• Published 10th Dec 2021
  • 1,085 Views, 22 Comments

The Informant's Job - Im a B O X

Rarely is an informant's job easy. Often, it is shrouded with mystery and secrecy. Except for when the time's are up...

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The Start of a New Era

Canterlot, Royal Court House

Write Fountain made her way across the castle hallways, today was one of the most momentous occasions of her life, and maybe even for Equestria’s history as a whole. She had just recently managed to finish her project, which she was specifically selected to not only make but also present to the Equestrian Royals, everyone who was worth gold by their mere presence was going to be at her presentation. This was all in preparation for the eventual abdication of Princess Celestia and Luna to make way for Princess Twilight’s ascension to the Equestrian Throne. And today was the big day that she could make a difference, a difference that she hoped, would change how not only Equestria viewed itself, but also to change the entirety of Equus and the nations that accompany Equestria for the betterment of opportunity.

Entering the room she was assigned to make her presentation and walking up to the podium and board, she looked at the sight before her, only now did it settle into her inner conciseness of the true reach of her presentation. Preparing herself by taking deep breaths, she prepares to do her best and prepared for the worst, after all, the worst that her audience, the ponies of Equestria’s most prestigious and influential city could do was openly reject her proposal and have a completely different opinion and viewpoint as to what she was about to explain. Another deep breath and she was about to let loose, beginning one of the longest and most important presentations that Equestria would see to date.

“Good day to all of you who made it here and those that gave some of your time to view what I am about to share,” this was her opening speech for her presentation while writing an equal sign with the use of her wings (which as admittedly an unhealthy practice) on the chalkboard that was provided for her usage on this presentation, she was thinking of all the possible directions that this could go to, “I ask all of you within here, although you’re not required, to tell me what you see on the chalkboard?”

A sea of silence was what she was greeted with, although she understood that this was to be expected as she was already diving straight for the meat of her presentation.

“I understand that to the greater majority of us, view this symbol, mathematically, as the Equal Sign, being used to represent something of equal value to another,” receiving a few nods amongst the crowd, she continued,

“But I am also well aware that some ponies amongst ourselves know this sign has a much more rooted, real-life meaning, and as such, for those uninformed, (which I doubt would be the case,) the same symbol is what appears when a ponies destiny or cutie mark, regardless of how or why, is taken away from them, in place leaving them without a special ability or destiny, similar to those that would experience the same thing. Its most recent, and might I add the last time, such a case was reported was then, when her highness, Princess Twilight’s first pupil of friendship, now Principal Starlight Glimmer, had made a philosophy centered around equality through the removal of a ponies special ability or talent (and by extension their destiny), and how she went about it completing her goals, no matter how questionable it is, showed both its effect and cause on a ponies mental and physical being, but the most important change would be how her philosophy and manner of which she did this, shows how by removing one’s special abilities, we can create a level of competence where every pony under its effects is of equal skill and value in what they could achieve or give compared to their contemporaries, but I also feel the need to also remind that this all happened before her redemption as Her Highness’s first pupil.” Looking around, she noticed the mixed reactions she was receiving, but she couldn’t tell if it was for what she was explaining now or what she was about to explain.

“Now, I hear you ask, ‘what does this have to do or is of any relevance to your presentation?’ and to that I say, because of what miss Glimmer had done (which might I add is a different subject to discuss and not one I will touch on in this discussion), is creating an entirely new, different, and potentially groundbreaking ideology, or to put it simply, an idea, that we could further research and even adopt into our own current system.” Stopping for a moment, she saw that the crowd was about to speak, but she beat their protest by answering their own questions directly,

“And no, I don’t plan on world domination, and it’s a no by a long shot. What I am after, and what I am asking all in this very room to consider, is an alternative to the current philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology that could substitute or coexist with the current Diarchy, which might I add is about to become a Monarchy, a contingency plan, in other words, an alternative that could influence and spawn plenty others different or like it, minus of course the mind enslavement and stealing of cutie marks, what I am asking all of you in this room to do is consider the possible alternatives as we step into a new era for not only the nation of Equestria but also the entirety of Equus.”

