• Published 24th Oct 2021
  • 566 Views, 4 Comments

In Need of A Hand - armid

Sunset's hand has been sprained and she is having trouble on the job.

  • ...

Those who Care

The customers left shortly after. And it was only me, her, and the broken plates on the floor.

Salty held my bandaged hand and made me stand up. “DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH THOSE COST?”

As pain surged through my body, I couldn't bring myself to answer back and just groaned in pain. My feet wanted to collapse.

“GET OUT!” Salty squeezed my hand harder and throw me back.

I stepped out of the shop as I steadied my breath to compensate for the pain. She was very mad. Giving her some time to calm down felt like a good idea. I knew If there was anything in that shop that she would dive in to grab while it was on fire, it would have been the plates.

I tried to move my bandaged hand ever so slightly but as soon as I felt the ache surge through my body, I stopped.

With a sigh, I dropped it to the side and looked around. Every shop was closing one after the other and the entire mall was going to be closed soon too. Some shops still had a few customers to tend to but I knew after they were done with that, they too would close. The lights off the mall were still on however, and that meant there was still a bit of time before everything would be completely closed.

I was sitting there, waiting for Applejack and Pinkie to show up. Now whether I was hoping they make it before that was a whole another discussion.

I looked back into the restaurant to see what Salty was doing. And to no surprise, she was looking at the pieces of the broken plates. I swear that she would disown her own son to get that six plates back.

“I wish I had a better job.” I sighed and looked back. But it was then that a sudden noise surprised me.

I looked at the brown cat that was looking at me with it’s green eyes. Meowing. It tilted it’s head and blinked at me.

I don't have the ability to talk to animals but I felt as if it was asking about how I was. It sounds odd now that I think about it.

“Oh...uhm...Hi?”I raised my hand a little but soon realised I shouldn’t have moved it.

The cat stared at me in silence. Our gazes pierced one another. But It was then that I saw the red collar around its neck.

“Are you lost?” I leaned forward. Still in the mindset that I was talking to it. “We should find your owner soon. I doubt Fluttershy is still in her shop either.” I patted the cat with my left hand. It smiled and stretched itself to touch the palm of my hand more. It’s fur made my hand tickle as I rubbed my hand on it’s head.

“PETRI!” A call came from afar and the cat turned its head to follow the direction of the sound. And so did I.

A teenage girl with blue skin, short blue and white straight hair was running towards us. She was wearing a green shirt with a black skirt. That was the uniform of the Smooth Fabric clothes store. I’ve seen Rarity there a bunch of times during my breaks. She really likes that shop.

“Petri! You bad boy! Don’t run away like that ever again!” She pouted as she sat down and picked up the cat from the ground. Petri’s body stretched as he was being picked.

She looked at me, her eyes were green and her cheeks reminded me a bit of Pinkie Pie. “Sorry, he just ran away all of a sudden.”

“It’s alright. I think I needed a bit of company anyways.”

She looked at me, up and down. “You work here too?”

I pointed to Salty’s restaurant behind me. “Yep, there. I figured you work in Smooth Fabric too! You know, the uniform and all.”

“Unfortunately, yes.” She sounded a bit annoyed. She held her cat in her embrace and rubbed her hand on it’s head . “I wish I could be done with that place and this stupid mall.” She clenched her teeth and tightened her embrace on her cat but as soon as she heard him let out a mew, she softened it again.

“I’m not too fond of working here either. But hey, it pays,” I sighed and looked back, “For the most part at least.” After a pause, I remembered I hadn’t introduced myself yet. “Oh, I’m Sunset, by the way. Sunset Shimmer.” I wanted to raise my hand but with it being bandaged and in pain and the whole “seeing her memories when touching” made me rethink that.

“Frosty Cream.” Thankfully her hands were occupied too, so it didn’t feel awkward. “And this is Petri.”

The cat meowed and closed its eyes.

“I think I caught his name before but I guess it doesn’t hurt to be official.” I gave her a smile. “Your cat looks cute. Seems more friendly than my friend's cat.”

“Thanks.” She smiled as well, bringing Petri up in her embrace again. “And yeah, it sucks. They all treat you like trash and the worst part is no one is there for you to ask whether you’re fine or not!” her tone was raised again. But soon was brought back down when her cat purred in her embrace. “I only have Petri. How about you?”

The thought of Applejack and Pinkie Pie jumped in my head. “I...do.”

“You must be very lucky.”

“I guess…” I looked down. It felt hard to breathe for a second.

She looked at her watch for a second before her eyes widened. “Oh, shoot. Uhm, it was nice to meet you...I guess….Sorry, I don’t usually talk to others. Everyone I have met here was a jerk for the most part.”

