• Member Since 14th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I write stories mainly featuring small horses having sex with one another, and that is probably all you really need to know about me.

Comments ( 59 )

It was only a matter of when.

Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long to get a story based on that image and line.

People are getting rusty.

11007343 Same here! :pinkiehappy: You beat me to it! :rainbowlaugh:

was wandering when this story title or the equivalent would be taken lol

Hey buddy, I think you made a mistake in the description. It says "After singing the best song in the movie" but then makes no reference to I’m Looking Out For You.

Gotta get up pretty early to out race me to lewding G5 ponies.

That song also happened before this scene chronologically, so regardless of your (wrong) opinion, the statement still holds true.

My thoughts exactly (well, I kinda expect someone will eventually go with This is How a Unicorn Poops. If they don't, I will).

Welp, at least this is a good short story.

People can only think of porn these days eh? Give it a break G5 is still fairly new yah fuckin molesting zoophile

Dude, I've been writing G5 clop since back in February. You're goddamn right all I can think about is porn and how much I want to fuck and molest these tiny horses.

There'd better be a song in there. :trollestia:

Technically, you're free to sing the words of any story and make it a song. No one can stop you. Become a pony sex bard and regale all who will listen with the wonderful tales of lewd pony fornication.


I'm still waiting for Bendy. Lol

"24%?" asked Pipp.

"Yeah, it's 20% higher a percentage than 20%, ya know?" Izzy explained. "Gotta bump up the numbers for a new generation."


Gotta start upgrading the memes at some point, otherwise they'll go obsolete.

This made me giggle.

Giggly feedback is the best kind!

When Pipp and Zipp reveal that pegasi don't do anal, the rest of the group realize that certain things are more important than bringing back magic and fostering world peace. Things like getting fucked in the butt.

That was beautiful.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Casual Butt Sex

So that’s what CBS stands for. :pinkiegasp:

I fuckin' knew this bullshit was comin. Knew it from the jump.

Y'all some fuckin jits man.

Shut up baby, you I know it.

Anyway, I'm going to assume that your comment was the one that pushed this story's heat level high enough to take #1 in the feature box, so thank you. I appreciate how supportive you've been of all my G5 clop fics, along with all the others that have been popping up in the last few weeks.

Support a big ass stretch of a word.

I don't support jits, homie. I support the real ones.

G5 goes butt stuff confirmed, I dig it.
Nice bonding experience for our new crew

Man, personally I wasn’t really enjoyed G5 but there is at least one good thing: it gave you inspiration to write really cool clop stories:D I already read your several previous one and they were goddamn funny and sexy! Waiting the next one (lol, could it be “Orgy Mob»? Hah, sweet dreams…) and hope your gonna use sometimes Sprouts mother - she is pretty hot milf)

We'll see. I'm sure I'll get around to writing a Phyllis fic eventually, but I'm also probably going to do a few G4 fics before my next G5 one. Gotta keep a nice balance of old and new.

A little anal between friends is the key in maintaining long and healthy companionship.


Support a big ass stretch

Good advice. Proper stretching is key in prepping an ass for an enjoyable experience. Good of you to support it! Go big or go home, I always say when it comes to ass stretching.

that made me laugh so hard

Fuckin O language got me there

No, I am not supporting this. Do not write about ass stretching, and do not involve me in any bullshit you create. I'm a clean nigga, and I plan to stay that way.

Ever since unicorns lost their magic way, way, waaayyy back, we haven't been able to cast contraception spells..... can't argue with that logic:twilightsmile:

Awesome. Do you already have a draft of ideas about who you are going to write? I already saw your fics about Trixie, Starlight, several about Pinkie - what about Princess, especially Cadence?

P.s. Sorry about mistakes - English is not my native language)

I'll probably be doing something for halloween next, so long as I have time for it before this month ends. After that, who knows? I have a few ideas kicking around, and a Cadance fic is one of them. Just depends on what idea strikes my fancy at any given time. I don't really put too much forethought into what I'm going to write.

What, did you take a wrong turn and end up here by mistake?

Even though this is a stand alone story, does it take place in the same universe as your previous G5 porn fic?

How can you be such a horrible pony, just how?

You write a good story where all of them have an orgie, but forget to pick up the strap-on's.
Honestly, how can the two sisters Spitroast Hitch without that?

I hope you realize that that is meant ironic and I actually enjoyed your story

I was looking for quality fics on the front page, and saw this. Y'all are some degenerate jits. Honestly, even a jit prolly wouldn't write this.

I live to flame clopwriters in the comments. Aside from my music, it's my burning passion. Write porn, imma flame ya.

You honestly might be my favorite commenter. You've committed to a gimmick and damn if you aren't going all in on it. Don't listen to the haters, keep up your rambling insanity. It's great fun.

Oh dear God, I think a piece of me just left.

What the fuck is a "jit"?

Well if pegasi don't do anal then I wanna be a pegasi. where do I sign.

Best I can tell from the context of his posts, I think it means "amazing author who should receive all the praise and glory that can be given."

Whoa! What are you doing here? There's no incest in this fic.

You're the reason Twilight's utopia failed.

#Watch Us Shake Our Unicorn Butts

Glad to hear it. I'm not goin anywhere, homes.
Really it just means juvenile. We'll leave it at that.

Huh. I assumed it was a racial slur. "God damn Jits need to go back where they came from! Bunch'a slanty-nosed bastards..."

Quite scandalous.

Most excellent.

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