• Published 27th Dec 2021
  • 1,140 Views, 13 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls Fresh Start - Alvaxerox

This story is a remake of Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls, but this time, with better writing.

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Chapter 5: Sirens and Tree Wolves

Spider-Girl was dodging Adagio Dazzle. 'So this is that siren girl Sunset and the girls told me about.' She thought to herself. 'But she thinks I'm the other me from Equestria .' Spider-Girl then kicks Adagio in the face, she went flying and fell on the floor, knocked out. She then noticed something on her. 'Vines too? That can't be right. She must also be controlled by whoever is doing all this.' Spider-Girl.was trying to figure out the views until they burned out. "Well that's weird." She said. Just then her spider-sense started tingling.

She then sees a tree monster running after her, she managed to get out of its way. Unfortunately, it was trying to kill her. Spider-Girl got a good look at what it was. It looked like some kind of tree Wolf. "Nice doggy... Nice... Big tree doggy." She questions herself how or why is this a thing. But she didn't have time to question, she was fighting the tree wolf and shot her webbing onto its mouth. It tries to use its tree like paws to break free, but just then, her spider-sense went off again. She smelled smoke and then she then noticed... Fire. It was burning the warehouse. Spider-Girl panicked. She wanted to stop the tree wolf, but she can't leave Adagio Dazzle to die in the fire, she'd be no better then her. But then the tree wolf tried to attack her again. So she used her magic webbing to shot at its torso and through it the wall, falling into the fire, burning it up and exploding into pieces.

"Okay, I believe that's all the time we have for today." Spider-Girl said. "I think we made some real progress today Adagio, I really think so." She then holds Adagio from her hands. "Look, I don't know you, but when you get prison, remember to share your feelings.wkth the rest of the inmates okay?" Spider-Girl then leaped of the warehouse via a window and then she webs up Adagio to a street lamp as she goes and the police came.

"Hmmm... So, the thug said that the vines come from trees, bushes, and under the soil of the dirt." She said. "Hmmm....what would Peter do?" She then got a ring from her phone. Moondancer was calling her. "Hello?"

"Twilight are you okay?" Moondancer asked.

"I'm fine." Spider-Girl said. "But your gonna believe what I saw and fought."

"What is it?" Moondancer asked.

"Well, I found this siren girl who attacked CHS a while ago before I transferred there." Spider-Girl said. "But that's not the shocking part. I saw what looks like a tree wolf."

"A tree wolf?" Moondancer asked.

"It was a wolf made of branches or something. It was freaky." Spider-Girl said. "The thug told me that the vines mostly come out of the ground or anything that has bushes or trees."

"So it has to come somewhere near environments like that." Moondancer suggested.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head for bed. Perhaps I find out more about this tomorrow." Spider-Girl said.

"Okay then. I'll keep you updated on what I could find that could lead to a clue. Bye." Moondancer said.

"Bye Moondancer." Spider-Girl said as she hung up her phone. "Maybe Sunset could know about these Wolf tree monsters. Maybe she has them in Equestria."

Spider-Girl swings away to her home, unaware that someone was watching her from the shadows. And it shows a girl about her age, with a flower crown on her head. "Looks like she'll be getting closer to the case." The girl said. "I can't let her interfere again. Underestimate me once, shame on me, but underestimate me twice..." Her eye started twitching. "I'm not going to let her stop me. I got this." Then girl then left.

Things were about to get interesting.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I ran out of ideas so this chapter is short.