• Published 19th Oct 2021
  • 24,849 Views, 1,800 Comments

Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

  • ...

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CH 46


Silent Drop didn’t follow me into the house and I was silently thankful for the privacy she gave us.

I… what was she thinking coming over? What if she got hurt? What if I couldn’t defeat Husk?

I couldn’t lie to myself and say that I wasn’t happy to see her, but…

The fact that someone considered me so important in their life to do something so reckless just to see me is the most romantic thing I will probably ever experience.

‘And that is also the reason why I’m so angry at her, it was too damn reckless.’ I shook my head and huffed trying to silence my inner bastard that was pointing a giant sign at me with the words ‘hypocrite’ glowing in neon colors. The floor suddenly looked very interesting.

The sparse room offered no way to quiet my inner demons though, but it did serve well to reaffirm my original resolve, the changelings deserved better.

The room, no the houses in general did not offer anything to an outsider in terms of personality, culture, or just about anything really.

Every single home I have entered in the last week was built the same; with identical rooms and corridors, simple and sparse furniture, and no variation in colors.

Heck, the room I was currently occupying (I would call it a living room, I guess) is the only part of the house that had any sort of variation in that SOMETIMES, lings would have two resin chests instead of three pushed against the walls and even that position rarely differed.

Snorting I glared at the chests, igniting my horn and doing the most rebellious thing I could think of right now, moving one of the chests half a meter to the side. Night Light will probably loathe me, and I could feel my own ocd rising but damn it, I needed the distraction.

Setting my thoughts I stood up and slowly made my way out of the room.

Up the stairs on the left, turn to the right and first door on the left. There is one more floor above me, but this one floor and this room are the most important.

Her emotions lacked any sort of ‘dullness’ I have come to associate with sleep in ponies and for a few moments I debated knocking. I also considered just slamming the door open and shouting at her, but that thought barely managed to coalesce in my mind before I tossed it to the side.

I missed her… I wanted to see her. This last week was horrible and I needed any comfort I could find.

It barely registered in my mind when I opened the door and entered, but I did notice a flash of blue when she shyly peeked one of her eyes open. The giddy smile she wore only made whatever anger at her melt away with warm fuzzies.

I hopped onto the soft resin construct that changelings call a bed, grabbed Velvet, and pulled her as close to me as my shell allowed me to without causing harm.

“I missed you,” I whispered in her ear. The flow of love turned into a torrent and I fed almost greedily from it.

“I missed you too, love,” She whispered back. “Please, don’t leave me like this again?”

I barely managed to nod before I noticed how tired I felt, ‘Maybe another nap won’t hurt.’

“He looks adorable, doesn’t he?” The giggle that followed made my ears twitch and my muzzle to scrunch. I couldn’t place that voice, and I refused to open my eyes to see who the offender was.

“He does, especially when he is like this,” another giggle, this voice I recognized as Velvets.

“Velvet?” I called out while trying to stretch my legs without moving. The only thing I got out of it was a cramp in my hips that made me hiss in discomfort. I still refused to open my eyes; hopefully, sleep will welcome me in her arms again, with or without Velvet.

“Yes, love?” She wasn’t far from the bed at least, but nowhere near close enough where I could snag her back into it.

I gave a quick ping with my sense confirming that the addition to our room is a changeling.

“Who is the changeling in our room, and WHY are they here?” I tried to sound serious and upset but even to my ears, it sounded like whining.

“Well my son, every mother should ensure her child is well after molting.”

“Hmm,” I lazily opened my left eye and raised my head to look at a grinning Chrysalis sitting at the foot of the bed.

Her chitin was fully and completely healed, shining, almost glimmering in the light that shone through the window. Gone were the emaciated shell and the holes that were the result of Husk's misuse and starvation.

There were some changes, however, that made my left eye ridge rise up.

Firstly, she made a small change to her mane, now having small curls at the very tips. Secondly, where she used to have a solid thorax now she had layered dark-green strips of chitin in the same way as my own. The color was dark enough that I almost didn’t see the seems from the rest of her chitin.

Lifting her right hoof for a cheerful wave I opened both of my eyes wide noticing that she now possessed claws. Short, thin, and gentle-looking claws that she wiggled for emphasis.

Giving one more quick look the only word that came to my mind was, motherly. She looked like a mother, like, if there was a picture in a dictionary next to the word ‘mother’ she would be in the picture.

She was a head taller than Celestia, full but not chubby, let alone fat. I couldn’t call her slim though.

The chitin was smooth, and… gentle looking. I kind of looked like if I tried to hug her that there would be a bit of softness to it. There were also a few additional seams in her chitin that I barely noticed, moving in a way that made it seem like a muscle. Not muscle in the same way that I have come to associate with Shield Strike, no heavy bulk, but just enough to serve as a warning to anyone actually stupid enough to try and shove her.

Blinking twice, I then looked myself over and hummed when I saw that my own chitin was fully healed as well.

Feeling my eyes roll over in exasperation I let my head drop back down.

“Velvet, how long was I out?”

“Almost three days, my son,” Chrysalis answered.

