Deer.

“Well, I’m not the only human here,” said Beau. “My friends are trying to free the rest of the prisoners.”

“There are more humans?” said the surprised Buffalo once freed.

“That’s right.” Said Beau, “We came here to help. We were also sent by Thorin Oakenshield.”

“I thought the Oakenshield family were wiped out.” Said the Minotaur once he was freed too.

“Not all of them.” Said Beau, “When Dainn invaded, he didn’t receive the blessings in time. But now he has finally gained it from the true Flame of Caribouria.”

“The true flame is real?” said the surprised Kirin once she stood up with the others.

“It is.” Said Beau. “By the way, I never did get your names.”

“My name is Day Shine,” responded the Kirin. “I am the ruler of my kind from the House of Kirin and Nirik.”

“My name is Haldir,” responded the female Deer. “Lady of my kind from the House of Deer.”

“My name is Sitting Bull,” responded the male Buffalo “Grand Chief of the Buffalo Tribes from the House of Buffalo.”

“And I’m Silver Hammer,” responded the male Minotaur, “Lord of the Minotaur Clans from the House of Minotaur.”

“Good to meet you.” Said Beau. He handed them ambrosia and said, “Eat this. It’ll help restore your strength.”

They accepted it and ate them, allowing their strength to be restored.

“Follow me,” said Beau as he led them out. “We don’t have much time before the fireworks start soon.”

They soon went to the entrance of the building they were in. Beau took a peek and saw many of Dainn’s forces walking to and fro.

“What do you have in mind?” said Silver Hammer.

“Wait for the signal.” Said Beau.

To their surprise, he casually walked out and stood at least three feet away from their position as if he was taking a stroll.

“Has he gone mad?!” exclaimed Day Shine.

Beau then stood where he was meant to be and said, “Hello there.”

That immediately got their attention as they surrounded and brandished their weapons while aiming at him.

“This is the part where I say, let the prisoners go, or none of you will survive that long.” Said Beau.

The guards chuckled at that, thinking that he wasn’t serious. Beau clicked his tongue and said, “You asked for it.”

Beau pulled out the key of his wife’s Cutie Mark and planted it at the side of his Driver.


Within a split second, a large magical portal opened above him while summoning his Violet Alicorn Magibeast. With a swift motion, it hovered slowly around him and caused Beau to activate his Lockseed.

Element Harmony!! Magic Harmonize!!

Within a split second, the Magibeast above him moved around him. At the same time, most of his body was covered with black latex, while the Magibeasts broke into different pieces and turned into bits and pieces of armor, instantly forming around him, granting him his armor.

Dainn’s forces were surprised to see what was before them, but none were more surprised than the leaders inside the building.

“The Knight has returned.” Said Haldir in amazement.

Beau raised his hand in the air and summoned his weapon.

Element Harmony!! Unicorn Spear!!

Beau summoned a spear and began to attack Dainn’s forces head-on. He bashed them away from side to side, while at the same time, from all around the prisons, Bucky, Silver, Genus, Bolt, Frosty, and Emily all attacked all over the camp, causing the alarm to be raised, which gave Daisy and the others their signal.

“That’s the signal!” said Daisy as she looked at her group, then aimed her weapon and said, “Shoot them down!!”

With them, Daisy and the Caribou used their arrows to shoot Dainn’s forces from outside the walls. While from the inside, the Caribou hidden from the tower provided the same cover fire from above.

As Beau had bashed the next Warg out of his way, he looked to the others and said, “Quick, get out of here while you have the chance!! We’ll hold them off!!”

“You heard him. Let’s go!!” said Day Shine before she led the others away.

At the same time, every Kirin, Buffalo, Deer, and Minotaur that were placed in prisons all over the place ran for the gate and for their lives, while at the same time, some of them were able to beat down some of the blocking troops before they could move on any further.

Daisy saw them coming and used her arrow to aim at certain parts of it, allowing her to destroy the gate as it collapsed. As it did that, the prisoners and their leaders ran for their lives and headed straight to safety. Once that was done, the Caribou from the tower quickly climbed off and headed straight for the gate to cover them, while at the same time, Beau and the others quickly made their way toward where the leaders were waiting for them.

“We are in your debt.” Said Haldir.

“Where will all of you go in the meantime?” asked Emily.

“The Conclave,” said Sitting Bull. “It’s a sacred place that only a few know. It serves as a fallout shelter for those who wish to escape Tyranny.”

