• Published 29th Aug 2021
  • 701 Views, 6 Comments

The Job of A Keyblade Wielder - Zeo-13

This is a story of a Keyblade Wielder who was the last one standing after the Keyblade War, but what happened after that? Come dive into the story and find out what happen.

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Chapter 1: The End, and A New Beginning

In a dark, cold, and sad world was a place that had a war happen not too long ago, where forces of light came here and fought each other all trying to stop the darkness. All that was left was the hearts of all of the fallen floating into the sky and the land covered head to toe in the weapons of all of the fallen warriors, it even made a cross road in the middle of it all, and in the middle of it was the last one. The last one of the war on the ground was still somehow alive still as he was in broken armor, all he could do was barely stay awake as he looked up at the dark stormy clouds above his head as he saw all the hearts of those fallen float up in the sky.

“......Cold....that's all I can feel....the cold wind of the war and battle ashes on me....at first there was shouting....yelling....fighting....now all that's left is nothing but...... silence..... The cold metal of my armor and the broken parts of it around me hurt even more and I.....I am so......so.....tired.....I can just barely hold on to my heart as I can feel it slowly slipping away from me. I can barely move with how hurt and tired I am.....I barely move my arms, or any part of my own body, along with my own head and eyes......all I can do is....is just think. Think about what happened as I feel that all I did, every good deed and fight I fought was all for what? For me to end up like this? ……..So…..this is it huh? After all I did, all the adventures and fun….has led to me here……” the person said as it sounded like a guy as he sounded a little young.

he thought to himself as he just let out a sigh, not of relief but of one to just accept it, even though he didn’t want to. He had been through so much in so little time, but yet he took his time though it all just to enjoy it, all he did now was just close his eyes for a little bit as he started to remember his friends he made along the way, as he then started to remember one more thing…..his promise to Ephemera.

All of the sudden he was pulled out of his thoughts as he felt the rain stop pouring down on him, he then slowly opened his eyes again to see that the rain had stopped and now all there was in the sky were nothing but clouds and the hearts of those who had fallen. All of the people form all of the different unions all in the sky, looking at it now, he wishes he should have listened to Master Avas words to leave and to join the dandelions and get far away from here, and yet, he didn’t.

Was for the honor of being a keyblade wielder? To fight for the light against the darkness? Or was it just to fight? By now, he’s already forgotten the reason why, all he can do now is just….wait, wait until he joins them.

“…..I…..just wish….I can do….so much more…..SO MUCH MORE!!” He yelled out into the sky, hearing his voice echo across the dead and lifeless land hearing it ringing in his ears as it slowly started to fade away into the distance.

Feeling his heart fading away he just relaxed and accepted his fate and closed his eyes, waiting to feel nothing. After a while he then felt the pain go away making him think he was now gone from his world, but he actually still felt the same for a while and all the sudden he then started to feel himself falling down.

“H-Huh? What the?” He then immediately opens his eyes to find himself in a dark open void with him slowly falling down but his body not moving still, “W-What’s going on?”

“Man aren’t you just a handful” a voice says in the darkness, almost echoey, making our warrior look around to find the source of the voice but all he could see is nothing but endless darkness, “Who’s there?”

“Really? You don’t recognize my voice? Some partner you are” it spoke again as it had a small voice and sounded like a girl too.

“Wait…I…I know you…Chirithy?” As soon as he asked, a small light shines brightly above him, making him use his gloved hand to shield his eyes, his eyes trying to adjust to the light after being in the dark for a while.

As the light shined brightly it slowly floated down to him and stopping just a few feet away from him, it then glowed brighter for a few seconds before it disappeared only to reveal a cat-like creature with a large, rounded head; drooping ears, and a smaller body and tail as it had gray-colored fur, with black stripes appearing at regular intervals across the body. It had two blue eyes and a tiny peach-colored nose, in addition to black ears. The area surrounding the nose is colored white, as is a strip of flesh down the front of the creature's body was a pink and gold purse decorated with a white little star emblem that hangs down from the creatures neck with a yellow and pale blue cape behind it flowing in the non-egsidinet wind.

