• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 433 Views, 3 Comments

Pet-Napped - SunTwi06

Ahuizotl's plan of revenge involves kidnapping a group of friends.

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A long period of tracking and Ahuizotl is finally on the right trail of one particular Pegasus. Rainbow Dash, the same pony helping Daring Do destroy the temple in the midst of his ritual. And now… he finally discovers her location. Living in a small settlement to the south and from where he stands Ahuizotl knows how to exact his revenge.

To take something that rightfully belongs to her… something very precious. He watches as night falls, carefully noticing the other ponies responsible for stealing his victory. He watches as they frolic amongst all the little creatures…

Soon…” He breathed silently. “I will have my revenge…


Late in the night, Ahuizotl sneaks through the tiny town of Ponyville. Although the ponies are asleep by now, he is careful not to be seen. He first enters the home of one Alabaster unicorn residing in this town. Once inside, he spots a tiny cat carrier in the corner, and he hears tiny snores of its inhabitant inside. He silently opens the carrier door, sticks another paw out, and sprinkles some powder along the beast’s nose.

Ah… ah… chew!” The beast lightly sneezed.

But otherwise, the feline falls asleep without a fuss. In and out Ahuizotl slips through, his presence remains unknown to any pony wildly awake. And this process repeats up to the home of the pink pony, which only houses a tiny…

Alligator?” Ahuizotl thought, in confusion.

He smirks upon sight toward the creature, which raises its jaw as if trying to yawn.

Pitiful… an apex predator reduced to a common pet due to a defect? So sad I could just burst out laughing… but I won’t. Not just yet.

Silently, Ahuizotl climbs out the window with the sleepy gator in his grip. It does not take long to wait until the winged unicorn, the next stop in his list, is finally asleep. Once all the lights are out, he snatches the owl sleeping on the perch. He ponders over taking the dragon as well.

Noo…” Ahuizotl shook his head. “The little dragon’s supposedly the most intelligent creature in the group; besides, he’ll only cause me unnecessary headaches anyway.

Still, he wonders what possesses this unicorn to stay up this late at night. As he cautiously approaches her desk, he notices a book entitled ‘How to Counter and Control Undead for Fillies’.

I knew these ponies were insane, but… DAMN!

Now the yellow flyer, on the other hand, provides a very complex problem. Too many choices of pets to choose from. That is until he recognizes the rabbit, the one she brings to the meet and greets. Careful not to disturb the other animals, he stalks toward the basket, and clasps his hands around the rabbit’s mouth just as it opens it eyes. A bit of powder eliminates any resistance.

“Night-night, Doc,” Ahuizotl whispered, mischievously.

He soon approaches a small farm along the outskirts of town, the home of the orange hick. Truth be told, he knows ‘nothing’ about her other than this one fact… that she owns a dog.

I HATE DOGS!” Ahuizotl groaned to himself.

Their constant barking always make stealth difficult… thankfully, that’s why he has the powder. If the dog does not sniff him first. He carefully skips toward the barn, spotting the dog sleeping along the porch. Climbing up the trail, he sticks his hand over his lips, and blows the powder straight into the dog’s nose. He starts to reach down, but quickly retracts upon hearing hoof-steps inside. The door opens slowly and shuts quietly as a little filly steps out from the house.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Grave Diggers!” She whispered.

Ahuizotl had to stand as still as a statue as the filly walks by. But she is not alone, two other forms motion behind her. They both hold shovels and like the former they wear similarly dark robes.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Necromancers!” One filly spoke, excitedly.

“I don’t know girls…” The other one replied. “You sure this is a good idea?”

“Ah, course it is girls! We’ve tried everythin’ under the sun to get our cutie marks… maybe it’s time we branched out…”

The red-haired filly briefly turns only to spot a most unusual sight. Seemingly a statue of a rather ‘ugly’ creature standing right outside the porch. It maintains a very scary pose, as the filly observes curiously. One of her friends, the Unicorn, looks nervously toward the thing.

“Was that always there before?” She asked curiously.

“Hmm… probably a present for the Mayor or somethin’,” The Earth filly guessed. “Reckon Applejack’s been carvin’ it while we were busy.”

“Well leave it alone,” The little Pegasi replied. “Your sister probably doesn’t want it damaged or something. Wished I’d have thought of this.”

