• Published 18th Oct 2021
  • 573 Views, 30 Comments

Flurry Heart’s Problem - Badguy400

Takes place in the adventure series with Sombra, Flurry Heart, and others

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Prologue: An Unpleasant Day

Flurry Heart is currently spending some time with the Cake Twins… currently reminiscing with them about the time that the Twins almost pelted her with cupcakes when she tried to get them to share a balloon toy. Or that time where Flurry Heart sneezed, and blew a hole through the roof during one of their usual play dates. Or better yet… almost thinking that Poundcake was gone for good… .

Nevertheless; they laughed about it, and are currently having fun right now… .

And as for the ex-villains… . It varies… .

“*growls in slight annoyance*. Is this gonna take long? I’m starving… .” Queen Chrysalis says as she’s rubbing her growling belly.

“One minute”, Tirek said while looking at the oven timer.

Tirek, Chrysalis, and King Sombra are currently in the bar area inside the kitchen; waiting for the daisy and grass encrusted lasagna to finish being cooked. Why… ?

Well because the Cake Parents are out of Ponyville, and are heading to a very important baker’s convention in Canterlot.

And as for the Royal Couple from the Crystal Empire… ; they needed someone to watch over their daughter while they attend a meeting in their own castle with a few diplomats discussing the situation about those bandits that got away… and how to better prepare for future attacks just like that in the near future.

The villains are now eating; if albeit with different dishes… . Reason… ? Simple… .

Tirek as it turned out; is not a very good cook as he once thought he was… .

So because of that; Queen Chrysalis went to the fridge, and made herself a daisy and grass sandwich instead of the lasagna one.

King Sombra asked Flurry Heart if he could have some of her PB and J sandwiches for him to eat. Knowing that she had lots of sandwiches from her parents for when she arrived to Sugarcube Corner; she allowed him to, and went back to playing with some plushies. So with that; King Sombra went to the fridge that housed Flurry Heart’s sandwiches, and took a few as to make sure that Flurry Heart can have some as well for when she felt hungry.

And as for Tirek; he threw the entire lasagna away, and then just made himself some breakfast for lunch; which consisted of pancakes, hay hash browns, and some nice looking orange slices… along with some orange juice as well to go with it.

“Huh…” Sombra started to comment. “I’m really sorry for telling you this Tirek… but you’re not a very good cook. I mean…. . How in the world did you manage to burn an entire lasagna with an oven… ? That just doesn’t make any sense… .”

A little annoyed about that comment; Tirek replied back; “give me a break; okay? It’s not my fault that I don’t know how to cook… .”

Chrysalis smirked, and then says; “want me to teach you? I did after all make the best cuisine for my changelings and all for when I was still ruler… .”

Tirek scoffed at that, and then retorted; “like what hmm? Making love based foods and such? Yeah you’re really much help… .”

Chrysalis slammed her sandwich on the plate with a clatter, stands up from her seat, and then says; “what’s your problem; huh? I haven’t said a single bad thing about you… and this is how you react?! What gives… ?”

Tirek takes a breather, and then says; “you know what… ? Forget what I said… . I’m not really in the mood to talk right now… .”

Taking that as a challenge; Chrysalis got close to him, and says; “oh yeah? Try me!”

However; before the two could come to blows with each other; King Sombra interrupted them by snapping his shadow fingers, and then saying; “uh guys… . We’ve got a problem… .”

Growling from their annoyance with each other; both Chrysalis and Tirek turned to him, and then shouted; “what?!” in unison.

After a while; they then soon saw what Sombra was directing their attention to… .

It was Flurry Heart standing by them, and sniffling with tears in her eyes… . Not to mention the noticeable size of her diaper; signifying that she had an accident.

Feeling sorry for her; they both said; “oh… . Sorry… .” in unison.

Unfortunately; it didn’t pretty much help the case, and then Flurry Heart started to cry.