• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Octavia’s never without an idea, she’s never without a plan. Ideas, those are a tenth-bit a dozen, she’s got ideas for days. Plans, well, those are trickier. Short-term, long-term? Medium-terms? Plans intersect goals and she’s not exactly sure how they do; in her head it’s one thing and then she gets home after a day’s work and what counts as research and what counts as wasting her time when she could be doing something productive? Who could say?

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 61 )

Pandemic time sure is weird.


Thought I wrote this a couple months ago, turns out it was last year.

Anyway, this is one of those times where there isn’t really much in the way of notes. In some ways, this could be the sequel to Here I Am, and in other ways it isn’t.

Wow, this is a surprisingly good SS&E impression. :derpytongue2:

Some interesting musings here. Hopefully you have cleared out many of your open web tabs.

such a fun little story.

Admiral, as someone who dabbles in various mediums of artistic expression from colored pencil to directing voice projects, a Jack of many trades as it were, I would like to express my appreciation for Miss Melody's performance and well wishes for the future. Also...um...if she had some time, I would love to invite her out for coffee or something...if she wanted. I'd love to talk to someone else who knows the feeling of hopping from one idea or thought or project to the next, the flash in the pan, the metaphorical lightbulb.

By society's standards I should have a house, a car, a decent job and a reasonably sorted monetary portfolio by now in my life and I am so far behind the ball it may as well be in a different state altogether.

Every so often, I find a piece on here that I want to share with others, those not of this fandom. And though I try, and say, "the ponies are incidental, they merely exist as a species. The themes, the writing is something to behold," I never feel like it gets traction. Maybe they do read it, and I just never get a comment. So many words, yet so little emotion shared through an instant message.

Thanks for what you do. I'd send a hug, but this phone doesn't like the emoji menu on this site.

Yup, this is pretty much how I feel right now.

I mean... mood.

Wanderer D

Hear, hear!

I distinctly recall explaining to you why horses don't need toilet paper. If you need a reminder, Google "horse butt ketchup" again.

I feel simultaneously attacked and affirmed. And I'm not sure how I should feel about that. Would you like a hug? Because I sure could use one.

Pretty good musing piece.

A couple small typos I noticed:

There's a "roommates" that needs an apostrophe.
You forgot to put the i in one of your italics tags, so the brackets are visible.
You have a "he" that I'm pretty sure is supposed to be "she."

Different sort of story than I expect from you, but still good.

When the Abyss stares back at you, maybe thats the last cry for help from they who have gone too far.

You cast Brainstorm with GPT3.

Roll for Initiative.

This, this is, as the man said, "Some real shit".

Man, when did you decide to write my life's story?

Seriously though, this is some deep consideration. You good bro?

If Octavia isn't getting paid for it, then it's a hobby, and if it's a hobby, then the only one she has an obligation to is herself.

Regardless of one's skill level, becoming famous is always dependent on a healthy portion of luck -- witness the lackluster sales of Robert Galbraith's first book until it was revealed that Galbraith was a J.K. Rowling pseudonym. But even though luck is required, and it's unlikely that pseudonyms will receive that same luck, one also needs more than luck to become famous in the first place. And it's those other-than-luck qualities that can be nurtured and expanded upon.


Wow, this is a surprisingly good SS&E impression. :derpytongue2:

I swear I’m not a SS&E alt. :derpytongue2:


Some interesting musings here.

Thank you!

Hopefully you have cleared out many of your open web tabs.

No, but my computer desktop is one unpublished fic clearer, so there’s that.


Admiral, as someone who dabbles in various mediums of artistic expression from colored pencil to directing voice projects, a Jack of many trades as it were, I would like to express my appreciation for Miss Melody's performance and well wishes for the future.

I’m there, too. Between this, other hobbies, work, and home projects, well . . . and if the pandemic hadn’t put a temporary hold on theatre projects, there’s be that, too.

Also...um...if she had some time, I would love to invite her out for coffee or something...if she wanted. I'd love to talk to someone else who knows the feeling of hopping from one idea or thought or project to the next, the flash in the pan, the metaphorical lightbulb.