“Then go there,” said Beau. “But meet us at another location. Some of the Caribou will take you and a handful of your best with you.”

“Very well,” said Silver Hammer. “We will wait for you there.”

After they left, Daisy and the Caribou squads regrouped with the others and said, “Where to next?”

“Next up,” said Beau while looking at the map. “We’ll go there.”

“That’s Iron tail Ridge.” Said one of the Caribou, “According to one of our scouts, this prison happens to hold the Centaurs, Harpies, Diamond Dogs, and the Abyssinians.”

The others looked confused, with Beau saying, “They look like anthropomorphic cats.” Then they went, “Oooh.”

Daisy looked confused and said, “You don’t know what they look like?”

“I do, and so does Emily.” Said Beau. “We looked through all of my wife’s library books.”

“The others were busy and couldn’t find the time while they tried to spend it with their families.” Said Emily.

“Doing what?”

“Helping my wife run the Apple Farm.” Said Bucky.

“Helping my wife design the next latest fashion design,” said Silver.

“Helping my wife run an animal sanctuary to care for animals.” Said Genus.

“I’m a coach for the fillies at Cloudsdale, thanks to my own cloud, just so I could be with my wife.” Said Bolt.

“Helping my wife run a cake shop and put up with her 4th wall-breaking shenanigans.” Said Frosty.

“Ah, I see.” Said Daisy.

“So how will we get there?” said Beau.

“Well, with the area cleared and the magic eye ward taken down from within the prison,” said Daisy, “We’ll be able to get there via teleportation stone.”

She pulled out the stone while saying, “We couldn’t use them, not without any of the eye wards keeping an eye on all of us.”

“So while we go to these prisons, we’ll need to destroy those eyes.” Said Bucky.

“Looks like we got another objective,” said Silver.

“Agreed, let’s go.” Said Beau, allowing them to teleport somewhere to their next location.


Meanwhile, from deep within another location, unknown to any Caribourian citizens and other creatures, Lizzie somehow made her way to what appeared to be a forest. She continued to walk deeper and deeper until she was able to recognize the forest.

“Wait,” Lizzie looked around, “I recognize this place. I dreamt about it. What did Thorin call this, the Forbidden Forest?”

She continued walking through the forest until she found a stone path partially covered in dirt, so it was no longer recognizable. But being curious, she followed it down the path, trying to find what was calling to her. But as she walked, she noticed a clearing up ahead. When she walked out, to her surprise, she saw a ruined fortress of some kind.

“Wait, House Tyr?” said Lizzie as she walked towards it. “I think I remember Thorin telling me about this. The House of Tyr was a home for some of the strongest and wisest advisors for the Caribourian Royal Family. They’re advisors of both war and peace.”

She followed the path that would lead her straight toward the ruined Fortress. However, two entities slowly followed her from a distance. What are their intentions? Let’s find out.


From within their new sanctuary, Thorin continued to worry more for Lizzie’s safety, for she had never been gone for this long.

“Lizzie. Please be okay.” Said Thorin. He slowly looked up and said, “I remember the day we first met.”


Fourteen years ago, Thorin continued gathering as many followers as possible to halt Dainn’s advances. With the Minotaur and Centaur Houses having fallen, it was only a matter before the other Houses would suffer.

Though he may have gathered around 800, it wasn’t enough, not with so many of Dainn’s forces scouring all over Caribouria. One day, when a hundred of his rebel forces were out on patrol, they learned from their spies that they were planning to move more enslaved people to the fallen Capitol, which wasn’t going to happen. But he also heard that among them was a special prisoner, something that no one had ever seen before. If this prisoner was important, there was no way they would end up as Dainn’s puppet or slave.

They soon set up an ambush with some explosives that they were able to gain. Thorin and a hundred of his Rebels were scattered all over the place. When they took a peak, they saw over 300 of Dainn’s forces, comprised of Crows, Black Dragons, Bears, and Wargals, escorting what appeared to be hundreds of Prisoners, as well as a special one in the middle. They had to time this right, or else everything would be for nothing. Thorin signaled his fellow Caribou to open fire, causing them to shoot their fire arrows at the well-placed explosives, killing at least a hundred. They fired more arrows, killing at least more of Dainn’s forces. After their arrows had run out, they soon charged and took care of the rest. Once all of them were defeated, they quickly freed the prisoners. As many had to flee towards their homes to evacuate or warn others, a quarter of them chose to go with them in their fight against Dainn. Thorin soon approached the special cage. When he opened it, to his surprise, it was a female. Not just any female, a human female, and she was a teenager.

