• Published 12th Aug 2021
  • 1,544 Views, 10 Comments

Operation Dr Cupidstein - Jebens1

When Mikey tries to set up Starlight and Sunburst for Hearts and Hooves Day, the two end up accidentally drinking the infamous Love Poison

  • ...

Operation Dr Cupidstein

"You may be wondering why I gathered you three here?" Mikey said, while pacing in front of Maud, Mudbriar, and Trixie.

"Technically, I wasn't wondering that," Mudbriar stated, dully.

Mikey ignored him and continued. "It's Hearts and Hooves Day and their are two ponies who are perfect for each other! Only they don't know it yet."

"And who might they be?" Trixie asked, uninterested.

"I think he's talking about Starlight and Sunburst," Maud guessed.

"Exactly!" Mikey said. "They have so much in common, how can they not be perfect for each other?"

"Technically, they have a lot in common with other ponies as well," Mudbriar pointed out, then Maud and Trixie give him dry looks. "But, obviously, that's not the point."

"Precisely," Mikey nodded. "Everyone deserves a special somepony on this day, even those two. Which is why we are gonna get those two together."

"And why should the Great and Powerful Trixie help you after you had the gull to tie my tail to Twilight Sparkle’s?!" Trixie asked, glaring at Mikey.

"That was so funny I forgot to laugh," Maud joked.

A long time ago, Mikey had secretly tied Twilight and Trixie's tails together to make them get along. Though they had a very rocky start, the two eventually did learn to get along.

"Because you would do this for Starlight and Sunburst, cause their your besties?" Mikey suggested, leaning in toward the egotistical unicorn. "Besides, didn’t you get back at me by tying me up to one of your fireworks rockets?"

"Even if I wanted to help, shouldn’t you be out with Shinigami?" Trixie inquired.

"Shini wants me to come later," Mikey explained. "In the meantime, Dr Cupidstein is needing your help with those two feeling the love tonight!"

"Did someone mentioned match making?!" Bebop appeared next to Trixie, making her jump.

"What up, Bebop," Mikey greeted. "And you heard right. I'm gonna set up Starlight and Sunburst, so I got these guys here to help." He motioned to the three ponies.

"Well, I can help too," Bebop stated. "I know all about the ladies, even though I hog around these days."

"Hilarious," Maud said.

"Very well, we’ll help," Mudbriar relented. "But just how are we going to make them fall for each other?"

"Oh they won’t even know we’re there," Mikey said, and they all huddled up. "Here's the plan..."

Later, at the School of Friendship, Raph was in the dojo, hitting a punching bag, when Mikey appeared beside him.

"What up, Raph?" Mikey said.

"What do you want, Mikey?" Raph asked, in annoyance.

"Just want you to look at somethin', bro," Mikey replied.

"Like what?" Raph inquired, right before Mikey threw a smoke bomb in his face. "What the!" He coughed. "Mikey! You little..." He suddenly felt drowsy then slumped to the floor and fell asleep.

Bebop appeared next to Mikey, with Trixie. "Ha ha ha, Sleepin' gas smoke bombs!" He chuckled. "Never leave home without 'em."

"I don't suppose you'd consider sharing some with the Great and Powerful Trixie, would you?" Trixie asked him.

Just then, Maud and Mudbriar showed up, carrying a shopping bag.

"We got the stuff you asked for," Maud informed Mikey, as she held it out.

"Ah yeah!" Mikey cheered, taking the bag and digging inside for something.

"Though we are a bit curious as to why you requested these items?" Mudbriar asked.

"Their all a part of Operation: Damsel in Distress!" Mikey explained, pulling out a black marker. "I just need to give Raph a little makeover before we get started."

He uncapped the marker and began to draw all over Raph, while everyone watched. Trixie couldn't help but snicker.

Starlight Glimmer was walking down the hallway, when suddenly a figure appeared from behind a pillar.

"Starlight Glimmer!" It called in a raspy female voice, without moving it's mouth.

