• Member Since 28th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Enjoy aspects of the show, love the fanfics, well... The good ones anyway. And bat ponies, and... Shark ponies oddly enough? And my OC's, and firearms. Especially firearms.



William, is not your ordinary highschooler, he is introverted, quiet, a tad bit impatient, and has an obsession with firearms that others would consider downright creepy, he also happens to have a closet obsession with My Little Pony. One day after going to a sleepover he is brought to Equestria by Griffon, Dragon and Changeling mages and given the ability to summon any piece of military hardware he so wishes in hopes that he would lead them to victory against the ponies of Equestria. He is happy, but when he discovers their attempt to deceive him...

Ok, well... It really wasn't deceiving. Because they never told him who they wanted him to go up against. But regardless!....

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 110 )

How can a griffon use magic?

Comment posted by aegishailstorm deleted Oct 10th, 2021

Uh, either the next chapter goes according to what the summary says or completely change said summary. Because both previous and this chapter wasn't accurate to the summary.

Edit: Also, I hope the rest of the story goes the same way as the image of the story.

Therussianbadger thumbnail greatly appreciated

Even someone like him has limits on who to shoot first.

Eh. I could still kick this edgy kid's ass, no matter what weapon he summons.

..... He can shoot a gun without problem... Blah...

Comment posted by funtime_foxy455 deleted Oct 10th, 2021

he is antisocial, quiet, impatient and has an obsession with firearms that others would consider downright creepy

So.... he's the stereotypical HiE writer?

M249 all the way honey lmao. My favorite. Even if i run out of ammo, I can brutalize you :D

therussianbadger wants to know your location

A kid can carry an M249 without problem while a soldier in real life is still hard to carry that gun:rainbowderp:

i feel you are rushing your story a bit much that you do some common spelling errors that you would see if you took a bit more time to think and build out the world more with more details and shush needed.

so far this feel a bit more garystue carakter sure the kid know possibly how to handel most wepons off fire arms when he heads to the shooting range but he seems a bit unrealistik storng for a 16 years old that show no sign off working out in his free time or runing and the like so i can se him posibly handel small arms and some rifles with much dificulty.

but i like the consept off the story but i feel you throwing it away in the bin if you dont take it slower cause this have a potenstial but it depends where you want it to end up. and possibly talk with some friends to throw ideas around to better understand what kind off world you really are in.

You would be surprised by the things that he is capable of, As the story says, He is most definitely NOT an average highschooler.

Sure you could.
And For the record, he is not a Gary stue, he just has no regret or remorse for those whose anger him, and he his also a tad bit autistic.
He Is never like this on earth, but considering that he got transported to a universe that for all intents and purposes, should have been fictional, he decided to throw caution to the wind and let out all his anger in one go.

currently On fimfiction.net Badger, hope you like what you see.

... While I am checking the Gary Stu meter here. You are... let's see, 7-8 terms of Gary Stu though.

NOT an average highschooler.

Then he is just a gun addict with some author's buff and stuff.

Alright. Review time. First off. This story definately has potential, but it needs something more than just war between the ponies and the griffins, dragons and changelings. It needs something bigger. Perhaps an interplanetary war of some kind. With those armaments he has, the best way to continue this story is to have him learn to utilize his powers against a powerful foe. Also. You need to clearly define from the start exactly what sorts of weapons he is able to summon. What are the limits? Do the objects he summons become permanent? Or do they despawn after a while? What about the ammunition? Does he essentially have bottomless magazines of ammunition for each weapon? Or does he have to summon in each magazine/bullet? I would imagine the correct way of explaining it would be "any military armaments and gear." Otherwise him summoning armor and a canteen just seems out of place. As for him summoning a vehicle, this can be something he will be able to summon but only after gaining finer control over his magic and how much magic he has use of. On that topic, the scene of him getting summoned was just... no. Just no. If it was starswirl the bearded who summoned him, I can understand him gaining his abilities, but 3 unnamed mages? Nah. Hard pass. It needs to be realistic. Perhaps you could make a scene where as a last ditch effort to turn the tides in the war, all of the beings from the dragon, griffon and changeling side bind together and use almost all of their magic to summon the MC and provide him his powers. This would be far more realistic than 3 no name mages

His ammunition supplies are bottomless, however,he has to summon in each magizine manually, he is limited to only handheld weapons, pistols,rifles,grenade launchers, ect...
He cannot summon vehicles, or nuclear weapons of any kind. And is limited to only weapons from our current world. For example, he can't just summon a bfg 9000 from DOOM. but he can summon a javelin Guided missle launcher.
the mages did have names,and they were the most powerful mages from their respective kingdoms
that comment of yours gave me an idea for the next few parts of the story I thank you for that.

He is not a Gary stu by nature, It is simply a combination, of his knowledge, ego, and demeanor that he is this way. I have no problem with gary stu's so long as they are interesting.
(On second thought, he is most definitely a Gary Stu)


I have no problem with gary stu's so long as they are interesting

The hell? Why did you find that interesting?

The terrorists in the comments, are fags, victims of the fags, and weaklings to sjw! Downing voting cause of those shit colored horses!

You'd be surprised what he'd have to do to kill me heheh... us GrimDarks, we don't disappear when you shoot us in the head. You have to erase every last inkling of our existence to take us down. Else, as long as our story exists, we can keep coming back.

(Incomprehensible laughing and screaming)

I want to help
what about the drone battleship ?

he tried watch the actual show once or twice, but had always gotten completely weirded out after the first 5 seconds or so

I can understand that, the opening theme song is the reason why I haven't seen the show myself.

William lowered his rifle."Note to self, don't shoot the wildlife until you are absolutely sure they aren't sentient."

That would be wise.

Comment posted by aegishailstorm deleted Oct 17th, 2021


Good sir, I simply have to say that you are missing out on something very good. If I may offer a tiny bit of advice? If you cannot stand the intro (as is the case with myself) it is fairly easy to just fast forward past it if you're using a streaming service, either manually with the remote or with a button that pops up when it plays, if it's an option of course.

For a mobile device or a live showing on standard television, simply mute the audio and look away until it's done. Now obviously I'm just a random schmuck throwing in my worthless two bits, so you have every right in the world to ignore me. Please have a wonderful day.


At any point in the time of this story's lifespan, will there be a moment when the Doom music kicks in?

"Violence is not an answer, Violence is a question, and the answer is Yes"

“I have a plan Arthur all I need is a desert eagle chambered in .50 action express” - said a wise man who shall not be named

I wonder how fast poop is going to hit the fan in the next chapter

geez, story is great but its getting dislike bombed

A problem that cannot be solved with violence, is a problem that cannot be solved at all

Great work you got here

Well, lets see, I'm not leaving you alone in my library, Fluttershy's to scared of you, Pinkies clearly off the table, and so is Rarity, considering the way you reacted to Pinkie Earlier. That leaves Rainbow dash and Applejack.

Wait a minute I heard this before?

"How do I know You ain't lying to me?" Asked applejack, still with as stern look on her face.

The injury is clearly real and who the fuck would injure themselves like that just to lie about this. Not to mention you should question what that "pony" is doing on your property. Way to be a dumbass aj.

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