• Published 4th Sep 2021
  • 2,051 Views, 39 Comments

Discord Day! - Revel Montaro

It's Discord Day! Will Sunset Shimmer (and the rest of Equestria for that matter) survive the shenanigans that will ensue?

  • ...



It had started out as such a nice day too. That is what Sunset Shimmer thought as she stared down at the glass in front of her. Morning cuddles, lower the moon, go back for a few nips and nuzzles, then back to sleep for a bit followed by a nice cup of coffee and then MAYBE face the day. That was what she had wanted to happen.

Instead, Discord Day happened.

Sunset threw back the double shot of amber liquor and hissed at the familiar burn. It had been a while since she had partaken in Equestrian bourbon. It was smoother than most human equivalents with a touch of cinnamon to the oak flavor. It still did the job as a warmth spread through her core and a slight haze overtook her senses. She was not drunk... not yet. Sunset raised her hoof to signal the bartender. The thestral nodded.

After the fecal matter had hit the rotary impeller device, Sunset had started towards the palace with plans to storm Luna’s tower, horn blazing. With both care and a little desperation Gauge had stepped in front of his princess and talked her down from her red eyed furor. He probably deserved a medal of valor for it. As a compromise, Gauge suggested they cool off before making any rash decisions at a bar he knew was open and even offered to buy the first round. Sunset just downed her third drink and was finally staring to feel the effects. Gauge was still on his first sampling, occasionally taking a sip, but mostly just staring at it lost in his own thoughts.

As the thestral bartender refilled her glass once more Sunset turned her full attention back to Captain Fog Gauge. She had to admit, at least to herself, he looked absolutely miserable. “I don’t get you,” Sunset said, proud that her voice only had a slight slur to it. Go me.

Gauge gave Sunset a sideways glance. For just a fraction of a moment, she saw that fire and defiance in his eyes as if he were going to lash out, but then remembered who he was sitting next to and returned to his downcast stare. After a sigh he took another small sip.

Sunset was not about to let things go that easily. She was a pain in the rear like that. “You called me out on my bullshit behavior and went hoof to hoof and wing to wing against me in the ring, not a drop of worried sweat on your brow. For the love of Celestia, you attacked Aethon with a damn staff knowing full and well what he had done to others and you didn’t hesitate for a moment! You stared death in the face… you know, before you actually got to talk to Death, which still gives me the creeps, and I had to see it second hand, er hoof, in Twilight’s memories... I had a point to all this, I swear.”

Gauge simply grunted before quietly, as respectfully as he could muster between clenched teeth, fangs flashing, “You do not understand. You do not know my father, what kind of pony he is. The horrible, narrow minded ideas he tried to instill in me. It took me YEARS to break from that indoctrination. And when I finally realized how wrong he was and what he had tried to do to his only son. I left as soon as I was old enough with full intention to become a thestral not just because they were the best at being the best, but also because I knew it would anger him to see his son and legacy changed forever and that he would want nothing more to do with me.”

“You’re right, I didn’t go through that. I grew up thinking I was a fucking charity case of an orphan while my mother pretended to not be my mother and never knew my father at all until I learned that he went insane with dark magic to the point he killed his whole universe... Oh, and tried to kill me. I KILLED my own father. A mercy killing, but still.” Gauge grimaced and nodded. Sunset had hoped to get more out of him so she continued when he chose to stay silent. “Listen, I’m not trying to make little of the hardship you went through, but I know you, Gauge, I know who you are now and I honestly think you would be making a HUGE mistake if you were to run away from what is ahead of you just because it scares you. I loved being a mom… and a dad for that matter!”

There was a creak sound of someone sitting down on the vinyl covered barstool to Sunset’s left. Much to her surprise and yet, strangely appropriate, Sunset turned and found Discord slumped over leaning on the well worn wooden bar. His… aura, or energy seemed off, Sunset thought. And it was not just from the alcohol. Sunset had learned long ago after her ascension that alicorns saw the world and those in it differently than regular ponies. He looked depressed to the point that even his coloration appeared muted. Damn, he looks like someone just used arsenic on a puppy right in front of him. I bet I could knock him off that stool with a wing flap. Sunset looked at her drink. Yeah, I might be a little drunk now.

“You know, just for the record, THIS was actually the real reason I stopped celebrating Discord Day. I know Twilight thinks it was because I was sad about Fluttershy dying. I was, no lie. I was sad and angry and had never felt a more cutting sense of betrayal in all my years, but no, failing to make every creature happy or at least just happily distracted. Leaving them worse off than they had been in the morning. Those last few years were poorly executed train wrecks and I just could not bring myself to care so I stopped, crawled back home, and locked the door.”

Discord paused to snap his claw and a drink of some bubbling concoction appeared in front of him in a massive, unmarked three liter bottle. Con Trail cleared his throat, about to comment about how outside food and drink were not allowed in his establishment, as the sign by the entrance clearly stated. However, Sunset held up her hoof to cut him off.

“It’s HIS day, let him have it.” Con Trail huffed, but nodded. Not about to argue with a princess, especially the keeper of the moon.

“Equestria had become stable, ridiculously so, and frankly stale like weapons grade baguettes,” Discord continued, smacking a stick of bread against the side of his head causing it to spin around before returning to its original position. The broken off piece of bread went flying, but Sunset did not pay attention to where. It probably wouldn't explode... probably.
His beady red eyes then focused on Sunset Shimmer and gradually his color returned and the corners of his mouth ticked up slightly with a warm smile. “Then, you came home, baggage and all. How glorious. Since we are all being so honest with each other I will admit this one and only time I am quite jealous of you.”

Sunset balked, her jaw hanging open. Of all the things he could have said that was not one she would have guessed. “Jealous? Of ME?”

Discord downed the last of his drink and then crushed the bottle down before tossing it in his mouth to chew on the remains. “You don’t truly understand what you are. You make it look soooo easy, breaking all the rules and hurdles that Fate and Destiny set up for every creature. You are as much a being of chaos as I am sometimes.” Discord shuddered and for just a moment, Sunset could sense his fear. Real. Honest to goodness FEAR. Even partially inebriated Sunset knew that look and that aura. She had instilled fear in many over her lifetime. It haunted her still in her darkest hours.

“You are powerful beyond your comprehension, Sunset Shimmer. Instead of calling you the Princess of the Night if your subjects had even a hinkling clue of the universe around them they would call you God Slayer. Trust me, I’ve seen the tapestry those two weave and they do not know what to do with you no matter how many times they have tried to figure it out and that frankly scares them too. I don’t know how you handle it.

“Sure, I was expecting the anger and little tizzy you threw. That was inevitable, I was egging you on after all, but stress is part of life and the life you and Twilight have chosen, the life Celestia and Luna had been groomed for. That is nothing but stress. How you did not explode in a supernova, the world may never know. For me, I let the chaos flow through me and just ride it like a tube on a raging river, but I have no control over what it will do in the end. A nudge here and there, but no real control. If I actually embraced all that is chaos in this universe I imagine I would be what my father wanted me to be.” Discord glanced over to Gauge who had been listening with interest. “You’re not the only one in the room with daddy issues, bat pony.”

