• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 1,299 Views, 55 Comments

A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 2 - 15 - Twilight - Wednesdays Child

Twilight - Wednesday’s Child

Wednesday, September 3, 6:30 AM Tokyo time.

Sunset woke to the alarm as the windows automatically darkened and the bedroom lights turned on.

“Time to rise and shine, Sparky!” Sunset declared brightly, smiling as she booped her still sleeping friend on the nose.

Twitched her nose and swatted at her hand, still half asleep. She groaned. “It’s too early to get up.”

Sunset grinned then leaned over and blew into her ear. Twilight shot up, shaking her head and rubbing her ear. Fully awake, she glared at her friend. “Not cool, Sunny!” she growled.

Sunset laughed and pulled her into a hug. “Oh Sparky, you are so not a morning person,” she laughed.

“Whatever, I’m awake now.” Twilight laughed, pushing her friend off her. “Dibs on the shower!” She hopped out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

“Sparky, you’re lucky you're so cute!” laughed Sunset.

“Whatever, dork!” her friend shot back with a grin.

Sunset transferred into her chair then rolled into the kitchen to start breakfast.

“Feels like a high-energy day,” Sunset called back to her friend from the kitchen. “Scrambled eggs and toast I think,” she said to herself, pulling the ingredients from the fridge, then scrambling them up and frying them in a skillet on the stove. As the eggs cooked she placed four pieces of bread in the toaster oven to toast, then grabbed two cups and brewed a dark roast for them both. After all, her Twilight needed her Rocket Fuel. She smirked as she added cream and sugar to hers, sipping it while waiting for the eggs and toast to finish. She placed Twilight’s coffee on the table with the cream and sugar.

Twilight came out and joined her at the table, fully dressed and ready for school.

“Coffee!” Twilight cheered. “Thank you, Sunny, you read my mind!”

“Anything for my BFF, Sparky!” smiled Sunset, plating up the eggs and toast then placing them on the table. She grabbed cream cheese and grape jelly from the fridge, placing them on the table as well.

Joining hands, they thanked the Maker for their friendships and the food before them.

Twilight took a slice of toast, slathered it in cream cheese, then put a layer of grape jelly over it. Sunset looked at her askance.

“What? You’ve never had cream cheese toast with jelly?” she asked. “It’s good! Live a little and try it!”

Sunset grinned. “If you say so.” She took one of her toast pieces and put the cream cheese on, then the jelly. Taking a small bite, she smiled. “Okay, that’s not what I expected. It’s pretty good!” She took a larger bite.

“Told you, Sunny!” smiled at her BFF. “My BBBFF used to make it for me before school when we were just kids. It’s been a favorite of mine ever since.”

“Du’ah! That’s so adorable!” snarked Sunset.

“Shuddup! Don’t be jealous. I’d happily make it for you every morning if you want,” teased Twilight.

Sunset grinned. “You know, maybe I do,” she laughed. “Although let’s be honest; I’d eat a bowl of kibbles if you were offering it. When have I ever been able to say no to you?” she teased back.

Twilight smacked her playfully. “Don’t give me any ideas, girl!” she laughed, wading into her eggs. “These are really good. Thanks for breakfast, Sunny!”

Sunset smiled at her BFF. “You’re welcome!”

Finishing up her breakfast, complete with another slice of cream cheese toast with jelly, Sunset rolled into the bedroom to grab her bathroom bag, then headed into the shower. She did her ablutions, bathed quickly, dressed, and came out just as Twilight was finishing the kitchen clean-up.

“Thank you, Sparky!” Sunny smiled.

“You bet, Sunny! Ready to go?” she asked.

“One sec.” Sunset wheeled into the room, exchanging her bathroom bag for her daypack, which she hung in its customary spot. Wheeling back out, she announced, “Ready Freddy!

“Then let’s do this,” said Twilight. She pushed Sunset out the door, which closed and locked behind them. The elevator was waiting for them with the lobby button already lit. The doors closed as soon as they were in.

As they passed through the lobby, they bowed to the concierge, who returned their greeting. “Ohiyo!” they called out.

