• Published 3rd Oct 2021
  • 2,173 Views, 43 Comments

Soaring Hearts - lillytheomegawolf

With magic restored, Thunder and Zoom Zephyrwing enjoy their first flight together.

  • ...

First Date

Ever the early riser, Zoom Zephyrwing awoke at the crack of dawn. However, something felt odd. Her bed was softer than usual. The drowsy mare also felt very warm and safe. Something heavy lay across her shoulder. It twitched and her eyes shot open. The odd room swam slowly into focus.

A sparkle of rich blue and green feathers caught her attention.

With a rush, Zoom realized her pleasant dream had in fact been real. A green forehoof shifted from her shoulder to lay on her neck. She glanced from the hoof that held her to the lush green-blue feathers that covered her side like a warm blanket.

She was in his bed. They were cuddling and it felt perfect. A blissful smile slipped across her face as she nuzzled affectionately under her stallion's chin.

Thunder murmured happily as he came to. "So... warm..."

His blissful state was ruined as he found himself spitting out hairs. There was a soft dark purple mane in his face. His buried foreleg tingled, begging to be released from the mare who was lying on top of it.
...Suddenly his unexpected problems faded. Zoom Zephyrwing was rubbing herself slowly and affectionately against him. And it felt good...

"Good morning big boy." Zoom chuckled.

"Morning..." Murmured Thunder. His free wing folded carefully over his mare and together they settled back down for more cuddles.

As time wandered on, both pegasi were so caught up in the blissful moment that neither wanted to move.

Eventually, the tingling in Thunder's buried leg reached an intensity that was no longer possible to ignore. "Hey, Zoom..? As nice as cuddles with you are... Please release my foreleg, it's still asleep."

The blue mare rolled over to face her companion, a playful smile lingering.

Thunder withdrew with a light blush. He sat up in bed and gave his dead leg a good shake to rid it of the annoying tingling. As feeling returned to his limb he relaxed and allowed his gaze to linger on the beautiful pegasus before him. "So uh... how did you sleep?"

"That would be my best sleep in a long time..." Zoom conceded. "I never thought I would like being the little spoon, but I admit... you were real nice. Even though you are shorter than me."

Thunder huffed. "I'm not short. But that was my best sleep ever."

"Well, it's either all that flying we did yesterday..."

"Or the company." Thunder finished, hopefully.

"Only one way to confirm..." Zoom replied as she slipped out of bed and wandered toward the door. "We might have to try this again some other time."

A delighted grin ripped across Thunder's face. He pranced over and gave the pretty mare with the fuzzy bedmane a peck on the cheek.

And then his brain caught up with his action. Alarm shot through his system only to be silenced by finding himself tackled to the floor. The powerful blue mare towered above the downed, blushing stallion. She slowly leaned down then gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek.

"Gotcha. I'll save the proper first kiss till you've taken me out on a date." With a coy smile, Zoom left the room with a graceful swish of her tail.

"S-sure." Thunder lay on his back, stunned for a few moments as he collected his senses. The day was off to an amazing start. He could hardly wait to see what developments were to come.

Dressed in their regular guard attire, Zoom Zephyrwing and Thunder touched down upon the mountainside they regularly patrolled. Back into routine...
The sun was shining, the clouds were thick along the horizon and they were alone.

"You know... since we now are a couple and we can sit on clouds..." Thunder trailed off hopefully as he eyed the cloud cover that obscured everything beyond the dip off the side of the mountain.

"No displays of affection while working." Zoom rebutted as she strode off.

"I- Sure. Of course." Thunder took a flying leap to catch up. He relished the way his wings could now give an instant boost. It felt... powerful.

Zoom cast a sideways glance at her companion as he trotted along with his wings out. A sly grin crept across her face. "Doesn't mean we can't find a cloud to cuddle on during our break. You just have to pick one further out so no ponies coming up the mountain can see us."

Thunder glanced around the empty mountain. "Hey, do you think we will get any visitors today?"

"Other than idiots in the sky? I dunno. Maybe a unicorn or two. I think their wood is close enough to make it here in a day if they really wanted to."

"Right. Well, I think it would be cool to get to welcome other ponies here."

"Yeah. It would make our job more exciting." Zoom agreed.

As the couple reached the edge of the plateau, Thunder's wings unfurled and he took a flying leap onto the clouds. The guard landed lightly on the soft white puff and span around face his mare.

Zoom quirked an eyebrow at her partner.

With a playful smile, he strutted in a circle on the clouds, enjoying the soft fluffiness under hoof.