Sometimes you got to talk to people who know, don’t you? The ones who have been there, done that.

By society's standards I should have a house, a car, a decent job and a reasonably sorted monetary portfolio by now in my life and I am so far behind the ball it may as well be in a different state altogether.

I got most of those things, for what it’s worth. Homeownership’s a mixed bag, let me tell you.


Every so often, I find a piece on here that I want to share with others, those not of this fandom. And though I try, and say, "the ponies are incidental, they merely exist as a species. The themes, the writing is something to behold," I never feel like it gets traction. Maybe they do read it, and I just never get a comment. So many words, yet so little emotion shared through an instant message.

I think it was Gardez who said stories about ponies are stories about people, and it’s true. The other linked story (Here I Am) could be not a pony fic if it wanted to, and I think this one is also very close. Certainly you don’t need to know anything about the fandom to get it.

Thanks for what you do. I'd send a hug, but this phone doesn't like the emoji menu on this site.

I’ll accept the hug just the same


Yup, this is pretty much how I feel right now.

Take deep breaths and maybe bang out something silly, that’s always one of my go-tos.

I mean... mood.



Dare I ask how many unpublished chapters are open?


I distinctly recall explaining to you why horses don't need toilet paper. If you need a reminder, Google "horse butt ketchup" again.

Maybe she’s using it to blow her nose, or maybe she’s building a makeshift obstacle to jump over to entertain herself during the pandemic.


I feel simultaneously attacked and affirmed. And I'm not sure how I should feel about that.

Maybe a wise nod, ‘cause lots of us have been some of the places she’s been.

Would you like a hug? Because I sure could use one.

Always up for hugs :heart:


Pretty good musing piece.

Thank you!

A couple small typos I noticed:

Fixed, thank you!

Different sort of story than I expect from you, but still good.

It’s not my usual fare, but it’s something I wrote when I was in that kind of mood and figured that somebody would get something out of it.


When the Abyss stares back at you, maybe thats the last cry for help from they who have gone too far.

Aye, it could be. Hard to say.

You cast Brainstorm with GPT3.
Roll for Initiative.



This, this is, as the man said, "Some real shit".
Man, when did you decide to write my life's story?

I think we’ve all been there, or we’re going to be there. Especially the creative types.

Seriously though, this is some deep consideration. You good bro?

Yes, I’m good, thank you. This was actually written around Thanksgiving last year, and only now released into the wild with very minimal editing (I just spellchecked it).

Fun fact, though, as I went through it and felt the mood again, I legit considered just replying to anyone who asked if I was okay with this:

(I’m fine, Johanna, I’m fine)

I only have 3 chapters sitting on my desktop, and it just taunts me and how I've been struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome for the past year.


If Octavia isn't getting paid for it, then it's a hobby, and if it's a hobby, then the only one she has an obligation to is herself.

And let’s be honest, that’s something some authors here (and creators on other sites) really need to remember.

That having been said, if you’re selling physical books or got a patreon or YouTube partnership or what have you . . . sometimes the line’s kinda blurry, isn’t it?

Regardless of one's skill level, becoming famous is always dependent on a healthy portion of luck -- witness the lackluster sales of Robert Galbraith's first book until it was revealed that Galbraith was a J.K. Rowling pseudonym. But even though luck is required, and it's unlikely that pseudonyms will receive that same luck, one also needs more than luck to become famous in the first place. And it's those other-than-luck qualities that can be nurtured and expanded upon.

Yeah, there’s always luck involved. I think King also tried to catch the star again with Bachmann, and failed until people figured out it was him. Raw talent and persistence does also help as well, of course, and it’s hard to say in what ratios. Especially in these days where anybody can be a content creator. I wont’ lie, I got some lucky breaks here, not always deserved but I’ll take what I can get, y’know?


I swear I’m not a SS&E alt.

:pinkiegasp: That's exactly what an SS&E alt would say!


Dare I ask how many unpublished chapters are open?

The good news is that I don’t do them in open gDocs tabs so that doesn’t come until editing.

