• Published 10th Nov 2022
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Dragon's sorrow: Tales of Dragon's rest - Megaskullmon

I am one of the zebras of this land called Dragon's Rest. There are old stories and legends that tell us to leave food and various other objects at the mouth of a cave then depart. I must enter the cave to learn why.

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Chapter: Five: Tales of Dragon's Rest: Malla and the bunker

When you let a lie control half the community you create, you lose yourself. I have told this to my friend Malla for years. I watched her fall apart and defend many ideas that no one should. I am one of the founders, one of those she lost on her side. I loved her once I respected her and my family profoundly respects her. I do as well in a way still just. I don’t like what she has become.

Written years ago by Savannah.

I look up from the book reading that I frown looking over to Malla her eyes are closed and this dragon has angered many in the past. I don’t understand why she has angered so many—looking back at the book's first page. I take a deep breath. Am I about to see this dragon in a light others saw her in?

I close my eyes and deeply in my head I speak to myself oh that is a wonderful idea talk to your brain what will they say? I am sure they will say something like, " Oh yes, I agree with you that we should judge a dragon.

‘The only thing I could say to myself right now is to relax and allow yourself to just read this book.’

A deep sigh releases from my mouth turning the page.


January 20h, 2016

I drove the others to Home Depot and I was tired while the others went shopping. I layed back in the chair to rest and relax. I opened my eyes an hour later and I knew my friends would be there longer since it won’t be easy to get everything you wanted without help. I look around hearing something odd outside of the car.

I open the door, close it and look around. The sounds are getting louder and I have no idea what I am hearing. It sounds like a car. I am worried someone else has returned and they’re driving. I head to the road to see what is up and I don’t see anything.

Strange lights turn on in the darkness of an ally. I stare at the lights like I am a deer stuck in the headlights. I slowly back away hearing something come up behind me and I look at the windows of the cars they’re pure black and I can’t see inside them. The crest on the back of my head expands, a deep hiss comes from my mouth while drool comes out of my mouth and when it hits the icy ground it sizzles melting the ice.

Think fire, Malla thinks fire. I feel the fire building in my throat and I shoot fire out of my mouth. The car I am aiming for backs up and the other behind me fires something in the back of my throat. I groan, grabbing whatever it is. It’s a vial and a needle. I have seen enough movies to know what this is. I toss the needle away and try to run thanks to the ice. I fall on my face groaning.

I feel another needle breaking into my scales. I thought my scales would be strong enough to handle these needles unless they knew how to break through them. Maybe the cold weekends my scales. I feel the fluid going through my system. I still don’t feel dizzy but I am starting to feel weak. I try to get back up trying to roar and a strange metal rope wraps around my maw.

I try to struggle but all I can do is shimmy my backside like I am dancing. I feel more ropes wrap around my body. A large strange truck drives towards me and it stops with a pop. I stare at the truck and I notice finally no one seems to be driving these things. My vision gets hazy as I feel myself being lifted. I am deep in a dark closed environment and before I pass out I hear machines and feel a few scales being taken off of me.

I fully pass out after the fluid or knock-out juice finally gets fully into my system.


Unknown location day and date unknown

I open my eyes. I am in the middle of a hard metal floor. I look around seeing I am locked in a heavy metal room. A deep groan of pain leaves my mouth while I notice I have many scales removed from my body including many marks of blood that got taken from me. I felt my senses coming back and I felt the walls closing in on me.

I take a few deep breaths to try to relax. I hear a pa system come on.

“kwi, jennu draushum yth re bivai for levnimir wux. yth confn persvek adun kagh yth filki huven ekess ukris.”

I am surprised by the words I hear. For some reason, I can understand it. What in the world I can understand the fake language from a Dungeons and Dragons book? But I have no idea how to speak it.

“Um…we are the borg?”

I try to be funny and the voice goes silent for a moment.

“Sorry, you must be the one named Malla from the radio. We are very sorry for what we did to you. You got to understand we can’t speak to each other face to face. If we tried, we humans would melt because of the magic inside you.”

Wait what humans?! How when and why am I just hearing this now?!

“What do you mean humans? Are you telling me some humans didn’t vanish and come back as these creatures?”

The human goes silent for a moment and I hear a few chairs moving and another sitting in a chair.

“Forgive them I am the commander of this bunker. I am former Thunderbirds Pilot commander Joe. Yes, just call me Joe Cool it’s easier this way. Now I want you to understand you’re not a prisoner here.”

I sigh stroking my head with my claws grunting from the pain.