Zoom shook her head, a smile playing at the edge of her lips as she regarded her stallion. "You know... our next part of the patrol involves going under the clouds, right?"

"Of course. I'm just enjoying the feel of clouds underhood. I bet they would make a good bed."

"Yeah, if you wanna get wet in the middle of the night. What's to stop them raining?"

That gave Thunder pause. "Well... I don't know. But I still think it would be cool."

Blue-purple wings unfurled with purpose and Zoom spiralled high into the sky, looped over the stallion, then plummeted through the cloud cover. Thunder smiled at the puncture as he wandered closer. He took a dainty leap and let gravity carry him though. His wings glowed softly as he banked to follow his mare. He quickly caught up to the circling pegasus, admiring her powerful form as she cut through the sky with ease.

Zoom smirked back, "see something you like?"

Thunder let his gaze slip away to the mountainside. "Well... yeah." he cleared his throat, "anyway, surrounds look clear."


The shy stallion glanced back up at his companion.

Zoom Zeypherwing smiled as she swooped closer to her fellow guard. "As long we’re dating, you’re allowed to check one mare out. Care to guess who?"

“Well, I only have eyes for you,” Thunder admitted softly as he fell into a hover.

Zoom winked at her stallion. “Makes a girl feel good when she hears things like that.”

“And it’s true.”

“As long as the patrol remains quiet, I don’t mind if you take a look at the merchandise.” Zoom winked. She began to circle her date while keeping a loose eye out for other creatures.

Hovering in place, Thunder grinned back. “Sure. Thank you."

Zoom shook her head, a playful smile slipping out as she dived to check the lower mountainside for any activity. "With flight, I bet our job is gonna be real easy."

“Easy and fun.” Thunder agreed as he fell into position by her side.

A speeding red pegasus plummeted past the couple clipping Zoom on the nose with his wings.

"Woah! Watch where you're going!" Zoom yelled.

A green hoof trailed the progress of the speeding pony, "should we-?"

"Yeah." The tough mare nodded as she tilted and dived after the red speedster.

Aside from a few run ins with speeding pegasi, the next two days were fairly quiet. On their second day back home at Zephyr Heights, Zoom and Thunder welcomed the occasional unicorn who had ventured out of their woods for a bit of sight seeing. After work, they went their separate ways, each looking forward to what the next day would bring.

Four days after the return of magic, Zoom and Thunder enjoyed their busiest day of guard duty on the mountain top to date. The couple welcomed numerous unicorns to their home city while patrolling the skies, ensuring their own kin kept within the newly reinstated speed limits. News that Queen Haven would return along with the leader of Bridlewood reached the city as the new couple were finishing their last round. Zoom and Thunder discussed possible diplomatic reasons for such a visit as they soared over the clouds and found a spot a few miles out from town to relax.

Serene quiet fell as two sets of hooves touched down on a patch of cloud. Zoom eyed the soft golden puffs under her hooves. She gave the clouds a poke. The soft cloud rebounded as she withdrew. "I still think this is amazing."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." Thunder grinned as his date gave the cloud underhoof another soft jab.

They quickly found a comfortable patch to enjoy some cuddle time. Their attire was quickly stripped off and placed off to their right. With the setting sun lighting Zephyr Heights in the distance, they cuddled up to enjoy the views. After a few pleasant minutes holding his mare, Thunder shifted so their hooves were splayed out to the side and their bodies were pressed comfortably together.

A green wing slipped over the blue mare’s back. 
“Zoom. Would you like to go out on a date tonight?”

Zoom cast a look at her partner. "Sure. Do I need to dress up?”

“If you do, I can wear one of my nice pairs of sneakers to match.”

Zoom laughed, “nice? Sneakers? Why not.”

With a playful nuzzle, the powerful blue mare relaxed into her stallion’s side. The couple fell into contented silence as they watched tiny specs of ponies move around the outer city.

A contented sigh escaped Thunder. "You know... It just... it feels like I'm the luckiest stallion in Equestria right now."

“Oh you are, are you?”

Green wings rose in elation. "Yeah, this is so cool. We are going to make the greatest team ever!"

Zoom playfully bumped her shoulder against his. "I think we already do."
The couple fell into pleasant silence for a few moments before the blue mare had an idea. “Say Thunder… you don’t mind if I take you someplace for our date?”

“Does it have good food?” 

Zoom thought for a moment then nodded. “Yeah. It does.”

“Then I’m in.”

In her clean, simple home Zoom Zephyrwing smiled as she strode through her living room toward the front door. The military mare wore a simple purple dress, trim and tidy with dark blue patterns around the edges.

She opened the door to reveal her date. 

Thunder stood nervously before his marefriend’s home. He was dressed in a snug dark green formal shirt with black and white sneakers.

Purple eyes scanned the stallion down, rested on his shoes a moment, then wandered back up. Zoom gave the hopeful looking pegasus a dry look. “Mmm dunno... I ordered a good looking date.” 

The door swung closed.

“But...” The muffled voice of Thunder caused Zoom to crack a cheeky smile. She waited for a beat before throwing her door open again.

Thunder gave his date a very sad stallion pout.

The blue mare broke out into full blown laughter. “I’m joking. You look good.”

Green wings sagged a little. “And now the big meanie is laughing at me…”

That broke Zoom’s mirth. “Hey, I said I didn’t mean it.” A sigh escaped the tough pegasus. “Don’t tell me you need a hug, softie.”

Thunder wandered closer. The stallion was still downcast and looked in serious need of emotional support.

As he drew close, Zoom sighed and held out her forehooves for a hug. The couple embraced and held the hug for a few moments while the tough mare waited for her date to brighten up.

A smirk shot across Thunder’s muzzle and he snatched his mare and shot off into the sky. “Gotcha!”


Thunder adjusted his grip to better hold his mare and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. “I do quite like your hugs. Thank you.” 

Held tightly in his forelegs Zoom couldn’t help but grin. “So that’s how you wanna play?”

Zoom pushed off from her date and spiralled around. She dived back down to her home and quickly secured the door.

Thunder carefully landed in the middle of the street, eyes on his date. 

“So what if two can play?”

Zoom checked her dress and mane as she rounded on the eager stallion. “Then play. But watch the dress. I don’t have many of these things.”

“Well, I think you look beautiful.”

“Because of it?” 

With a shake of his head, Thunder approached and offered a shy nuzzle. As his lips drifted closer to a blue ear, he whispered; “You were already super pretty.”

The couple withdrew, Zoom smiled thankfully. “Charmer.”

“Where are we going for dinner?”

“You will see…” Zoom chucked as she wandered off down the street toward town. “Stallions and food... Have patience."

Thunder cantered eagerly after his mare. As he drew alongside her, blue wings shot out and with a sparkle of magic, Zoom took off into the sky. Green wings unfurled and the light green stallion was quick to join his mare in the sky.

The couple flew toward the busy central city. After a few peaceful moments flying above the streets, Zoom veered off to the right. Thunder shot her a confused look. The leading mare winked back and twirled around. With one last look toward the closest restaurants, Thunder banked right and rejoined his date.

“So… you know we’re turning around.” The confused stallion posed the beginning of his question.


“And heading away from the best places to eat.”


Thunder scowled. This was odd. “So… did you find someplace out your way?”

“Sorta.” Zoom smirked as she continued to fly in a wide circle. Soon enough she swooped downward and alighted before her own home.

Thunder gave his date a confused look as he landed beside her. “Did you forget something?”

“Nope.” Zoom threw her door open then rounded on her date. “Welcome to my home. I know it’s not much, but I thought it might be nice to cook for you.”

Green ears perked up as the stallion gazed at his mare, pleasantly surprised. “You... cook for me?”

“Thought I might try to make you something extra special.” Zoom wandered inside.

The grinning green stallion was quick to follow. 

In her modest kitchen, Zoom Zeypherwing was hard at work. She was preparing a meal for two using a variety of fruit and veggies. She first prepared a small salad then got to work on a soup. Tomatoes, onion, bell pepper and several other tantalizing foods were chopped up and thrown into the pot. A mix of sauces and spices followed.

The few times Thunder attempted to sneak too close he found himself playfully swatted by a blue wing and told to back off. Zoom continued to work, enjoying the feeling of cooking while being watched by her hungry coltfriend. The eager stallion occasionally would ask about what she was creating. Each question was given a vague answer before Zoom continued to stir away.

Thunder's phone began to play soft music as he browsed the web, occasionally glancing up to admire his mare. Once the pot was left to simmer away, Zoom led Thunder into the small lounge. Zoom brought out her tablet and they enjoyed a film and cuddles while they waited. They snacked on the salad and fed each other greens, paying at least as much attention to each other as the film.

Finally, an alert pinged and Zoom hastened up to check the meal.

Thunder gazed at the doorway where only moments ago, his date had vanished.

"It's ready!"

The hungry stallion's tummy gave a mighty rumble and he hastened to the dinner table in the adjoining room. Ever eager to sample his date’s cooking, the stallion dug in as soon as he received her confirming nod.

They started their meal in comfortable silence. Both pegasi would occasionally glance up from their own bowl to admire their partner. Each time Thunder met his mare’s gaze he would make silly facials and humms of pleasure. This earned amused smiles and giggles in return. It was clear the meal was well and truly being enjoyed.
As their bowls emptied and bellies began to fill, the couple slipped in and out of small talk. Seconds were had and half way through her second helping, Zoom's eating slowed.

Thunder was the first to finish. He settled back in his seat with a delighted grin. “So good...”

Zoom scoffed, “oh come off it.”

“No, I’m serious. I don’t need any fancy city food if you keep making food like that for me.”

Zoom Zeypherwing smiled as she set about finishing off her own meal.

Thunder turned his attention from his mare to the sparse room. “You uh... not much for decorating? Honestly thought there would be more here than just a shelf with some photos on top.”

Zoom shrugged as she eyed the aforementioned wall. “Yeah. I got better things to do than make a rental look pretty.”

“Like guard duty and adventures?”


“When is your next outing?”

Zoom shrugged. “almost two weeks.”

“Do they let stallions come too?”

“Fire Bolt brought her partner along once. It was weird.”

“Girls only. Got it.”

The tough mare smiled back as she settled into her seat. “If you really wanna see what our adventures are like, I’m sure I can ask the other girls to bring their partners too. Could make a fun first group adventure in the sky.”

A peaceful silence returned as Zoom carefully finished off the rest of her meal. Thunder assisted in cleaning up and the couple jumped from one topic to another as they worked. As the last of the dishes were put away, silence fell.

Side by side, they stood at the bench and surveyed the clean kitchen.

“Say... uh... today’s been nice. Thank you.” Thunder cast a sidelong gaze at his date.

Blue wings ruffled as Zoom sat. “Yeah.”

“Have we really only been going out a few days?”

“Feels longer, huh?”

The bright green stallion nodded.

After a few still moments Zoom’s musing broke the silence, “I’m glad the captain still lets us patrol together.”

“She knows?”

Zoom cast a sly look at her companion, “considering captain Bolt asked a month ago if you were my coltfriend...”

Green wings stood up in surprise, “wait. Really?”

Zoom smirked back. “And over the last few months, well, I may have already told a mare or two to back off, you were mine.” 

“You did what!?”

Zoom gave her coltfriend a quick nuzzle. “Don’t mind, do you?”

“Well, no. I’m just surprised.” Thunder admitted softly.

The tough mare withdrew to once again meet her stallion’s eye. “Never noticed any other mares looking at you funny?”

Thunder shook his head, clearly unable to bring any such occurrences to mind.

A cheeky giggle escaped Zoom. “You really are oblivious.”

With a shrug, Thunder nuzzled up to his date and gave her a winged hug. “Guess I was always too busy hanging out on patrol with you or relaxing with the boys.”

The admission left Zoom feeling all bubbly and happy inside. She contented herself with returning the affection shown by her partner.

The couple continued to sit in happy silence sharing in slow, loving nuzzles and tentative caresses. Thunder dipped his nose lower to run it in circles around the muscular chest of his mare.

A few soft giggles broke out. Zoom swept the cheeky stallion’s muzzle up then dived in and blew a raspberry on his stomach. Giggles erupted into full blown laughter as the two guards playfully wrestled around on the floor.

After an intense, brief struggle Thunder found himself pinned down. The deep blue mare towered above. She held a stoic look for a few tense moments.

“I win.”

The downed stallion gazed up at his mare, still shocked to be on the bottom.

“You should see your face...!” Laughter broke forth from the tough mare.

“Well, I didn’t expect to find myself on the floor.” Thunder lay there, wings splayed out on either side, at the mercy of his companion.

Zoom slowly pressed herself back down on top of the capsized stallion. “Didn’t want to be on the bottom?”

With a growing blush, Thunder realized his rather unguarded position on the ground. He quickly rolled onto his side then sat up. “No.”

The playful smile vanished from the blue mare as she relinquished her date, “sorry. I just thought it was funny.”

“No. It’s okay.” Thunder mumbled as he sat up and ruffled his feathers back into place.

“It just... you looked kinda cute lying there and I thought it was funny seeing the stallion on the bottom after our little playfight.”

“No- no. You’re fine. I just...” Words failed Thunder as he rubbed his forehooves together.

Concern blossomed across the tough mare’s muzzle. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Just didn’t expect you so close and on top and all.”

