• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 3,172 Views, 36 Comments

May It Be - Witch_King_of_Angmar

A young man finds out that he is none other than Sauron, and now he is trapped on a world full of Ponies. What can go wrong?

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Chapter One: I Walk into a Tavern

Arc One

Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”
-Gandalf the Grey/ The Fellowship of the Ring

It has been nearly a year to the day since I have woken up in this Hell. I do not use this word lightly, if hardly ever, but I’m afraid that Hell is probably an accurate word to describe the prison that I currently live in.

I go by many names, though my real one is known only by myself in this world. On the other two worlds of my inhabitance my real name was known, but here I never gave it. Here they call me a name that is infamous on all the planets I have ever lived. This name is Sauron. The Right hand of Melkor and the Lord of the Rings.

Yes, I am the real Sauron. Surprised to find out? You probably didn’t expect me to be nearly as spunky as I actually am. This is because after my defeat on Middle Earth there was this big old cosmic fluke; one that pulled me from Arda to this world, Equis. The world where the mythologies of Earth come to life in fantastical and horrifying ways.

‘How do you know about Earth?!’ you are no doubt asking from that couch you might happen to be reading on, and don’t worry, we’ll get to that part in a bit.

I don’t remember exactly what happened, but apparently I helped another maniac try to take over this world and for that I got imprisoned.

Now to get thrown here, I was blasted by some stupid Mcguffin. I don’t remember what it was called, and the two numbskulls guarding my cell won’t tell me, but apparently it blasted my body here all the while my soul was transported over to Earth. Where I was born into mortality with no memory of my past.

Living that second life was probably one of the best things that would happen to me. I don’t know why Erú would give me such a blessing, considering all the evil I’ve done, but he did.

On that new world I was born as Hazen Smith. Which is some sort of weird cosmic phenomenon that Erú must have found hilarious. Hazen is a name with Germanic roots meaning “dark” or “handsome,” all the while Smith means… exactly what it sounds like. Which is pretty ironic considering my own real passion of smithing, something I did during my true life on Arda and my life on Earth. Essentially my name meant “dark smith” which at the time I found goth and unfitting, but now in hindsight see as pure irony.

“Hazen” lived an amazing life. He grew up a man of faith in the United States with dreams of becoming guess what, a ring smith. He also had good leadership skills, but due to what was most definitely divine intervention, he never really used those skills in any sort of professional standing. He had OCD and although he has always wanted one, he could never find himself a love life. Women never gave him any real interest and Hazen was about as straight as a flagpole, so he instead just worked on fashioning his skills as a blacksmith.

Funny thing is this was exactly like my life on Arda, before I joined Melkor and ultimately met my downfall.

Strangely fate had intervened in on his life before he got into any sort of trouble. Hazen was a major Tolkien reader on Earth (wonder why that is) and he always wanted to go to Oxford University, where Tolkien lived his life.

He eventually got that chance. Although he was a practicing blacksmith he still applied to go to a university, for what though I can no longer recall… probably something to do with a scholarship in English or something. It’s hard to remember anything good and happy while trapped here in this place.

His stay at Oxford was incredible. He was able to learn so much, however, one night after weeks of study he decided to finally go to a bar and get himself a drink. It wasn’t just any bar though, it was the “Eagle and the Child.”
The very bar where a club of ordinary men talked about, laughed about, and wrote what would be some of the of the greatest stories of fiction. In this club of men there were two who stood out of the group. C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Little did Hazen know, as he walked into that tavern, that he would never be seen by another man or women on Earth again.

I opened the front door and entered the Eagle and the Child. I have been looking forward to coming here ever since I moved here from America, but due to the demanding toll that was school I never had the opportunity to come here till now.

The tavern was homely enough, and although it contained a good amount of literary history within it’s walls, it was still a regular pub. I expected the bar to be crowded with Tolkien enthusiasts and the like, but inside there was only two other people; the bartender and an old man with a grey beard.

I walked up to counter and sat to the left of the old man, and I ordered myself a light drink. Can’t be getting myself drunk the day before a major exam now can I?

As the bartender left to prepare my drink the old man introduced himself as Alden. He said that he knew Tolkien personally as a college student just like me. We both chatted for hours on end, sharing laughs and stories about each other, our experiences at school, and of course Tolkien.

It was almost midnight when Alden turned to me with a deadly serious look, that told me to immediately pay attention, and when I saw the look in Alden’s eyes I knew the matter was important.