Sunset digested all of what Discord had said, running through her foggy mind. She eventually stared down at her drink and finally pushed it away. She had had enough. “I get you. I’ve seen what absolute, out of control power in my hands, hooves, looks like. It’s… not something you want to see. I've often thought to myself it’s a fine line between Sunset Shimmer the Defender and Sunset Shimmer the Destroyer. It’s… well, you understand, not a line you can walk without someone watching out for you.

“We, monsters like you and I, know what it’s like being at our worse, on the cusp of doing the most unforgivable act and right when there is no turning back you are knocked down off that power trip by someone, somepony better than you. You look up and see… those eyes. The whole of the universe reflecting in those amethyst eyes. I swear on my mother's grave.
My wife, Twi, use to call me her angel, because I saved her at her worst. But truth be told, I had my own angel looking down on me that day in the crater. An alicorn angel in a cute little human body.”

The entire establishment had fallen silent, the dozen other thestral patrons had ceased their own conversations and turned to listen to their princess speak to their captain and the draconequus. They probably were not supposed to overhear the conversation, but it was hard not to listen when such powerhouses were sitting a short distance away, confessing their souls at the bar. The silence was broken when the door up at the top of the small flight of stairs opened and closed and hooves could be heard descending the wooden steps. The three patrons at the bar had not noticed until she spoke.

“Well, if this is not the most pathetic sight I have seen all damn day. I had a feeling I’d find at least one of you here. Should have guessed all three of you would go nose first into a drink to sort out your problems.”

Sunset smirked and pointed at Gauge. “In his defense, he is still on his first because he's a light weight where I am on my…” Sunset sneered at her hoof and the annoying lack of fingers. “Fourth… I think.”

“Tempest,” Gauge began, his voice soft with an undertone of pleading, but the vermilion unicorn held up a hoof before he could continue.

“Let me go first. I’ve had a chance to cool off as well these last few hours and I need to say this before I lose my nerve and fall apart. Damn hormonal mood swings.” Gauge nodded. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You’re scared, I’m scared. I just… when I was a filly, I was always bigger than all the other fillies, heck even most of the colts. I was NOT a little pony. I was made fun of and ridiculed and it earned me a reputation for not just being a hot head, but also… they would say no stallion would ever want me because I was too tall for them to ever get it in without a stool. Yeah, I know, it’s a bunch of stupid crap kids say, but it hurt me bad when I was young. So, I gave up wanting that sort of thing. Like you, I focused on my career and being the best and here I am, Captain of the Solar Guard. I earned it, I made it. I’m the best and… by Celestia’s grace I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared right now and I just want to be held.”

Gauge hopped off his stool and pulled Tempest close, she pressed into his embrace. Tempest shuddered a bit and fought down her tears as best she could but a few still escaped, quickly disappearing into his chest fur and the dark stone floor. Once she had them under control Tempest smiled and nodded her thanks.

“I too am unequivocally sorry for my poor words and behavior from earlier. I was scared, still am scared. However, as a good friend just recently pointed out. I have been scared before and still faced those fears head on even if the end result was certain death.” Tempest glanced over to Sunset who slowly slid off her stool, staggering a bit, but then stepped over next to the two captains.

“Tempest, I can tell you from personal experience that yes, it is okay to be scared. However, I can also tell you that being a mom, was one of the best, hardest, and most rewarding experiences I ever had. Inside you right now is a growing life. A work of art made flesh that the two of you created by sheer love and you have the opportunity to shape that life. Neither of you were prepared for it to happen, heck, I was prepared and I still had no real idea what I was getting into. Even still, you have a chance to prove to all those who wronged you in your youth that you can be amazing parents. You have a chance to prove it to yourselves that you can be better than what was done to you. It is an experience that I can hardly describe…” Sunset raised her forelegs, each hoof taking on a red glow, “but I can show you.”

The last of the pain faded and she let out a shuddering breath after holding and pushing with all her might. Sure, the epidural helped, but she could still feel the odd sensations that were going on down between her legs plus the strain everywhere else in her body. She felt sluggish from the drugs and early hour and had not been allowed to have caffeinated coffee for nine months! Then, there were some muffled words to her right. Where is she? Where is her… the sound of a tiny voice cried out for the first time, filling the room with an unmistakable sound. A moment later the doctor approached and placed the tiny wiggling body on Sunset’s bare chest, whispering 'congratulation' in her ear. She was so small and yet so perfect! Her skin still slick and wrinkled, pale yellow with blue under coloring that was quite common and would fade. Oh, Celestia! She had almost no hair on her cute tiny head! She cried and shook and the doctor quickly covered both mother and daughter with a blanket and let the new born find comfort in the familiar sound of mother’s rhythmic heartbeat.

Sunset smiled brightly and began to cry tears of joy as she held her baby close, gently kissing the near bald head. She looked to her left and a familiar purple face just placed the black rimmed glasses back on her face after wiping her tears away. She wrapped herself around Sunset, careful not to disturb the new born who was beginning to settle down after such a trying morning.

“Welcome to our world, Aurora.”

Sunset stepped back and Tempest and Gauge shook their heads and blinked their eyes. Both stared awestruck at Sunset. Neither had been subject to her empathy powers before and were still trying to process what they had seen and felt. They had questions, many questions, but more importantly, it was what they did not have that truly mattered. Doubts.

“If it’s helps at all,” Sunset said soberly, “I think you two will make great parents.”

Tempest smiled and wiped a tear before it could fall, playing it off as if she were fixing her mane. “Thank you, Your Hi- er, Sunset.”

Gauge bowed deeply before rising and turning to the Captain of the Solar Guard. “Then there is only one last thing to do.” Before Tempest could inquire further the thestral before her dropped to one knee and looked up to her with nothing but confident devotion in his yellow eyes. “This was not how I pictured this going and I am completely unprepared, however I know in my heart this is what I want and there is no time like the present.”

The entire room went completely silent. No creature dared to even twitch.

“Tempest Fury, Captain of the Solar Guard, and sworn protector of the realm. Will you honor me by becoming the mother of my foal as well as sharing your life with me as my wife?”

Tempest grinned and pressed her lips to Gauge’s. When they parted she proudly proclaimed, “You bet your tight, sweet plot I will!”

The bar erupted in cheers and stomping hooves. Drinks, that were not empty, were held high and a few ponies whistled. Confetti erupted from the bar, Pinkie Pie style, thanks to Discord who was holding a miniature blue party cannon in his paw. A ridiculously wide smile on his face.

“HUZZAH!” All eyes turned to the cheer that erupted from the entrance. “I know not what we are celebrating, but libations for everypony!”

Luna’s declaration for more drinks was met with additional cheer. The midnight blue alicorn smiled and waved and amazingly did not run into any furniture despite the dark sunglasses she was still wearing. Sunset was going to comment when her cheeky remark died in her throat at the sight of the cream colored unicorn who was accompanying Luna. Raven looked, well, like Raven. Clean, proper, her mane once again pinned up and not like she had been doing Luna knows what with… Luna and her “attendants.”