Passing through the lobby doors, Twilight pushed them to their academy, where they showed their IDs to the volunteer at the gate, entered and headed straight to their homeroom, taking their seats.

Attendance was taken. The girls opened their books and studied for their upcoming classes.

When the bell rang the girls hugged and prepared to part ways, earning a detention for each from the class officer for public displays of affection. Sunset laughed, rolling her detention slip into a ball and tossed it into the class trash, causing the class officer who had just written them up to scowl furiously. Smiling and looking her in the eyes, Sunset took her BFFs slip then repeated the act, calling out “Two for two!” and waving her hands over her head in celebration when her shot went into the basket. Unsurprisingly, this earned them both another slip. These were promptly subjected to the same treatment. “Three points!” she called out with a fist-pump as the last one went in.

“Sorry we can’t do this all day! I’m afraid we both have to get to class. Rematch tomorrow?” Sunset asked sweetly.

The officer grumbled and walked off.

“That was fun,” commented Sunset, giving her friend one last hug and heading to her class.

“You know Sunny, you don’t have to tick off every brass hat here. It’s okay to just play along sometimes,” commented Twilight as she headed off to her class.

“Where’s the fun in that!” snarked Sunset.

Twilight grabbed her box lunch and sat at the table with Sunset. Mikoto and Kuroko were already off on their trip to Liberal Arts City with Kazari and Ruiko for the next week, so no company at lunch today.

“I guess we should let Mii know we’re going to be late to Judgment today,” noted Sunset as she ate.

Twilight laughed. “And whose fault is that?”

“No hall nazis get to tell me they don’t like me hugging my girlfriend. No one is going to tell me I can’t hug my friends,” Sunset growled.

“You do have that effect on people,” snarked Twilight.

“What? The apoplectic ‘going to stroke out’ brass hat? Or some people like me?” grinned Sunset.

“Honestly? Both!” teased Twilight, punching her arm.

“Ouch! Et Tu, Sparky?” laughed Sunset as Twilight grinned.

After classes ended, Sunset joined Twilight in their homeroom to serve their detention. When the teacher asked for their detention slips, Sunset told her she had thrown them in her trash which earned her a scowl. Sunset grinned and offered to fish them out if she wanted, which earned her another 15 minutes for her bad attitude.

“Hey! At least we showed up!” Sunset smiled.

“One more comment, Ms. Shimmer, and you will be here another hour!” warned the teacher.

Deciding discretion may be the better part of valor, Sunset held up her hands. “Sorry! I’ll take my seat.”

She sat in her normally assigned seat in the back of the class, taking out her textbook to begin studying. Twilight sat down beside her, about to do the same.

“This is not the study hall, Ms. Shimmer! Ms. Sparkle. This is detention. Take out the Academy rule book, and begin copying the rules, starting from page one,” growled the teacher.

Rolling her eyes, Sunset put her textbook away. She pulled out the Academy Rule Book, several sheets of paper, and a pen, then opened the book to the first page and started writing. Twilight did the same.

Half an hour later Twilight’s detention was completed. The teacher released her. “Ms. Sparkle! Your detention is completed. Please gather your belongings and bring what you have written to me. Then you are free to leave.”

Twilight put all her supplies and book into her daypack, gathered up her papers, and squeezed Sunset’s hand as she passed.

“Have fun! I’ll catch up with you when I’m released,” Sunset whispered.

Twilight nodded. She handed the papers to the teacher then left the room.

Making her way off the Academy campus, she walked to the Judgment headquarters.

“Sorry I’m late! I had detention,” she smiled as she walked into the room. Mii smiled back.

“I didn’t realize you and your girlfriend were such bad girls!” laughed Mii.

Twilight blushed and laughed. “Not usually, but if someone gets under Sunny’s saddle, she tends to get even.”

“My kind of girl,” laughed Mii. “No worries about being late, just work on the filing for now. Is Sunset going to make it today?”

“Yes. She’s still in detention for another hour. Or more if she smarts off again. She said she would catch up with us when they finally released her,” replied Twilight. “She said don’t wait for her.”

“Okay then. Put your sash on, and when she gets here, the two of you can go on patrol,” said Mii. Twilight smiled.