“No problem. I understand that.”

“Ok. Uhm...I, uh...have to go. Gotta rest well before I come back here tomorrow and…” She sighed before continuing. “Work and be nagged at for hours again.”

I hesitated before saying anything. That last bit got me wondering about myself a little. “...uhm...Goodbye I suppose. Take care of your cat.”

“I-I will.” She started walking away. Leaving me alone again.

I started wondering whether I’ll be having a job after what happened or not again. Honestly, knowing Salty for quite some time, I knew my chances weren’t high at all. And I should probably head in and take in all of her lectures before she says I’m fired and head home sooner. At least that way I could have gotten some sleep.

I stood up and took a deep breath, ready to step in. However, as soon as I want to open the door, I hear another call. This time a bit more familiare sounding.


I turn back and see Pinkie Pie shouting and running to me with Applejack. It didn't take me a long time to realize that she was not slowing down! I closed my eyes and braced for impact.

As I slowly opened up my eyes, I saw two pairs of pink hands right in front of me. I took a step back and looked at my friends from a different angle. Applejack held Pinkie across the waist so she wouldn’t crash into me.
“Oh, hi girls.” I said nervously.

“Sunset!” Pinkie literally jumped out of Applejack's grip leaving both me and her surprised. “We came to check on as promised!” She hugged me tightly.

“Are ya doing alright sugarcube?” Applejack shook her head and joined the talk.

Once again, after looking into her eyes, I couldn’t bring myself to lie. I pulled my uniform skirt and bit my lips trying to resist answering.

“Sunset?” Pinkie raised an eyebrow.

“NO!” A moment of silence filled around us in the mall. Only the distant chitter chatter of some shopkeepers with their customers could be heard.

I dropped down on the ground and hugged my knees. “I dropped the tray and broke all the plates...I...I’m gonna get fired.” I wasn’t crying, but I really felt like it.

“It’s alright.” Applejack kneeled to get on my level. “...what ahm concerned, is how your hand is.”

“It’s not better...but at least not worse either.”

“Don’t worry Sunset, I’m sure we can find you a better job now cheer up!” Pinkie sat next to me on the ground.

“Thanks guys…”

Applejack put her hand on my shoulder, “Ah know you don’t like me asking this from ya but...what happened to ya hand?”

I sighed. “Why do you want to know so bad?”

“Because you are my friend and I’m worried about you.” She held my shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes. “Don’t tell me if the same thing had happened to me or Pinkie, ya wouldn’t have done the same.”

“I would.”

“Then why are ya not speaking up, girl?”

“Because it’s MY FAULT, NOT YOURS!” I shouted! Applejack and Pinkie took a step back and looked me up and down.

I took a deep breath before continuing. “Look…I was the one who stole the crown and brought magic into this world. I am the reason magic is causing issues and troubles. And I]/u] am the one who should deal with it.”

They both looked at me and then exchanged a look at one another.

“Wh-what do ya mean?” Applejack asked.

I let out another sigh. “After we met up with Flaming Star and Steely Armor, I wanted to make sure they are feeling comfortable in the school and with their magic. Which is why I wanted to convince Flaming Star to… accept his magic and control it.” I looked at them once again before continuing. “I tried my best to break the ice...it was working but… I noticed some suspicious stuff last week when Rainbow Dash and I visited Steely Armor’s garage.”

He has a garage?” They both asked in unison.

“Yeah, but not the point right now.” I held my head with both hands. “He had this weird blueprint thing that all measurements were in some weird shape language and he was just so...defensive” I sighed once more. ”Long story short… After many attempts with talking to him just… Speak up… I got desperate and decided to...” I paused for a second. “Break into his garage and check on what he hides there.”


“I know, I know...I’ve already had that whole lecturing thing from Twilight.” I raised my hands and gestured to stop. “Before that I… had tried to see through Flaming Star’s memory to see if I can find something that helps me piece everything together.”

“But he caught your hand before you could touch his.” Pinkie Pie jumped in.

“And that was when the little trust I had built got shattered.” I sighed.

I shook my head. “Anyway, yeah that happened and… well, yesterday I decided to explain everything to Steely Armor. And by “everything” I mean my past. I hoped toexplain why I was concerned and wanted to make sure nothing bad was happening.”

“Well, did it work?” Applejack asked, rubbing her neck.

“He said he wants time.” I looked at her. “Which is understandable. Flaming Star on the other hand…”

Applejack shifted her look from my eyes to my hand. “Did he do that to you?” She frowned.

“No. I mean, yes… it’s complicated.”

