• Published 14th Oct 2021
  • 567 Views, 24 Comments

Our Inner Demon - BlueDiamond

Sunset Shimmer is pretty, popular and happy. Yet, when she is abandoned, her and her unlikely new group sense their inner demons..

  • ...

Chapter 2: Where Trouble Starts

Author's Note:

Woo! Finally done with this chapter~

Okay, I'll try my best to make this less dialogue and more description heh. :D
This is were things get started~

But not in a good way D;

Also, all art is made by me :D
Sorry if art is cringy :')

Sunset Shimmer went down the path to her apartment. She reached her house and decided to take a warm shower before going to the park that afternoon. Sunset could withstand high temperatures; she had no idea why. She remembered how she had once put a dare on a boastful stallion who was proclaiming that he could withstand any heat and always annoyed her because of his attitude; she won, and that stallion never went near her again.
Oh well.

After her shower, she decided to clean her photo shelf just before going out. When she went to dust a particular photo , however, she smiled. It was a photo taken on the day after they defeated the Sirens, and she had ponied up for the first time. Princess Twilight and herself were there as well as the rest of the Rainbooms, plus DJ Pon-3. It was the first time she had felt like a Rainboom. She had thought that, despite being friends, she would probably never be a real part of the group since, well, the Rainbooms were the bucking Elements of Harmony! She wasn't. However, she still managed to pony-up, despite not being an element, so all doubt disappeared that day. She wondered whether-


A notification came on her phone from her messaging app. It was from Pinkie and it said-
Hey, Sunny, could you meet us at the park? Like, the park near your apartment, Sunny Blossom park?

I was about to go there! Ok, see u.

Wondering what Pinkie wanted, She put on a white blouse with some jeans and went to Sunny Blossom park.

Sunset reached Sunny Blossom park, and breathed in the fresh wintery air. Snowflakes were slowly falling down like sprinkles in the snow. The park was one of Sunset's favourite places to be, even when she was still the biggest meanie in the whole school; it was calm, and not many people came here, despite the beautiful scenery.
Sunset went to the bridge that overlooked a humongous river called the Serenity river. There, all of her friends were waiting for her.\

"Hey, guys." She grinned. "What did you text me for, Pinkie?"

"Applejack got an awesome idea, and I wanna tell it to you!" Pinkie jumped up and down in excitement.
"Um.. Ok. What is it?"

"You know how you told us that you were alone during the holidays?" Pinkie quipped.

"Uh.. yes?" Sunset said, while thinking, Where are they going with this...?

"We have decided that we're gonna have sleepovers at everyone's house for the rest of the holidays, ending with the Apple Family's Christmas Party! Where you're invited too!"

"Wait, what?!? But...why?"
"Really, Sunset?" Rainbow asked disbelievingly. "You're our friend. Did you think we were gonna leave you while we had fun? Of course not!"
Sunset realized her mouth was slightly open and closed it quickly. "No! Guys, honestly, you don't have to do this-"
"We know we don't" Applejack stated. Then she smiled. "But yer lonely, an' I can't have fun knowing yer alone for the holidays. Holidays are for family."

Sunset couldn't help herself. She hugged Applejack, saying, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"
She let go of Applejack and then said, " You still don't have to do it, you know."
"Well, It would be fun." Fluttershy murmered. " And this park is beautiful. What's it's name?"
"Oh, It's called Sunny Blossom..."

Sunset spent the rest of the day with her friends at the park, happily talking with them.

Applebloom walked up the driveway to her home, humming happily to herself. Her sister had said that today they were going to make cookies, something that they haven't done in a long time, and an activity that she loved. Applebloom adored her older sister and absolutely loved spending time with her. It was one of her favourite things to do, other then spending time with the other Crusaders. Applejack had said something about her friends coming over at around the time they were supposed to make cookies, but she had assumed that they were going to have a chat then go home.

Atleast she hoped so.
She entered her living room and sat down on the couch, which groaned. She decided to play games on her phone to pass the time while waiting for her sister.

Soon, Applejack entered the living room with the rest of the Rainbooms, including Sunset Shimmer. Applebloom didn't know what to think about the fiery haired girl. She had ignored her when she had first tried to redeem herself, but had grown to her when Sunset helped her and Applejack with their homework. She also once helped tutor Applebloom for her test, and she had managed to get an A. She had thanked her the net day, even invited her to dinner, but the girl had just said it was no bother and walked of. All in all, she was in good terms with the former bully.

"Applejackkkk!!" shouted Applebloom, running to meet her sister.
"Heya, sis." Applejack ruffled her little sister's red hair.
"Now, darling, do let go of your sister before you squeeze her to death." Rarity said to Applebloom. "Why were you waiting for us anyway, darling?"

"Oh! About that, Applejack, let's go make cookies!" Applebloom giggled.
"Uh.. actually sugarcube, today we ain't gonna make cookies..." Applejack sighed. "The girls and me are havin' a sleepover."

"What?! But-but-" Applebloom struggled to find the correct words. "But- the holidays are supposed to be fer family. You already spend time with yer friends all the time! Why are ye having a sleepover, now, anyway?!"
"We wanted to have a sleepover fer Sunset this year, so-"

"What?!?!?" Applebloom interrupted Applejack. "That's it?! Ye can have a sleepover any time of the year!" She then rounded on Sunset, who was at the door, looking lost for words. "Why do ye want a sleepovernow? Why can't ye wait until the end of Christmas, huh?!?"
"Applebloom! Behave yerself!" Applejack scolded.
"Ok, no cookies today. Tommorrow yer gonna make cookies with me like every yera, right? Right?!"
"Applejack, you can make cookies with Applebloom, I don't mind-" Sunset tried to intervene, but-
"No, Sunset! Today, we are havin' a sleepover!" She turned to Applebloom. "And, sis, I wont be home until our Christmas party next Friday."

That was the last straw for Applebloom.
"WHAT?! WHY?!" She exploded. "I'm gonna repeat it again; Holidays. Are. Fer. Family! It's not fair, Applejack! What about our other holiday traditions?"
'We'll do it later, sugarcube. Come on, girls." Applejack walked to her room, the other girls following.
"Sorry..." Sci-Twi whispered as she passed.
"Yeah..." Sunset whispered as well.

Applebloom stared after her older sister and her friends, fists clenched. How could her sister do this to her?
Then she remembered what Applejack said:

"We wanted to have a sleepover fer Sunset."
Applebloom was in this mess because of a former she-demon?!?

No, Applebloom thought. She was always a she-demon.
Anger bubbled in her as she realized Sunset had stolen her sister.
She was going to pay.
And Sunset was going to regret ever asking for a sleepover from her sister.
With a wicked smirk, she went to her room to formulate a plan.