Pausing for a moment, she let the silence hang around for a moment, then a pony amongst the crowd spoke out in response,

“And how could you prove that it is not only a viable but also stable option for us to pursue in the long run of this nation?”

“And here I thought you would never ask,” giving herself a mental pat, she continued, “here, I am about to show and explain the proposal of my project, the meat of this presentation.”

And with that, she began explaining and writing examples for the crowd to follow, whose curiosity is now intent on finding out where this mare was going with her presentation and ideas.

Amongst the crowd, a pony watches with great intent at the new revelation. It was going to be a long while until that mare would finish, but in that time span, this pony already knew where she was headed to. This presentation was about to become one of Equestria’s most influential and controversial idea’s yet, and from it, plenty more would follow suit, chaos and harmony are about to ensue, and questions would be asked, with answers that are waiting to be discovered. All of this, and the pony merely watched, knowing full well and intent on what is about to happen with this presentation and what it entailed for his employer, but he had to stick to his job, that's the job he was given, it's the informant's job to keep track of such things after all, and so, he listened with great intent, like most other ponies within the crowd they were in.

“…And so, I believe that concludes the majority of the point that I am trying to get through, so are there and more questions?” Write asked, receiving mostly gossips amongst her audience, although she couldn’t actually make out what any of them said, she had a feeling it was anything else other than good news for her.

After her audience started to settle down, a stallion, Fancy Pants by the looks of it, stepped up and forwards towards Write.

“No intorduction needed here and staight to the point. As you may know, Write Fountain, your presentation has been one the few that the nobles and other high figures in Equestrian society, myself included, took to be a serious matter as to warrant some changes on our personal schedules just to hear your idea,” he gave a small inhale, he wasn’t sure if he was the right pony to say what’s next, but he pushed through anyway, “and as much as I respect the idea that you have put forth, the same feedback and reactions could not be said for the greater majority that I represent right now.”

“Wait, where are you going with that idea?” Write asked, “You can’t possibly sideline my work? I researched and gave plenty of time, examples, and even reason to prove the simple point that it works, half an entire year, I spent working on this, and you sideline the idea as a whole?.”

“And that is the problem that the majority has concluded,” Fancy Pants replied, “Although granted you gave plenty of time just trying to convince us that it works, it challenges the idea that had kept Equestria alive and running, the proposed changes could be implemented right here and now without the need to resort to an entirely new system that would cost us untold thousands of bits just to maintain its operations, and even without that conflicting argument, the mere fact that it hasn’t been tested for long-term use on a wider scale population only furthers the point that it is a risk that we, who are gathered before you and your presentation, are not willing to take.”

“B-b-but…” Write stammered, as the implications started to sink it, and with it, the general image that these nobles had taken to her ideas.

“I really do apologize Write,” Fancy Pants said, “I really do, but I am with the majority here when you consider the fact that as much as I’d love to support your ideas, We are risking the statuesque that has kept Equestria afloat throughout the most troubled times, but I do have a proposal for you to consider.”

“And what would that proposal be?” She asked, “You already made it clear that you, everyone here, would sideline my work, I hoped to make a change, and it seems to be clear that you aren’t willing to take the chance.”

Everyone in the room flinched in one way or another at that remark, not because it was true, but because everyone had a different motive, it was just that it was never fully realized by the greater majority in Equestria.

“I understand that it may not interest you now,” he said, lifting a small sheet of paper from the inner pockets of his suit, “but I believe I have a good friend that would be interested in your field of work, calls himself ‘Formosa,’ an innovator in politics and business, a very reserved stallion I must say, always popping in and out of the public eyes.”

“Why are you giving me this?” She asked while looking at the card that she upheld and read with the use of her wings, “what could he possibly do that you believe he would find a use for me and my field of study?”

“He had a similar passion to you the last time I met that stallion, probably grew a stronger back bone or something since his last appearance, around four months ago, not sure,” Fancy said, “I believe he has a place for you, he might even consider you a student, should you want to become his apprentice of course.”

“And why is that?” she asked.

“Let’s just say he’s a very influential pony, worth more than twofold of the influence that every pony could gather in this very room,” he replied, “so should anything go astray, I believe he would have a plan and don’t worry, your presentation won’t be sidelined forever, I’m sure when the time comes, it would show its worth, today is just not that day.”