"Ahh!" Starlight jumped back, in surprise.

The figure was the knocked out Raph, while an invisible Bebop was moving him around. The sleeping turtle was dressed up to look like Queen Chrysalis.

His body was covered in black marker. He had angry eyes painted on his eye lids. Had a cardboard horn and changeling wings. And He had on a blue wig.

As Bebop moved him, Trixie, who was hiding behind the same pillar with Mikey, Maud, and Mudbriar, was throwing her voice to make Raph sound like Chrysalis. But she came off rather raspy.

"It is I, the Bad and Evil Queen Chrysalis! Come here for my revenge!" Trixie cackled evily.

Starlight gave a confused look, before she asked, "Raph? Is that you? Why are you wearing a wig? And covered in marker?"

"Uh?!" Trixie froze, as she and Mikey look worriedly at each other before she continued to play up the ruse. "Raph? Who's Raph? I know nothing of this Raph to whom you speak!"

"And why are you doing a terrible imitation of Trixie?" Starlight asked, dryly.

"Terrible?!" Trixie shouted in outrage, before Mikey, Maud, and Mudbriar covered her mouth and pulled her behind the pillar before Starlight could spot them.

At that moment, a door opened and Sunburst walked in.

"Hey Starlihihihight!" The unicorn stallion jumped when he saw the disguised turtle. "Raph? Is that you?"

Trixie spoke up for Raph, still imitating Chrysalis. "Well well, If it isn’t Sunburst. Come to save your girlfriend?"

"GIRLFRIEND?" Starlight and Sunburst exclaimed, blushing with embarrassment.

"Look, Raph!" Sunburst scolded. "I know you like to insult me because I’m as intelligent as your brother Donnie, but I don’t know where you came up with that! Starlight and I are just good friends."

"I have come to exact my revenge on Starlight Glimmer for ruining my conquest of Equestria!" Trixie said, ignoring him. "And no bookworm is getting in my way!"

Suddenly, Raph snorted and spoke in his sleep. "You think you're, better, Leo?"

Mikey, Trixie, Maud, and Mudbriar's eyes shrunk in a panic, while Starlight and Sunburst looked more confused.

"Take that, and that, yah dirty Kraang!" Raph swung his fists around, still talking in his sleep.

"Wha oh!" Bebop whispered in worry.

"Any idea on what’s wrong with Raph?" Sunburst muttered to Starlight.

"No clue," Starlight replied.

"Me neither," Sunburst shrugged. "Anyway, I have a spell I wanna share with you."

"Great!" Starlight said, and they both walked away.

Once, they were gone, Mikey and the others come out and Bebop turned visible again.

"Well, that plan was a bust," he said

"Technically, the chances of this plan working was slim to none," Mudbriar noted. "So it was already bust beforehoof."

"Also, when Raph wakes up and sees himself, he's going to be super angry," Maud pointed out.

In a panic, Mikey grabbed Raph and stuffed him in a closet, before slamming the door. "Not to worry," he said, after that. "Dr Cupidstein don't give up easily! Now we move on to plan B!"

"Which is?" Trixie asked.

"Operation: Serenade!"

"Ah, the old singing of love songs," Bebop stated. "Classic!"

"I like that plan," Maud said. "Just one problem. How are we going to get Starlight or Sunburst to sing to one another?"

"Oh, we don't need to worry 'bout that," Mikey assured. "Cause We're gonna be doing the serenading."

"Wait, huh?" Trixie raised a brow.

That night at the Friendship School, Pinkie was throwing a Hearts and Hooves Day party. As all the students and the ninjas were dancing, giving out cards, or just spending time with their friends and loved ones, Mikey and the others peeked out from behind a stage curtain and spotted Starlight and Sunburst by the refreshments table.

"You sure this is going to work, Mikey?" Maud asked.

"Absolutely, rock girl!" Mikey nodded. "There's no way this plan can backfire!"