“Hazen,” the old man said, “what do you know
about the name Mairon?”

I chuckled a little bit. After all, I knew almost everything when it comes to Middle Earth. What do I not know about that name?

“Mairon was the name of a Maia,” I eagerly began, “he was a student of the Vala Aule, however, he was corrupted by the dark lord Melkor, and convinced to join his cause. Mairon would go on to become Melkor’s Lieutenant and fight against the Valar for the millennia to come.”

“Yes, what else do you know, Hazen?”

“Well, from this point onward Mairon no longer went by his given name. Rather, he instead went by many other ones. The most famous of all being-“

“Sauron.” Alden finished. “So what happened next?”

“Well, do you want the whole story or should I skip to the end?”

“Let’s skip to after the War of Wrath.”

“Okay then,” I continued. “after Sauron failed to receive amnesty from Eönwe, he went missing for a good five hundred years or so. He will finally make a reappearance under the disguise of an elf named Annatar. Annatar made friends with Celebrimbor, and taught him how to forge the rings of power, tricking him into thinking it was for the purpose of fellowship, when the real purpose was so he could enslave the free peoples of Middle Earth.”

“Right, and after that?”

“After forging the rings of power Sauron then forged for himself a gold ring, the One that will rule them all. But the elves anticipated this betrayal, and they removed their own rings from their fingers, lest they fall to Sauron. Thus starting a war that will last for the rest of the second age.”

“When Sauron came for revenge, he destroyed Eregion, the country that Celebrimbor lived, killed him, and left, leaving with the Nine and the Seven Rings of Power, so that he can corrupt Men and Dwarves into his service.

“Eventually, the Númenorians, men from the Island of Númenor, took notice of Sauron’s power. The King, Tar-Pharazon sailed east to Middle Earth, and challenged Sauron to combat. But Sauron, seeing the might and power of Númenor, surrendered instead,

“He was taken to Númenor, and imprisoned in the dungeons by Tar-Pharazon. However, Sauron was still able to speak to Tar-Pharazon, and he soon convinced the King to release him from prison and become his advisor. Sauron managed to corrupt the entirety of Númenor, and finally enact his scheme to be rid of the Men of the West once and for all,”

“He convinced them to attack Valinor, so that they may obtain immortality. Sauron tricked them, and after Tar-Pharazon first set foot upon Valinor, the entirety of the world was shaken, and Númenor was lost to the sea.”

“Sauron would then return to Mordor and resume his war against the elves and Númenorian exiles, only to then lose his ring and physical form. He fled from his enemies and hid in Dol Guldor as the “Necromancer,” only to once again be cast out centuries later by the White Council. After being cast from Dol Guldor Sauron would then return to Mordor, go back to fighting the peoples of Middle Earth, eventually get destroyed when Frodo tosses the Ring into Mount Doom.”

Alden nodded at my summarization. Giving his beard a good stroke he turned and slowly finished his drink. With one final swig the contents of his mug was gone. He then turned to me.

“What if I told you, that Mairon’s story is not over?”

I blinked in surprise, then chuckled a bit, which promptly turned into laughter.

“Surely that is the booze speaking now Alden.” I stated after I regained control from my laughing fit; “Tolkien’s writing clearly states that Sauron was defeated!”

“Defeated yes, but destroyed… no”

“If you say so.”

I turned back to my drink, wanting this line of conversation to end. I meant no disrespect, but I was kind of a purist when it came to the fandom. Alden still looked at me, and his eyes were looking at me with a strange intensity. He then continued speaking;

“Mairon’s story isn’t over.”

I curved my neck to the right to look at him again, I raised my eyebrow at his words.

“Mairon was sent to another world,” Alden continued; “a world of great innocence, and when he tried to take it, he was again defeated.”

“Alden, we’re not getting into fanfiction territory are we?”

Alden chuckled at my statement, but he looked into my eyes with a sense of confidence that I am yet to see dethroned.

“Perhaps, but what if I told you that after his defeat on that world, his soul was banished to another. Waiting to be sent back, not for the purpose of conquest, but for the purpose of redemption?”

“I would laugh my arse off and tell you that such an idea is ridiculous.”

“Maybe you would. Then again, you were always narrow-minded, always with a single goal in mind. Aren’t I right Mairon?”