Twilight put on her sash, then resumed her filing. A while later, she received a text from Sunset.

“Uhg. Mii? Sunset said she is going to be there for another 30 minutes at least. Apparently she said something, again. I’m almost done with the filing. Can I go on patrol now, and just have her join me when she finishes? I don’t want to completely miss patrol today,” Twilight explained.

“Sure, finish up and I’ll take you out to start. Sunset can relieve me when she joins us,” agreed Mii.

Twilight texted the plan to Sunset, then quickly finished the filing. They left the headquarters to start their patrol.

“So … what exactly are we patrolling? And what should I do?” asked Twilight.

Mii laughed. “Mostly find lost children's mothers and break up arguments. It's pretty tame.”

Walking ahead, Mii called back “Follow me! We’re patrolling the entertainment district today. Look for any signs of trouble and offer to help. Always identify yourself as a member of Judgment, and not by your name. We strive to present the image as a unified force helping others, not just a collection of friends helping out.”

Twilight nodded as she followed Mii’s lead.

They passed by a fish shop with a token-operated ‘weigh yourself and get your fortune’ scale out front. An overweight young girl climbed onto the scale and put her token in. Instead of showing her weight and telling her fortune, the scale called out loudly “One at a time please!!!” over and over with flashing lights. The horrified girl looked at the scale in shock as the shop owner came running out screaming.

“Darn kids! Quit playing with my scale! One at a… oh,” he said as he saw the young girl standing there on the scale in shock.

The girl began sobbing and ran off into the crowd.

“I got this!” called out Twilight, taking off after her. Mii followed behind.

The girl was fast, driven by her embarrassment and shame. She turned into an alley and hid behind a large trash bin, crying softly.

Twilight and Mii approached her. Crouching down before her, Twilight put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry you were embarrassed like that,” apologized Twilight to the distraught girl “It’s okay. I’m here for you. Actually we’re here for you,” she amended as Mii crouched down beside her and took her hands.

The girl refused to look into their faces, curled tightly into a ball, still crying. Twilight pulled the young girl into a hug, gently rubbing the back of her head while Mii rubbed her back.

“Hey, please don’t feel bad about yourself because some jackass decided to play a mean trick on you. You’re a wonderful girl, and no one here is judging you,” said Mii.

Twilight thanked the Maker that she hadn’t followed Mii’s instructions and said “We’re from Judgment”, realizing that was probably the last thing the poor girl needed to hear right now. She continued to hold the sobbing girl close while rubbing the back of her head and rocking her back and forth.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” Twilight reassured. “You’re okay. We’re here for you.”

Eventually, the girl's sobs softened and she calmed. She clung to Twilight, tears still falling, as Mii still rubbed her back softly. Finally, she took a deep breath and looked into Twilight’s eyes. “Arigato,” she whispered.

“You’re welcome,” said Twilight in Japanese. Twilight smiled back at her. “Do you feel better now?”

The girl nodded. She then turned to Mii. “Arigato,” she said again.

“You’re welcome,” smiled Mii.

“What’s your name, sweetie? Can we help you get home?” asked Twilight.

The girl shook her head. She looked back down.

Daijōbu, suu~ītī. Kibō shinai baai wa, namae o oshiete itadaku hitsuyō wa arimasen. Anata wa komatte imasen. Watashitachiha tada tasuketai dakedesu. Ie made aruite ikemasu ka? Hitori de iru hitsuyō wa arimasen. Yoroshikuonegaishimasu.
(It’s okay, sweetie. You don’t have to tell us your name if you don’t want to. You're not in trouble. We just want to help. Can we walk you home? You don’t have to be alone. We’d be happy to go with you),” Twilight said.

Mii nodded, still rubbing the girl's back.

Hai,” the girl said softly. She let go of Twilight, stood up, and took her hand. Mii held her other hand, smiling at her.

Shinpaishinaide! Watashitachi wa anata no tame ni koko ni imasu. Watashitachi o michibiite kudasai, soshite watashitachi wa anata to issho ni kimasu.
(Don’t worry! We’re here for you. Lead us and we’ll come with you),” Mii assured.

The girl led them out of the alley, towards the dorms that adjoined the district. A short walk later they were in front of one of the common dorms for the Academy students.