Luna stepped up to the bar and leaned in closer to Sunset. She smelled like sex and alcohol worse than a raging frat party. “Seriously, what are we celebrating?”

Sunset pointed over to Tempest and Gauge who were nuzzling one another while she guided his hoof to touch her belly. “The two captains are getting married and also are having a baby.”

“Oh?!” Luna lifted her sunglasses a moment before placing them back into place, more or less. “In that case, THE LIBATIONS SHALL BE DOUBLED!” Luna stole Sunset’s drink, not shuddering for a moment as she downed the amber liquor and slammed the upside down glass to the bar. Amazingly, the glass did not break. “ANOTHER!” The bar erupted into more cheers. Discord rolled his eyes. Guards were guards after all.

Sunset stepped away from her aunt to stand closer to Raven who had stayed near the entrance stairs simply taking in all the raucous behavior. Raven looked up as her owner and friend approached before turning her eyes back to the impromptu engagement party, taking in every detail. Sunset sat down on her haunches trying to think about what to say. Once again, she failed to notice that Luna had moved to sit next to her and embarrassingly jumped when her aunt began to speak.

“Be gentle with her, dear niece. No harm has come to her while she has been in my care, of this I swear. If she wishes to discuss the details of the last few hours let her do so on her terms and do not press. Know that however she mostly just sat there observing our activities.”

Raven smiled at Luna. “It was quite fascinating and I learned a great deal through tactile experience and observation. I appreciated all that you did and hope your attendants will be well. They all seemed quite sleepy afterwards.”

Sunset glanced accusingly at Luna. Luna simply raised another drink to her lips and sipped, staring off into the crowd of thestrals who were giving their congratulations to Tempest and Gauge. That was a discussion for another time. The goldenrod alicorn shook her head of the lingering fog and focused. She too needed to apologize for earlier.

Raven turned her attention back to Sunset, giving her a scrutinizing glare. One Sunset knew she deserved. “I shouldn’t be surprised to find you in a bar after what transpired earlier. That tends to be your go-to response to emotional outbursts.”

Sunset was sure that was supposed to be a dig, but let it slide. It was mostly true and Raven had earned it after everything. “Yeah, I guess I’m getting predictable in my old age of a hundred and forty-ish. Anyhow, I’m sorry if I’ve been treating you like a child, but… it’s because you are so important to me. You’re my friend, you know that. But you are also the living record of all those I have known and loved over the years. Sure, I can close my eyes and see their faces, but with you I can SHOW others who I am talking about, the things I've seen and done. You’re like an oracle and historian wrapped up in this cute, loveable package and…”

Raven waited patiently while Sunset shuddered and fought to keep her emotions in check. With a few calming breaths, Sunset swallowed and continued. “And I need you. I need you now more than all the other times you were there for me on the other side of the mirror, keeping me from winding up face down in a ditch.”

Raven waited to see if Sunset had more to say. When nothing else came other than the pleading expression on the goldenrod alicorn's face the PAAL smiled genuinely. Raven checked herself, straightening her scarf and glasses. “Thank you for your kind words and apology, Sunset Shimmer. I live to see to the needs of my user and am ready to assist.”

Sunset beamed. “Glad to hear it because I need to apologize to Twilight next and I need to do something BIG.”

“Do you have a plan?”

Sunset quirked her head and rolled her hoof back and forth. “Meh, I have an idea.”

Raven sighed and narrowed her eyes at Sunset. “Of course. You never have a good plan.”

“Well, that has mostly to do with the fact that my plans tend to suck. Did I ever tell you about the time I tried to raise a teenage army to stage a coup? Yeah, it’s as dumb as it sounds. I have more luck when I go with the flow and wing it. Hehhehe, and that was even before I had wings!”

“Uggggghhhh!” groaned Discord who had been waiting uncharacteristically patient by the bar. “Death by puns.” Discord overdramatically swooned and then floated in mid air while holding a lily. He even rolled his tongue out the corner of his mouth and replaced his eyes with cartoony X's.

Raven arched a brow at Discord's antics then turned back to Sunset. “Seriously, what are we doing?”

“We were all going to meet near the fountain square so I think that’s the best place to do this. Discord, I need you to make me a small stage and dance floor near the central fountain. Raven, stay close to me because I will definitely need you for backup sound effects and for my music play lists.”

“And the rest of us?” Sunset glanced over Raven to Tempest who had Gauge’s wing draped over her. “Don’t think that we are going to miss out on a chance to help smooth things over with Twilight. Plus, knowing you it will have to be a HUGE apology and I want to see it.”

Sunset bobbed her head a bit, but ultimately acknowledged she had messed up and had no legs left to stand on. “No, you're right. I screwed the pooch royally and now I need to fix things. Break up and make up is so damn old hat to me it’s practically a dance number. My marriage was not all sunshine and rainbows as you can imagine. Of course, part of that is because I’m just such a pain in the rear to deal with, always have been. Keep that in mind you two because it goes for any relationship. It’s not the size of the gesture, it’s how sincere and knowing the other pers- er, pony well enough to do it right. And like Twilight said, if you can’t say it with words, say it with music.”

Sunset paused and reached for her chest, for the rings that she used to have hang there. The anchor to her old life that had shattered to dust, but not before bestowing one final gift and restored her lost memories. It was going to take a long time to get use to not having her rings. Another issue to deal with on another day.

“If you two want to help then while we are setting the stage up I need you to go find Twilight and bring her to the square, give me at least twenty minutes. I still need to find a pianist an-” Discord broke down into immature snickering. Sunset rolled her eyes. “Get it out of your system now because I’m going to have to say it a few times before the day is done. Aunt Luna? Do you know any good p-”


The gathered group all turned to the midnight blue alicorn who was still sitting next to them perfectly poised as if she were sitting on the dais and her old throne, back straight, head held high, sunglasses covering her now closed eyes.

Sunset shook her head and smirked despite the absurdity of it all. “She fell asleep sitting upright?”

“My mistress is a mare of many talents.”

Sunset shrugged and smirked again. “Though now it does make me wonder how many times she did that while holding court.”

*Ahem* Tempest cleared her throat. “You were saying?”

“Right, staying on task, apologizing, saving my relationship, saving the kingdom.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh, now you are just being overdramatic. Trust me, I know.”

“Probably, hopefully," Sunset acknowledged. "Let’s go save this crazy ass holiday and turn it back into the wild and fun party it was intended to be!” The rest of the thestrals continued to drink and cheered as the group marched from the Deep Hollow with their tasks ahead of them.


Twilight Sparkle was miserable. There was no other word that described her mood more accurately. She put on a light smile when citizens came close, but it faded immediately after they moved on. She was honestly surprised she did not have a tiny black cloud or windigo circling above her head. This was supposed to be a fun day off. It was supposed to be time NOT being a princess, hanging out with her friends... just like the old days. But now they were all angry at one another. Pushing, shoving, yelling. That was not how friends behaved. Sure, her and the elements didn’t always agree and had a few minor scuffles, but no one pulled a weapon or lit a horn with intent to harm.

