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"If you are afraid to look ahead, and it hurts to look back, look beside you and there will be your friends."

Comments ( 621 )
Comment posted by Max hunter deleted Oct 5th, 2021

So.... When's the next update coming


I'll see about updating by the end of the week, if not a bit sooner I would think

I very compelling story, I like it.

Well... That's an interesting chapter.
I hope more comes out


Don't worry, more will come out soon. I am glad you found it interesting!

Oh this is getting good, looking foward to the next chapter

Good chapter my man..... That was awesome
So when new update?

Either by the end of the week or during the weekend itself I think. Sadly, school must come first!

Dang, I'll fix that real quick!

Awesome chapter dude. Keep up the good work

Even if he was in a new world, Dean knew that he would have to keep killing. He didn't particularly enjoy it, he only killed when he thought was necessary. Like when the Terrorists bombed the mall in his hometown, when the Orith attacked Africa, and now, when a group of beings enslaved another race with a culture that allowed the rape and assault of kids. It sickened him, but he grew used to it. It was his duty.

All I want to say is 20 is not a kid. What they're doing is wrong and I understand what he was trying to say by it but 20 is not a kid Young yes kid no.

Now that I look at it, saying she's a kid in this particular area is a bit strange. But I do personally believe that until someone is about 25, they are a kid, matured, but still a kid. I meant it in the sense of someone older calling someone younger "kid" if you know what I mean, I imagined Dean had this mindset. I'll fix it though cause you are correct!

I believe it's medically and scientifically proven that the average human brain doesn't stop developing until around 24-25 years of age...

P.S. any news on the next chapter?

I am nearly done, got faced with a bit of writer's block and school is being a pain in the ass. It'll be out soon though!
And you would be correct, the human brain does not stop developing until around that age.

So far I'm loving this story, can't wait for the next update! But until then keep up the good work, no one will mind if it takes a while for you to post I know school can be a bitch. It also might help if you made a schedule but that's just my opinion.

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. I'll see about making a schedule, but I don't get much time to write. I'm glad you are enjoying the story and I'll try and get the next update out soon!

Will there be something romantic between the human and Twilight in this story? Because the storyline leads to this (at least it seemed to me so), but story does not have the tag "Romance"

p.s. so far I really like the story, but with a romantic line (human X pony), it would be just gorgeous ;)

p.s.s. thx

I'm going to be honest, I truly don't know. I've tossed that idea around in my head for a bit and decided I'll keep writing and see how it goes. I did intend to have some form of romance in the story so thanks for catching that, I'll put the tag up.
But as far as human x pony goes... we will just have to wait and see!

I changed the end of Origins Part 2 so that it lines up a bit better. Just a heads up!

Can't wait for more, This is getting interesting. Other than that I hope your having a great day or night & your story telling is magnificent.

Woop! Another Chapter. Keep it going!

Thank you! I hope you have a great day or night as well!

Aside from a few misspellings, solid story.

This was a sad chapter but we'll done can't wait for the next chapter

Lovely story telling as always.

I think I've a perfect song for this situation.
Sabaton - Panzerkampf

Merry Christmas! And can't wait for the next chapter.

i have a question:
if both celestia and luna were killed then who raises the sun and who raises the moon?
you probably already answered it in a chapter but i probably missed it :p

We will have to wait and see!😉 But don't worry, I have not yet mentioned who moves the two celestial bodies yet.

Well I never said how soon but two days between updates is alright😂 the next one will take longer due to the work week coming back.


Come out, ye point-eared pricks,
come out and fight me like a man!
show your wife how you won medals, down in Canterlot,
Tell her how one man,
Made you run like hell away,
from the green and lovely woods of Everfree!

I see like most "Displaced" stories there is no way of telling what video game crossover this is. Why i do not know?

After searching, i found that Dean Forester is a principal character on Gilmore Girls. He is portrayed by Jared Padalecki.

Well, that is because This particular Character is completely made up! Though that is pretty funny that "Dean Forester" is actually in Gilmore Girls, I've never seen the show.

Superdale33's "Lost and Fallen" story

Can I please get a link?

However, there was a self destruct feature that only the corps knew about. It was connected to a neural interface in the small of the back and could only be activated with his fingerprint.

Dont want to sound rude, but this probably implies that he is gonna sacrifice himself at the end of the story

"I hope this type of greeting doesn't run in the family."

It probably does

Well, this looks like it's going to be interesting.

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