Anata wa watashitachi ga anata o anata no ryō no heya ni tsureteitte hoshīdesu ka?
(Do you want us to walk you to your dorm room?)” Twilight offered kindly. The girl they were escorting nodded. They walked to one of the dorms, where letting go of their hands, the girl opened the door and they entered. They followed her to the elevators in the back of the lobby. She pushed the up button. When the elevator arrived she pushed the button for the 6th floor as they entered. The doors closed and they were lifted to the sixth floor. The doors opened and they followed the girl off and over to one of the doors down the hallway where she opened the door.

Sukoshi taizai shimasu ka? Soretomo ima daijōbudesu ka? (Do you want us to stay for a bit? Or are you okay now?)” asked Mii. The girl nodded, holding the door open for them. They entered and she shut and locked the door, then sat on the couch where they joined her.

The girl spoke. “Kore ga watashi no ryōdesu. Amari hadede wanai koto o owabi mōshiagemasu. (This is my dorm. I’m sorry that it’s not better.)”

Sitting next to her, Twilight took her hand. “Daijōbuda yo. Kurikaeshimasuga, watashitachiha handan suru tame ni koko ni iru node wa arimasen. Watashitachi wa anata no tame ni koko ni imasu. Hanasu hitsuyō ga aru baai wa, sukoshi jikan ga hitsuyōdesu. Nani demo kamaimasen. Oshirase kudasai.
(It’s fine. Again, we’re not here to judge. We’re here for you. If you need to talk, just need some time, whatever, it’s fine. Just let us know.)”

The girl nodded, still looking down. A few moments later there was a knock at the door.

Watashi ni sore o moraitaidesu ka? (Do you want me to get that?)” offered Mii.

Hai (Sure),” replied the girl.

Miii went to the door and looked through the eyehole. “It’s Sunset,” she called out.

“Wow! How the heck did she find us?” Twilight asked. Turning to the girl, Twilight asked, “Sore ga watashinotomodachi no Sunsetdesu. Kanojo wa subarashiku, tsuneni subete no hito o tasukeyou to shite imasu. Kanojo ga haitte mo īdesu ka.
(That’s my friend Sunset. She’s amazing and always tries to help everyone. Can she come in?)”

The girl nodded. “Hai (Sure),” she said. Twilight nodded to Mii, who opened the door.

“Come on in, Sunset, we’re over here,” called out Twilight from the couch.

Sunset rolled into the room while Mii shut the door. She rolled over to the couch and quickly read the situation. Turning to the girl, she smiled and held out her hand. “Hi! I’m Sunset Shimmer! These girls are my friends! It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The girl didn’t respond. Instead, she still looked down at the floor.

“Japanese,” whispered Twilight under her breath while still holding the girl's hand. “And how the heck did you find us?”

“Your TACIT fob,” whispered Sunset. Turning to the girl, she tried again in Japanese. “Yā! Sunset Shimmerdesu. Soshite, korera no on'nanoko wa watashinotomodachidesu. Watashi wa anata ni aete ureshīdesu!
(Hi! I’m Sunset Shimmer. And these girls are my friends. I’m pleased to meet you!” She bowed.

The girl looked up and bowed back. “Watashinonamaeha Okubyōnadesu. Watashi wa nagaten Ueki gakuen no Nagatenjōki Academydesu.
(I am Okubyōna, I am a student at Nagatenjōki Academy.)” She looked back down at the floor.

Sunset continued. “Nani ga okotta no ka hanashitaidesu ka? (Do you want to talk about what happened?)” she asked. Okubyōna shook her head. Sunset continued, “Watashi wa kyōkan-shadesu. Anata no kimochi o wakachi aeru yō ni, anata no te o torite mo īdesu ka? (I’m an empath. May I take your hand so I can share your feelings?)"

The girl looked up at her, then nodded her head. She held out her hand. Sunset took it and closed her eyes.