“For someone not keeping me prisoner here you sure did everything you could to get me in here. You could have just used those cars to talk to me. You didn’t have to capture me and then take my scales and blood.”

Joe sighs.

“We knew this was going to happen and we had to protect the government and now we have to protect more and try to take back our home but to be honest I doubt there will be any way we can take it back.”

Take back our world? The government knew. A smirk comes across my face. Oh, the others are going to have an amazing time with this.

“I am not upset.”

Joe goes silent for a moment. I am sure my words surprised him.

“Wait you’re not?”

I chuckle

“No, It just proves what I thought for years the US Government is full of stupid people that have no idea or care about this country. Thank you for proving that to me now can I go or are you going to keep me prisoner?”

There were many whispers and the door opened up before I could get an answer. I see arrows turning on pointing me out of the bunker.

“This area was made for ones like you Malla. We will let you look through the Bunker and you will see most of it is full of robotics that work on their own. The people are deeper inside just in case one like you gets too close to us.”

Looking at the door down the bright hall seeing no windows or anything. I take a deep breath sighing.

“How about we help each other? We try to get you some supplies of food if we can and fresh anything. The thing you need to do for us though is to be as truthful as you can. On why and how you knew about all this.”

Joe sighs

“I can’t tell you anything unless my leaders who are down here allow me to. The offer for supplies and food is the best you can do for us. There is going to be a meeting soon on if we should let you stay here. I am going, to be honest with the others here. We have no right to take our home back because of our stupidity.”

He is not wrong, the human race had no right to even come back like I told Lyra. It’s going to be our second chance and I am sure I will live long enough to either see it fail or hide somewhere and never see it happen again.

“We also contacted your DJ and told her that we captured you. It sounds like your friends have been doing everything to search for you. They care for you Malla. I want you to promise me something.”

I look up the PA system.

“I want you to never forsake those friends of yours. They will be the only ones you have including the others who return. This world is in the hands of you and the others who returned who have communities in this world. There are many more communities popping up, you're just one of many.”

I shrug my shoulders.

“It’s open. I am not a leader. I will do what I can to help others live through this first to second year of pain. But they will have to do what they can for themselves. I will not do it. I am sure there are better ones out there with more heart and willingness to do what they think is right. I am just one who came from Wyoming to look for my family. I found my friends, for now, they're family till I feel it’s my time to vanish.”

I head out of the bunker following the arrows and I am led out I find myself in the old Battle Creek airport where there used to be hot air balloon festivals. I went out to the runway and look beside me to see the old snow angels and thunderbirds.

These planes will not last long when the time comes for them to fall apart. I hear a car getting closer. I close the door to the bunker and when the car parks. Savannah comes out of the car with George and Wanda. Savannah trots to me in a quick gallop. I caught the zebra before she could run into me, giving her a tight hug.

“Don’t worry I am fine. I need to get back and rest a bit. I have a lot to tell you, and it will not make either of you happy. There are still humans around and…some knew what was going to happen.”

Savannah sighs.

“We know someone called Joe is talking to Jenny and he is asking if he can request some music.”

I get into the driver's seat of the car turning up the radio.

“Yes, explaining how we knew and everything is going to take a while to explain. It’s not my right to do so now but many here love your music. Could you play something for us all down here?”

After a second Jenny talks on the radio.

“Well I am not part of your country so I don’t hold any ill will towards you. I am sure my own country would bugger all when it comes down to it. What would you like to listen to?”

There are whispers on the other side.

“We would like to listen to any Elvis or Beatles music you have.”

Jenny laughs.

“Everyone listening there will be a marathon of Elvis and Beatles.”

I sigh deeply, turning off the radio before the music comes on. I look in the back of the car and they took what they could and I have a feeling they will go back for more. I get out of the driver's seat and head into the back with Wanda and Geroge and they let me have two chairs of my own. I lay on the two chairs and slowly fell asleep. I wonder what I will dream about. Maybe I will dream of a peaceful world or a world that will fall apart.


The future

I look up from the chapter I just read about humans and the bunker. I stare at the sleeping dragon. I go to her to get a closer look at the body and I see some of the place's scales have been removed it looks like they came back but in her old age, they started to fall off because of the roots.

I wonder if these humans do something to her to have these roots come out? Is it something she is doing to herself as a punishment or is there something else that might happen in this story of her life?

I get near her to lean on her to let her know someone is here to help her through this and I lean back to think what will I be like in the future? I don’t know, I wonder if I close my eyes to rest and to think of that future.