The fillies start to walk away from the statue, not even noticing a slight bead of sweat trailing off the side of the head. Still, the unicorn briefly turns back to the statue driven by a child’s curiosity.

“Pretty ugly monster,” She replied, walking away.

By the time their voices trails off in the distance, moving towards the pet cemetery, Ahuizotl’s eyes frown toward the passing trio.

I'll get those three later!” He thought.

Ahuzotl shutters at the thought of what those fillies are doing this late at night. Still, shortly after scooping up the snoozing dog, that leaves him with one last package to pick up: The Tortoise.


The cloud home is the hardest to reach, but fortunately Ahuizotl ventures toward the most difficult places in Equestria. Using a strange bicycle helicopter device, one he pilfers straight from the pink one’s home, he steadily flies toward it.

Don’t stop pedaling… don’t stop pedaling…” He instructed himself.

Still, he snickers to himself as he hurls some powder through a fluffy cloud wall onto a few prismatic mares, knocking them out cold. This leaves Ahuizotl free to fly through the cyan Pegasus’s home on the squeaky contraption. It’s not long for him to find the tortoise and scoop him up, carefully dabbing it with the last of his powder.

Looking around the house, he knocks over a purple, swirly vase over… of course it’s made of cloud and ‘can’ be repaired in moments. Still, he gets a modicum of pleasure out of it.

This is for the embarrassment you put me through,” Ahuizotl muttered.


By the time Ahuizotl finally leaves, the Pegasus’s home is a complete wreck. The refrigerator is left open, releasing all the cold. The toothpaste is completely squeezed out, plenty used to write some ‘offensive’ words on the bathroom mirror. And as far as the girls’ precious Daring Do collection, and her Wonderbolts costume… she is never going to find them. He snickers to himself, as he flies back to the comfort of his home. All of that just pales in comparison to all the things to Rainbow Dash, while the mare sleeps in her bed.


Sitting in his cave home, atop his own golden throne, the malicious Ahuizotl laughs to himself.

“Those fools will never know what I have done to their precious treasures,” Ahuizotl declared to himself. “Not till I, the great Ahuizotl, says so. And the moment I do, they’ll be begging Daring Do to hand over the Amulet of Atulment. Ha-ha, at last… the dark magic of the Quetzalcoatl Empress will be mine at last!”

He looks around expecting to see his loyal servants before him… then he remembers they are gone… deserting him… following the temple’s destruction.


The creature screeches in pain, as he feels something clamps his tail. He whips his tail around and around in a circle, spotting the sad alligator clamping itself onto it.

“The no-gums gator!” Ahuizotl shouted. “You’re awake!”


Wait!” Ahuizotl pondered. “Why would ‘that’ hurt me? Oh well…


Ahuizotl struggles to pry the gator off his tail, the little guy proving to have a very tight grip. Frantically, his head looks around to all the cages in his secret hideout. They are designed to be small enough to hold them, as small as possible… except he forgets one thing.

“Curses!” Ahuizotl grunted, in pain. “All these cages are designed for ponies!”

Finally, with one ounce of strength, Ahuizotl finally pries the gator off his tail… but not without losing a bit of fur. He barely keeps the tears from falling even after seeing the exposed skin of that one spot on his tail. Soon as he recovers, he glares toward the little gator… who just stares at him, barely blinking.

“You’re lucky I need you alive for the ransom!” He screeched at the gator. “Or else I’d turn you into boots straight out of a Haberdashery!”


“The Alligator that’s who!”



The beast angrily turns around only to see the owl flying around the room, his eyes following the bird in every which way. And by the time he lands, the rest of the other pets stand around the owl. The brown-and-white dog growls before the beast while the puffy white cat hisses with her claws out.

“Ergh… YOU PETS!!!”

He picks up a nearby stone and hurls it right where they stand. Not so much to hit either of them, but he succeeds in scaring them as they scatter about. Course, the rabbit takes one look toward Ahuizotl and gives him a raspberry for his troubles.

“WHY… YOU?!?!?!” Ahuizotl grew angrier.