In her mind, she saw the young girl being bullied for her weight, then isolating and numbing her pain with more food. Overcome with guilt, she would purge, trying to lose the weight she was gaining. Eventually, the health issues from the purging overwhelmed her and she had to stop, but by then she couldn’t stop her eating or her pain. She was a smart girl with some telekinetic ability, so she was accepted at the Academy. She hoped this would be a new start, and perhaps another chance at making friends and leading a normal life. However, her crippling shyness and body image issues kept her isolated, afraid to open herself up to others and possible criticism. She ended up in this dorm, alone, friendless, and desperate for any companionship, for any company.

Going to the store to get her weight then having the machine scream at her was the last straw. She withdrew into herself. She was now deep in depression with suicidal thoughts creeping through her mind.

Tears rolled down Sunset’s cheeks as she pulled the girl into a hug.

Okubyōna. Watashi wa anata no itami o mitekimashita. Motte ikimasu. Anata ichi-ri jaarimasen. Anata wa mu kachide wa arimasen. Soshite, anata wa aisa rete imasu.
(Okubyōna. I have seen your pain. I will carry it with you. You are not alone. You are not worthless. And you are loved.)” She bent over and kissed Okubyōna on the forehead.

Okubyōna started crying, then shaking, then she bawled, holding tightly onto Sunset.

Watashi wa anata o hanatte okanai, Okubyōna. (I will not leave you alone, Okubyōna,)” Sunset promised. “Anata wa tomodachi no ai o shiru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Watashi to tomodachi ni natte itadakemasen ka? (You need to know the love of friends. Will you be my friend?)” she asked.

The girl nodded, her head buried in Sunset’s chest. Sunset held her tightly, gently kissing her head and smoothing her hair.

Okubyōna? Kon'ya anata ga hitori ni natte hoshikunai. Watashitachi to issho ni kuru. Watashitachi to issho ni yoru o sugoshite kudasai. Yobi no shinshitsu ga arimasu. Anata wa soko de yoru o sugosu koto ga dekimasu. Gozen-chū ni gakkō made go an'nai shimasu. Okubyōna, kon'ya watashitachi to issho ni kite kuremasen ka?
(Okubyōna? I do not want you to be alone tonight. Come with us. Spend the night with us. We have a spare bedroom. You can stay the night there. We will walk you to your school in the morning. Will you come with us tonight, Okubyōna?)”

Hugging Sunset tightly, Okubyōna nodded again.

Rikai shimasu (Okay),” Sunset replied. “Sūtsukēsu o tsume ni itte kudasai. Watashi wa anata o watashi no apāto ni tsurete ikimasu.
(Go pack your bag. I’ll take you to our apartment.)” Turning to Twilight she added, “I’ll see you there, Sparky. I’m taking her to the apartment.”

Twilight and Mii both nodded.

Okubyōna went to her dresser and put a new uniform and clothes into her backpack, then put in her toiletries. Zipping it shut, she put it on and walked back over to the girls.

Okay. Iku junbi wa dekimashita ka? (Okay. Ready to go?)” asked Sunset. Okubyōna nodded. Sunset went to the door, opened it, then led them out into the hallway, while the girls followed. Okubyōna locked the door behind them, then they all piled into the elevator, went down, and out through the lobby and exited the building. Outside, Sunset called out to Twilight and Mii, “I’ll see you later, girls!” They hugged then parted ways as Twilight and Mii headed back to patrol.

Sunset turned to Okubyōna. “Anata wa ima shuppatsu suru junbi ga dekite imasu ka? (Ready to head out?)” Okubyōna nodded. “Okay. Hitsuyōniōjite, watashi no isu matawa kata ni te o oite kudasai. Watashi no apāto ni an'nai shimasu. (Okay. Keep a hand on my chair or shoulder if you want. I’ll lead you to our apartment.” She waited for Okubyōna to place her hand on her shoulder, then rolled at a leisurely pace back to her and Twilight's apartment.

After their shift was over, Twilight left Judgment headquarters, headed for their apartment. Twilight bowed in greeting to the concierge when she arrived.

“They are upstairs waiting for you,” the concierge informed her as she bowed back.

Arigato!” said Twilight.

She entered the elevator which, unsurprisingly, already had the penthouse button lit. The elevator rose to the top floor and the door opened. Twilight crossed to her door, keyed in her code opening the door, then entered, the door shutting automatically behind her.