I frowned and was about to ask what happened when a gentle crackle of a bag reached my ear along with a crunch. Looking at Velvet not far from me, I noticed a brown paper bag held in her magic.

Where did that come from?’

Without prompting several small nuts were picked out of the bag by her magic and levitated over to me. I recognized them as kinkya nuts that Abyssinians like to eat. Very heavy, and high in calories and the nuts leave a nice, sweet aftertaste like vanilla. It reminded me of macadamia nuts.

I just opened my mouth and let Vel feed me, plus I got a quick peck on the tip of my nose afterward making me smile.

“Young Velvet here was worried when you didn’t wake up after both of you went back to napping,” Looking at Chrysalis she wore an easy and warm smile that almost lit up the room. “Looking over you we figured that the damage you didn’t fix finally caught up. Your body was starting to force a molt, and I’m honestly surprised that you let it get to such a drastic stage.”

The disapproving tone she used didn’t escape my notice. My father used the same time when I’ve done something particularly stupid.

“There was always something that needed to be done,” I muttered. Some amount of petulance did seep through and she ‘tisked’ in disapproval.

“Be that as it may, you need to take better care of yourself, my dear,” a soft scrape of her claws reached me as did her towering form. Looking up from my position on the bed, I wasn’t afraid of admitting that her looming presence was intimidating.

“Now,” she bent her head and gave me a quick peck just under my horn, “you get back on your claws, and join us all outside. Doctor White Light said that he would like to say ‘hello’ when you are up and about.”

“Yes, mom,” I rolled my eyes and then froze looking forward.

What did I just call her?’ My thought process halted as I tried to figure out why calling her ‘mom’ came so easily. I wasn’t even being sarcastic about it, but genuine.

Chrysalis, however, had a massive, blinding smile, the kind of smile some people would kill for.

That same smile didn’t so much as wiggle as she left the room, prancing happily, looking like she was floating on air… which she literally was. Her wings were buzzing with every hop she made.

The door shut after her and I huffed, already feeling drained.

Sighing, I turned to Velvet, “You wouldn’t happen to know if she messed with my mind, would ya?”

Velvet smiled and cooed at me rolling up the bag that still had some nuts in it, and placing it next to the bed.

She ran a hoof through my mane and gave me a gentle kiss between the eyes.

“I think it’s wonderful, to accept somepony like her as a mother,” Velvet pulled back a little only to boop my snout with hers. “She really cares about you. You should have seen her; when the news that you weren’t waking up reached her she just about collapsed. It was both adorable and, honestly, disturbing watching her panic like that… She acted like you were going to die the very instant she took her eyes off of you. Made me start panicking along with her as well.” Velvet huffed and I chuckled at her behavior.

“It's not as bad as she, most likely, made it out to be, but…”

“I know, I know,” she didn’t roll her eyes, but it was obvious that she was given a DETAILED explanation. “Regardless, you wouldn’t have died.”

“I wouldn’t have been fine either. I went through that cyclical crap when I came into Equestria, I don’t want to go through it again,” Her ears dropped at that.

I did tell her the full story of my arrival to Equestria a while ago, including some of the more painful details. She was fully aware of the whole feed-fix-heal-feed cycle that was later explained to me by Mantis. Modern changelings go through that cycle at least once in their life due to food shortage.

“Anyway,” I slowly sat up and shook my body into wakefulness, “I’ll try not to think about someone digging through my mind at my most vulnerable.”

“I really doubt she would do something so… vile,” Velvet was slightly green in the face. While she is slowly getting used to human humor, she still has a long way to go.

Hopping off the bed, and landing next to Vel, I leaned in and kissed her which she eagerly returned after a moment of surprise.

The moment the kiss ended though, I grabbed her by the head and ran my claws through her mane like a maniac, messing it all up. Her squeal of shock only made my ‘punishment’ even worse.

“Stop… STOP IT!” She tried to shove me and I back away, smirking all the while, as her eyes screamed bloody murder, “ What the BUCK was that for!? I don’t even have a brush you... you… maniac!”

“You know why I did it,” I stuck my tongue at her, opening my wings and jumping to the side when she tried to tackle me. “Also, don’t you mean a ‘mane-iac’?”

“Get back here!” I heard her scream at me, but I was out of the room and down the stairs in the blink of an eye.

The small rush to the main door made me want to stop and take stock of my freshly molted body, but the sound of galloping hooves certainly made stopping less appealing. I wasn’t worried about her hurting me (Vel is a pony, and her causing me pain in any way, shape, or form was a borderline impossibility), but Velvet can, and will, get very creative with her punishments when needed. Such as when she made me cookies, but some of the cookies were laced with spicy power and she made them so well I couldn't tell which ones were spicy and which ones weren’t (used to love spicy food, but since my transformation, I can’t stand it anymore).

Ignoring Velvet's screaming obscenities, I opened the door and exited the house.

Feels like I’ve been stuck in here for months.’

Author's Note:

Finally back at it. Honestly if one, just ONE more thing went south...
Anyway, thank you all for the wait.
This chapter is a bit shorter, and I'm hoping it doesn't look like a cow took a nap on it.
Once more, thanks for your patience, and see ya around.

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