After seeing the light fade away he then moved his hand out of the way to see the cat-like creature making him just look at it in silence for a few minutes.

“Ch-Chirithy? I-is that you?” He asked, almost tearing up at the sight of his friend.

“Of course it’s me! Who else would I be? Some other Chirithy that would risk their neck for you and pull a lot of strings?” She asked shaking her head looking up at him.

He was confused by what his friend meant when all the sudden he then felt his body starting to move on its own into an upright position as he then felt his feet touch something and land looking around to see he was standing on nothing. He then takes a step forward, and covers his face and eyes as hundreds of birds fly out of a bright light from where he stepped, revealing a platform with five emblems adorning it.

Seeing everything calm down he then put his arms down after seeing the thing he was standing on was a platform with very familiar emblems on it, he turned to see his friend looking up at him.

“What’s going on? I thought that once a person loses their heart their Chirithy disappears too”

“Yes I normally would but I was able to pull some strings to give you one more chance”

“Really? You… did that for me?” He asks as he then smiles brightly as he was told he’s getting another chance.

“Don’t get your hopes too high,” she said, looking up at him.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well you can’t just go back to a place where you just died, so you have to go somewhere else, a very far away place” she said after hearing that he then looked down almost sad, “But hey look on the bright side! You’ll still have your memories and your Keyblade and stuff so umm that’s something, right?” she asked, trying to cheer her friend up after now just thinking that she should have told him that first instead of starting off with the bad news.

“I….I won’t see daybreak town again?” he asked, still looking down with a sad voice.

“I’m afraid not, like I said you can’t go back to a place where you’re already gone from that world, and plus the fact that it’s probably deserted now with all of the others that either fought in the war or left with the dandelions”

“Yeah…I know….but…what about my promise?” he asked, remembering his promise.

“Who knows, you might see them again someday” she said as she saw him look up and nodded, “Just remember that if you keep those who are special to you in your heart, you’ll never forget them”

After hearing that he then took his hand and put it on his chest to where his heart is, “Yeah, your right Chirithy, you always are”

“I know I am, now before you go, why don’t we fix that armor of yours” after she said that she then pointed at him and almost immediately he was covered in light for a few seconds before it faded away to show that his armor was completely repaired and looked like it was brand new.

He then started to inspect himself looking at his repaired armor now nice and shiny, “whoa”

“There you go nice and new, if you need to repair it again just return to wearing your normal clothes”

“Right” he said as he then tapped his shoulder and in a bright shine of light his armor disappeared to leave him to wearing a white t-shirt with a long black cloak with black gloves and boots and a silver zipper going all the way from the top of his head down to his feet as the cloak was unzipped around the waist area. On his right shoulder was a small armor piece that was silver with black detailing.

“Good, now just a little footnote is that you can use your choice of transportation, whether it be through gateways or through your glider, got it?”

“Got it” he said as he then looked at his friend one more time, “well….I guess I’ll see you later huh?”

“Yeah, in just a few seconds this will be the last time we see each other”

“What are you talking about? Didn’t you just say that if I remember you in my heart I’ll always be able to see you?”

“Oh so NOW you listen to me” she said as the two looked at each other for a minute before they slowly started to break into laughter at how funny their argument was.

After a few minutes of laughing they both calmed down from their laughing, as soon as they did though they both saw that he was slowly starting to glow. He then looked at his friend one more time before showing a warm smile across his face, he then closed his eyes and then he vanished out of the light being sent to a new world.

Chirithy then looked up to see a small bright light going up in the void before disappearing in the darkness, “See you later my friend”

Somewhere in a world full of light in an opening in a forest some beautiful flowers were blooming and blowing nicely in the slow wind on a bright sunny day, when all the sudden the wind started to slowly pick up faster and faster blowing some of the pedals on the flowers to fly away and the branches on the trees move a lot while some leafs were getting blow off too. As this was happening a bright light started to shine brightly out of nowhere as it got a little bit brighter before as soon as it came it then disappeared and the wind started to return to normal, when the light disappeared it left nothing but a small pony in a black cloak with almost pale fur, it had a spiky whiteish sliver main as the tail too was a little spiky with the same coloring, it’s eyes were bright silver too as it had a little bit of red in them.