Maybe Sunset had been right to be hesitant about moving their relationship forward. Maybe... maybe everything they had been doing was a mistake. How was she supposed to live and work with a pony that was so… so… ornery! Twilight stopped walking for a moment, a shuddering sniffle slipping through her attempts to hold all her emotions in check.

Sunset was amazing, that she had no doubt of, but...


“I’m…” Twilight looked to her right at the nervous and jittery griffon. Isabella’s wings were still restless and her brown crest was a mess. She obviously still wanted to run back and hide in the castle, but Tempest had pulled her kicking and screaming from her room to watch after Twilight while she dealt with her own issues. “I’m not alright, Isa. I want to tell you that I am and that things will be okay in the end, but I don’t know. I’m so hurt and confused right now.”

“I’m always ready to listen, you know that. Frankly, I’d rather we sit and talk out whatever is on our mind because it would give me a distraction from all of…” Isabella waved her talons about frantically. “THIS.”

Twilight sighed. “This was all supposed to be fun, Isa. Discord Day in the past was always fun. At least I can see some creatures having fun.”

“That is a wide definition in of itself. Just as I know fun for you is reorganizing your bookshelves, fun for me is sitting back in a calm, quiet environment while I catch up on all the latest news and reports of the week.” Isabella sat on a bench and gestured for Twilight to join her. “I’ll tell you a little secret if that helps. I am TERRIFIED of Nightmare Night. I do not like being scared. I know some enjoy a good fright, but I do not. I know monsters are real and do not enjoy celebrating that fact.”

Twilight smiled in understanding. “So that’s why you volunteer for door duty to give candy to all the little ones every year.”

“Yes. Standing in the safety of the palace entrance and dealing with children is about all I can handle.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. After a moment of silent contemplation Isabella nudged Twilight as if to say, ‘now, your turn.’ Twilight sighed. She looked up to the sky where the sun was moving lower to the horizon. They still had about two hours before she needed to set the sun. The fall having shorter, cooler days to contend with. She contemplated for a moment just setting the sun early to make the day be done with. The thought quickly passed after she saw two fillies pass by giggling about, covered in leftover ice cream. A mother was several steps behind, chasing them with a wad of napkins.

“You know Sunset use to be married, yes?”

Isabella nodded. “I believe I met her wife once or twice. I always found it odd how she looked very much like you.”

Twilight smirked, it quickly turned to a sad grimace. “It was more than that. I never told you, told anypony, and only Celestia, Luna, and Cadence knew the truth, but Sunset Shimmer’s wife WAS me. The me from another dimension. When she would visit she would often cloak herself to avoid much of the obvious confusion that would cause, plus she wore glasses and was not an alicorn. Beyond that, she was still Twilight Sparkle.

“That… that is interesting and at the same time… incredibly weird.” Isabella scratched the side of her beak in confusion. “That mirror leads to a parallel dimension, huh. But wouldn’t that be odd for you? To see Sunset with… you, yet not you… and then, now, you two are… Now I understand why you never said anything before. Ancestors, that is strange.”

Twilight smiled bittersweet. “It wasn’t always strange. They were my friends. I never thought about Sunset Shimmer as more than a friend for many, many years. She was married to another pony who was honestly like a sister to me. We had many wonderful compare and contrast conversations over the years. Compiled all kinds of lists that I still have in a secured trunk. Then, Sunset stayed here for thirty moons, one entire mirror cycle, and I… I realized how lonely I was and how easy it was to fall in love with her. She’s… she is so…”


“Well, yes, but in a good way. I LIKE difficult and complicated. I just wish she could control her temper better. I mean, if Discord can get under her skin so easily what is going to happen when a noble or sly merchant figures out a weakness or something to exploit?”

Isabella chuckled a bit. “I imagine in a case like that Sable Nimbus will have to carefully and quietly hide a body.”

“Not funny, Isa,” said Twilight, but still chuckled a bit herself.

“Twilight, I’m not good with romantic relationships. Honestly, never have been interested in one and I really do NOT understand Sunset Shimmer, but still, I’ve seen how she makes you smile. I know enough about other interpersonal relationships to know that it is a give and take and you have to be willing to take the good with the bad and compromise, adjust, negotiate. Otherwise, you two will only make one another miserable and someone will end up on the moon or worse. So, take a moment right now and ask yourself. Is this, is SHE worth it?”

Twilight mentally chewed on the wise words delivered with care, absent her griffon friend’s usual dose of judgment. “Thank you, Isa. It feels good to get that off my chest.”

Isabella smiled and bowed her head. “That, is what friends are for.” The griffon looked up as a green slime creature oozed on by leaving a slime trail in its... trail. Isabella shuddered and had a sudden desire to scrub every inch of herself with a scouring pad. “I don't suppose I could go back the castle now and hide?”

“Not quite yet,” commented Tempest Fury as she strolled up to the pair with Fog Gauge at her side. Twilight was genuinely surprised to see the two standing so close to one another and… was Tempest eating cotton candy? “Before you go you should come join us in the fountain square. There is going to be a big performance that you don’t want to miss.”

“I’m sorry, but I have to ask. Are you two okay? Last time I saw you it looked like you just broke up and I would be getting resignation letters on my desk in the morning.”

Gauge nodded before turning to Tempest and nuzzling her neck, which elicited a giggle… A GIGGLE! From TEMPEST FURY! Twilight was half tempted to cast a spell to see if Discord had used mind altering magic on her friends… again.

Tempest took another bite before passing the fluffed bundle over and shoving it in the thestral’s face so he would have to take a bite. “We had a fight, Your, er, Twilight. It happens and will happen again eventually. I'm a fighter, he's a fighter, we are both hard headed and that sort of thing is going to occur. It was just a bit more public and heated than I usually like. However, once everypony cooled down, mostly me, we talked out our concerns and we are fine now.” Tempest blushed, smiling brightly. “More than fine actually.”

“Are you drunk, captain? I never took you for the sweet tooth type.” said Isabella with concern.

“I got the munchies and no, I will not be having any drinks for quite some time.” Tempest nuzzled Gauge’s ear and nipped him for good measure. The gesture, while endearing, only confused Isabella and Twilight more until the captain finally said, “I’m pregnant. Oh, and we’re engaged to be married. That’s important too. Ugh, going to have to find a wedding planner some time this week. There goes my schedule.”

“I’LL DO IT!” shouted Twilight, excitedly throwing her hoof in the air like a school filly. “I love organizing things and I’ve worked weddings before. I helped with my brother and Cadence’s wedding. They are so much fun! I can easily make the time for it now…” Twilight’s brain finally caught up with everything that had been said. “Wait... YOU’RE PREGNANT?!”

Tempest and Gauge chuckled. “Yeah, took us by surprise too. You could say we both ‘Twilighted’ a bit until we talked it out.”

Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes before stepping up to pull the two captains into a warm, wing wrapped embrace. “Congratulations, both of you! I want to hear all about it.”

Tempest waved a hoof back and forth. “There will be time for that later. Right now though I would really appreciate it if you followed us to the square.”