She was scared when she saw him, but he reassured her that he was there to rescue her. At first, she was scared, but she was willing to give him a chance. He freed her while Balin asked what was so special about the prisoner. Thorin said she was very, and when she exited, every creature was shocked to see a human. At first, the female was confused, with Thorin saying that no one had seen a human for centuries, saying that all of them disappeared a very long time ago. They soon returned, where the female introduced herself as Lizzie, with Thorin saying his name. After they returned to Moria, Lizzie explained how she got there. She was trying to arrange a birthday for her brother, but he was jealous because everyone liked her instead of him, but she knew that no kids liked him and that she was trying to save his party, but he didn’t listen. When she died, she saw bits and pieces, flashes of memory, seeing how her brother was traumatized by what happened to her and that after he found out, he was crying, now realizing what she was trying to do.

When she arrived, she was in a strange place, then captured by those monsters, and she had been a prisoner for almost a week. That’s how long they were traveling to gather more of them. Thorin explained what happened to his kingdom and family, for which Lizzie felt really sorry.

During the first week, Lizzie chose to help others, which they greatly appreciated. Over the past seven years, everyone had begun to trust her. She felt welcomed among them, and Thorin made her second in command. The two of them continued to work together. In time, they became close, and again, about a year before Beau and the others arrived, they became a romantic couple.

“We first met.”


Thorin smiled at that memory, never willing to forget the day he first met her.

“Thorin.” Said Balin, gaining Thorin’s attention when he saw the rest of his company being there.

“We’re ready.” Said Dwalin. “The other houses agreed to meet with us.”

“Very well.” Said Thorin. “Arm ourselves, just in case. We don’t want to take any chances.”

The group soon left to meet up with the leaders.


Lizzie continued to follow the pull from the ruined Fortress of Tyr. Going from one hall to the next.

“Where am I exactly going?” said Emily to herself. “First, I feel a pull pulling me towards some castle, which I have no idea why, and I ended up going in circles. I swear, if this is some trick, I’m going to….”

However, she suddenly blew a cold chill from her mouth, which surprised her. She felt a slight chill too.

“The heck?” said Lizzie to herself, “Why is it so cold down here?”

She couldn’t explain why, but somehow, she was guided toward the cold.

“If it gets colder, that’s where I need to go.” Said Lizzie to herself as she followed it. After turning left, she saw the light up ahead. When she walked towards it, she found what she didn’t expect to find. To her surprise, it was a large tree resembling the Trees of Harmony, made out of pure ice. But from underneath the tree truck, appeared to be a rock. And on that rock appeared to be a sword of some sort.

“Is that…Barnstokk?” said Lizzie surprised, remembering the old story Thorin told her. She walked towards the sword. And on the side, it was written in Ancient Caribourian. It was called ‘Frostbane.’

She then saw words that were written on the pedestal.

“Whoever so pulls the sword of Frostbane, if they are worthy, shall possess the power of Freya.” Said Lizzie aloud as she read it.

Lizzie took a good look at the sword and squinted her eyes. But the more she looked at it, the more she felt the pull, the same pull from the secret sanctuary, but stronger. But at the same time, just before she was going to grab the sword, the two entities, who were none other than Angi and Goldenrod, who had been following her ever since they saw her leave.

“What is she doing?” said a surprised Goldenrod.

However, Angi saw the sword, widened her eyes in shock, and said, “It can’t be.”

The moment Lizzie grabbed it. A bright flash happened, causing her to be engulfed as the snow began to envelop her, with both Angi and Goldenrod covering their eyes. When the light soon fades, both Angi and Goldenrod can open their eyes, and to their surprise, it was Lizzie, but it was now completely different.

“She has returned.” Muttered Angi, as she couldn’t believe the legends were true.


Later, at the prison near the ocean, Beau and the others, along with Daisy and her platoon, arrived at the final prison camp near the ocean’s edge.

“Alright, this is the last camp.” Said Beau. “Once we free everyone, we’ll have what we need to persuade the remaining houses to fight with us.”

“Then let’s do it.” Said Bolt.