I looked around the bar, looking for whoever he might have referred to as Mairon, but when my gaze returned to the elderly man I was surprised by how intensely he was staring at me. Nothing in his countenance betrayed the fact that he just called me by the name of a fictional character, and believed it.

“What game are you playing here, Alden?” I said dropping my initial friendliness. I was really tired after a late night of study, and I have an important exam tomorrow morning as well.

“I’m not playing any games Mairon” I cringed upon hearing that word, even though I didn’t know why-“but I’m telling you the truth. Is it really that hard to have believe that I am being honest with you?”

This isn’t going anywhere. It is past midnight already and I should be getting sleep.

I stood up and turned to leave- “It was nice to get to know you Alden, but I’ve really got to-“


I immediately fell on my knees, the back of my head hurt like I just got thwacked by something made of wood. I looked back and saw Alden carrying a flipping six foot staff! Where did that come from?!

“It is not considered courteous to just “make like a tree” when someone is talking to you.”

I put my hand on the back of my head. I could feel a sizable bump back there, but not enough to give any sort of concussion. I quietly cursed, then began speaking again;

“Are you out of your mind?! Why did you smack me on the back of my head with a staff?!”

“Because otherwise you would have walked away Mairon!” Alden said; “And if you did walk away you would not be ready for what is going to happen!”

“And what exactly, is going to happen?!”

“Today is your last day on Earth, and before dawn tomorrow you will be sent back to your Maiar body, with no idea what to do!”

… Come again?

I slowly blinked. Then after a minute or two my rationality returned, along with my ability to speak as well as think clearly.

“This is my last day on Earth, and by dawn tomorrow I’m going to be an evil Dark Lord?” I asked skeptically.

“Yes, by the rising of the Sun tomorrow Hazen you will no longer live on this mortal plane. Instead you will awaken in a new world, one where you can finally make up for the mistakes that you have made.”

I stayed sprawled on the ground for a few minutes, processing all the information that has been given to me.

“Really?” I asked, coming to terms with the words that Alden is telling me.

“Yes Mairon. You are about to undertake a new journey, one where your experiences here as Hazen will help determine who you truly are, and reach your greatest potential.”

’Is what Alden saying true? He is a rather bizarre old man, neglecting the fact that he just assaulted me with his six foot staff. But what if what he’s telling the truth, could I really be Sauron? Is my life here meant to prepare me to make up for the mistakes of my past?’

I reached out my hand and Alden took it, lifting me off the ground and back onto my feet. Alden then heaved out a sigh and, with a downcast look, continued talking to me.

“Sorry about that,” Alden apologized “but you need to listen to me. My message is important, and if you heed it, it will give you more than you could have possibly imagined.”

I waved my hand, “Nah, it’s fine. I’ve been in worse scrapes before and minor bruise on my head won’t make any grudges. Besides, it probably was the only way you could have gotten me to listen in the first place.”

“Never were truer words spoken by you.” Alden agreed.

“So, if what your saying is true, then am I really Sauron?”

“I thought that your hearing was better” Alden stated, “what do you think I’ve been trying to tell you?!”

“But if I was really Sauron, wouldn’t I you know, have memories of being Sauron, and live in Middle Earth?” I countered.

Alden rubbed his temples; “This is going to take a while.”

Alden then proceeded to tell me what happened to Sauron, or should I say me, after Frodo destroyed the Ring. What he said was surprising to say the least.

“So let me get this straight: I am currently trapped in a prison called Tartarus guarded by a three headed dog, in a coma, on a world populated by creatures of Greek mythology.”

“Not exactly but that’s good a good summary.”

“So, does this mean I get to meet Percy Jackson?”

Alden groaned. He began to rub his temples in irritation.
“There are no Men or Elves, or even Orcs on Equis. Instead the world is ruled by a sentient race of equines, called ponies.”

“So I’m going to a little girl’s dreamland then?”

Another groan. I’m really getting on his nerves, and I’m enjoying every second of it.

“This is a world of adventure Mairon! And yes though I admit the citizenry may be a bit naive there is still so much you can learn from them!”

“Okay I get it. Going to have to, now that I think about it.”

“And I’m sure you will Mairon.”

I slumped on the chair I was sitting on. This was a lot to take in. If my parents hadn’t already passed on, or if I had a social life, I would be far more worried by the implications of the things Alden had told me. “So what now? My life on earth is done just like that, then I’m going to become the most evil being in Middle Earth’s history, and try to find a new purpose to give myself on this new world?”

“Something like that.”

