• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


A cynical brony watched the new G5 movie and shockingly hates it, especially the main protagonist. But next thing he knows, he finds himself inside the film himself, right at the start. As guess which despised character? The clue's in the title...

Will he stick with the script? Or bend the rules a bit? Or, a lot? His choices could have far-reaching ramifications for everypony, but does he even care? And where even is his butt?!

The answers to these questions (well, most of them anyway) will soon be answered.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 58 )


Thank you, thank you. It feels good to be a pioneer of two genres. Let's hope the actual story turns out to be more than this, though. I'll do my best... :twistnerd:

I like the tone so far. Had a blast imagining this as Jeremy Gotfired. Don't know why that voice came to mind, but I'm glad it did.

This is the tone I usually use when writing HIE fics, so hopefully your interest will continue to be piqued. :ajsmug:


Please keep continuing the story and don’t give up no matter what

At very first glance of the description I thought this was going to be a fix-fic of sorts, but yeah, clearly not. With your sense of humor, I can definitely see this going places. :trollestia:

Yo tenia grandes perspectivas de la película, esperaba que un villano o alguna mension de que paso con las princesas, me imaginaba que se encontraran con spike viejo

Let's see how well it does... :rainbowderp:

You never know what to expect with me. The Crazy Bus is here, and you're all invited... :pinkiecrazy:

They said my fic was the first HIE and TF G5 fic, nothing else. So they were right. :yay:

Well that's good, I guess. Thanks for your interest! :pinkiehappy:

...You're going to make me use Google translate, aren't you? Hold on, won't be a minute... :ajsmug:

...Okay, all I can say is while the movie didn't have everything I wanted, what it did have was enough to keep me interested for a series at least. And this upcoming 44-minute special which they say is gonna be released soon. Always planning ahead, Hasbro. :eeyup:

Don't mean to boast/brag, but IIRC I wrote the first Human in G5 Equestria story. Heck, it took a while to get approved 'cause I was slow to introduce Equestria into the story and had to add more chapters lol.

deadpansnarker, thanks for bringing along the TF subgenre to the world of G5 fics. I'll give this a shot. Keep it rollin', it's looking interesting.

well, if you want more cool and nice comments, then I suppose you should definitely develop this idea and continue writing:pinkiehappy:

i think in the next chapeter the brony should say to twilight " were the buck is spike, discord, celestia, luna, cadence, and flurry heart and you".

When is the next chance also what does this mean And where even is his butt I want to know please

Right now, dude. Quicker than I reckon even you anticipated. :rainbowdetermined2:

Maybe later. Once he's returned from having a nice, quiet day in town(!) :trollestia:

Good idea! I did just that. :coolphoto:

Didn't have to wait long, didya? :duck:

Okey dokey. It's not something I was planning on hanging on my mantelpiece, anyway. :moustache:

Well, this is certainly gonna be interesting… Since he knows what happens at the Canterlogic show I’m guessing he’ll make sure he doesn’t get caught in those boots and his protest (if he decides to actually follow through with it) actually won’t be a complete disaster…

I'm more hyped for this than I ever could've been for the actual movie!

Not really sure about the whole "Great One" plotline, though.

Are you sure? Sounds 'Great' to me! :trollestia:

(Seriously though, read on before judging too early) :ajsmug:

Aha! :raritywink:

Outside behind the bike shed. Watch out for scalpers! :twilightoops:

“Está bien, está bien. Mi mensaje es este: y asegúrate de escuchar cada palabra ahora, porque no lo estoy repitiendo ... Cuando tenga mis malditas pezuñas sobre ti, idiota arrebatador de cuerpos, te rasgaré un nuevo ojete tan profundo Podré empujar la totalidad de tu cabeza hinchada allí. Luego, trituraré el resto de tu cadáver en pedazos manejables, los meteré en una licuadora y lo dejaré frappé durante una hora entera. Por último, tiraré los restos pegajosos por el inodoro, aliviando por completo ambos extremos como un acto final atrevido. Hay un último fragmento que debes saber sobre mí: nunca me ruborizo. ¿Tienes todo eso? ¿Lo escribiste, 'Amigo'? "

I agree, I have always been bothered by those beings, who try to make everyone follow their own way of seeing things, and in their eagerness they deny everyone's opinion, be it good or bad, they only accept those that are in their favor, It disgusts me just to see them, (I speak to you socialist, left-handed and progressive about the average politically correct):twilightangry2:

Well....let's see where you are going to take this character....and how you plan to....um....Eff/Spice/F things Up? Have to say 1 thing that's about every time on my mind when I watch the Movie....Where are dragons, Where are Changelings, Where are Yaks, Where is Ponyville.....where is everything....

just Had to say that. I am sorry:fluttercry:

The title is that a reference to its always sunny in Philadelphia

Dang, I love it. The entire opening sequence is comedy gold, I can hear that voice in the back of my mind. Also the insults!

Bad mouthing the very thing/entity that sent you to a new dimension not even 5 minutes ago is a great idea 100% of the time, this will totally not affect anything in the future…

I enjoyed the movie. It’s Hasbro; I never expected them to respect the source material (in fact I was surprised by the token effort given) and Netflix is so much worse than Hasbro.

Without being weighed down by G4 I think it sits at 6 or 7 out of ten. A decent movie that surpasses the one set in G4. If we take G4 into account; it can’t escape that shadow.

Perhaps the series will make sense of the mess the lore now sits in.

it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out

it’s always sunny in equestria When is the next chapter coming out

Oh cool It is still up. For some reason i couldn't find this story and it was driving me mad

Ugh, that sounded horrible in Sunny’s voice. But, at least it shocked them enough so I can make a clear run for her window. Hopefully, this’ll work out better than it did for Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. If I have to relive this day over and over again as a perpetual nightmare, it doesn’t even bear thinking about. Here we go…

Now that will be an interesting story.

Feeling much better all of a sudden,

lol that was hilarious. Although i'll stat here i was among the few who actually enjoyed the G5 movie. But that doesn't mean i'm too enamoured with it not to criticize it's flaws but understand it was a movie and you can't tell everything you want in a two-hour movie. That said I really want to see how "new" Sunny can cause grief for the "Great Ones" as she attempts to rewrite the script. I look forward to it and plz keep the abrasive attitude towards the "Great Ones" and the antagonists Sunny comes in contact and a guarded abrasive when interacting with the Core group.

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