“Okay, but Discord Day doesn’t usually have set scheduled events, which would normally drive me crazy, but since it’s not my day I just tell my brain to let it slide. What’s going on?”

Tempest paused and looked to Gauge. He nodded and picked up the conversation.

“This was not planned by Discord. Sunset Shimmer asks that you attend.”

Twilight’s ears flattened and her wings dipped a bit. “Oh.”

Gauge stepped up to Twilight and boldly touched the purple alicorn’s chin so that she would look him in the eye. Isabella bristled a bit, but reminded herself he was a captain and a friend and no harm would come. “I will not speak for her or what she has planned, but know that it is quite important to her that you attend. The choice, as always, is yours.”

Isabella stood by her princess’s side and laid a talon on her shoulder. “Is she worth it?”

Twilight closed her eyes.

She searched her heart. She searched her soul. She tried to imagine what her life would be like without Sunset Shimmer. The two actively avoiding one another while trying to run a country, the animosity, the bitter back and forth, the anguish it would cause not just herself, but all those around them as the country is torn apart just like her heart.


She was Twilight Sparkle. High Princess of Equestria, Custodian of the Sun and once and always, the Princess of Friendship. Sunset Shimmer was, as always, her friend first. The best friend a pony could have. They could work out their problems just as Tempest and Gauge had. For the good of the nation and for their own good they needed to talk and with hope, they needed to apologize and move forward. Together.

“Okay, let’s go see what she has planned.”

“Wait, if this is a Sunset Shimmer plan should we stop by the armory first and get a few pieces of fire proof shielding just in case?” The others stared down at Isabella. “What? Tell me I’m wrong.”


It had taken Sunset and Raven quite a bit of running around from street to street shouting, “I need a pony who can play the piano well or, much to Discord’s amusement, every time Sunset Shimmer shouted, “I need a pianist.” However, persistence mixed with desperation, and a sliver of hope paid off when a young burgundy colored earth pony raised her hoof to say she was good with a piano. Sunset thanked the mare named Amaranthine for volunteering and the three made their way to the Fountains of Heroes square where Discord did come through and set up a stage, dance floor, and even the needed instruments for the plan.

After a quick scan of the surrounding environment, Sunset's eye for detail and years of working as a sound engineer started to question if basic acoustics would be enough. Without a second thought of hesitation, Sunset teleported back to the castle and retrieved her set of personally designed and constructed speakers that were already programmed to wirelessly connect to Raven's systems. Of course, Sunset was not entirely sure if they STILL could connect to Raven with a body, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

After the speakers were connected and powered by nodes Sunset took another few minutes to tune the guitar to her liking and remove the chew toys from the piano that squawked every time Amaranthine tested the keys. Sunset rolled her eyes, muttering Discord’s name under her breath. Raven was pleased her owner/friend took the prank in stride. Sunset always did work well under pressure when she was laser focused on a task. Before Sunset could ask, Raven beamed and proudly declared her connectivity setting was working and she had found the speakers.

With everything else out of the way and the stage set, Sunset had finally explained to their guest what they were going to play and provided some sheet music for Amaranthine to follow. The hard part came next. Waiting to see if Twilight would come. Sure, Sunset pondered, I could still perform for the gathering crowd. Bet five bits that most of these creatures have never seen a show with this kind of set up. Besides, it would be the least I could do since I took this cute little mare away from her day out with friends and family and put her up on stage… Speaking of which…

“Hey, Amaranthine, are you going to be okay performing in front of others? I mean, I don’t want pressure you or anything, but this is a really important performance for me.”

The young mare smiled and waved off Sunset’s concerns. “Please, call me Amara. And are you kidding, right? I’m up on stage next to Princess Sunset! And if that weren’t enough about to take part in a live, impromptu performance! My classmates are going to fall over dead as soon as I tell them about this! I know some are running around here, they might get a chance to see me! This could even get me an in with the Canterlot Orchestra!”

Raven shrugged. “She seems to be taking being drafted for the cause well.”

“Yeah, I remember being that eager to be up on stage as a teen. Good times. What about you? Have any questions on what we are going to do?”

“I am to filter out the lead guitar and piano from the selected song and provide the background ambiance along with horn light, apparently. If all goes well, then I am to play your selected song that you will dance to with Twilight in its original format utilizing the full capacity of the stage and speakers I am connected to. You did not state what will happen after that.”

“Assuming we get to that part? You choose the next song and just, you know, freestyle it.”

Raven blinked twice. “Freestyle? As in you wish me to choose what happens next?”

Sunset smirked, pulling Raven in for a wing covered hug. After a moment of hesitation, Raven nuzzled into Sunset’s warm yet soft fur, finding a strange sense of comfort being enveloped in the large wing. “It’s Discord Day. The Lord of Chaos has given you the power to make your own choices and go crazy and random. Chances are you will be just a PAAL again when this is over so, enjoy. Which is probably what I should have said to you this morning. Sorry about that.”

“No need to apologize again. You were only trying to protect me." Raven smiled warmly. "And thank you for that.”

Discord appeared next to the stage in a cliché Secret Service suit complete with dark sunglasses, coiled ear communicator dangling from his left ear, and paw in his jacket as if he were reaching for a weapon, which turned out to be a pineapple. “Agent Chaos to Sunbutt junior. Purple Smart has been identified and is heading towards the staging area, over… as in you’ll be over if this goes sideways. Good luck and all that jazz.”

Sunset scowled, but let it slide. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Discord tossed the pineapple over his shoulder where it exploded in mid-air raining sticky pineapple juice and pieces down on Lord Quiet Trot’s head. The noblepony shrieked before running off, not so quietly, Discord noted. He straightened his tie, adjusted the black sunglasses over his eyes, and disappeared.

“Right, guess it’s time for me to do what I do best.”

“Run away?” Sunset arched an eyebrow at Raven. The cream colored pony flashed an ‘innocent’ smirk like a pro. “Isabella said it once.”

“Right, of course she did. I meant the ‘other’ thing I do best.” Sunset readied her guitar and summoned ten red telekinetic fingers at the ends of her hooves to conduct one last test of the chords. They sounded perfectly in tune, just the way she wanted them. “Time to rock this party.”

Twilight could hear the large gathering of ponies, griffons, and various other creatures that now called Equestria home even before she found herself in the square. A hushed warble of overlapping conversations, most of which, from what she could skim, were questions and speculations about what was about to happen.

Naturally, as Twilight approached the side conversations ceased and she parted the crowd without having to ask. It was one part reverence and one part you don’t try to block the pony who stood more than twice as tall as you. Even if one tried, she did have two guard captains on either side of her as well as a griffon as her rear guard.

Twilight looked up as she approached the stage and immediately spotted Sunset Shimmer in the center with a guitar in her hooves. She next took note of the young mare who she did not know on the piano and Raven off to the right. Raven waved, and smiled. Sunset met Twilight’s gaze and held it for several heartbeats. Neither spoke, What could be said, given the situation? Words alone were not what was needed. Sunset broke contact first and cleared her throat.