I looked at my watch, it was past five in the morning. The hours have flown by as if chased by the Devil himself. I looked back to Alden;
“What do I do?”

“When you reawaken, you will be trapped in a cell in Tartarus, it is nigh impossible to escape that cell. So you will have to wait until the cell door appears, which only happens once a year. So you will be trapped in Tartarus for a good little while at least.”

“When the door does reappear, your magical reserves should be enough to overpower it. Use your power as one of the Ainur to compose music to destroy it.”

“Wait,” I exclaimed; “I can do that?!”

“Why yes,” Alden said with a smile; “and many other things that you will no doubt relearn in your time in prison.”


“After you escape, you must seek the White city upon a mountain. What you will find there, if you stay true, will be worth every hardship you will face.”

“But how will I get there? Won’t I be a wanted criminal?”

“There will be others, who you will meet, who will help you during and after your journey. But, I must warn you, not all those you meet will have good intent. You must be ready to face them.”

I nodded. “I’ll be ready.”

I looked outside. It was almost dawn, and I still had unanswered questions.
“Will we meet again Alden?”

“Perhaps,” Alden said; “but if we do, you will not be the same. You will change. Whether for your ultimate good, or for your utter damnation, is up to you.”

I turned back to Alden. “Wait a minute, do I know you from som-“

A rooster crowed.

And there was a light out in the eastern window.


Alden disappeared, I saw twirling lights all around me. I heard voices, memories started flooding my brain faster than anything I could ever describe. I saw visions flash before my eyes, figures and faces that I saw and instantly forgot. I screamed, but I could not hear my own voice. And when I finally came back to my senses;

Everything was pitch black.

Author's Note:

Greetings Everyone! My name is Witch_King_of_Angmar and this is May It Be.
This story is my passion, and I want to make it the best it can possibly be!
So please leave a comment and tell me what you think about my story. Feel free to give me an honest review. Point out any mistakes I make with my grammar and spelling, and overall, enjoy. For we are going on an adventure! Both reader and author, and I can’t wait to give you an amazing story!

Comments ( 36 )

Amazing start! :raritystarry:
A semi-displaced story about Sauron's redemption, already hooked, can't wait for more, stay awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Also, clever with the naming. Whenever I make an OC, I always want they're name to have a deeper meaning of who they are. Great minds think alike!

Interesting, I look forward to more.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
this is going to be interesting

Can't wait for next chapter 😊

“Never before have those words been uttered in Canterlot!”
- Celestia, probably.

I hope I can make this story an excellent adventure for all of you! May take a few weeks though, this next chapter is going to be a doozy, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I will!

I always try to pay attention to details. It would just feel wrong if I were to name the MC Steve or something like that. Glad we can both see eye to eye on this.

Also thanks for the Favs everybody! I will do my best to be deserving of them.

I've been waiting to read a sauron book for a long Damn time I will watch this with great interest

I must admit, I had my, how to put this, doubts, yes, doubts, when I began reading this. But, upon finishing the current chapter, I'm actually interested in seeing the next chapter you post.
I am curious as to how he will handle Tirek, or Sombra, and perhaps Chrysalis.
Looking forward to seeing what you bring us next time you update.

This appears just as I am looking for a sauron fic. Perfect.

Been wanting a good story starting a villain for a while, and I've been playing overlord to get my fix.

There are a couple of other Sauron Fics out there. On this site there is Tar-Palantir’s stories (which you can find in my “Sauron’s Library”) and on Fanfiction there is Reforged: Tyranny is Magic by Arawndil. (Which is actually the only reason I’m a brony today actually, so DANG GOOD)
However the main difference between these fics and this one is going to be much more serious. Both of those are more comedy than anything and I want to get into the juicy stuff with this story. I’m talking about adventure, drama, gore, and Romance:raritywink: The good stuff that I would love to see in any sort of fiction.

You have gained my attention and, to be perfectly honest I haven’t found any good sauron stories that are actually serious, here’s hoping this becomes a great story

I understand where you are coming from. All the LotR stories on this site that feature Sauron play him off as a joke or insignificant. Truth is Sauron is one of the most in depth characters in Tolkien’s fantasy. With a beautifully rich history of evil that makes all the villains in MLP wet themselves in terror.
I think it’s probably just LotRs in general that isn’t well represented in the FiMfiction community. There are a couple of them if you know where to look, but they are either overwhelmingly unsatisfactory (unless your looking for comedy) or had a good run but dropped dead.
I want to make a good story with the goal of actually completing it.