One the desktop, the ones I’ll admit to are:
Taco Bell Espionage
OPP side oreos
Daki Story
OPP 35
When In Rome
Home Depot
Pegasus Rescue Brigade
Donna Experiment II
Ponies at the Hyatt
Mareport & Mareplane
Buttons I
Icarus or Pegasus Fall
Bree V
Haul and Oats 3
Shower Talk
Sandra II

And there’s also
Stained Glass chapter 2
Celandine, King of the Minotaurs

And probably some more . . . I have a binder full of fics to edit, and every now and then I find one in there I completely forgot about. . . .

Carpel Tunnel’s rough, I’ve had it myself. Don’t really have any good suggestions; in my case it was based on repetitive motions from work and when I changed jobs it became less of a problem as long as I didn’t type too much (and based on my output, one Silver Glow’s Journal/year isn’t too much).


:pinkiegasp: That's exactly what an SS&E alt would say!

ssh. . .

But we're all Skirts alts...


So 21 things. Damn with how busy you are with your job aren’t you worried that you have too much on your plate?

Don’t tell anypony. . . .


So 21 things. Damn with how busy you are with your job aren’t you worried that you have too much on your plate?

Yes, of course I have too many things on my plate. Good news (for some values of ‘good news’) is some of those date back to 2012 and are in the ‘I’ll get to it when I get to it’ category, especially since I don’t have a publisher who’s paying me breathing down my neck to get stuff out there, y’know?

I suppose if I want to have a go at One-Shot-Ober again, I could just edit the 21 things on that list and then add ten more and I’d be done :rainbowlaugh: Who knows, maybe by October that list would be longer.


Unless your writing for the Game of Thrones book series. I think he will be dead before it gets finished.

Eyep. The title pretty much sums it up.

Painfully relatable. Brilliantly done. People are comparing it to Skirts, but it lacks the overwrought language that pushes much of his work into melodramatic quasi-parody. This just feels real. Thank you for something that spoke to my core.

How's OTPP coming along?

Thank you for writing.
(...That feels a bit inadequate here, sorry, if it indeed is, but I'm not sure what else to say at the moment. Not an especially simple piece to comment on, this, it seems like, and I'm rather low on both sleep and time at the moment.)

I am turning 30 this year, last month I took the written exam to get a learner's permit (still need to do the practical exam).
I am living with my parents
I work a part-time job in foodservice

As to projects I am directing an audio dub project for a fanfiction.

I recently got a part in a play, but wouldn't you know it, my family might have to quarantine ourselves again.

I recently joined a Local LARPING group and one of the veteran players offered to help me get some basic gear set up, and he might want my help with a decorative project involving a Runic script.

Gotta say, this is a very unique and deep one here, and I'm all for it! It kinda seems like something to not only take in and enjoy, but to also understand and learn as well! What with thinking of what people go through and how their thought processes are! Very well done and man, I couldn't resist making a reading of this glorious fic! Hope ya didn't mind!

Audio Linky!: https://youtu.be/3xvhpfn1zjY

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)


That having been said, if you’re selling physical books or got a patreon or YouTube partnership or what have you . . . sometimes the line’s kinda blurry, isn’t it?

It doesn't have to be.

If you feel obligated to create content so the books/Patreon/whatever will give you money, then it's a job. (If the money isn't much, then it's a crappy job.)

If you accept that there is no deadline, and that no deadline means no money, then it's a hobby. A hobby that might result in some unexpected money now and then, but as soon as you start to do it because you know that doing it will make money appear, then it becomes a job.


Unless your writing for the Game of Thrones book series. I think he will be dead before it gets finished.

There’s a great video where he askes King how to write quickly:


Eyep. The title pretty much sums it up.



Painfully relatable. Brilliantly done.

Thank you!

People are comparing it to Skirts, but it lacks the overwrought language that pushes much of his work into melodramatic quasi-parody.

For better or worse, he’s got purple prose nailed down. And when it works, it’s great, when it doesn’t . . .

This just feels real. Thank you for something that spoke to my core.

I know I’ve felt it before, and I think most creators have.

I was going to edit it (more than fixing spelling), but it felt more authentic unedited.

Not well, just like everything else the last couple of months.

Well, except for work, that’s been insanely busy.

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