"Technically, this plan also has a slim to little chance of success," Mudbriar stated.

"You know, I'm starting to get why Pinkie said you were annoying."

"Alright, knock it off guys, we're on!" Bebob said.

"On the plus side," Trixie began boasting. "The Great and Powerful Trixie get's to show off her amazing vocal-prowess!" She was cut off, as they pull back behind the curtain, dragging her with them.

Then music started to play, catching everycreature's attention.

Bebop stepped out, dressed in a disco outfit, and announced, "Yo, everycreature, raise your hooves, claws, and paws in the air to rejoice and sing a song of love! And sing a song of come togetherness!"

Then the curtain opened to reveal, Mikey and the others, who were dressed up as well. Mikey wore a white shirt, a pink jacket, and a red hat, and was also playing a guitar. Maud was wearing a pink dress decorated with small red hearts, and had on red heart-shaped glasses with pink lenses. Trixie was wearing a outfit, just like her human counterpart wore in the Battle of the Bands, but it was colored red and white. And Mudbriar was wearing red sweater with white striped sleeves and a heart in the middle, while he was beating some bongos.

"What up, School of Friendship!" Mikey called out. "We wanna dedicate this song to a very special couple here... Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst!"

Starlight and Sunburst spat out their food and punch in surprise. "What?!" They cried, as Mikey and the others began to sing...

When the song ended, everyone cheered.

"Yay, Mikey! Yay, Maud!" Pinkie bounced up and down.

"You go, comrad!" Rocksteady called to Bebop.

Then everyone turned to Starlight and Sunburst, who were both feeling incredibly awkward.

"Thank.... you for that.... Uh?" Starlight couldn't find the words.

"Dedication?" Sunburst guesses.

"Yeah that!" Starlight said. "Now if you’ll excuse us, I gotta go talk to....... Not Twilight. She’s with Leo. KARAI! That’s right! I’m gonna talk to Karai!" And she quickly hurried off.

"And uh I need to...... wash my glasses!" Sunburst stated, and left the other way.

"Well that went well!" Trixie frowned.

"To be honest, I think I came off a little flat," Mudbriar stated.

"You sounded great to me," Maud smiled at him.

"Now What?" Bebop asked Mikey.

I haven’t thought of a plan C!" Mikey panicked. "Usually, plan B always worked better that I never needed one. Well I thought about a book the CMCS read when tried to hook up Big Mac and Cheerlie, but they wouldn't let me read it."

"Pardon me, darlings," Rarity walked up to them. "If I may cut in to your conversation, I see what you all are planning. And if you want Starlight and Sunburst together, you need professional help."

"And just where do we find this expert?" Mudbriar asked.

"I know!" Mikey said. "Let’s ask Big Mac! Oh wait, he’s with that Sugar Belle gal."

"How about Rocksteady?" Bebop suggested. "Since he and Abacus keep in touch, he should know a thing or two."

Rarity coughed in annoyance. "I was talking about moi."

"Oh!" The two said.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Bebop asked.

"Now if we do this right, they’ll be together before you know it!" Rarity stated, with confidence. "Now here’s what we’ll do..." She whispered her plan to them.

Starlight sat with Karai at a table, and had just explained the day's events.

"Wait?" Karai asked. "So Mikey and your friends sang a love song dedicated to you and Sunburst?"

"Yeah!" Starlight answered, with her forehead on the table before she sat up. "And if you think that was annoying, wait till you hear this! Raph dressed up as Queen Chrysalis to try and make me some damsel in distress! He even called me Sunburst's girlfriend!"

"I know Raph sometimes cracks a joke or two, but that doesn't seem like him at all," Karai pondered. "It's seems more like something Mikey would do."

"Right?!" Starlight exclaimed, when Sweetie Belle showed up.

"Um, excuse me?" She asked. "But, message for Starlight Glimmer!"

"What is it, Sweetie Belle?" Starlight asked.

"Sunburst said that he feels awkward about everything that just happened and wants to know if you'd like to join him for a friendship dinner?" The filly explained.

Starlight sighed. "Well, after the day I've been having, I could definitely use one."

Sunburst had just finished washing his glasses, when Applebloom and Scootaloo came up to him.

"Oh, hey you two," he greeted. "Where’s Sweetie Belle?"

"She’s taking care of something for her sister," Apple Bloom replied. "We have a message for you from Starlight."

"What’s the message?" He asked.

"She felt bad for you after that song dedication from Mikey and the others," Scootaloo explained. "So, she wanted you to join her for a friendship dinner."

"After the weight day we’ve been having. I could use it," Sunburst agreed.

Outside in the courtyard, Rarity, Mikey, and the others were just finishing setting up the table with Fluttershy and Pinkie helping. Then she saw each of the Crusaders leading Starlight and Sunburst to them.

"Here they come!" Rarity alerted, as everyone quickly left and hid.

"And we’re just finished," Fluttershy stated, before she joined the others.

"Ooo I’m so excited!" Pinkie gushed. "This is gonna be good!" Then she rushed off to get something.

After Starlight and Sunburst sat down at the table, the Crusaders left out one of the entrances, but secretly came back through another one and hid with everyone as they all watched the two from a nearby bush.

"You sure this'll work, Rarity?" Mikey asked.

"But of course, Michelangelo," Rarity replied. "If there's one thing I know it's the matters of the heart."

"She sure does," Sweetie Belle added.

"This sure is nice," Starlight said to Sunburst.

"I'll say," Sunburst agreed.

Then Pinkie appeared at the table, dressed in a waiter's shirt and apron, even a mustache, while carrying a dish. "A special dish for two best friends, spagati and brussels sprots! Enjoy!" Then she raced off, while Angel Bunny showed up and played a violin.

"I think this plan might actually work," Maud said.

"Yeah, they'll be togther before we know it!" Mikey grinned.

"Well, just in case, the Prepared and Well Thought Out Trixie has a back up," Trixie stated.

"What kind of back up?" Bebop asked, as they watched Pinkie places two drinks for the two unicorns.

"I switched the drinks with something that'll get those two swooning over each other in no time!" Trixie explained.

"Really?" Sweetie Belle inquired. "What did you..."

The CMC looked at the pink color of the drinks and gasped in horror, as they instantly realized what they were.

Then dove out at them, screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

But Starlight and Sunburst drank the pink liquids, right before the Crusaders crashed down on their table, then their eyes swirled pink as they stared at each other, then they smiled lovingly.

"Starlight?" Sunburst asked, dreamily.

"Yes, Sunburst?" Starlight replied, also dreamily.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Will you be my special somepony?" Sunburst asked.

Starlight gasped and hugged him. "I thought you'd never ask!"

"YES! Their togther!" Mikey cheered.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie never doubted they wouldn't," Trixie said, before Sweetie Belle suddenly grabbed her face.

"WHAT, WERE, YOU, THINKING?!" The filly yelled.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity pulled her sister off Trixie. "Whatever is the matter?"

"You read the book, didn't you?!" Scootaloo stated, angrily.

"That's exactly why we wouldn't let Mikey read it!" Apple Bloom said.

"What are they talking about?" Bebop asked

"I found a book about this holiday and it had ingredients for a love potion!" Trixie explained. "So I whipped it up and replaced the drinks with that instead. And as you can see, it worked like a charm."

"That wasn't a love potion. It was a love poison!" Sweetie Belle noted.

"Wait, what?!" Trixie gasped.

"Love poison?!" Everyone echoed.

"It’ll make those two fall for each other and think of nothing else!" Scootaloo explained.

"Sunburst won’t be able to do his duties as the crystaller and Starlight won’t be able to help Twilight or counsel at the School of Friendship!" Sweetie Belle added.

"That’s why we kept any pony from using that book!" Apple Bloom said. "We used it on Big Mac and Cheerli, when tried to pair them up only to doom all of Ponyville!"

Everyone gasped, as Trixie turned to Mikey. "Well this is a fine mess you gotten us into, Michelangelo!"

"Hey! You were the one who gave them the Love Poison!" Mikey shot back.

"Well I wouldn’t have done it if you didn’t dragged me in this idea in the first place!" Trixie argued.

"Blaming each other won't help things," Maud interjected. "Right now, we should focus on breaking the spell."

"FINE!" The two huffed.

"So how we break the love Poison?" Bebop asked the Crusaders.

"The only way to break the spell is to keep those two separated for an hour," Sweetie Belle explained.

"And how did you do that with Big Mac and Cheerilee?" Rarity asked.

"We convinced them about marriage and sending them to different directions," Apple Bloom continued. "Wasn’t easy. They were both persistent!"

"But we did it," Scootaloo finished. "And as punishment, we had to do all of Big Macs chores."

"Then we better get moving!" Trixie stated.

"Yeah! Cuz Starlight might make us do all her chores!" Mikey added, in worry.

"MIKEY!" Everyone shouted.

"I’ll get Rocksteady so we can fix this!" Bebop ran off to get his buddy.

"And fast!" Scootaloo pointed at the unicorns. "They're already baby talking each other!"

It was true, just like Big Mac and Cheerlie once did, Starlight and Sunburst were trading gushy pet names at each other.

"You're my Stary Wary little Sweetie Pie!" Sunburst said, mushily at Starlight.

"And you're my Sunny Wunny little Bumpkin Bear!" Starlight replied, also mushily.

"Blaaaah!" Mikey gagged, pointing to his toung.

"Oh my," Fluttershy covered her mouth.

"That's a bit disturbing," Rarity cringed.

"I may throw up!" Trixie groaned.

"Eh, I've seen better," Pinkie waved off.

"So, how do we keep them apart this time?" Sweetie Belle asked her friends. "Do what we did with Big Mac and Miss Cheerli?"

"I don't think Starlight's ready for marriage," Maud stated.

"Quite," Rarity agreed. "There must be something we can do?"

"I know exactly how to do it!" Mikey exclaimed, only for Trixie to splatter the spaghetti and brussel sprouts in his face.

"I think we've listened to you for long enough!" She said, and shoved him aside. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has a plan!" She threw down a smoke bomb and vanished then reappeared before the two. "Ladies and Gentlecolts, behold the amazing feats of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She performed a series of magic tricks, but when she was done, she saw that Starlight and Sunburst didn't even notice.

"Maybe we should hear Mikey out?" Maud suggested.

"Absolutely not!" Trixie refused. "It's his fault we're in this mess!"

"Technically, it was you who tricked them into drinking the Love Poison, so this one's on you," Mudbrair pointed out, making Trixie growl until Sweetie Belle spoke up.

"If we don’t do something, we may never break the spell."

"Alright fine!" Trixie turned to Mikey. "What’s your plan, Mikey?"

Mikey shook off the spaghetti and brussel sprouts and grinned. "All we gotta do is convince them to dance!"

"How’s dancing gonna help?" Scootaloo inquired.

"Trust me," Mikey assured. "First we gotta get'em dressed up!"

Rarity gasped in excitement at the mention of dress up. "I like this plan already!"

Mikey then walked up to the two lovers. "Hey, Starlight and Sunburst? How's it goin'?"

"I'm in love with the most beautiful mare in the whole of Equestria!" Sunburst said, not taking his eyes off Starlight.

"And I'm in love with the most handsome stallion in all of Equestria!" Starlight said, still staring at Sunburst.

"That's great. But do you two wanna know what's even better than just sitting around and staring at each other?" Mikey inquired.

"No, what?" The pair asked, dreamily.


"Dancing!" They shouted and both rushed off only to be stopped by a bolder, thanks to Mikey's magic.

