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Flutter-Loud Babysitters, Part 1

Author's Note:

First Episode is a bit of a what-if scenario inspired by the Loud House Episode "No Guts, No Glori."

In short, the Loud parents, Fluttershy's parents, and Cato and Cameron's parents shoehorn the three into babysitting the Loud Children while the Loud Parents are out on a date. Since Cato and Cameron have only seen the Louds when they are not being crazy, they are totally unprepared for the shenanigans that occur, yet their eventual approach to babysitting the kids unintentionally comes out contrasting to Lori's methods, placing Cato in an awkward situation.

Also: bit of a reference to the Live Action Loud House Movie coming up in Nov 2021, because one of the moments in this episode is based off of one of the scenes from the trailer. And a little bit of Spoilers for Equestria Games Rewritten Book 2, which in this case, I can't avoid since this is set between Book 2 and the yet to be worked on Book 3.

It's late afternoon at the Loud House, as Cato's black suburdan pulls into the driveway right after the Loud Parents leave. Inside is Cato in the driver's seat, and Cameron and one of his girlfriends Fluttershy in the back seats. Cato turns to the two of them, an anxious look on his face. Cameron and Fluttershy, likewise, both have similar expressions on their faces. Each of them knows what they're going to have to do for the next three hours, and none of them are really fine with it.

"Alright" Cato says as he shifts gears into park, turns off the car, takes out the keys and gets out of the vehicle. "We're here."

Cameron sighs, then he unbuckles his seat belt, gets out of the Suburdan, and begins speaking to the Fourth Wall.

"Right now, you're probably wondering what me, Cato, and Fluttershy are doing at the Loud House today. Well, you happen to be in luck, as despite my anxious mood right now, I still feel kind enough to provide you with an explanation. Basically, Lynn Senior and his wife, Rita, wanted to go on a date by themselves, but needed someone that's good with kids and can handle all kinds of situations.. I'm not kidding when I say this.. to help babysit their 11 children. Yeah, 11 children in a two story house that's known for chaos from what their neighbors have said to me and Cato's parents. Talk about a tall order. Anyway, even though their oldest daughter is 18, which happens to be Lori, one of my brother's girlfriends, Lynn Senior has been following through on his commitment to becoming a better person after the events of my rage over their mistreatment of Lincoln and has, for some reason, banned her from watching over the other kids. So, without us having a say, me and Cato's parents and Fluttershy's parents eagerly volunteered the three of us to watch over the Loud Children. Even though me and Cato are in a relationship with 5 of the 11 children in the Loud House, the thought of us having to deal with their insanity really didn't sit well with the two of us. But, we didn't have a choice, so here we are. Honestly, I hope these 3 hours the three of us have to spend babysitting them aren't like too crazy."

Cameron ends his monologue and follows Cato and Fluttershy to the front door. Cato rings the door bell and the three teens just stand there, waiting for one of the kids to open the door, tense and anxious.

"I'm just going to say this now, I honestly hope I don't lose my mind in there" Cato said, taking a really deep breath after saying that. Cameron looks up at Cato, and nervously nods. It's understandable why both boys feel this way, as does Fluttershy. Cato and Cameron's only experience with the entire Loud Family was when they had dinner with them before the Friendship Games when they weren't acting crazy. They've heard the stories of the craziness that would emit from the house from what the Louds' neighbors told their parents, but even so, they really didn't know what to expect from them when they were being crazy.

"It's going to be alright. At least, I hope it will" Fluttershy says shyly. Just then, they hear a click at the door. Cato walks in as the door opens, only to recieve a pie square in the face and a familiar laugh. He sighs, because he clearly knows who it is.

"Luan.." he says, slightly annoyed. "..Seriously, what gives?" Luan only laughs some more, before calming down.

"Oh, Cato.." Luan giggles. "That's one pie of a mess!" She laughs some more as Cameron gets some paper towels and cleans his brother's face. When he's finished and puts them in the trash, Cameron turns to Luan, who starts blushing. Cameron, despite the anxiety he's feeling, can't help but smirk.

"Guessing someone's missed me" he says, and Luan nods. After all, only over a week before, she was at the hospital with tears in her eyes, praying that Cameron and Cato would recover the psychological trauma they had endured at the hands of Midnight Sparkle, who they actually defeated before having full blown meltdowns from the trauma. When Cameron and Cato finally came out of the hospital, she, Luna, Leni, Lincoln, and Lynn Jr had all hugged him, crying into his chest, joyful that the boy who had changed their lives so much had managed to recover from the trauma he had endured while he was cheating death for the second time with his older brother. Luan then turns around and yells to the rest of the Louds upstairs.

"Hey siblings!" she hollers. "Cato and Cameron and Fluttershy are here to babysit us!"

The reaction from Luan's siblings is in two different forms. Lori, Lincoln, Lynn Jr, Leni, and Luna all race down the stairs to hug Cato and Cameron. While Lori, Lynn Jr, Leni, Luan, and Luna were all in a romantic relationship with the two brothers, Cameron and Lincoln saw each other more as brothers. For Lincoln, Cameron was like the brother he never had, while Cameron thought of Lincoln as his adorable little brother. Either way, it actually gave comfort to Cameron that while he wasn't sure whether he, Fluttershy, and Cato would come out of these three hours without losing their minds or not, he could at least spend some time with the person that helped him to single-handely cause the Loud Family to change, a feat in its own right. While they were too busy being hugged by the girls, Fluttershy notices that Lucy who is holding Lily, the twins Lana and Lola, and Lisa all come downstairs in a different tone, almost as if reluctantly. Fluttershy's mind begins to wonder.

Deep down inside Cato and Cameron's minds, however, both are thinking one thing: the clock has started, hope we survive. 1 minute down. 2 hours and 59 minutes to go.

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