• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,923 Views, 76 Comments

World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...

First Impressions

Author's Note:

Some improvements; Parker will have some conversations with his brain. The green text indicates his brain's response/convo. Enjoy!

Twilight just sat down in the small shack. She was trying to figure a way out but too scared to fight against those humans. All of them had some things that seemed kind of dangerous. Most importantly, she didn't know what it was. So, she had to wait until someone come and save them. Well, hopefully that 'someone' wouldn't be that bad like those grey uniformed humans.

Rarity was cleaning a small couch for her to lay down on. The dust though, made her cough and she complained sometimes. Rainbow was hoovering all around the room. She would just break the window easily and escape with her friends, but too scared of those humans. She eventually learned what hands were; it was that thing that knocked her out in the first place. Applejack was sitting next to Twilight, she was rubbing her head all the time and winced at the pain. Fluttershy was sleeping quietly on the floor. Pinkie though, didn't seem quite happy by this. She wanted to throw the humans a party before the humans could see that they mean no harm. But Twilight knew it was fruitless; and they didn't even know their language. Spike was inspecting some books. But he didn't understand the language. It was a funny thing for him; Twilight would always read books when she saw them. Especially if it's for research. But right now, she didn't seem to care. She was trying to figure a way out and walk away from those humans outside.

"Ugh... are we going to just sit here or what?" Rainbow said, breaking the silence.

"Rainbow, will ya calm down? Ah'm tryin' ta ease up mah pain here." Applejack said as she rubbed her head.

"Do you feel better Applejack?" Twilight asked while looking at her friend. Applejack slightly nodded.

"Don't worry, sugarcube. Ah'll be fine."

Twilight sighed and looked back down to her hooves. All of her friends were suffering like this and it was all because of her. She then looked around, trying to find another way out, just as she did dozens of times earlier, but it was useless. The window could be easily opened but some planks were blocking it from outside. The door could've been burst by her magic, but then again, she was too scared of those humans.

"I'm sorry girls." She began. Her friends turned their gaze to her, all except Fluttershy, who was still asleep. "You have to come through this because of me."

"No need to sorry, Twilight." Rainbow said as she flew to her friend and sat down next to her. "We've been through tough times together. I'm sure we'll find a way out."

"That's right," Applejack said, "Once the moon will rise, we get outta here and search for help."

"Well, darling. I for one don't want to interact with those humans anymore. I had enough with their rudeness." Rarity said with a hint of disgust on her face.

"I guess not all of them are bad," Spike chimed in, "I mean, we know in our world there are good ponies and bad ponies. So, I believe if there's a bad human, there will be a good human too."

"Spike is right," Twilight nodded, "I'm sure not all humans are bad. I guess they were just freaked out. We are aliens to them for now anyway."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean they have to hurt us like that." Rainbow said, still upset with those humans.

"I know," Twilight replied, "But what I'm trying to say is-" She was cut off by a loud bang, which jumped the ponies from their position and immediately woke Fluttershy up from her dream.

"What was that?!" She shrieked as she looked around the room. The sound was getting louder and more sounds filled the room. It was loud enough until they have to shut their ears. Screaming, shouting and the loud noises echoed throughout the room.

Twilight looked at the pile of books, then to a table that was resting nearby.

"Quick! Everypony with me!" She shouted as she ran to the pile. Her friends followed and Twilight's horn began to glow. She levitate the table and placed it next to the pile, along with other stuff and placed them like a barricade on the corner of the shack. "Hide here!"

They quickly hid behind it. All of them hugged together as one and tried their best to shut their ears. Closing their eyes, they were trembling in fear as the sound got louder and louder, along with the screaming and shouting of the humans. They stayed like that for a while until the sound suddenly stopped. No one dared to look around, all of them were still terrified from the things happening outside.

"We gotta get outta here now!" Rainbow whispered as she released the hug. They finally separated from each other. Still shaking, Twilight peeked her head and looked at the door. She waited for a moment and perked her ears, trying to find a sound, voice, or anything outside the shack but nothing. It was quiet. Very quiet.

She sighed and looked back at the others, who were still shaking in place. Even Rainbow was shaking too. "Alright girls," Twilight whispered, "We don't know what's happening out there. I believe something bad happened outside. This is our chance to-" She was cut off by the sound of the door suddenly kicked open. She immediately closed her mouth with her hooves and her pupils turned to pinpricks.

"Dear Celestia, please save us." She whispered as a sound of hoofsteps came closer. Pinkie dragged Twilight and her friends to a group hug. She still didn't know how the party pony did that but this wasn't the time to think of it. She was scared. They were scared. The sound was getting closer and no pony dare to look up. All of them shut their eyes while facing the ground. It felt like eternity but then time seemed to stop when a deep voice with a language that was familiar to them spoke up.

"What the..."


"Watch my back." Parker said as he looked at his friends. Wade and Reed nod in unison and pointed their weapons to the door. He nod back before turning his attention back to the door. He took a deep breath before slowly turned the doorknob.


Locked. Parker groaned and took a step back. He raised his feet and kicked it open. Pointing his gun forward, he slowly walked inside. He looked around while his hands still holding the weapon tightly before he turned back to see his friends outside.

