• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 3,419 Views, 22 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: The Movie? - Battwell

A retelling of the MLP movie with the twist of adding the 2003 Shredder into the mix

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Klugetown Escape

Tempest Shadow observed the citizens of Canterlot from the balcony in the castle. She looked at them with disgust and hatred. "All this power wasted on parties when there are far greater uses." Tempest sneered as she walked back inside the castle. As she made her way down the stairs, Shredder entered with a book in hand. He closed the book and tossed it aside.

"These ponies are truly pathetic! From what I've gathered through these history books in the archives, they solely rely on 'Friendship' to run their country instead of relying on power!!! It truly sickens me." Shredder said to Tempest.

"I concur, master." Tempest replied. Suddenly, two guards entered the throne room and made their way to Shredder and Tempest. One of the guards dropped a staff to the floor in front of Shredder.

"What is this?! I asked for a means to drain the Alicorns of their magic and you bring me back a TWIG?!" Shredder asked angrily. Tempest turned to her master and bowed.

"Master, this is the Staff of Sacanas. It will channel the magic from within the four rulers. With it, you'll have the power of one hundred armies." Tempest explained. Shredder walked over to the staff and picked it up off the floor and examined it closely.

"So, this will grant me the means to return to Turtle Prime? Excellent. You have done well, servants." Shredder handed them the staff. "Place the staff somewhere secure. Once I have what I need, then I shall put it to good use!!! Now leave us!!!" Shredder commanded. The two guards left the throne room just as Grubber entered. Shredder turned his attention to him. "You dare to return empty handed?! Where is the princess?!" Shredder demanded. Grubber gulped nervously.

"The thearch partieth couldn't find them." Grubber replied nervously. Shredder's eyes glowed with rage as he backhanded Grubber into a wall. As Grubber was getting up, Shredder walked up to him and hoisted him into the air by his neck.

"FIND THEM!!!" Shredder yelled as he threw Grubber through the throne room doors. Tempest walked up to her master and arched an eyebrow.

"Master, what is this all about?" Tempest asked.

"The princess. For my plans to proceed, I must have her. AT ONCE!!!" Shredder replied.

"It will be done, master. Just give me one week and I'll... GAK!!!" Tempest chocked as Shredder grabbed her by the neck and raised her into the air.

"You have three days to bring me the princess. Otherwise we can add your head to the number of limbs you have lost!!!" Shredder threatened as he dropped her to the ground. Tempest coughed as she stood back up.

"I'll get it done, master." Tempest said.

"I should hope so. Because I shall be joining you on this journey to oversee the princess' capture!!!" Shredder replied.

"Yes, master." Tempest bowed as Shredder left the throne room with Tempest following behind him. The two entered the airship with a small army boarding as well. Shredder took his seat atop his throne while Tempest looked out at the view. The airship then began to take off in search for the ponies.

"Tempest, I want to head to the closest town near Canterlot!!! They couldn't have gotten far." Shredder said.

"Setting a course for Klugetown, master." Tempest replied.

"You can run from me all you like, princess. But no-one escapes The Shredder!!! Once I have your magic, I will put an end to your pathetic life!!! Hahahahaha!!!" Shredder laughed.

Much later, the airship had arrived in Klugetown and landed on the outskirts of town. The walkway lowered as Shredder and Tempest walked out of the airship. Tempest bowed and said "Master, we have arrived in Klugetown."

"Search every square inch of this place!!! I want those ponies!!!" Shredder commanded. They all walked into town and started destroying everything. Shredder kicked a civilian into a kiosk and loomed over him.

"PLEASE DON'T DO THIS?! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!" The civilian pleaded.

"Then you shall perish for your insolence!!!" Shredder said as he brought up his claw and then brought it down onto the civilian's head, killing him. Meanwhile as multiple guards were trashing the place, Grubber and Tempest were walking through the town.

"You really think the ponieth got thith far?" Grubber asked. Tempest snifed the air and then saw a piece of Pinkie Pie's mane on a piece of wood.

"Oh, they're here." Tempest said. She then raised her voice and announced "Attention! A little purple pony passed this way. Tell me where she is..."

" ...or thumpin real bad'th gonna happen." Grubber interrupted. Suddenly a fish like creature made his way towards Tempest with an angry look on his face.

"You think we're gonna fall for this again? I don't know what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but--" The fish man was suddenly cut off.

"Friends?" Tempest said curiously.

"Poison or no poison, you're gonna pay!" The fish man spoke in anger. He swung at Tempest but she ducked and bucked him into a nearby kiosk.

"Ohhhh, Fishman juth got dropped!" Grubber announced. Tempest then walked over and loomed over him.

"Now.... about this.... 'Capper'." Tempest spoke.

"I ain't no snitch!!! I won't tell you nothin'!!!" The fish man spoke.