Looking up to Fancy Pants, Write simply gave a smile to his direction, a simple “thank you” was all she said.

“I thank you all for attending my presentation.” Write openly spoke out to her audience and Fancy Pants, “And I wish that this had been an educational subject for all of you, again, I thank you all.”

And with that final closing remarks, the room that was once filled with ponies of nobility and stature, now slowly being devoid of any participants, and soon the entire room was empty, leaving only Fancy Pants and Write Fountain in it.

“I better get going, I still have some other inquiries to attend to.” Fancy Pants said, making his way to the exit.

“Ok, but where do I find him?” Write asked, blocking Fancy’s path in the process.

“He’ll show up sooner or later, I myself am not sure, but I know for sure you won’t find him by staying here any longer.” He replied.

Letting him pass, she simply said to him once more, “Thank you, for offering help to me.”

“Any time,” he replied, “also, I think the diner districts of Canterlot would be a good place to start, heard that stallion liked to see different restaurants.”

“Thanks again.”

“Again, any time.”

As Fancy Pants walked out of the room, Write was the only one that was left in the room, she still had to clean up her presentation, and so that’s exactly what she did.

After finishing her little clean-up, Write headed directly back to her apartment, that day was a tiring day, and although she knew her idea would probably be archived and left to garner dust for the foreseeable future, she still looked up to the sky above. Unlike most Pegasus ponies, Write preferred to walk, to look at things from a grounded view, her destiny, the way she saw it, was to write about ideas, to record them even if ponies didn’t give them a chance. All this, and more, but she really was tired, and she could start looking for that stallion named, ‘Formosa’ some other time, right now, she needs some rest.

As the sun started to set, Celestia looked over the balcony of the castle, a castle that she had stayed in for more than a millennium, it was only now when she could truly admire the twilight that the view provided her. Her fateful student, growing up to take the crown, brought a tear to her eye, hundreds of years’ worth of planning, all lead up to this very moment of transfer in power.

A knock on the door of her room interrupted her sightseeing.

“Come in.” She replied, and immediately, the moment she turned her face to look at the pony that entered her room, a small scowl formed upon her face, it was an “old friend” of hers, one that she never expected to return or even help, not after the time when she sent her own sister to the moon.

Although she knew the pony before she was an integral part of pony (and by extension Equus) society, she knew that this was no ordinary pony but one of many, a pony much more proficient than Star Swirl or even Celestia herself in the arts of sorcery (and unfortunatly not magic), even if they claimed otherwise, she never expected to see them in the flesh, only ever expecting to communicate with them through ink and paper.

All her efforts were to try and divert their attention away from her and her little ponies, but as by the evidence of the fact that she had an unexpected visitor, it would seem otherwise.

“I never expected to see you here, I really expected your employer to help us after the first Discord fiasco, I guess I was a bit too optimistic back then.” She said.

“Skip the introductions please, I merely work formoses, and he personally asked me to send his regards for your soon abdication.”

“And I doubt that’s all you’re here for, correct?” She asked.

“My employer's field of work is complicated, but I assure you, they only ever interfere when necessary, that you clearly know first-hoof.” The pony replied, being encased in a thick hood that covered most of its face, but that didn’t matter to Celestia, partially because she personally knew who the pony she was talking to was and the other part being that they were merely a vassal, an envoy at least, to whom she was really supposed to speak to.

“So tell me,” she began once more, “What is it does Formoses want this time, he never helped during my time of need, why should I help them now?”

“Because it does not concern your future directly,” the pony said, “It directly concerns the actions you have taken, and the future of your apprentice, and as much as I hate to say this, but he had specifically told me that should you say those specific lines, he said that it was, ‘all in good faith.’”

Looking with fire in her eyes, Celestia eyed the pony before her carefully, cautiously making sure not to break eye contact with them.

“Please, take a seat, I am willing to discuss this matter with you, right now.” She said.

“Your plans won’t go unnoticed, your Highness, that’s for sure.” The pony responded, taking a seat for himself beside the windows of the room, where they were able to see the outside view.

“Any preference in music?” Celestia asked, “I’m sure we will be in here for a while, so while we’re at it, might as well make ourselves comfortable.”