“Thank you all for coming out to enjoy the relaunch of Discord Day,” she began. “I have had… well, let’s just say it has been one heck of an experience I won't soon forget, if ever. But before the sun goes down and every creature scurries off for dinner or time at home I just want to take bit of your time to join me in rocking in the evening and to apologize to… well, everyone, everypony, every creature, that I have scared or offended in some way today. I’ve had a lot happen to me in my life in a short amount of time, but that’s no excuse for unbecoming behavior. My mother, Princess Celestia, had to deal with the stress of ruling for centuries. I should be following her good example in most cases while also forging my own path.” Sunset paused to once again meet Twilight’s eyes. “A path I wish to walk with my beloved marefriend at my side.”

Several creatures in the crowd cooed and gasped at the juicy declaration, many eyes turning to Twilight Sparkle, whose eyes were upon the goldenrod alicorn on stage and no where else.

“With that said.” Sunset nodded to Amaranthine who began to play the piano.

Twilight had heard a number of Sunset’s songs that she had written and only barely scratched the surface of the number of other songs that Raven had saved in her files. Most of those playlists consisted of rock n’ roll from different eras, but Sunset was a lover of nearly all types of music and had orchestra music, jazz, country, folk, rap, blues, bag pipes, and while not many, also ‘love songs.’

Sunset waited with her eyes closed as she listened to the piano intro and then began to sing. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat. She LOVED listening to Sunset Shimmer sing. The goldenrod mare had a natural beauty even prior to becoming an alicorn that put most other mares to shame without even trying. Rarity would spend more than an hour each day making certain her mane and tail were perfect before she dared open her boutique first thing in the morning. Sunset would just roll out of bed and MAYBE brush her hair if she was not running behind.

But Sunset’s true beauty went beyond the physical, pony or human. She was a force of nature. She made others want to follow, gravitate towards her because her tenacious heart and artistic soul were beautiful in ways that words alone failed to describe. However, that inner beauty was sometimes expressed, much to Twilight's delight, in her silky, sexy voice.

The red telekinetic fingers went to work as the song progressed. Sunset opened her eyes briefly to look down at Twilight who had eyes only for her, one hoof on her chest as if to hold her beating heart from escaping. Sunset smiled and played on, certain that the magnificent song written long ago was expressing exactly how she felt.

Raven was admiring the unique perspective of seeing Sunset perform while also providing background instrumentation as her horn pulsed different colors to the sound of the beat. She could… she could FEEL the energy and love that Sunset was pouring into the music and it made her bob her head and tap her hoof even without her commands. This singular make or break moment was essential to her friend and from what she could see of Twilight Sparkle’s enraptured attention it was doing everything Sunset hoped it would. An apology and power ballad of professed love not only to the one she cared for, but for any and all to see and hear. No more hiding or speculations. Every creature gathered who had working eyes and ears would know for certain that their ruling princesses were dating and that was perfectly fine.

Sunset dropped to her knees as she poured all of herself into the performance. As the last of the song drew to a close, she crawled forward, set the guitar off to the side and held out her hoof with glassy, pleading eyes.

“Please, forgive me.”

Twilight stepped up the edge of the stage and pulled her lover down a bit so she could plant her lips upon those of the other diarch. Sunset’s wings sprang open and took on a golden glow for a few seconds before settling. The crowd erupted into cheers as the piano ended and the kiss sealed the performance. When Twilight broke contact and smiled she whispered, “I love you.”

Sunset smiled broadly and jumped down to the ground. The crowd parted as Sunset led her fellow princess to the prepared dance floor. Twilight wordless flashed Sunset a quirky smile. Sunset just continued to smile broadly and with a flourish turned and bowed to Twilight, holding out her hoof as to say, ‘may I have this dance?’

Amaranthine stepped away from the piano, waving at a few friends and family excitedly. Raven nodded her thanks and appreciation to the earth pony and gestured for her to step down the stairs in the back while she took center stage. Raven waited for Sunset to look her direction and nod that they were ready. Quietly, she whispered, “Playing track: ‘I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing’.”

Raven’s eyes closed for a moment before her horn began to glow and the symphony began to play. The PAAL noted that Sunset had staged the speakers perfectly and the acoustics created an excellent surround sound environment. So much so she did not have to use the maximum volume to project the music towards the crowd. Strangely harmonious considering it was all courtesy of a being of chaos.

Then, Raven began to sing. It wasn’t her voice, which was probably strange to the closer onlookers, but Raven did not care what they thought. She was focused on the two alicorns who began to slow dance. Eyes solely for one another. The scene before her made Raven’s chest feel warm, bringing a smile to her face as she continued to sing. It was a strange sensation, but not an unpleasant one. She pondered if this was what was meant when others wrote, 'their heart swelled with love.'

As the song progressed into the second verse, other couples joined in with their own partners and danced along side their princesses including Gauge and Tempest. The solar captain fumbled a bit, not as skilled on the dance floor as she was on the battlefield. Still, Gauge made up for it and kept his fiancé steady. The two sharing small kisses and nuzzles each time they felt like it, which was often.

Twilight Sparkle was floating on air. Considering that her and her dance partner both had wings such a thing was possible. There actually was a pegasi dance style called Cloud Hopping that was very popular in Cloudsdale, now that she thought about it, but that was not important at the moment. No, for the moment, figurative or literal was not important. What was, was that Sunset Shimmer was holding her closely while they slow danced, their horns rubbing against one another intimately with the occasional spark of power as they pressed their muzzles and cheeks into one another.

“I want to apologize too.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “You know you don’t have to. You were right. I was getting stressed out and letting all the little things get to me. Though Discord did say he was sorry for needling me I shouldn’t have let him see it was working. I haven’t had to deal with someone who knew how to push my buttons that well since Aurora was a teenager. I'm a bit out of practice.”

Twilight smiled. “Have I told you I love it when you talk about your girls. You get this light in your eyes like I can see your heart.”

“It’s… a little melancholic. I love talking about them, but then it always reminds me they are gone.”

“I understand,” Twilight said before Sunset spun her and brought her back close. “Have you ever thought of taking on a personal student? Or maybe even better, teaching a class at CSGU? I think the youth of today could benefit greatly from your worldly/interdimensional experience as well as your experience being a parent.”

Sunset chewed on the comment a bit. She did of course love her time working in the lab and the music room, but perhaps Twilight was on to something. She had a unique perspective that few ponies had ever experienced. Sure, some of it needed to stay secret, but the truth could be tweaked a bit. Celestia had mentioned from time to time that the accumulation of knowledge was squandered if you were not willing to share it with others.

“I will take it under consideration now that we more or less have our schedules pounded out." Twilight beamed. “But only if you consider doing it too. I know you love to teach and miss it.”


The song concluded and the crowd cheered and stomped hooves, some whistling their appreciation to Raven. Discord appeared on stage a moment later and gave a great bow to the crowd.

“Yes, yes that was very sappy and lovey dovey.” Discord snapped his paw and an accordion and bajo appeared around his neck and shoulder. “Of course this is not a coronation, it’s a hoe down!”