"Now hold up!" He said. "Before you can dance, yous gots to look the part!" He spoke to Starlight. "You need a make over, new hairdo, and really awesome dress! Then he turned to Sunburst. "You need a new suit, and a awesome corsage to boot! And you both totally need to learn some cool new dance steps!"

"Gotta get ready!" The two exclaimed and ran off in different directions.

Everyone stares while Trixie had a look of bewilderment on her face.

"Now what?" Maud asked.

"Now, we stall!" Mikey replied.

At Canterlot Beautiqe, Bebop was helping Sunburst find a suit, while Rocksteady and Mudbriar were helping him pick a corsage and purposely not finding the right one regardless of Sunburst nodding yes to everything.

After they explained the situation to the store manager, Sassy Saddle, she agreed to help stall Sunburst and got out all the best suits and corsages in the inventory, which thankfully for them was a lot.

Nope. Not that one," Bebop said, looking through the suits. "Now that just collides with your color. That just isn’t you!"

"No. Definitely not. Absolutely not," Mudbrair said, as Sunburst went through the corsages.

"Nyet nyet nyet," Rocksteady added.

"Could we please hurry up?" Sunburst exclaimed in irritation. "I need to see my Starry Warry!"

"Don’t rush us!" Bebop retorted. "This kind of thing takes a bit."

"Da!" Rocksteady agreed. "Comrade Bebop is expert on this! He’ll make you good to do the wowing for Starlight pony! It worth it!"

"And I’m sure Starlight is doing the same for you!" Bebop assured him.

"I quite agree," Sassy chimed in. "Now, personally, I would go with these suits!" She levitated a bunch of suits and shoved them into Sunburst's hooves. "Oh, yes, you'll look ever so fashing in these!" Then she pushed him into the changing room. After that, she whispered to the others, "And that should keep him busy for a long while."

"While the girls are buying time for us as well," Mudbrair stated, secretively.

At Carousel Beautiqe, that was exactly what the girls were doing. While Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were keeping a lookout outside, Rarity was fixing Starlight's mane, giving her the same complicated manestyle she gave Candace for the Crystal Games, and Trixie, Maud, and Sweetie Belle were showing her all kinds of dresses.

"How 'bout this one?" Maud showed her a plain califlower one. "It goes with your eyes."

"Or this one!" Trixie butted in with a shiny dress that had a wavy pattern. "It's not only gorgeous, it's also flashy!"

Sweetie Belle popped up with a ruffled dress. "Why not this one? It'll make you look really pretty."

"Can we hurry up, my Sunny Wunny needs me!" Starlight complained.

"All in due time, darling," Rarity assured, before pushing her into the changing room. "Now, why don't you try on these dresses, while we get Fluttershy to help with your dance steps." Then she muttered to herself and the others, "And hopefully keeps you distracted long enough!"

"How long has it been?" Trixie asked.

"Almost a half hour," Maud answered.

"Almost!" Trixie exclaimed.

"Well, Mikey never said stalling them would be easy," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

Back in Canterlot, Bebop came out of a room, getting something. "And now for the cu de gra!" He said, before he noticed Sunburst wasn't there. "Where’d he go?"

Mikey noticed as well. "Where’s Sunburst?"

Mudbriar answered, while still looking through the corsages. "He made his purchase and took off, said he wanted to see his Starry Warry."

"What?!" Everyone gasped.

"And you didn’t stop him?!" Mikey exclaimed, getting in his face.

"I was picking a corsage," Mudbrair replied, nonchalant.

Sassy, Bebop, and Rocksteady facepalmed. "Dude, seriously?!" The mutant warthog said.

"Oh cotton and fabric, what does Maud see in you?!" Sassy grumbled.

"Never mind that!" Rocksteady said. "We have to stall smart pony for..." He whispered to Bebop. "Comrade, how long until spell wears the off?"

Bebop looked at the clock "Uhh ten minutes?"

"Ten minutes!" Rocksteady stated.