“Any will do, I was just sent to discuss a few outlines for you to follow and some possible changes that could follow after.”

“Very well, I hope you enjoy your stay Sunburst.”

“I had to make arrangements after unfortunate events came around in my life, I do hope you understand.”

“No, no, it’s completely understandable, although you are the first that had been very direct to me with these kinds of matters.”

“Well, as you know very well you Highness, someone’s got to pay the bills, and I am merely doing this as part of the informant’s contracts, I assume you know such a thing exists?”

“Of course I knew such thing’s existed,” Celestia said, “it isn't hard to connect the dots and imagine what my little ponies would have to find some other form of income to stay afloat in this ever-changing world, its a miracle as is it stands now and ever.”

Location: Unknown, past midnight

“So,” a voice began, “What’s the news?”

“Nothing much, the usual scramble for power.”

“And the test subjects are doing well under pressure I presume?”



“But what?” He asked, “I got nothing more to say, just the usual.”

“You and I know that’s not true Moses, so drop the act and tell me.”

“Fine James, if you want the short of it, a mare, she just went up gave a lesson for the people in power of the land, she had more than just a very subjective view on the current god complex that the current ‘half-gods’ Equestria had, of course, I’d assume there would be some problems to accommodate it, already sent some of my informants to do some errands for me.”

“So… She has a different view contrary to the majority, correct?”

“Basically the gist of it, yeah.”


“I believe she’s going to discover some top-secret bullshit that we would probably have to resolve again.”

“Oh, yeah…”

“What do you think will they say?”

“The higher-ups? Jackshit if I knew, I just want to be on leave. They’ll probably just place someone else on parole while we're on duty or something. Just the usual shit they like to sprinkle on their tests. Although I heard they had big plans for ponies like her, I don’t think this would be the usual thing they have planned since their plans have become much more complicated and messed up from what they started and made them out to be.”

“Welp, guess we got to start moving, orders are still orders, observe the actions of that mare, she’s still a person- er… pony of interest, with the secondary objective is monitoring test subjects codenamed: Helios and Nyx, respectively.”

“Get a better name for your disguise, we still got plenty of time on our working hours, plus, the test subjects had adopted better names compared to yours, not to mention the fact that they already have someone planned for the ascension to their throne, the ‘right to rule’ bullshit as it still stands, so we still have some problems to set straight.”

“Hmph… I’ll see what I could do about that. By the way, what do your subordinates call you by? When they go around doing the bullshit you probably tell them.”

“They usually refer to me as ‘Formosa’, which was supposed to be a slang for ‘For Moses’ but you know, became mixed and matched from one form to another, so I adopted it, winged it for the last name and backstory, then boom! Then came Formosa Box, although admittedly the last name sucks ass.

“Oh, I see, well… I do believe I’m going to need to work under your brand to have a foot holding for my disguise, we still got more jobs to do, and we still need to get your subordinates to work out some footing for the next part of the plan.”


“Hey, James… did you want to know something?”


“Apparently just saying the word ‘peeve’ is considered as high profanity here.”

Please, shut the fuck up right now.” Trying but failing to keep a smirk crawling into his face.

“Ok fine.” And the sounds of crickets in the far distance once more resumed.

“So… It really has come to this point, for more around a decade of observation and predictions, we are about to jump into a shithole of a mess, one that will probably get ourselves coated in.”

Giving an audible sigh, James merely replied, still staring at the starry night sky, “Touché…”

That same late-night sky, it was a marvel for those that took the time to look at its silent beauty, but really, it’s just a great excuse for these guys to hang around the ledges wherever it is convenient and safe for them, talking about god or something to their liking. They’d make their moves soon, for now though, it’s nothing personal to them, it’s just good business, the first like another job.

Author's Note:

Jeez, this one is going to be a nice one, I hope.

Then again, I still have to build a narrative and story for this plus my other stories, I do hope it was fun for the reader,

again I am doing this mostly alone and any helpful (I have no idea what counts as “helpful”) criticisms or corrections I would greatly appreciate.

Also, I think this one will be a good one, I hope I could actually make a good story and get another cover art for this, but that will have to wait another time, stay tuned for more, probably. :moustache: