• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 2,782 Views, 33 Comments

Detective Conan: The Colt - ABagOVicodin

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Party Panic: Part 1

Panting and running, that is all that mattered right now. Cerulean eyes stared ahead at the sidewalk as it moved below his vision and behind him. The child stressed his lungs and heart in order to keep them beating. Japan was now an obstacle course, and his prey would escape if he wasn't careful. The blue jacket of the man he was chasing continued to billow in the wind, but the predator knew his victim was running out of energy. Once the distance between the two of them was closed, Conan reached down towards his sneakers and turned the dial on the side. He was standing right next to a store which was still renovating. This meant more objects to stop culprits with. The humming feeling in his foot started to radiate through his body, and a well placed kick collided into a nearby brick. The brick shot through the air, but missed his target. The convict turned to the right and moved into an alleyway. Conan didn't waste any more time. He closed the distance between himself and the alleyway, and right when he was about to reach for his watch, a large pain started to spread through his head. Darkness clouded his vision.


“Hey. Are you okay? Hello?” A scratchy voice asked.

Conan felt some pressure on his forehead from a harder surface, possibly made from bone or flesh, or some combination between the two. Pain shot through his head and he gasped after his eyes opened. Magenta hues were staring back at him, a light blue pony hovering over him. Her wings were keeping her body in the air while she set on her new task to make sure Conan was alive. Rainbow Dash's hoof did not leave his head, and he felt the pressure on his forehead a few more times. He was being poked awake. “Please stop it.” Conan said.

He was lying on his back, but the alignment of his body wasn't exactly equal to a human's. The breeze on his nose was covering more of his face, and he reached his hands up to press against his snout. At this point Rainbow Dash knew Conan was awake, and she smiled. “Well, glad to see that you are awake.” She said, as her head moved a few inches away from the foal.

Conan tried to flex his fingers in order to test his motor muscles and reflexes, only to find that any fingers that he previously held, were now turned into a light brown hoof. He lifted both of his arms up into his field of vision, and his eyes widened before he gasped. “What the...” Unlike his previous case, he was stumped. He was a pony? This was a dream. It had to be. Conan tried to move himself into a standing position with the regular movements of a human, only to find that he was unable to do such a thing. Standing up as a human was different and easier than as a pony. He turned back to Rainbow Dash, who placed her hoof nearby his forehead.

“You hurt your head.” The mare stated, and she scanned her field of vision for any kind of doctor or somepony who could help.

“Thanks, I can tell from the splitting headache that I have.” Conan replied. After the realization that his balance was now completely off, he moved to his hooves. Now that he was finally vertical, Conan could figure out exactly what was wrong. Rainbow didn't seem to want to leave him alone however.

“You need to get some help. Last time I went to the doctor, they fixed me up within a few days!” Rainbow said, and she grabbed Conan's hoof. She started to drag him in the direction of the hospital. Despite Conan's struggling, their destination was slowly approaching. Conan was taller than his human counterpart, this much was certain. But he was still small, compared to the one who was now trying to break his hoof. He was hunched over onto all four of his limbs, and continued to walk while his previous memories were being retrieved. The memories of the last few weeks, of having to endure solving cases while figuring out exactly where the Organization was were available. But last night was not. Something was wrong here. Either his brain was being messed with, or he just turned from a human into a pony, overnight.

“Hey foal. What's your name?” Rainbow asked.

Conan was knocked back into reality (if this could be called such a thing) by Rainbow's question, and he blinked a few times before staring at her. “Uh... Conan. Conan Edogawa.” The child replied.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and the two stopped walking. Conan appreciated this, but he had a feeling that he was still going to attend the hospital. As much as he appreciated doctors and their line of work, the paper trail which was left behind by numerous amounts of doctor visits were not helpful to his current predicament. A medical history was nice, but when an Organization which checked nearly every single piece of paper in Japan was after you, the last thing you wanted was evidence of your existence. “That's a weird name.” Rainbow Dash replied, “Why were you named that?”

Conan paused. Certainly the meaning of his name was not something that he should be worried about, especially when he was in a world populated with enough bright colors to brighten the days of anyone who passed through these parts. But he had to be careful. Even his highest level of care ended up almost killing his friends and family. This blue mare was not dangerous, yet. The meaning of his name wouldn't hurt. “My parents loved the books made by Arthur Conan Doyle and Edogawa Ranpo. So my name was mixed in with those.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Great,” she thought, “Another Egghead.”