"Stay there." He whispered. They nod as he walked into the old shack. Dust, dust everywhere. An oil lamp was hanging in the middle of the room, providing him some light to see through the darkness. He could see an old couch sitting against the wall, a wooden shelf with a broken mirror on it, a pile of dusty books and other stuffs on the corner of the shack, some-


Parker looked back at the pile. It seems odd. Looks like someone just placed it on purpose to hide his form. He gave a suspicious look before slowly pointing his gun to it. Someone must be behind it. He walked closer, and closer, and closer until he heard a whimpering sound. Parker stopped to hear it carefully and could definitely tell that it was a female voice. Well, if this place was haunted then it wasn't a surprise for him. He started to walk again; the voice was getting louder by each step he took.

Parker took a final step before he could see who was hiding behind it. That's when his brain went haywire. He couldn't tell what it was, no... they. There were a bunch of them, hugging each other and trembling in fear. His gun was still pointing at them, and his breath became faster.

"What the..." Were all the words that came out from his mouth.

At first, he thought it was just a bunch of toys or dolls. But as he thought that, all of their gazes turned towards him.

Holy shit, what the fuck?

He backed away a bit, still trying to process what was happening; also a little bit terrified. Their eyes were as big as a tennis ball, and... of course they're horses. Albeit, smaller. Still, they were fucking horses. What made him even more confused was that, they're colourful. Purple, orange, blue, pink, white, yellow. Fuck. Another one though, that's legit not a damn horse. It's a dragon. A small dragon, smaller than those horses; it had a light purple skin and green spikes on it's head until it's tail. How could a dragon be so small?

They looked at each other for a moment. Parker could see fear in their eyes, he thought maybe they wouldn't do any harm. He slowly lowered his weapon and let out a sigh.

No worries. Be positive. It's just some fucking dolls that-



Parker's eyes widened and immediately pointed his weapon to them. He opened his mouth to say whatever it was that would come out. But it never came.



What the fuck are those?

Small horses. And they just literally said hello. Colorful. And...



Faint in three?

Try one

Parker had nearly noped himself out of his consciousness. But no. He hated his brain. Regaining his composure, Parker finally got his voice back. "What... the hell... you can... talk?"

"Hey Sarge! Anything in there?" He heard Reed shout outside.



"Give me a minute!" Parker shouted back and he heard a groan. His eyes still fixated on these creatures. He inspected them and realized that they were not just ordinary, nor small horses. Some of them had wings, and some didn't. One of them had a horn and the purple one had wings and horn. "What... are you?" Parker slowly asked to them.

They were hesitant at first but the purple one managed to answer. "Umm... we're... ponies..." Ponies. That made sense as to why they were so small. Parker let out a sigh and lowered his weapon.

"Know what," he began, "I'm too tired to process these kinds of things and I would like to take some rest."

"Are you going to hurt us?" The purple one asked again with those big eyes of hers. Parker raised an eyebrow before letting out a chuckle.

They seem no harm

How the fuck do you know

Can you just believe me for one damn moment?

With a guy who volunteered himself to jump out of a fucking airplane to save the world? Damn right

His brain wasn't helping. "Of course not. Why would I be? You don't seem to be dangerous to me."

"So," the dragon began. Making the Sergeant startled a bit. "You're not gonna... do something bad to us?"

Parker simply shook his head.

"Hey Sarge! The hell are you doing in there?" They heard Reed shout again from outside.

"Stay here." Parker ordered them and turned around to meet the others. "This shack is clear, we can use it for a night and head back to the others." He said as he walked out of the shack.

"Good news it is then. Me and Wade are gonna go to a river nearby. We heard the noise from here, you wanna come?" Reed asked.

"I think I'll pass. I wanna get some rest." Parker turned around and walked back into the shack.

"Suit yourself." With that, both of his friends went to a river somewhere else.

I'll tell 'em when the time's right. I need to do this on my own first

Dude, it's talking ponies that we're dealing with right now. I'm sure as hell they'll blow their own eye balls once they saw our new company

Parker closed the door behind him and turned his attention back to the corner of the shack. They were still behind it, probably too scared to talk to him. Parker slowly walked to the corner and stopped when he could clearly see them. They were looking at him with those expression again, fear. Parker reached out his hand and grabbed the table. Dragging it in front of the couch, he placed his Thompson on the table, as well as the helmet.

"You guys don't have to be afraid," he said as he chuckled warmly, "I won't bite."

"You're... not like those humans outside?" The white one asked. Parker raised an eyebrow in confusion. The unicorn seemed to notice this. "I mean... the humans with grey... uniforms?"

"Ohh... you mean those Germans?" Parker replied. They tilted their heads in confusion.

They don't know about the Krauts yet, dingus

"Those guys with grey uniform and helmet, and their language that you don't understand?" They nod in unison.

How the fuck do you know they don't understand Germans?

They speak English. Period

"Yep, definitely the Krauts." Parker slumped back onto the couch and crossed his arms.

"Krauts?" The pink one asked as she walked closer to him. Parker sighed. These ponies had a lot to learn, so might as well to change the subject before they moved on to the World War.

