• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 499 Views, 16 Comments

In the fields of Equestria - Eltirions

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Chapter 1: Tulusta mi Nícaroccost

The train pulled into Ponyville Station in the way trains usually did: gently with a sudden stop.

Rarity frowned at the smell of the smoke rising from the front of the train. It was not at all a pleasant thing to enter one’s nostrils, and for the life of her Rarity did not understand how she was the only one out of her and Sweetie’s friends who appeared to be bothered by it. She would have to take a bath as soon as possible.

The train, it seemed, had objections to her desire for speed, as it took far too long for its doors to open. Longer than normal, in Rarity’s opinion.

A host of ponies emerged from the now-opened doors, chatting and making all noises that crowds emerging from crowded spaces are wont to make. Rarity kept an eye out for her parents and sister; however, given the general crowdedness, it was not an easy task.

Now if only-

All three of them took a step back as an immensely tall creature, easily twice the height of a pony, emerged from the train. Behind it were Sweetie and her parents, talking merrily.

‘’Sweetie?’’ Rarity tentatively asked. ‘’Mum, dad?’’

All three looked away from their conversation with broad smiles on their faces. ‘’Hi Rarity!’’ Sweetie was the first to greet her. ‘’We’re back!’’

‘’I can see that,’’ Rarity noted absently, ‘’but what is that?’’

The creature looked at her, and its eyes seemed to shine with a strange light that looked like that of the sun, but more… Rarity couldn’t find the right word for it, but it was most certainly unnerving.

Besides that, she noticed some other things; the creature had long, uncombed dark hair, and clothes that looked like they would fall apart at the slightest breeze.

‘’My name is Maglor. I am an Elf,’’ the creature who was evidently called Maglor answered. ‘’I apologise if I have caused you distress, my lady. It was not my intent.’’

Well, at least he - based on the voice, Rarity assumed the Elf (which she had never heard of before, but that could wait for later) was male - was polite. It would be rather discourteous to not return the favour. ‘’You are forgiven, Mr Maglor.’’

Maglor nodded once. ‘’Your family has been most companionable in the time I’ve known them, when they’ve had little cause to do so.’’

‘’Mr Maglor!’’ Rarity’s father said, clearly affronted. ‘’Sweetie found you dwelling on the beach at night, with barely any food or water on you! We couldn’t just let you freeze to death!’’

‘’And I am grateful for it,’’ Maglor replied, before bowing to Rarity’s family in a way that was very similar to a normal bow. ‘’I shall have to repay your generosity somehow.’’

‘’Nonsense!’’ Rarity declared rather firmly. ‘’If things are truly as dire as your words suggest, then it is only right they invited you in!’’

She was not the Element of Generosity for nothing, thank you very much.

‘’If you want to, you can stay with me, darling,’’ she continued. ‘’In fact, I must insist you do so, if you cannot afford a place elsewhere.’’

Once again, Maglor bowed, this time to her. ‘’Very generous of you, my lady…’’

‘’Oh, pardon me!’’ Rarity exclaimed, scandalized. ‘’My name is Rarity Belle, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.’’

‘’The pleasure and honour is mine, lady Rarity,’’ Maglor said. ‘’And then, you two little ones must be Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.’’

The two fillies, who had - rather miraculously, in Rarity’s opinion - kept silent during the conversation, mostly from awe if the size of their eyes was to be believed, finally spoke. ‘’I’m Scootaloo, mister!’’ Scootaloo said.

‘’And Ah’m Apple Bloom!’’ Apple Bloom added. ‘’Nice to meet ya!’’

‘’It is nice to meet you too,’’ Maglor replied very courteously. ‘’Sweetie has told me a good deal about all three of you, and about Ponyville.’’ He lifted his head up and looked around. ‘’It looks beautiful.’’

Beautiful was not the word Rarity would have used for Ponyville, but perhaps Maglor saw something she didn’t. Unlikely, but still.

‘’I’m tired,’’ Sweetie quite abruptly declared.

‘’In that case,’’ Rarity’s mother said, ‘’I think it’s time to head for Rarity’s home.’’

‘’Indeed,’’ Rarity agreed. ‘’It’ll be tight with everyone, but it ought to be fine.’’


It did indeed fit, though the second part of Rarity’s prediction proved to be true too. Carousel Boutique was not intended for five people to stay in; at least one person would have to sleep in a room that was not made to sleep in.

As such, they had to improvise. Rarity had, with some small amount of hesitance, asked Appleboom to go to her sister and ask if they had any spare mattresses. Hopefully she’d return soon.

For now, of course, it was not so much of a problem. Maglor was comfortable enough sitting on the ground, or so it appeared.

‘’Do you want any tea, darling?’’ Rarity offered. ‘’Some biscuits too, perhaps? Or something else? I’m not certain what your kind eats, but I can try my best to find you something to your liking.’’

‘’Tea would be wonderful, my lady,’’ Maglor answered. ‘’So would a biscuit or two. If you can spare them, of course.’’

‘’Don’t worry about that, darling. I’m always happy to share what I have with those who need it more.’’

With that said, Rarity turned and headed for the kitchen. Once there, she made two cups of tea - one for Maglor and one for herself - and three glasses of lemonade. Why her parents refused to drink tea, Faust only knew.

Once all the drinks had been prepared, Rarity retrieved the tray of biscuits from the counter and then made her way back to the living room, where she saw her parents conversing next to each other, while Sweetie was sitting next to Maglor, talking animatedly with him.

‘’You should sing again!’’ Sweetie said excitedly. ‘’Your voice is very beautiful!’’

‘’Thank you.’’ Maglor inclined his head. ‘’Perhaps later I shall sing again.’’

Rarity put the various drinks and the biscuit tray down on the table. ‘’Here you go, darlings.’’

‘’Thanks Rarity!’’ Sweetie chirped, before floating her glass over to herself.

‘’Thank you, my lady,’’ Maglor said with a nod. He leant forward and grabbed the cup with his… hands? Rarity seemed to recall that being the right term for those things.

‘’You’re welcome,’’ she replied with a nod back.

Silence fell, for a short time, as all of them enjoyed the drinks and biscuits Rarity had prepared for them.

‘’So,’’ Rarity finally said, ‘’how did you come to meet my parents and sister. Mr Maglor?’’


Author's Note:

The title, translated, is ''Arrival in Ponyville''; literally it reads ''Arrival in Small Horse Village''.