• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(A stand alone sequel to Gallus' Guard Training. Familiarity with that story is encouraged but not required for you to understand this one. Indirectly based on the song "Don't Give Your Love Away".)

Gallus has risen through the ranks of Equestria's royal guard quite fast, surprising almost everyone with his dedication. But his dedication to his adopted home country is about to be put to the ultimate test.

War unexpectedly breaks out between Equestria and forces claiming to belong to the real Emperor Grogar. Gallus is part of a unit that is to be deployed to the front lines to fight, which poses a problem when he's just coming off a successful proposal to Silverstream.

Silverstream doesn't want to see the love of her life to go off to war, fearful that he will never return. Gallus, however, has already made up his mind. Yet before he leaves, he decides to offer up some words of encouragement to the love of his life.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Silverstream blinked in confusion. "I thought Grogar was just an old pony's tale, aside from when Discord was posing as him for that period of time. But didn't even he say that the real Grogar was sealed away inside his bell long ago or something?"

Oh trust me silverstream it was a lot of things we thought it was a fairytale but throughout the years it always happens to be the truth

What can I say? I'm always a sucker for GallusStream. And the idea of Gallus serving in the royal guard is an idea too good to pass up.

You're not alone on that one I'm also a big fan of that ship as well 😊

Oh my goodness that was a pretty good one here and seeing gallus how far he got I'm happy for him and of course the relationship between him and silverstream is always the best and also sad that they had to be separate because of dire circumstances but it does show how much they care for each other no matter how far they are I really like the story keep up the good work

Again, this was a wonderful one-shot. Really appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, emotional content and general story wrap-up in all the right places. Yeah, I could definitely see a terror attack going this rough and I can definitely understand how badly it affected pretty much everybody (but ESPECIALLY Gallus and Silverstream). But, kudos for Gallus not only surviving, but saving many lives in the process. And, of course, Gallus and Silverstream's chat at the end was downright beautiful.

And, a couple of possible ideas when you get to your "Dragonshy" rewrite in Volume 13 of your "What If? series"

1. At an appropriate point, one of Twilight's friends can ask "Why us? Why not the guards?" with Twilight answering "Two reasons: The first is that, by the time the guards got fully mobilized, it would be too late for Ponyville. We're a lot closer to the area, so we're more likely to get there in time to prevent anything worse than a few coughing fits and some smoke clouds that might take a few extra hours to move. The second is that, well, we're more likely to try to find a non-violent solution than the Guards are. Let's face it, busting a cap in a dragon's tail just for napping too close to a populated area WOULD be kind of a jerk move."

2. Fluttershy's confession about being afraid of adult dragons could come BEFORE the gang even starts up the mountain, with Twilight reassuring her that they are all afraid too (after all, anybody who says they WOULDN'T be afraid of an adult dragon is either lying or a fool), but the truest courage isn't the absence of fear, but doing the right thing in spite of it. "Besides, I might not as good at force fields as my older brother, but I can still do them well enough to protect you from the dragon's flames and teeth until you can reason with him."

But, anyway, definitely looking forward to more of your work.

A good short story.

Aw! That was amazing and deep!

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