Oh hot damn! Much obliged partner!

give me an honest review

Mixed feelings. You're dropping enough background from the Silmarillion and Lost Tales that I think you probably have the background be able to pull this off, but this is going to be a difficult story to write well.

Here are my concerns:

* You're spending a lot of time telling not showing. This entire chapter was an info dump. You spent an entire paragraph explaining his human name rather than leaving it for the observant. In some places you repeat essentially the same dialogue as much as three times. I understand that you can't depend on your entire audience having the required background to fully understand what's going on here...a fair portion of people have no knowledge of Tolkien's body of work beyond having seen the Lord of the Rings movies...but when you have him literally repeating back what was said to him, he comes across as being a little dim-witted. This should be an extremely intelligent character. He's a thousands of years old immortal who's seen the innermost workings of the cosmos. Lacking some memories perhaps, but understand that you, the author, are putting yourself in the position of writing for a being far wiser, more experienced, more intellgent, more capable, than you yourself are. Don't write down for your audience. This has to be a deep story. Show what happens, and let your audience figure it out.

* The setup feels wrong. if he's being sent to Equestria through the grace of Eru, why is he arriving in Tartarus? Why is his "old friend" instructing him to break out by force? That's not a setup conducive to redemption. His time has been served, trapped in a mortal body on Earth. Escaping from Tartarus only sets him up as an outlaw to be recaptured.

I suggest instead, that he wake up in Tartarus in one of the bodies he's previously occupied...perhaps missing one finger as a reminder...and that he be unsure if his time on Earth was a false memory. I suggest that when the door to his cell is opened, he be confronted by the jailer as a mystery, because no record of nor reason for his incarceration in Tartarus exists. That he be released freely and willingly, because they can't in good faith keep him when they have no record of him having committed any crime. But, the ponies should be smart about this, and recognize that an undocumented prisoner in Tartarus might be very, very bad...but they do release him and give him every opportunity to be good, because in order for them consider themselves good, they must to do the right thing, which is to release him.

This sets up a far more politically-tense and interesting dynamic than him becoming technically a criminal on day one by breaking out, and the ponies chasing him down, leading presumably to a fairly generic dick waving story of Sauron being powerful enough to evade being caught despite all the powers of the world being after him.

* I hope that you've considered very carefully the role of the Royal Sisters in this story. Just because a song was sung of Arda doesn't mean there can't be music for other worlds. If the Valar are those among the Ainur who went to Arda, the obvious interpretation is that the royal sisters are of the original Ainur, but that they simply chose to go to a different world within the Great (and presumably infinite) Music than Arda. Whether they would be "Valar" would be semantics. Is a Vala one from among the Ainur who went specifically to Arda, or is a Vala any Ainur who entered into any world at all? Equus could simply be another world, and there could be countless "Valar" besides the 14 spoken of.

Even more appropriately...perhaps Celestia is the sole (or one of two) Ainur for Equus, and Luna, Tirek, and Chrysalis, are her Maiar. You could even drop a reference to Celestia's sun corresponding to the Flame Imperishable for those who might get the reference.

This second option of Celestia as sole (or one of two) Ainu of Equus and the others as her Maiar produces some interesting possilities, since it puts her in a position of direct responsibility for them as well justifiying her reluctance for them to come to any permanent harm. They would be her naughty children in a sense, and she would love them despite all their hatred, and that totally fits her character. While the reason for Sauron's presence in Equestria might be complete mystery to the jailkeepers of tartarus, Celestia should know exactly what's going on, but be aloof and content to let it play out. Consider season 1, when Twilight brought to her the tale of Nightmare Moon's immiment release, Celestia pretended to not know what was going on, and let her little ponies play out their places in the story. Celestia should know exactly who Sauron is, should know exactly why he's here, but be willing to let the story play out as it must. For the Great Music may have both crescendo and diminuendo, but it is beautiful.

This setup also puts Sauron in the position of being kind of like an elder brother to Luna. Luna would be to Celestia exactly what Sauron is to Aule, and there are a lot of interesting parallels. The changelings are like the dwarves, for example, created by Maia Chrysalis without the benefit of the Flame Imperishable, and because Eru didn't step in like he did with the dwarves, they remain bound to her and lack their own free will.