"Let’s move!" Mikey said, as the three ran out the door while Mudbriar tossed the corsage and joined them.

Back with the Girls, Fluttershy was teaching the Pony Prance to Starlight. Angel Bunny turned on the record player and music filled the Beautiqe.

"Ok, Starlight. Now, Fluttershy began stepping in rhythm with the music. "Blue, red, step ahead. Green, black, now step back."

As the others watched, Trixie spoke through her teeth. "How much time left?"

"Only five minutes," Rarity whispered back. "Hopefully this will keep her distracted long enough for the spell to break."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Maud said.

"Why?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Maud pointed. "She just left."

The two mares and filly whipped back and noticed that Starlight wasn't there.

Fluttershy turned and notices too. "Oh, no!"

They burst out of the beautiqe just in time to see Starlight running.

"I'm coming, Sunny Wunny!" She called out.

"Stop her!" Trixie shouted, and they all run after her.

Meanwhile, after the train stopped at the station, Sunburst shot out with Mikey, Bebop, Ralocksteady, and Mudbrair not far behind. As the Guys chased Sunburst through the streets, they saw Applebloom and Scootaloo up ahead.

"Mayday! Mayday!" Mikey hollowered to them.

"Runaway lover colt!" Bebop called.

"Stop smart pony!" Rocksteady shouted

"I’m coming, my Sweetie Pie-Whoa!" Before Sunburst knew it, he fell into a hidden pit and landed flat on a mattress in a daze.

The four stared down at Sunburst before they looked at the two fillies.

"We had a feeling this would happen," Apple Bloom explained.

"So we dug a hole like we did to Big Mac," Scootaloo added.

"Nice thinking girls!" Mikey said.

Bebop looked up at the town clock. "One more minute and the spell will be broken!"

"SWEETIE PIE!" Sunburst cried from the pit.

"Sorry, Sunburst, you'll thank us for this," Mikey called.

Then they heard screaming ahead and see Starlight charging while frantically searching for Sunburst.

"SUNNY!" She cried, and ran in the opposite direction of the pit, with the girls chasing after her.

"Starlight, wait!" Trixie called.

"Good thing star pony is going wrong way," Rocksteady said, but had spoken too soon.

"STARRY WARRY!" Sunburst called out.

Starlight turned around, hearing that. "SUNNY!" And she dashed toward the pit.

Everyone lept out in slow motion to try and stop Starlight.

As they were still leaping, Mikey pulled out a drink. "Man slow motion is hard to do."

"I know right?" Pinkie agreed, and they went back to the slow motion.

But before they could tackle her, Starlight teleported pass them and they landed in a heap. Then she reappeared above the pit and landed onto Sunburst just as the clock reached past one minute.

Trixie ran to the pit. "Oh no-oh no-oh no!" She cried.

Everyone gasped as they peered down. "Is the spell broken?!" Mikey asked.

They saw Starlight and Sunburst groaning and rubbing their heads. Then the two looked at each other and looked surprised and confused.

"Are you wearing a dress?" Sunburst asked Starlight.

"Is that a corsage?" Starlight pointed.

Sunburst looked at the corsage before tossing it away. "Well, this is awkward."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness, the spell woar off," Rarity said.

"Yeah, that was super suspenseful!" Pinkie agreed.

"Spell?" Sunburst inquired, as they looked up at them.

"What's going on?" Starlight asked.

"Well, you see..." Trixie pointed to Mikey. "This was all his fault!"

"Hey! Not cool, Trix!" Mikey frowned.

"Technically, you're also to blame for their predicament," Mudbrair pointed out, and Trixie frowned.

Starlight teleported herself and Sunburst out of the pit and demanded, "Can somepony please explain what happened?"

Everyone pointed to Mikey, who grinned sheepishly.

"Well, uh, the thing is..." He began. "I wanted to get you two togther for Hearts and Hooves Day. So I got Trixie, Maud, and Mudbriar to help out. First we tried Operation: Damsel in Distress, by dressing Raph up like Chrysalis."