“Hang on,” said Bucky as he stopped Bolt while looking at the camp. “Something’s not right.”

He took out a telescope and looked at it. He squinted his eye and said, “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”

“What is it?” said Beau.

He handed Daisy the telescope first so the sister would be in the loop. What she saw shocked her. For right up front, happens to be over a legion of Dainn’s forces, all guarding the wall, with many archers standing in the way.

“Aw, crud.” Said Daisy as she put the telescope away. “The Prison’s been fortified, and they have new troops stationed there.”

“They must’ve sent an alarm to the last base after we raided the last one.” Said Genus.

“Great, now what do we do?” Said Frosty. “We can’t just rush in without getting killed. We’d never make it close enough.”

“There has to be a way.” Said Emily.

However, as Beau blew a breath of wind, suddenly, he blew a cold wind from his mouth. Which surprised him, as well as a few others. Within mere moments, a few droplets of snow fell from the heavens, greatly surprising them.

“Is that…snow?” said the first Caribou.

“It can’t be.” Said the second, “It’s June. There’s not supposed to be snow until the Fall Seasons.”

Silver then looked ahead and said, “Uh, guys?”

He pointed ahead, and to their surprise, they saw a massive snowstorm approaching, heading straight toward the camp.

“What in Harmony?” said the third Caribou.

The soldiers stationed there were confused by what was going on, especially the harsh snow weather coming in. Within a split second, at least a quarter of them were blasted with a massive ice attack, which froze them and shattered within the process. To their shock, they looked ahead and saw an icy blue knight in shining armor. She wore a white armored bodysuit as the face of the stag formed her chest plate. Besides an icy blue loincloth, she wore an armored skirt hung from her belt while wearing icy blue knee-high greaves on her legs. Her helmet had a blade-like horn and a masquerade-style visor with edges like a snowflake.

“Intruder!!” shouted one of the soldiers, causing them to launch a full attack.

The Knight used her power to freeze and destroy the archers from above. While at the same time, both Angi and Goldenrod appeared, each in their own armor, and attacked from both sides. Angi with her axe as she smashed the ground and launched many away, while Goldenrod used her superior blade skills to cut her way through. Seeing this was the new Knight’s opportunity, used Frostbane to cut them down.

“Well,” said a surprised Frosty, “Guess that’s part of the problem solved.”

“Come on, we gotta help!!” said Emily as she pulled out her weapon.

“Don’t have to tell me twice!!” said Daisy.

Within a split second, they all charged toward the enemy to help their new potential ally in the middle of the battlefield.

The Knight continued to slice her way through and used her ice powers to shield herself. Just as a handful of Wargs were going to attack, they were suddenly hit by arrows, gaining her attention. She saw Beau and the others coming in for the attack and was able to plow through them too. Soon they could win the battle outside the walls, allowing them to regroup.

“Many thanks for the help, stranger.” Said Beau.

“Yeah, thanks. We weren’t sure how we were going to take the city.” Said Bucky.

Daisy, on the other hand, noticed something about the Knight. She walked towards her and stood in front of her while observing her body, and she could’ve sworn she could see the eye color behind the eyes. She widened her eyes in shock when she realized who it was.

“Lizzie?” muttered Daisy.

“Uh…” responded Lizzie surprised that Daisy caught on quickly.

“Lizzie?!!” exclaimed Daisy.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Daisy.

“Lizzie?!” exclaimed the other humans.

“But, what…how?!!” exclaimed Silver as he didn’t have the words.

Lizzie focused on Daisy and asked, “How did you know it was me?”

“Are you kidding?!!” exclaimed Daisy. “I saw you naked once when we were bathing the first time; you honestly think I wouldn’t recognize your body?!!”

Some looked at them both surprised and awkwardly; even Bolt couldn’t help but snicker at that, with Silver nudging him hard.

Lizzie couldn’t help but cross her arms and lower her head while looking away, clearly embarrassed. “Did you have to bring that up?”

“Sorry, she’s just surprised, is all.” Said Bucky as he remembered how his sister is sometimes.

“But how did you become a Knight, too?” asked Beau.

“After you lot left,” said Lizzie, “I was busy helping others settle in until I felt a pull pulling me towards where it wanted me to go. I kept following until I arrived at the old Fortress of Tyr.”

“Tyr?” said the husbands.

“Tyr was once the advisor for the royal family.” Said Angi. “He was an advocate for both peace and war. His home was where the strongest advisors and wise men would live.”