Discord meamwhile, would correspond with Melkor (thereby being the second of two Ainur for Equus after Celestia), and Sauron in this story becomes essentially Luna's elder brother who has already gone through his phase of rebellion. Depending on this story's place in the timeline, if it takes place before Luna's downfall, that means Sauron might lovingly and painfully watch Luna's own rebellion and seek to persuade her to not make the same mistakes he made. Or if this story takes place after her return, then that puts them together on the path to redemption. In either case, it also puts him in the position of having a very difficult time directly opposing the forces of "evil" in Equestria, because he personally rebelled and was given a chance for redemption. How can he possibly condemn others who are simply in an earlier place of their stories than he? And yet, how can he not act, when he knows firsthand what will be the fruit of their labors?

This is a very interesting premise you have here, but it's going to be difficult to tell well. Please don't waste it on author-insert power-fullfillment fic of Sauron running around being a generic super-powerful displaced that nobody can do anything about.

You actually put up a lot of good points. Some of those things I was already going to do, and others not so much.
There are a few things that you have suggested that are already central to the world building of the story.
Primarily the importance of the Music.

And I must admit I did kinda rush the first chapter. The hardest part in writing (for me at least) is actually kicking the whole thing off. Once I get further along with the story I’m probably going to go back and redo the first chapter. But for now I want to get started on the second chapter.

I’ve also now got editors who should help me keep the story consistent and not repetitive.

Thank you for your analysis!


One other quick thought:

The alicorn amulet has to make an appearance in this story, though I'm unsure what Sauron's reaction to it would be. It is essentially the One Ring, crafted by a different maker. It would probably seek him out to become its next wielder...but surely he would recognize it for what it is, and very likely he'd want to avoid it like the plague, because he would know full well its manner of operation and that its end goal would be to subsume his consciousness...oh, Witch-King of Angmar.

But I think that as a great maker, in respect, in brotherhood, in fellowship...as one fellow smith to another, he might be unable to resist the desire to find out who made it, and that might be sufficient for him to not immediately bury it in the deepest hole he could dig, despite the risk of even being near it. But who did make the alicorn amulet? Luna? Is it embued with part of her being? Was the Nightmare the empty hole left in her soul when it was parted from her, allowed to grow and fester and become its own independant mind competing for control? What happens if Luna gets it back?

That subplot would be enough for an entire story all on its own.

Looking forward to seeing more of this story, but I do so hope you grasp the depth of this undertaking. :raritywink:

Thanks for the insight. It has already influenced my plan for the story in many ways, I will look into your suggestions, and although my first arc is going through a major reboot my plans for the overarching plot remain the same.
I look forward to all suggestions for my stories. They allow me to take what I originally had, and weave it into a more wonderful sympathy!

‘How do you know about Earth?!’ you are no doubt asking from that couch you might happen to be reading on, and don’t worry, we’ll get to that part in a bit.

I feel called out I just found this story then see this:fluttercry:

The Dark Lord Sees ALL! His vision pierces cloud, earth, shadow and flesh! Who is to say he can’t see you through your devices as well?:pinkiecrazy:

There were two amulets like that in MLP universe and they are rather rings of power (elves had made them on their own but at his suggestion) than a soul-bound wraith artefact.

Please keep all your comments related to the story. I appreciate a little bit of joking around as much as the next person but please keep it relevant.

Please. More, give me more! I can't take it!
Also, I understand you want to get to the 'good' bit, but please always strive to show rather than tell, a picture painted with words is worth a 1000 expositions. Or something.

Thank you for the advice. I’ll do my best.

I read the only other story like this... but it's dead, not updated in years :(
Also it wasn't approaching it from the same angle at all, good as it was. I really want to see where you take this. Speaking of, next chapter when? I eagerly await it.

I’ve already mapped out how it’s going to be structured. I just need to get the characterization right, so perhaps a few weeks…
Also what’s the other story your referring to?

reforged: Tyranny is magic

I’ve already said this in the description, but this story is inspired by Reforged. It’s a real shame that it has died out. One of the best pieces of fanfiction I’ve ever read. I doubt I’ll even come close to matching it.

Eventually… I haven’t found the time write until recently.

The only thing I find wrong with this, is him not asking a very simple question (probably the result of magic mindfuckery).

"Do I have a choice in this, or will this happen without even an iota of consent from me, whether I like it or not?.."

greetings from 2023

when is the sequel ?

for fun. I am the dark lord

I want an alpaca and a lot of money .

The name of this kingdom : expect .

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