"Oh, you won't have to tell me anything. It's him you should be worried about." Tempest said as she moved out of the way as Shredder walked over to the fish man in a menacing fashion.

"You shall relay their location to me." Shredder spoke as he moved his claw to the fish man's face. "Or you shall perish!!!"

Meanwhile in Capper's house, the ponies were talking with the con artist. "Stop playin' me! A sonic rainboom? That's not a real thang! Is that a real thing?" Capper asked

"I'll show ya!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Naw-naw-naw, I don't need you sonic "rainbooming" up in my place, thank you very much." Capper replied. Rarity then placed a pin on Capper's jacket, confusing the cat. "Whoa, hey, hold up now. Whoa."

"Here you go. I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous." Rarity said kindly.

"Okay... What's the catch?" Capper asked.

"Nothing. After all that you've done for us, consider it a thank you." Rarity replied.

"Oh. Uh, don't thank me. Really." Capper said nervously.

Suddenly, Twilight entered the room excitedly. "Guys! We've been looking for the wrong queen! We don't need the Queen of the Hippos! We need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony, part eagle!" Twilight revealed.

"Oh! Oh, the Hippogriffs! Now, the trouble with that is... no one knows... where they are..." Capper said.

"Says here they're on the top of Mount Aris!" Twilight said.

"You mean the mountain right outside the window?" Pinkie asked.

"Objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear. Heh heh heh..." Capper said nervously.

"Let's go, everypony." Twilight said.

"Wait! You can't—you can't make it by y'allselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride." Capper said as he blocked the door.

"I think we can get there on our own." Twilight said.

Suddenly a mole burst through the door. "Here's Verko!" Verko announced. "These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt! Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!"

The Mane Six were shocked by this act of betrayal. "You were... You were going to sell us?" Rarity asked looking hurt.

"I knew it! We gotta get outta here!" Twilight said. But suddenly a claw burst through the door and stabbed Verko through the chest. The ponies looked shocked as he was pulled through. Verko was held in the air by Shredder, his claw still in Verko's chest.

"Disgusting creature!" Shredder said as he through him to the ground. His lifeless body laid there for all to see. Tempest then arrived on the scene and glared hatefully at Twilight as Shredder entered the home. "Princess, you should have ran when you had the chance. But it wouldn't have mattered since no-one escapes The Shredder!!! Now, you will hand over your magic to me, or your friends demises will be an added bonus, to today's great victory!!!" Shredder threatened. Rainbow Dash then flew over and attempted to tackle Shredder, but he quickly grabbed her by the neck and held her in front of him. He raised his claw to her neck and threatened her life. "Surrender, princess!!! And I may spare her pathetic life." Shredder spoke in a tone filled with malice. But before he could do anything, Capper jumped on Shredder's back, causing him to stumble and drop Rainbow Dash. Shredder flipped Capper over and smashed him onto the floor. He grabbed the cat by his neck and raised him into the air. "You pathetic worm!!! HOW DARE YOU?!" Shredder yelled as he kicked him out of the house. He landed right in front of Tempest and groaned in pain. "Restrain this buffoon!!!" Shredder ordered as the guards grabbed Capper and held him prisoner. Shredder turned around, only to notice that the ponies were gone. "NOOO!!!" Shredder yelled in frustration. He turned to Tempest. "FIND THEM!!!" Shredder ordered. Tempest nodded as she made her way through the town. She noticed a lot of destroyed property and saw a nearby airship. She turned to her master.

"I know where they're headed." Tempest reported.

As the ponies made their way towards the docks Applejack readied her rope. But as she was about to throw it, Shredder landed right in front of them.

"None of you will leave here alive." Shredder threatened. Shredder then charged forward and smashed his claw onto the ground, spreading the ponies out. Rainbow dashed forward but Shredder moved to the side and karate chopped her neck, knocking her to the ground. Applejack threw her rope around Shredder's wrist, but he simply pulled the rope, sending Applejack towards him where he then proceeded to kick her in the gut, sending her to the floor. Twilight fired some magic from her horn, causing him to stagger. The Mane Six took this opportunity to dash towards the airship. Shredder turned around and saw Applejack connect her rope to the airship. As they were making their way across, Shredder dashed over and cut the rope with his claw. They all fell down and Twilight's eyes widened in fear. She then flew down and flew in between her falling friends and focused all her magic to teleport them to the airship. The ponies vanished just before they would meet their demise. Shredder growled as he saw a violet flash on the airship, signifying their escape. He tightened his fist and glared at the airship.

"Run, it doesn't matter. I will find you. I will harness your magic and return to Turtle Prime. And I will make you watch as I put an end to your friend's pathetic lives!!!" Shredder spoke with venom seething in his voice as he turned around and walked back into town.