Finally losing his patience, Ahuizotl pursues the pets racing all over his secret hideout. Even the tortoise, surprising keeps a large distance from the big beast with that strange helicopter contraption upon his shell (How he fails to notice that is beyond him). The chase leads them through one of a series of halls… next thing Ahuizotl and the other animals are racing through opposite halls, one after another, in many directions. It proves so confusing that Ahuizotl swears he sees a double of him running the opposite of his direction.

“Huh?” Ahuizotl scratches his head. “Boy, am I off today—”

“Excuse me?” A monotone voice spoke.

Ahuizotl spins around in fury and turns to the source behind him. A purplish grey mare stares toward the creature.

“Is this the right place?” She asked.

“Oh, well now that depends on one question…” Ahuizotl spoke calmly, then snapped. “WHAT’RE YOU DOING HERE?!?!”

“Boulder said this is where all the pets were going,” She spoke blandly.

“Boulder?” Ahuizotl raised a brow, confused. “And did you come alone? Or is this ‘friend’ with you?”

“He’s hiding in my pocket.”

The mare casually reached into the pocket of her cloak, which Ahuizotl finds rather odd even after facing a pony wearing clothes before. But none as strange as what she reveals from her pocket… a tiny boulder that is ‘literally’ Boulder.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Ahuizotl questioned.

“I see all the pets here,” The pony observed. “Boulder must be right.”

Ahuizotl stands in shock at how calmly she is taking this whole scenario, watching her as she seems to be ‘staring’ at the rock for a moment.

“Behave yourself Boulder.”

Then before his eyes, the stone-faced pony sets the rock down upon his feet and walks slowly out of the cave.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Ahuizotl called out. “I don’t know how you found my hideout, but you come all this way… just to drop off a pebble?!?!”

“It was rude of you not to invite him to an all-pets party,” The mare merely replied.

Ahuizotl’s eyes twitch slightly as she slowly makes her way out. All at once, he starts grabbing as many weapons as he can find and throws each blade toward the mare one by one. But no matter how many times he throws and how many weapons he casts out, she neither speeds up nor slows, and every single weapon misses their mark.

“How could I miss when I’m so used to aiming at that rapidly quick Daring Do?!” Ahuizotl shouted.

Sighing with frustration, Ahuizotl sits himself upon the seat of his throne confused beyond words. If this mare, whom he knows not of her name, can find him then surely the other ponies are on their way by now. And it is certainly not going to look good on a villain’s resume if word of this gets out.

Suddenly, he hears a slight disturbance of sound penetrate the quiet air around him. He turns toward the side and sees some shadowy silhouettes of what appears to be the bunny sharing a conversation with the other animals. Slowly, Ahuizotl crawls his way toward the collective group seeing that the little bunny is acting as ringleader, directing them in some crazy way. He reaches for a nearby axe hanging off the wall, takes careful aim to where the shadows are coming from.

Just before he lets the axe fly, he hears a very loud *SCREECH!* high above him. He looks up and suddenly the owl flies toward him and dumps a small puff of a very familiar powder clogging his nose. He violently snorts out the powder covering his nostrils, breathing heavily to regain some oxygen. Only to find, a rather odd scent flows back up and…

“GAG!!!” Ahuizotl gasped, clutching his throat.

He proceeds to gasp three times, whistles loudly, and then… *BOING!* his body instantly freezes stiff, and he falls backward toward the ground with a loud *CRASH!*


A few hours later…

Ahuizotl slowly opens his eyes, finding himself still sitting upon his throne. A groan escapes his lips as he suddenly clutches his head, feeling a massive headache building up.


He wakes quick to a sharp pain in his tail, making him stand straight up. He flicks his tail up to his face only to see the alligator once more gnawing his tail with his mouth full of gums.

“Why you little!!!” Ahuizotl grumbled. “I oughtta—”


A high-speed flying tortoise knocks him along the head and sends the alligator flying off the tail. Ahuizotl clutches his head and barely turns when the tortoise continuously crashes into Ahuizotl over and over.

*BONK!!! BONK!!! BONK!!!*

One last impact sends the beast reeling into a nearby mirror, enduring the worst headache of his life. As he stumbles about, groaning in pain, his vision clears in time to see the dog sitting on the floor with a board of wood on its back.

“What the wha???” Ahuizotl questioned.