“This from the stallion who flashed me while we were in Maritime bay.”

“What?” Thunder withdrew a bit, scandalized by the revelation.

“What? You did.” Zoom stated as though it were the clearest thing in the world.

“I did?”

“Lying on your back on that cloud while I sat next to you...? Nevermind.”

A few moments of hard thinking passed till realization blossomed across Thunder's face. “Wait, you looked at my-”

“I said nevermind. Okay!” 

Thunder jumped backward as though burned. As the moment’s shock wore off it became clear that there were in fact two blushing pegasi in the room. The stallion grinned as he eyed heated blue cheeks. “I don’t suppose I get a look, you know..?”

“No.” Zoom deadpanned as she tried to brush the blush off her muzzle. “We also snuggled all night. I thought being up close and personal was fine. What's wrong now?”

“Almost feels like too much too quickly, you know?”

Zoom shrugged. “Not really. But I’m glad you’re telling me now rather than later.”

“What did you think we would do later?”

The tough mare shook her head. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”


The couple fell into an uncertain silence that dragged on slowly as neither pegasus met the gaze of the other.

Thunder cast a quick look out the window at the dark street beyond. “Well... I guess I better be going.”

“You sure?” 

The stallion nodded.

A drawn out sigh escaped Zoom. “Alright.”

The couple wandered to the front door. With expert ease, Thunder slipped on his sneakers. They stood for an awkward moment, side by side. Thunder gazed at the door handle, as though willing it to operate magically.

“You sure you don’t wanna stay over?” Zoom offered. "We could finish that movie then I dunno... whatever you wanna do."

The stallion shook his head slowly. “Maybe another night. It’s been nice though.”

As a light green hoof came to rest on the door, Zoom carefully embraced her date. “Hey, I didn’t break any boundaries, did I?”

“Na. Just feels kinda fast. One day we were great friends who worked together and I could just be a big colt and not worry about anything... now? Well...”

“Do you like having me as your marefriend?”

Thunder quickly ensnared the blue mare a winged hug. “Of course.” He straightened up and withdrew his own wings. "But my head's spinning and my heart can hardly believe we are here. It's like the best thing ever but I really don't know what I'm doing or what to do."

The couple shared a tender look as they both relaxed a bit. Zoom smiled at her nervous partner. "You know, now I'm really glad you said something."

"You are?"

Zoom nodded. "Yeah."

A long relieved exhale escaped the stallion. "I was worried you would be mad."

"Mad at you?"

"Well yeah. I ruined a perfectly good date."

Zoom huffed. "Now what have I told you, I don't wanna push you. And I don't want either of us to feel uncomfortable. If you need a bit of time to think. Take the time. I'm not going anywhere. Come on, we even get to work together."

A smile tugged at the corners of the green stallion's mouth as he gazed at the door again. "Yeah. Thanks."

"And Thunder."


Zoom waited till he met her gaze. "I'm sure we can work out what we're doing as we go. So just try to relax and if you need to talk to anypony, I'm sure your friends or I will be there."

Thunder nodded. "Yeah. Do you, uh... mind if I hug you again?"

"I love your hugs." Zoom grinned back.

With a light blush on his muzzle, the stallion nipped in for a quick hug then withdrew. He rounded on the door and hesitated.

Zoom pushed open her front door. Crisp night air greeted the pegasus couple.

Thunder eyed the street. Then the pretty mare by his side. After a long moment, he cast his gaze back outside. “You know... That meal. It felt more like we were family than just dating.”

“Glad it wasn’t just me feeling it.” Zoom softly admitted.

“So... you would cook for me again?” Thunder asked as he wandered out the door.

With a dry chuckle, Zoom nodded as she joined him outside. “Of course. Why do you think I offered in the first place.”

“You’re feeling pretty serious about us then?”

“I thought we both were.”

Thunder nodded, once again deep in thought. “Yeah.”

“Just need some time to think?”

Thunder nodded slowly. “I’ll see you in the morning, alright?”


The couple embraced. They stood there in the street, forehooves and wings engaged as they held the last hug for the day. The sweet moment dwindled and slowly came to an end.
The pair withdrew, eyes meeting under the glow of the street lights.

“Good night Zoom.”

“Night Thunder.”

Zoom Zeypherwing watched as her date flew off into the night. “Well...” 

With a sigh, the lone mare wandered back into her home. The door slammed shut. Feeling oddly flat after such a wonderful day, the tough mare decided it was time for an early night.

Maybe everything would be better in the morning.