Apparently she didn't know him, which gave Conan some information. Perhaps he was going to have to treat this event like a case. Information was scarce, which meant he was going to have to acquire it himself. Would going to a hospital give him any information? Probably not, but if his head was really hurting as much as the pounding was telling him, then a stay in the hospital was the smarter move. Maybe their records wouldn't be watched by the Organization. If he could, then not living in fear of the Organization for a while would be nice.

The two entered the hospital, and a light pink mare looked up from her clipboard. A smile moved across her face, as she asked exactly what the problem was. He scanned over her body, noticing a small amount of muscle on her back hooves when they were compared to the mare to the left of him. Perhaps she played a sport, or contained a more active lifestyle. His body may have changed, but his personality sure didn't. The entire waiting room exudes a warm and inviting feeling. Conan assumed it was because a comfortable patient ended up going to the doctor more, which was false. The capitalistic society of Japan was completely different from the monarchy of Equestria. The comforting feeling was applied so that patients would be healed as quickly as possible. His attention on the room drew his focus from the conversation between the two mares, which in turn, surprised him when the doctor approached the two of them. “Hello,” he said, “How are you feeling today?”

“Not as well as I wish.” Conan responded.

The doctor smiled and started his walk to one of the hospital beds, while he motioned Conan to follow. Conan laid back against the bed, small crinkling noises irritating his headache while he stared up at the ceiling. It almost felt unreal that every single color in this place was amplified. Yellows were not painful to look at, but remained bright and removed from the scourge of human modernity. The rainbow on Dash's mane was brighter than any other splash of color which followed rain in Japan. It was surprising, and a little nice. Conan's mouth opened and the doctor started to examine it, along with covering his face with a handkerchief. Conan's headache was not pounding as much, but the lack of sight was somewhat disconcerting. Any time that his sight was removed, bad things usually happened. Murders, arson, and kidnappings usually followed.

His pulse was checked, followed by an eye examination. Conan was wondering if this doctor was not exactly proficient in his field, since his headache was obviously caused by trauma to his head. However there was no mark on his head, where a metal object supposedly hit him. The doctor turned the lights back on, and Conan looked to his left. Rainbow looked extremely bored, as she sat in a chair and read some magazine on “The Wonderbolts”.

“You don't have to stay here for me.” Conan said.

Rainbow looked up from her magazine and sighed in relief, before she walked over to the door. “Alrighty, I'll see you later!” she replied, before walking out of the room.

Conan turned to the doctor, who was now writing down Conan's afflictions on a clipboard. Conan made a mental note to steal that piece of paper later, until he knew this city was completely safe. “Let's see here,” the doctor started, as he lightly tapped Conan's head to check his sensitivity to touch. “It looks like you may have fallen off of a tree or from a large height, in order to hurt your head this badly. I suggest you go home and rest for the day. I can write a note for your teacher if you want.”

“Thanks, but I am okay.” Conan responded, as he moved off of the bed and onto his hooves. “I'm perfectly capable of walking home.”

The only problem, was the fact that his home was in a different area.

“Fine then, I understand. Come back to me if your headache gets any worse. I'll walk you outside.” The doctor said, and the two walked outside. As they parted their separate ways, the doctor rubbed his hoof underneath his chin. “He is too smart for his own good. Kid probably reads more than he should.”


Conan lightly trotted down the road, passing buildings with happy ponies who were smiling and offering gifts for no apparent reason. So it wasn't just the color of his environment that was brighter, it was the ponies as well. Now that his mind wasn't being inspected, the major questions could be pondered. Why exactly was he not in Japan? He was transformed into an equine, and somehow teleported into an alternate dimension where happiness and the well being of others were promoted rather than exploited for money. As much as he wanted to believe it, this had to be a dream. His thoughts were invaded by a large gasp from a pink pony in front of him. His eyes focused on the pony in front of him, but before he could make out the general body or shape of this creature, she had disappeared into a puff of pink smoke. He wasn't scary, why did she run?

Conan passed a large pink building with a cupcake sign, and he heard his stomach growling. Having a migraine apparently created an appetite. He ran his hands along his light brown fur, only to find a lack of clothes or money on his body. A sigh passed his lips as he realized he was going to have to earn a few hundred yen in order to buy something. The bare properties of his body also brought another realization to him: his powerful sneakers, watch, and glasses were missing. Unlike in Japan, if a threat was to present itself, he was now completely helpless. This was disconcerting as well. Conan was trapped in a world completely different from his own, in a completely different body, and he was missing the three things which he was capable of solving cases with. As far as he knew, he was screwed.