“What do ya mean? Ain’t he the one who hurt you? If yes then imma teach that boy a lesson.” She clenched her fist.

“No!” I raised my hands. “Look, it’s just a long story and right now I want to just head back in there, get fired and go home. I’ve had enough for today.”

“Sunset.” I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Ah know you still blame yourself for what has been happening lately. And sure, you might be right that you caused it.”

“Not helping, Applejack!” Pinkie added.

After giving a look at Pinkie Pie, Applejack continued. “But even if it is… what makes you think we shouldn’t help ya?”

I was a bit confused. “W-what do you mean?”

Applejack sighed and put her other hand on my cheek. “Sugarcube, when ah was having trouble with my Maths class, didn’t you and Twilight help me?”


“And didn’t you help me to figure out what I should be drawing for art class?” Pinkie Pie rubbed her face against mine.

I gave some distance between my face and her. “Uhm yeah. So?”

“See? Ya didn’t just ignore our issues, even if it was our mistake. Ya helped us. Why shouldn’t we be doing the same for ya?”

“Yeah, isn’t that what friends do?” Pinkie gave me another one of her big smiles.

As I saw the reflection of my own face in their eyes, I felt a heart warming sensation deep within. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I hugged them both as hard as I could.

“Thank you girls!”

“Awww, group hug!” Pinkie tightened her grip.

It got hard for me to breathe after that. “Uhm….P-pinkie...Y-you are...KILLING ME!”

“Oh, sorry! She chuckled a little. “I just got excited.”

“It’s alright.”

We all stood up and dusted our clothes.

“So now wha?” Applejack asked me. “You don’t wanna at least try to talk with her and try sorting out the issue?”

I paused before answering. I knew there was no way she would not fire me unless I work for her more than I already do. Maybe it was the time to break these shackles and misery I brought on myself by working here myself and not give her the opportunity to have the luxury of it.

“Actually, I have a better Idea.” I stepped inside the restaurant.

Salty raised her head to look at me. “What are you still doing here?”

“Oh, nothing, I just wanted to officially announce that I am quitting!” I put my hands on my waist. Even though my sprained hand hurt a little I tried to keep my cool.

“WHAT?!” She asked in confusion. Her ugly moth dropped hanging.

“You heard me right. I’m quitting!”

Salty stood up and put the broken piece of the plate on table 3. “You can't quit!!”

“Oh I can. And honestly, why shouldn’t I. You treat me like trash even though I do almost everything in your shop!” I pointed at her and raised my tone.

Salty frowned and narrowed her eyes. “YOU CAN’T QUIT!” she shouted. “I FIRE YOU!”

“You can’t fire me. I’ve already quitted.” I walked past her, who was still shocked and stepped into the back door. I changed my clothes and when I stepped out, I turned that uniform into a ball and threw it at her face. “Keep this. You might need it for the next person who is stupid enough to work here!”

She furiously pulled the uniform off of her face and grunted. But before she could say anything I was already at the door and about to leave.

“Goodbye you rotten fish smelling hag!”

I headed out of the mall with the girls afterwards. They even walked me home. So sweet of them. But the sweetest part is to know that I’m not alone in what I’m doing. That there are people who have my back and will not hesitate to lend me a hand when I need it.

I also learned that I shouldn’t push my friends away when they simply want to help me out. Cause honestly, I would be trying to help them out if they were in that situation.

Your friend and student, Sunset Shimmer.

Author's Note:

Stay patient for the next instalment.

Comments ( 4 )

Despite my little grievance with Sunset's self-righteous and even hypocritical actions in trying to find out what Steely was hiding, despite hiding a secret from him as well, she still comes across as sympathetic. Even though her severe injury was partially due to her stubbornness in trying to make up with Flaming, I still manage to feel for her. Mainly due to her terrible ex boss. Many stories after Rainbow Rocks don't seem to show her as still struggling or learning about friendship, so it's kind of nice to see that here. It's nice to see Applejack and Pinkie reach out and manage to help her out when she desperately needs it. All in all so far a well written series that properly shows Sunset as a flawed, yet well meaning person, still struggling, yet getting better at friendship and how to be.

I was worried people would think Sunset is acting OOC. I am glad to hear that you think Sunset is actually in character.

My series does have issues. I have to say that since I can both sense it myself and the see it through some of the reviews I've gotten but despite those, i am happy with what I am doing and I promise to you that I will get better and better.

I am glad you enjoyed this.

One last thing, this is the latest instalment so far even though you can see there is still many stories to go through. Those all are going to be rewritten. I'd suggest you wait for the rewrite of them.

Thank you!

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