“Discord,” Raven said, raising a hoof and gently placing it on his arm, “I am aware this is your day and your stage, but I was wondering if you would allow me one last song.” The draconequus eyed Raven suspiciously. “I think you will like it. The lyrics ringing true to those like us that, who have been misunderstood and or forgotten, but strive on for our own benefit.”

A strong, dark blue foreleg wrapped around Discord’s neck and pulled him in for a bone crushing embrace. He was certain if he had actual bones that Luna would have broken some of them.

“Come, friend Discord! Let the glass device have her moment and join me for a drink and dancing!"

“Celestia’s giant white plot! How are you not passed out drunk by now?!” cried Discord as he was dragged off the stage. Raven nodded to Luna then scanned over the crowd, eyes finally locking with Sunset’s. The fire maned alicorn nodded and grinned.

“Thank you for your patience. I would like to perform one more song for the evening. Dedicated to our host, Discord.” Many in the crowd cheered at the dedication, stomping their hooves. Raven closed her eyes a moment and quietly whispered, “Playing track: ‘Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)’.” Raven’s amber eyes opened with confidence as her horn began to emit music, flashing colors in time to the faster beat.

Sunset was curious what song Raven would choose given her entire library at her disposal. When the music started and her friend began to sing a wider smile crept across Sunset’s face. She turned to Twilight and nudged her with a wing. “Hope you are ready to freestyle. Things are about to get wild.”

Twilight turned inwardly a bit and squirmed. “I don’t freestyle very well. You’ve seen what I do without a lead. I don’t want to break your knee.”

“Nothing I can’t heal, but you’ll hurt my feelings if you say no,” Sunset replied with a wink and fake pout.

The song tempo increased and Raven began to dance herself on stage causing the gathered crowd to follow suit and dance more energetically themselves. The PAAL eventually reached up to her well kept mane in a bun and yanked the pins free allowing her mousy brown hair to thrash about as she moved all the more to the pounding music.

Twilight laughed and kissed Sunset again before they separated to thrash rhythmically to the beat. They waved to Luna who was shaking her rump for all it was worth while spinning Discord about like a boa in her magic. It was difficult to tell (because of how fast he was being tossed about) if he was enjoying himself or not. He was certainly making no effort to stop her.

“Now this, this is the side of you I’ve been wanting to see all day,” said Twilight. Sunset sauntered over and gave her marefriend a friendly hip bump before draping a wing over her. “Think you can keep this up until sundown?”

Raven dropped to her knees and finished with a flourish, hoof in the air. Discord, snapped his talon and fireworks detonated above the stage, raining down candy streamers over the crowd that cheered wildly.

Sunset’s grin became predatory, eyes flashing teal for a second. “Bet your sweet plot I can.”


Discord had taken the stage back and the music became much more... random. After the third song, sounding like a polka with garbage can drums, the princesses and their friends chose to quietly slip away back to the castle grounds where dinner had been prepared and waiting for them. A Discord in a white chef uniform complete with a toque blanche upon his head and a second one in a waiter tux stood waiting to serve the group of friends. Raven sat next to Luna while the reunited couples sat next to one another. Isabella chose to stand while eating over by the door like she would if it were an official dinner with dignitaries. Twilight was having none of that and levitated her assistant to sit on her other side. After a glare at Sunset for giggling at her expense, Isabella thanked Twilight and relaxed.

Luna had eaten quickly and excused herself to return to her tower. While Sunset was certain her aunt really did plan to dream walk later there were likely other, rested stallion and mare thestrals waiting to tend to Luna’s ‘other’ needs once more. Sunset did not press because she really did not want to know if she was correct. Out of politeness more than anything, Sunset asked if Raven wanted to join Luna. The PAAL shook her head and declined, more interested in her color changing rainbow sherbet that she was examining with a spoon.

As soon as the dishes were cleared Tempest and Gauge excused themselves. Twilight and Sunset bid them goodnight, reminding them that though the couple had much to plan that they had friends who would gladly help. The chef Discord took that as his cue to fold the table and then folded and folded and folded until he picked it up and slipped it into his breast pocket. The chef bowed and disappeared in a flash followed by the waiter. The changing colors signaled fast approaching sunset. It was time to end the day.

While they could have just as easily flown, Sunset and Twilight chose to stroll side by side to the solar outlook so Raven could easily follow without having to be carried. Isabella had joined them part of the way, but had elected to return to her private residence once she felt it was appropriate. Twilight understood and gave her friend one last hug before saying goodnight. The remaining three continued up the numerous flights of stairs to Twilight's tower to once again guide the celestial bodies back to their correct paths in the heavens.

The conversation was light, pointing out things they had seen or observed. Raven happily chimed in from time to time, occasionally asking questions for clarification. “I just do not understand why a creature that is not fireproof would voluntarily choose to eat a food that they know will cause painful chemical burn to their tongues. It frankly sounds masochistic and ridiculous to me.”

Sunset chuckled. “We kinda touched on this earlier. Well, I guess the short answer for most is, you only live once. So, LIVE it.”

Raven nodded. “Simply put, but I believe the evidence supports that.” Nothing else was said on the matter as they climbed the last of the stairs. Twilight lit her horn and opened the door as they approached.

The two alicorns crossed Twilight’s living room, pleased to find everything where it should be and nothing appeared to be made of melty chocolate, which had been a possibility. After a brief pause they headed straight for the outlook balcony. Unsurprising, Discord was standing on the balcony waiting, gazing out upon the absurdity he had created.

“Ahhh yes, I guess it is about that time. A shame really, I was just about to see if any creature was in the mood for a fun run from a creeping gargantua vine bush. Perhaps next year.” His eyes grew twice and large and glassy as he dropped to his knees. “Things turned out well enough for there to be a next year I assume?”

Twilight smiled warmly, nudging Sunset with her wing. Sunset blushed a bit when she realized Twilight was trying to get her to speak.

“I know we talked about it at the bar earlier, but now that it’s just us I want to apologize for, you know, almost skewering you with the Godslayer.”

Twilight gawked. “Seriously? That is what you are calling your sword now?”

“Hey, his name for it, not mine. Although, I kind of like it. All the best and most famous swords in history and fiction all had names. Why not mine?” Sunset shrugged. “Anyhow, I’m sorry. And thank you for a… mostly enjoyable day. So yeah, Celestia's decree stands and we can do this again.”

“I… I guess this means it’s time for me to be changed back as well.”

All eyes turned back towards Raven who had been standing quietly a few steps away. Her mane was still hanging loose and in Sunset’s opinion, looked damn sexy down and free. The PAAL let out a sigh before squaring her posture and resignation as if she were awaiting the firing squad.

“Well, hold on,” commented Sunset, holding up a hoof. “I mean, I want my stuff, but… if she’s happier in a body maybe we could leave her like this until I can come up a storage interface or when the mirror opens again we could change her back, transfer everything to a backup drive then change her back to this. You know, options are available.”

Raven balked, looking from face to face. “Sunset…”

“Alas,” Discord began, stepping over and holding out his paw to Raven who hesitantly place a hoof in it, “it cannot be. Part of the rules for the day were that every thing I change or alter has to go back to how it was. Those were the rules Celestia set out and it does go beyond that. I am chaos, pure and simple. While it was not hard to make a construct for her, even a life like one, that chaos would eventually catch up. There is no telling what it would do to her after today. Harmonic Balance and all that blah, blah, blah.”