"Nevermind that," Parker said, "What did they do to you?"

"They just locked us in here like that!" The rainbow one, with wings nearly shouted. "I mean, we don't mean any harm."

Parker nod. "I can see that." Before they could say anything else, he decided to cut them off. "Where are you from anyway?"

"We're from Equestria," replied the purple one, "Planet Equis."


Fuck off brain, this is serious

"I see." Was all that he could say. Parker knew some things about space but he never would've thought that aliens exist. Probably there were a lot more of them. "And how in the world did you get here?"

"Well..." the purple pony smiled sheepishly as she rubbed one of her hoof.

Sir! Heart is not responding!



"I managed to cast a spell to bring us to other... I mean, your world and here we are!" She nearly shrieked.

Parker nodded. "Wait, hold on. You said... spell?"


"As in... magic?"

"Mmhmm." She nodded vigorously with a smile.

Parker tried to process what she's talking about. Magic? Does it even exist? Frankly, he didn't really much care about that since he's in the middle of a goddamn war. He sighed deeply and sink himself deeper to the couch as he closed his eyes. Parker really wish this was just a dream. Ponies? Magic? Spell? Dragon? What the hell is going on here. The sound of footsteps interrupted his train of thoughts. He opened his eyes to see all of them were walking closer him. Parker could just run out of the shack and pretend none of this has never happen before. But something made him stayed there.

Magic is never exist

And what did you expect from a being from an entire different world?

This doesn't make any sense

Since when you're making any sense of your own life anyway?

I have to shut you down one day

"Oh, how rude of me," Parker chuckled, "My name is Sergeant Daniel Parker. Parker for short."

"Parker?" The purple one asked, "That's an odd name."

Parker smiled at her. "I'm an odd guy."

"Actually," the pink one started with enthusiasm, "I like Daniel more than Parker."

Parker suddenly frowned. He never want to call by that name. None of his friends called him by that name. Even his closest one. "Please," he started, "Don't call me by that name."

"But why?" The pink one asked again.

"No one's ever called me by that name. So it's just seems weird to hear." Parker simply replied. The room then filled with silence as they stared at each other. "So," Parker broke the silence, "I haven't caught your name."

The purple one blinked. "Oh... right, sorry." She cleared her throat and then began to introduce herself. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship."

"Princess?" Parker raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm. But Twilight is fine."

"Right, Twilight then?"

She nodded and looked at the blue one while pointing a hoof. "This is Rainbow Dash."

"Sup." She said as she extended a hoof to me. Parker almost shook it, but... the way it's cocked. That position. No fucking way he would've shaken it. His own fist extended itself and without thinking any further, they brofist... brohoof? The fuck with that.

Rainbow smirked with enthusiasm. "This guy is cool, I admit."

"This is Applejack." Twilight said as she pointed to an orange pony with cowboy hat on it.

Applejack tipped her hat with a smile. "Howdy partner."

Parker returned the smile and nod.

"This is Pinkie Pie."

"Hiya!" The pink one jumped onto Parker's lap and hugged him while burying her muzzle on his chest.

Parker chuckled and instinctively wrapped his arms around her. "Hey there." Pinkie continuously nuzzling his chest. "Pinkie, I'm smelly right now."


"Isn't it bothering you?"

Pinkie looked up at him and simply boop Parker's nose. "Of course not silly!"



"This is Rarity." Twilight continued.

"Nice to meet you darling." The white unicorn said.

"It's nice to meet you too, Rarity."

"This is Fluttershy."

The yellow one tried to hide her face behind her pink mane while looking at Parker with one of her eyes. "H-hello."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Parker said in attempt to calm her, "I'm not like those bad guys out there."

"She's always like that when meeting a new crea- friend," Rarity chuckled and put a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"And this," Twilight said while looking at the dragon that was standing next to her, "This is Spike, my number one assistant."

"Nice to meet you Spike." Parker said.

Spike smiled back and nod. Parker didn't realize that all of them were sitting in front of him. All except Pinkie, who was still hugging him. Parker wanted to ask some questions but a gun fire distracted his thoughts. His eyes widened and quickly put Pinkie down to the floor and stood up. The ponies too began to stood up and looked around the room as more and more gun fires could be heard. Parker grabbed his Thompson and put his helmet on his head, the ponies scoot closer without him noticing.

"What is that?" Twilight asked while pressing her body to his left leg. Screaming and yelling voices could be heard with some gun fires.

"Fuck! Must be Wade and Reed!" Parker nearly shouted. He was about to walk to the door but stopped when the ponies were group hugging with his legs. Parker sighed and knelt down. "It's alright, I'll be back."

"You will?" Twilight asked while looking at him.

Parker placed his hand to her mane and ruffle it gently. "I will. Don't worry. This is what I've been training for."

She looked at the soldier with worried face but nod anyway. Parker pat her shoulder before standing up and walked to the door and opened it. But before he closed it, he looked back and made sure they have his words. "Block the door with anything you can find in the room. I'll call for you once everything is done. Don't get out before I come back." With that, he rushed to the battlefield while gritting his teeth. "Hold on there brothers. I'm coming."