“When I arrived, I found a frozen sword underneath a tree.” Said Lizzie.

“The tree was none other than Barnstokk,” said Goldenrod. “It once housed the sword called Frostbane. It once belonged to Freya, the first female to create the laws where females could also have a say in politicians.”

“I pulled the sword, and it told me that seeing that I had the same drive as Freya,” said Lizzie, “It deemed me worthy of wielding its power, so I became Freya, the symbol of the Caribou.”

“Huh, that’s kind of strange.” Said Beau.

“It is?” asked Lizzie.

“Yeah, think about it.” Said Beau, “I’m the symbol of the Knights who once existed centuries ago. You happen to be the symbol of the Caribou.”

“Huh,” said Lizzie as she realized this. “I guess we do.”

“So, now that we have that out of the way,” said Bucky, “I think it’s time we break through this wall.”

“Allow me.” Said Lizzie as she cracked her fists to the ready.

She used her power to freeze the door, then turned to Bucky and said, “Bucky? If you’d be so kind as to knock on the door?”

“Oh, with pleasure.” Said Bucky as he instantly summoned his gauntlets and punched a large hole through it.

“Shall we?” said Lizzie as she and her new friends pulled out their weapons.

“Surely.” Said Beau as he and the others did the same.

Soon enough, they all charged right through the gates and attacked every one of Dainn’s forces on sight.

Beau uses his Unicorn spear to knock the Warg warriors away, Bucky uses his gauntlets to smash the ground and sends the bad guys packing, Silver uses his Rapier sword to cut down his enemies, Genus uses his butterfly axe as if it were a bo-staff and a weapon to strike them down, Bolt uses his double edge sword to make short work of the troops, Frosty uses his hammer to hit the ground so hard, it sends them flying, Emily and Lizzie fought side by side trying to block and fight their enemies.

While that was happening, Daisy, Goldenrod, and Angi used this as an opportunity to free the last of the Siren, Ahuizotl, and Pony prisoners, allowing them to escape. At the same time, the Caribou platoons did their best to drive the enemy away.

After the prisoners and the leaders were freed, everyone regrouped outside the ruined prison, with Beau saying, “Nice job, you three. We were able to free all of the prisoners.”

“It is actually you that requires thanks, Knight Achilles.” Said Goldenrod while smiling.

“You have done so much for all of us in the kingdom, and we are all gratefully honored by what you have done for us.”

“It’s not over yet.” Said Beau. “We still need to convince the last houses to join our cause.”

“And knowing Thorin, he and his company are already heading out.” Said Bucky.

“Do not worry,” said a pony, who goes by the name Silver Sentry, while being accompanied by Teomitl, leader of the Ahuizotl. Orpheus, leader of the Centaur, and Melodious Melody, leader of the Sirens. “We will gather the leaders of the other Houses and join you. If they see us, it will prove enough that we still have hope, and all of Caribouria will be saved.”

“Then let’s go.” Said Daisy, “The more we delay, the less time we have to free Caribouria.”

As they left, Silver and Lizzie stayed behind. The two stared at one another while they were close to one another.

“So…you’re a knight now,” said Silver.

“I am.” As Lizzie looked at herself. “Though, to tell you the truth, it feels really weird.”

“I know the feeling.” said Silver. “I felt the same way when the armor came to me.”

Silver looked at his sister again and said, “I will still worry. Even though you’re the older one, you can look after yourself. And… I’m still sorry for what happened between us.”

Lizzie placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder and said, “You were only a child. Plus, I should’ve told you sooner. If I did, then things wouldn’t have been this way.”

“If it did.” said Silver. “We wouldn’t be in this world. I owe it to Rarity for taking me in that day. We developed romantic feelings towards one another in a few weeks, which was quite surprising.”

“I know,” said Lizzie. “When humans try to find love, it takes time for those feelings to develop. But being in this world, we were able to find love. For that, I will always be grateful.”

“And I hope,” said Silver, “Once all this is over. We’d try to spend time with one another. I’d…really like it if you were to meet Crystal Gem. You would really like her.”

“Is she like you?” asked Lizzie.

“She’s more like her mother,” said Silver. “Plus, she also developed a taste for fashion designing.”

Lizzie couldn’t help but smile and said, “I’d like that.”

The two hugged one another, showing that the bond between brother and sister was now stronger than ever.