"Wait, that was you?" Starlight asked.

"Yes. Also the "terrible Trixie imitation" was me!" Trixie stated in annoyance.

Starlight chucked. "I really thought that was Raph."

"Then we tried Operation Serenade," Mikey continued. "By singing a love song dedicated to your two."

"Well that explains the awkward song dedicated to us," Sunburst said to Starlight.

Rarity chimed in. "Then I wanted in on the action being an expert on this kind of thing so I set up that friendship dinner for the two of you. Just a friendship dinner! Nothing more!"

"It would have been," Sweetie Belle pointed and frowned at Trixie. "If Trixie hadn’t switched out your drinks for that love Poison we once used on Big Mac and Cheerie."

"Love Poison?!" Starlight and Sunburst exclaimed, as Starlight spoke, "So that’s why you kept that book away from any pony."

"So we pretended to have you get ready for dancing so we could separate you two for an hour to break the spell," Bebop explained.

"I’m sorry about all that," Mikey apologized.

"We all are," Trixie admitted.

Starlight and Sunburst gave disapproving frowns, but smiled as Starlight said, "I appreciate everything you did for me and Sunburst. So I forgive you."

"Me too," Sunburst added.

"So neither of you are mad at me or gonna punish me?" Mikey asked.

"Oh, we won’t..." Starlight began coyly.

"But, it looks like he will," Sunburst pointed.

Everyone turned. Standing not too far away was Raph. He was awake, still wearing his Chrysalis costume, and was very very very angry. Everybody couldn’t help but laugh at him, while Mikey’s eyes shrunk, knowing he was in for a beat down.


"I just remembered. I have to go find Shinigami!" Mikey shot off screaming, with Raph chasing after him.

"I’ll get you for this, Mikey!" Raph growled.

Starlight whispered to Bebop. "I’m working on catching up with Sunburst since we were fillies so we’re just friends. For now."

"Noted," Bebop nodded.

"Well, since Michelangelo is somewhat occupied, perhaps now we can be alone," Mudbrair smiled at Maud.

"Sounds good to me," Maud smiled back, and the two took their leave.

Suddenly Rocksteady remembered something. "C’mon, comrade Bebop. We promised crystal princess pony and shining pony we’d babysit baby pony."

"Aw snap!" Bebop said. "I completely forgot. We better get over there." And the two mutants hurried off.

"After this, Crusaders, we’re gonna have to make sure nobody finds that book again!" Apple Bloom stated to her friends.

"And how!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo agreed.

"Um Rarity?" Starlight asked. "Could we have that friendship dinner for two please?"

"Of course!" Rarity beamed. "But I’ll have to fix the table again."

"I’ll help," Fluttershy offered.

"And I’ll make a new batch of spaghetti and Brussel sprouts!" Pinkie added.

"In the meantime," Sunburst turned to Starlight. "Shall we take a stroll through the park, Starry Warry?"

Starlight chuckled and answered, "Of course, Sunny wunny!

Trixie gasped as Sunburst and Starlight left, not noticing them wink mischievously at each other. But the Crusaders noticed.


The Crusaders just laughed as Scootaloo whispered to the surprised Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie.

"Don’t worry. Big Mac and Cheerlie did the same to us."

Author's Note:

Mikey and co's first plan is based off The same plan Team Chaotix used when they tried to hook up Tails and Cosmo in Sonic X episode "Mission Match Up".

Trixie immatating Chrysalis is a reference to both characters being voiced by Kathleen Barr.

The song "Fade Away" by Mikey's voice actor Gred Cipes, who sang a remix of it in Teen Titans Go as Beast Boy.

Quotes by me and Warrioroffaith18.

Equestria Ninjas by Wildcard25.

Comments ( 10 )

That was very good

I loved doing this one

This was good for a laugh.

If you ever think about writing comedy stories, go for it.

I always wanted to be a comedian

I say you got potential.

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