“I understand,” Raven said with just a hint of sorrow. “Allow me just one last thing.” Discord shrugged. Raven dove at Sunset and hugger her tightly. The goldenrod alicorn was caught briefly off guard, but quickly recovered and held her friend close, wrapping her legs and wings around the smaller pony. When they separated Raven smiled and bowed her head to Twilight who returned the smile and nodded.

“Do it.”

Discord snapped his paw and Raven’s body took on a bright glow before breaking down to glittering dust, leaving only the small glass rectangular device. Sunset caught her PAAL phone in her magic and floated her over.

“You okay?”

The animated pony on the screen nodded. “It was not as shocking a transition when compared to finding out I no longer had internet connectivity. However… would it be okay if we did this again? I… I liked being able to move about on my own.”


Raven smiled. “I think I would like to rest now, process what I have learned.” Without the need for the command, the PAAL put itself in sleep mode. Sunset set the device down on the night stand by the bed with the induction charger.

“Sunset, it’s time.”

Twilight’s horn blazed to light as she established her connection with the sun hanging low on the horizon. The colors of the sunset were always the most magnificent tapestry of nature where the retreating light met the on coming twilight. With one last flick of power, the sun was laid to rest.

Discord brought his paw and claw together and sent out his own will of power. In a tremendous flash, everything returned to what it was before. Those that were still out on the streets witnessed the change and understood, the party was over. The thestrals began to fly about to begin their evening patrols while many citizens bid each other goodnight.

“My turn.” Sunset Shimmer reached out with her own will of power and connection to the moon. She found it ‘mostly’ where it should be. With eyes closed and a flick of her horn Sunset brought the moon up from the eastern horizon.

Discord, who had remained nearby on the balcony watched the two alicorns work and then smirked. With a snap of his paw a pie appeared floating in his unseen power. With a well honed aim he brought the sweet treat around and quickly smashed it into Sunset Shimmer’s muzzle.

Sunset gasped in surprise, her connection to the moon temporarily lost in the surprise pie attack. She gasped and cried out when she realized that the moon was growing far to large on the horizon as if it were about to collide with the planet. With a straining effort and grinding teeth Sunset willed the celestial satellite back onto its correct path. She quickly whipped around with pie still stuck and dripping from her fur.

“ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE?! You made me nearly drop the MOON!”

“Oh come on, so you may have shook up some of Lulu’s rock gardens, but it’s not like it caused any tidal waves… you know at least not here. Besides! I needed to hit somepony with a pie! I had one ready all day!”

“You selfish son of a bitc…” Sunset stopped talking immediately when she felt her marefriend begin to lick the pie from her face, messily nuzzling into Sunset’s jaw and neck.

“Mmmm,” Twilight mumbled, working her way up to lick some whipped cream from Sunset’s ear. “It’s probably just my opinion, but I think lemon meringue taste better off of you.”

Sunset blushed profusely. Discord just rolled his eyes. “Well, you’re welcome, enjoy your dessert, dearest Twilight. Ta-ta!” With a snap, the draconequus was gone.

Twilight licked along Sunset’s jaw line and made no effort to hide her desire as she chewed the crust pieces. The entire exchange had caught Sunset so far off guard she felt like a stumbling filly again. The feeling was… invigorating.

“I, uh… I should… you know, go get this cleaned up. Yeah. Would be unsightly to come stumbling into the night court with pie and saliva dripping down my face.”

“Bath, yes,” Twilight dimmed the ambient mage lights around the chamber and bedroom to a seductive low. “Court, no.”


Twilight licked Sunset’s lips and pressed into her marefriend. Now that she had a bit of the pie in her mouth too, Sunset did agree, it tasted better when it was accompanied by your lover's lips. “Discord Day may only run through the daylight hours, but Celestia and I agreed that Discord ‘DAY’ also included a night off. No night court, no agendas, no projects. Just you, me, a nice bath, and whatever else comes to mind until we fall asleep. Then we go back to serving Equestria.”

“Whatever comes to mind, hmm?”


Sunset grinned.

Twilight grinned and kissed her marefriend again.

“I think I’m going to like doing this every year.”


Author's Note:

Once again, thank you to everyone that makes it down this far. This was a fun little story to work on. After thoughts, ramblings, and what comes next will be over in the blog section.

Below are some links for the songs used since I can't use the lyrics in the story itself. (I understand why, but still *moody*)

Sunset to Twilight

Sunset/Twilight dance

Raven rocks out

Questions comments always welcomed.

Comments ( 10 )

I wanted Raven to stay pony :'( :fluttercry:

“Oh?!” Luna lifted her sunglasses a moment before placing them back into place, more or less. “In that case, THE LIBATIONS SHALL BE DOUBLED!” Luna stole Sunset’s drink, not shuddering for a moment as she downed the amber liquor and slammed the upside down glass to the bar. Amazingly, the glass did not break. “ANOTHER!” The bar erupted into more cheers. Discord rolled his eyes. Guards were guards after all.

A certain Norse god would be proud

I was kinda expecting a proposal to accompany Sunset's apology, especially after Gauge's impromptu one, but I suppose it's too early for that yet.
But it looks like the Equestrian's taste of human music was very well recieved at least.
I have a feeling Discord is gonna still get under Sunset's skin in Discord fashion, but at least they have an understanding now, and can move forward in a friendlier fashion.

Been looking forward to this all day
Glad everypony talked about it after cooling down
Poor Raven
Honestly I expected Twilight to talk to Sunset about having a kid but since they’ve only been a couple for a year a personal student is also good
And the flaming sword of death finally gets a name :yay:
Did not expect the ending by a long shot :rainbowhuh:
Any way looking forward to the next instalment

I thought long and hard about it, but it is necessary for her to be as she is. I have plans.

Sunset did not want to steal the spotlight from Tempest and Gauge, plus she's not ready mentally to propose to Twilight. A certain pink alicorn may have to intervene in the future.

Don't feel bad for Raven, she had a great time and learned so much... just imagine all the uncomfortable questions Sunset is going to have to deal with the next day! Yeah, God Slayer is heavily influenced by Chaz from Sluggy Freelance in as far as power range. It's crazy dangerous. Also, glad I was able to deliver the unexpected for an ending! Go me!

Yes, undoubtedly, as Twilight said, Sunset's still grieving from her mother's death (and SciTwi's to an extent), on top of her princess duties, plus sorting out her feelings for Princess Twilight.
And once again, you got me interested!

oh i know i'd love to see what happens that night between them hehe

That was a nice conclusion to this little romp through the Chaos Dimension. Glad everyone got their relationship woes patched up.

Also, I'm betting Raven's going to be looking forward to next Discord Day, if only for the fact she'll get to be fleshy again.

A good ending to a fun and crazy story. I hope there's more stories to come from this timline.

I just started the next one, could be a month or so before anything is ready to show. Thanks for reading.

Yeah, Vegeta isn't a moron like Goku is, he has sense.

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