Further from the Caribourian countries, Thorin Oakenshield and his entire company had journeyed to the remaining houses still holding out against Dainn. They were having a conference with the heads of the five houses. Thorin and his group had prepared a tent and sat near a table, with the representatives of the five houses present and accounted for.

There were Zane, Zander, and Asher, co-leaders of the House of Dragon. There was Borealis, leader of the House of Griffon. There was Lady Hera, leader of the House of Hippogriff. There was Wolf’s Bane, leader of the house of Wolf, and finally, Princess Cyprus, leader of the House of Changelings.

“Please, lords and ladies of your respective houses,” said Thorin as he pleaded with them.

“We cannot win this on our own, we all wish for Caribouria to be freed, but we cannot be free until Dainn has been defeated.”

“All of you have been saying such trifles for years,” said Borealis, “And we have told you before, we cannot risk losing the last of our territories or have them rip away the last of our lands and stones for him to be freed of Caribouria’s lands, or the rest of the world with the rest of our kin will fall.”

“But if we do not stop him right here and now, everything our brethren had fought and died for would’ve been for nothing.” Said Balin.

“We understand that,” said Lady Hera, “But if we do, then we will suffer the same fate as our friends from the other Houses.”

“You mean you chose to hide like cowards.”

They all looked, and to many of the others’ surprise, not only did Lizzie, Beau, and the others arrive, but so did every leader of every creature of every House that had been captured, approaching the latter as all of them had much to discuss.

“Impossible.” Said Princess Cyprus of the House of Changelings.

“Our true king is right,” said the leader of the Centaurs named Orpheus. “We cannot hide or cower behind our territories any longer.”

“We already tried to stand on our own,” said the leader of the Gargoyles named Gora. “And we each fell on our own. We must not let that happen again.”

“Long ago, our ancestors fought to free Caribouria from tyranny before,” said Harada, leader of the Harpies. “Now is the time to rise once more.”

“Not as a divided race,” said Click, leader of the Ornithians, “But as a united kingdom.”

“We owe our allegiance to the royal Caribourian family,” said Day Shine. “It’s time that we fulfill that call once more.”

Needless to say, the leaders of the five houses looked down in shame. They were right; they’d been hiding for far too long. It’s time for them to fulfill that promise once more.

“You are right,” said Zane. “We’ve been hiding for far too long. And we have turned our backs on our friends long enough. It’s time that we fulfill that bargain once more.”

“Then it is decided.” Said Thorin as he stood up. “From this day on, we will not be a separated kingdom, but we shall be….”

“The United Nations of Creatures.” Said Beau.

Everyone looked at Beau, surprised when he came up with that name. However, many seemed to like it.

“United Nations of Creatures.” Said Wolfsbane, then smiled and said, “I like it. Has a nice ring to it.”

The others agreed, and Thorin smiled at this; however, Balin recognized the armor Lizzie was wearing.

“It cannot be.” Said Balin as she moved closer to it and inspected it.

“What is it?” asked Fili?

“Do you not see the armor she is wearing?” said Balin as he slowly got excited. “This is the armor of Freya.”

Many, minus the humans, were surprised to hear this and looked at her. Even Thorin was surprised to see the armor. He walked towards her and was amazed.

“Where did you…?”

“I followed its pull to the House of Tyr.” Responded Lizzie.

Many were surprised to hear this once more as they looked at the armor.

“The House of Tyr?” said Dwalin in surprise.

“I followed it there and discovered the sword. It had granted me the power to fight alongside you. For the fate of Caribouria and every creature hangs in the balance.” Said

Lizzie. “As long as Dainn still lives. No one is safe.”

“She’s right.” said Silver. “This is just the beginning. And you have our word. The Knights of Harmony will fight by your side.”

Many agreed to this as they were glad. Thorin, however, grabbed Lizzie and kissed her, surprising her and the others a bit. Thorin slowly separated his lips from Lizzie as she blushed.

“I’m just happy that you’re safe.” Said Thorin.

Lizzie smiled and said, “We both will be.”

The two embraced one another as many smiled to see this.


Shortly a while later, The remnants of the Caribourian military arrived, led by the generals. Many were surprised to see Thorin alive and kicking, and the flames that had been lit and the king had been chosen. The pieces were in place. Now it was time to put it into action. The battle to win the hearts and minds is over. The Battle for Caribouria is about to begin.