He stopped in his tracks when he felt his head bump into another mare's chest, and he took a few steps back before feeling a pulse of pain move through his head. “Ouch. Sumimasen.” Conan started, as he examined the pony in front of him. A white colored mare with beautiful purple hair was staring back at him with her own ocean blue eyes. Her back was accompanied by a saddle, with two bags hanging off the sides. The bags were full of clothing materials. Conan assumed that she was probably a seamstress.

Rarity blinked a few times, Conan's Japanese moving completely over her head. Conan should have probably used English since that was the language spoken around here, but his apology was out of habit. He was a foal, which meant he was always wrong, and apparently clumsy. “Oh my goodness. Darling, are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, I guess I'm okay.” He responded. “I'm just lost, and a little hungry.”

Rarity nodded her head before her eyes wandered over Sugarcube Corner in the distance. “I can get you a little something, and you can tell me where you live.” She said.

Conan agreed with this plan, and nodded his head to show it.

“My name is Rarity. I'm a dress designer here in Ponyville. You live here?”

Ponyville, so that was the name of this place. It certainly made sense, but out of every single city that he could remember, Ponyville was not a city on Earth. So it was true, he was dreaming. Conan shook his head and Rarity raised an eyebrow before walking over to Sugarcube Corner.

Conan followed, his eyes scanning left and right to try and find any kind of solace or comfort in the recognizable. No watch, no Ran, or any of his friends. He felt alone and uncomfortable, which created a small frown on his face. Rarity noticed it, and her own smile formed. Pinkie was going to get rid of that smile, Rarity was sure of it. As the two of them entered Sugarcube Corner, some of the ponies seated in the corner looked over the duo, wondering if Rarity had a brother that no one knew about. Conan realized the one behind the cash register was the mare who gasped and disappeared in a pink blur. Pinkie Pie looked to Conan and she smiled before rushing out of her station. “I haven't met you before!” She said, her eyes staring into his own. “You must be new in town! My name is Pinkie Pie, what is yours?”

Rarity had a few reasons for taking Conan to Sugarcube Corner, and this was certainly one of them. Indication that Conan was new in town would no doubt be provided by Pinkie, since she knew everyone who passed through the city, whether it was for one day or their whole life. The other obvious reason was Conan's hunger. “It is nice to see you Pinkie, I was going to buy this foal a muffin, if you do not mind.” She started.

Conan was surprised at the generosity of this mare, but his combined feelings of happiness and generosity were interrupted by Pinkie. After Conan provided his name, Pinkie started to pick him up and spin him around in a circle while asking him what his favorite miscellaneous things were. There was a reason why he wasn't a fan of the Detective Boys, because they acted like her. “Please stop talking.” He said, and Pinkie frowned before putting him back onto his hooves. “I have a headache.”

Pinkie tapped her hoof underneath her chin a few times, “A headache? That's weird for a foal, don't you think?” She said.

“I hit my head, but I already went to the doctor and he told me to rest my head.” Conan responded, implying that Pinkie's shaking was only hurting him more than trying to make him happy.

Pinkie felt slightly guilty, but it didn't show on the large smile that remained on her face. “Sorry.” She said to Conan, before turning to Rarity, “Hey Rarity, I am holding a party in Los Pegasus, do you want to come?”

Rarity looked towards her saddlebag, and then bit her lip. Conan was able to tell that she probably was going to work. She then turned to him. “Are your parents in Los Pegasus?” She asked, while Pinkie moved behind the cash register and handed Conan a muffin.

Conan shook his head as he held the muffin in his hoof. He sat down, realizing that the lack of fingers and toes meant that things were going to have to be held differently. Both of his front hooves moved up to grasp the muffin while he ate it.

Rarity turned back to Pinkie and nodded her head. “I guess I can go. I can always work on those dresses tomorrow.” She said.

Pinkie smiled and handed an invitation to both Conan and Rarity. “Okay, I'm finishing my shift in an hour, then I'm going to prepare the party and I'll see you at nine!”