The pony then looked around to see it was in a bright green forest, “Wow, this place is beautiful” he said as he then looked down and saw that his entire body changed, “W-What the?!” He said as he saw that he then started to inspect his body seeing it turned completely into a pony.

“I-I’m a horse! W-Why am I a horse?!” He asked himself before he then remembered something from his lessons, “that’s right, when you go to a different world the magic around us changes us to fit in to keep the world order” after remembering that he then started to calm down as he then took his front left hoof and looked at it, “Hmm no fingers, so I guess that I might have to use my mouth to hold my Keyblade hmm haven’t done that be for, well if my favorite anime character can do it why can’t I? I mean, how hard can it be?”


“Huh?” he then turned his head after hearing someone call for help trying to find where it came from.


After the second time hearing it again he then heard it clearly to where it was coming from, “Well I guess I’m about to find out, HANG ON!” he yelled as he then started to run towards where the screams for help were coming from.

However he was having trouble with the walking fo a little bit but was able to get the hang of it…..until he tripped over his legs and fell face first into the dirt, “Grrrr come on, think as if I’m crawling” he said to himself as he then pushed himself up and started to slowly trot then picked up the speed after a few steps.

A few minutes later he then stopped to a halt to see what was happening, he saw three smaller horses huddling together as eight neo-shadows were slowly getting closer to them, the three then held each other tight as one jumped up ready to strike them, “STOPGA!”

The three then open their eyes to see the shadow character floating in mid air with a wearied symbols around it, they would look at it confused when all the sudden something came out of the trees and sliced through the shadow creature and landing on the ground as the shadow creature then started to fade away as a heart floated out of it and floated up in the air.

The three little horses looked at the thing that landed in front of them as it looked like a sword as they had never seen something like it before, it looked like some sort of key sword as it was silver, gold, and black and at the and of the blade was a heart and with pointed at the end.

After seeing the weapon the shadow creatures started to get more restless as a horse wearing a black cloak jumped out of the bushes just as when the shadows jumped into the air ready to attack the three little horses, the horse wearing the cloak jumped on the hilt of the weird blade sending it in the air, the horse then reached up and grab the blade with his mouth grabbing the handle before spinning in a circle slicing all of the neo-shadows in the air as they all disappeared in smoke as hearts floated up in the air disappearing.

The three kid horses would look at him completely amazed at what he did as the their hero then looked back at them as he saw that one of them was a bright orange with a purple mane and tail as they also had a pair of small wings, the next was a bright white one with purple and white mane and it had a horn, the last one was just like him as this one was yellow with a red bow on their head as their mane and tail were charry red too.

After they calmed down the yellow cleared her throat, “W-Who are you?”

After she asked he then desummoned his Keyblade as it disappeared in a small bright light, he then turned around to look at them and smiled, “My name is Zero, nice to meet you

Author's Note:

Welcome to my second story, a Kingdom hearts story this time. Just like the other story I made I would like to hear your thoughts on it so I can improve as I go along. For those who don't know this is at the end of KHuX just to help those who don't know whats going on and for the MLP time line well you'll just have to wait and see, so I hope you all enjoy this story too and my your heart be your guiding key.

Comments ( 6 )

This seems promising, hope it continues to go well! I've never read a story on fimfiction that uses the KHUX storyline, so hope this will be a good one for that.

Hey I loved kingdom hearts it's one of my favorite games and I love reading fanfics about it I hope to see more chapters and it's cool to see one like this using a welder from the war nice 👍

Will we see what happens next?

If I may ask, is there any plans for Spike in this?

In what context?


Like will he get to do anything or get some cool stuff and such?

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