What is most interesting is the fact the cat is sitting upon the side of the board opposite himself. One paw lifts up and her claws extend as she seems to give an evil look toward the beast. Before Ahuizotl can react, a shrilling whistle compels him to look. The rabbit is just beside a vase hanging over the board and his feet ready to thump.

Ahuizotl quietly gasps and slowly shakes his head. To which the rabbit merely nods back evilly. Cringing his face, Ahuizotl shakes his head much faster… only for the rabbit to knock the purple, swirly vase over… onto the board… and his eyes widen at the sight of a screeching ball of hate hurling toward him.

“AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Ahuizotl screams, feeling the claws on his face. “GET ‘ER OFF!!! GET ‘ER OFF!!!”

But poor Ahuizotl’s screams cut show when the owl suddenly drops a bucket of water from above, right onto him and the kitty. The cat suddenly starts screeching loudly, as Ahuizotl’s screams are muffled as he runs about the room with a bucket on his head and the cat is still clawing at him. By the time he has the strength to lift the bucket aside and throw the cat off his face, his appearance resembles that of someone shaving with a piece of glass.

Breathing heavily, he looks about his hideout only to find everything is a complete mess. Ancient artifacts in a billion pieces, tapestries with tears and rips, and his complete rack of weapons… all lying on the side.

“THAT’S IT!!!” He screamed.

At a rapid pace, Ahuizotl gathers all the animals in one quick hurry and flings them into a single cage one by one. After locking the door tight, he throws the cage down a very small, yet not very deep pit. Though there are those small enough to simply slip through the cage, they can not even fly out. And those too large to escape the cage simply sit there squished together.

“Rot in there till I have my reward!!!” Ahuizotl shouted from above.

Growling and muttering inappropriate words, Ahuizotl proceeds to start cleaning the mess around his home. Most of the bits and pieces are not too difficult to clean up. Apart from some more… ‘messy’ leftovers the pets ever so generously leave behind. How these ponies can put up with these creatures is beyond him. Shortly after sweeping the floor of the remains of the vase, an exasperated sigh escapes his lips.

“Boy do I need a drink…” He complained. “And a heavy one at best… and then I’m done for the day…”

He limps his way toward the pantry, opens it wide… only to find it empty. His jaw practically drops toward the floor.


He searched around every shelf in the pantry, but not even a crumb can be found. He flings open the drawer where he keeps his collection of hard cider. But to his shock and dismay, he sees all the bottles are empty. A small rock perches precariously along the edge of a mug, swaying as if seemingly on its own. Until at last the rock falls over into the last container with any fluid left.

“That’s impossible!!!” Ahuizotl gasped.


Ahuizotl eyes widen, and he slowly turns his head to the pit with the other animals. All of a sudden, he sees that smug-looking rabbit wielding a small stick, atop the owl like a valiant knight. He slowly reaches his arm for that one drink, only to find the mug the rock falls into… is empty…

“You little—”


Suddenly, the owl flies straight toward Ahuizotl’s head, knocking him back through the pantry, and the door shuts by itself. There are cries and shouts of agony, as a fight starts to erupt inside the pantry including the breaking and smashing of crates and bottles. And Ahuizotl screaming and shouting, pulling on the door trying to get out but it is all in vain.



A large sack wanders through the dark ruins, sitting atop a wagon. All the animals, with Angel Bunny taking the lead atop Owlowiscious the owl, directs the animals to drag the wagon. Tank the tortoise drags the wagon himself, while Winona the dog and Opal the Cat marches along both sides of the wagon. Ahuizotl’s head is exposed atop the sack, on the edge of tears. Sitting atop his head is the little gator, Gummy, and a very hungover Boulder atop of Gummy’s head.

The wagon leads to the town of Ponyville, where a Purple alicorn is scolding some unfortunate fillies over some late-night escapades. Just then, the bag drops dead center by their position as the ponies turn with confusion. And Ahuizotl just sits in the sack, his eye twitching and shuddering with rage. All while the devilish rabbit leans against the defeated beast, gnawing on a carrot.

Ain’t I a stinker?” Angel thought.

Comments ( 3 )

One of the most hilarious reads I've had a chance to view.

Now this was some good stuff, a shame it isn’t longer

I don't wanna be that guy, but apparently there's a character tag labeled "Pets"

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