“Okay Pinkie, we will see you then.” Rarity replied, before she left the building. Conan followed, as he managed to keep his pace with three hooves while the other was holding his muffin. Rarity turned to the foal, “You can stay at my house until you find your parents, is that okay?” She asked.

Conan was taken aback by the mare's response. He had to earn Kogoro a couple thousand yen in order to stay at his house, and Rarity was allowing him to stay free of charge? This was a dream. It had to be. He nodded his head with a smile, the fears of the Organization hiding deep inside of his mind. In this world, he wouldn't have to worry about it. But in the other, problems were emerging.


Conan's headache managed to exude out of his head over the next few hours, and he instead decided to attend the party. The train ride to Los Pegasus was not very long, probably because he was still bouncing off hypotheses in his head. He needed to figure out exactly why he was in this dream, and why it wasn't over yet. Five hours passed by in his mind, from being discovered and the doctor visit, to his current place on the train. Certainly dreams were not that long. He noticed the train stopped, and he looked down at his new attire, which Rarity managed to create in only a few hours. His regular detective outfit was now created for a foal. Although he was missing all of his gadgets, at least he acquired the one uniform that gave him a peace of mind.

Rarity was dressed in a new dark blue dress which clearly showed off her adept sewing skills. Her hair was tied up into a bun, and a large amount of makeup was applied to her eyes. The two exited the train and started their walk down the road, no words exchanged between the two of them. As much as Rarity wanted to talk, Conan was not going to listen. She could guess that he had a lot more on his mind than he said, but she couldn't pressure him into talking. That was the last thing she wanted. The two walked into the large building, and Conan was surprised by the preparations.

The building looked like it was previously used for a religious or children ceremony, since it was painted in the neutral colors of white on the ceiling and walls while brown was used as more of a border. The floors were light brown linoleum, and swept completely clean to the point where you could eat off of them. He expected that the floor was going to be used as the dining table, until his eyes noticed the snacks. The party was going to be held for around sixty people. Conan guessed this due to the amount of drink cups, snacks, and other amenities. Forks, knives, spoons, and plates were multiplied by one and a half, because not every pony would end up taking a plate, but some might end up taking two if they were grabbing large amounts of snacks. There was no alcohol here, which meant that the party was for every age.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud bass drop, and the current attendants of the party started to dance. Rarity looked to him. “Would you like to dance Conan?” She asked.

Conan shook his head, “No thank you, I'm not really in the mood for dancing.” He replied, a smile on his face. “I'm going to be in the corner, you go dance, I'll watch.”

Rarity nodded her head, before she moved out into the crowd. Her frame was sucked up by all the colts and mares who just wanted to unwind and enjoy their Saturday. The music was turned down so that any child would not cry. Conan stood against the corner of the room and surveyed the decorations of the party. Along with streamers, the room was decorated with luminescent pieces of paper, which glowed and formed a horizontal line along the middle of the walls. The line ended at the exit, just in case ponies were confused with the layout of the room. A DJ with a white coat was spinning a record on the middle of a turntable, purple glasses covering her eyes and a smirk on her face. House music was playing, with a mixture of orchestral instruments carefully placed inside. Although it seemed odd to place completely different genres of music together, this DJ was proficient in her music choice.

Three long tables were lined up against the walls, with large amounts of snacks and punch in cups placed on top. The snacks were on top of trays and consisted of muffins, cupcakes, and everything in the pastry department. Conan looked up at the ceiling, and saw a chandelier suspended from six golden chain links. It was at least as big as him, and a large amount of diamonds glittered from the chandelier. The memory of previous parties that he attended made him wince, and as the lights started to dim around the center of the room, his eyes widened. One white colt in the center of the room smirked as two mares started to dance nearby him. Their bodies started to mash together, and one particular set of eyes narrowed before the chandelier disconnected from the chains.

The clinking of the chains on the chandelier followed as the weapon fell six feet downwards. The two mares retreated from the colt and smiled until the chandelier passed their field of vision. The weapon collided with the colt's head and his balance left him, along with his life. His body met the floor and both of the mares screamed out, along with Rarity until the whole crowd realized the magnitude of this event. Conan ran over to the body and was about to touch his neck until he realized that he didn't have any gloves. He pointed his hoof at Rarity, “Stay near the door! Nobody leave!” He yelled. Everyone in the crowd froze as they stared at the foal near the body, and Conan realized that he was now the center of the attention. “You have got to be kidding me.”