Sunset and Okubyōna were sitting on the couch talking. Both turned to Twilight as she came in.

“Hi Sparky!” Sunset called out. “I’ll serve up dinner in a few minutes.”

Twilight smiled. “No, you relax. I’ve got this.” She went to the kitchen, washed her hands in the kitchen sink, then started setting out the plates and settings for the night’s dinner. Sunset led Okubyōna to the bathroom where they washed up.

Okubyōna sat at the table. Sunset pulled the soup pot from the stove, and Twilight took it from her to the table. Sunset took the sushi, nori, and tsukemono from the fridge, placing them on the table as well. Rolling up to the table, she took her place, bowing her head. Okubyōna was confused but followed along. Sunset led them in harmonic grace, with Twilight giving the response.

Okubyōna asked about the harmonic grace prayer. “Sono inori wa imamade kiita koto ga arimasen. (I’ve never heard that prayer before),” she commented. “Itsumo taberu mae ni sō iu no? (Do you say that before you eat all the time?)”

Hai (Yes),” answered Sunset. “Sore wa,-shin ga watashitachi ni ataete kureta tabemono to, sore o kyōyū shite iru yūjin-tachi ni kansha suru watashitachi no hōhōdesu. (It’s our way of thanking the Maker for the food she has given us, and the friends we are sharing it with.)”

Ā, soreha ri ni kanatte imasu. Kokode wa taberu mae ni itadakimasu to iimasu. Sore wa watashitachi no tabemonodearu subete no ikimono ni kansha suru koto o imi shimasu. Soshite tabetaato wa gochisōsama to iimasu. Sore wa watashitachi no shokuji o tsukutte kureta subete no hito ni kansha shimasu. Anata wa kono yō ni shimasu.
(Ah, that makes sense. Here we say Itadakimasu before eating. It means thank you to all the living things that are our food. And after we eat, we say Gochisousama. That is thank you to everyone who has made our meal. Like this.)”

Okubyōna bowed her head, her hands together, like she was praying, “Itadakimasu!

Sunset and Twilight copied her. "Itadakimasu!"

Yoshi, on'nanoko! Tabemashou! (Alright girls! Let’s eat!)” Twilight smiled, serving up the Miso soup.

Twilight passed the soup out, then filled everyone’s tea. She passed around the tray of sushi, encouraging them to take what they wanted. She then passed around the nori, tsukemono, and rice, and they ate their fill.

When dinner was finished, Okubyōna reminded them of the thanks. So they thanked each other for the dinner. "Gochisousama!"

Twilight put the leftovers away then cleaned up the dinner dishes while Sunset led Okubyōna into the living room.

Eiga no jikan wa arimasu ka? (Do you have time for a movie?)” Sunset asked. Okubyōna nodded. Sunset turned on the display and pulled up the choice for the evening’s entertainment. “Kore wa,-shū no koten-tekina bakkudesu. Sore o anata to kyōyū suru no wa ī kamo shirenai to omoimashita. Shinpaishinaidekudasai, sore wa matomona fukikaenanode, watashitachi wa sore o tanoshimu koto ga dekiru hazudesu. (This one is a classic back in the states. I thought it might be nice to share it with you. Don’t worry, it’s a decent dub so we should be able to enjoy it.)”

Twilight sat down next to Sunset after she finished cleaning up the kitchen. Sunset started the movie.

It was one of her favorites, The Princess Bride.

When the movie finished, Sunset rolled over to the couch where Okubyōna was sitting.

Neru junbi wa dekimashita ka? (Ready to head to bed?)” Sunset asked her new friend.

Okubyōna nodded and smiled. “Hai.”

Ī eigadeshita ka? (Good movie, right?)” asked Twilight.

Hai, eiga wa totemo yokattadesu. Watashitoisshoni sono eiga o mite kurete arigatō (Yes, it was very good. Thank you for sharing that with me),” Okubyōna agreed.

Kore wa watashitachi no gesuto no tame no heyadesu. (This is our guest room),” Sunset said, rolling over to the middle bedroom. Opening the door, she entered, with Twilight and Okubyōna following. “Kaiteki ni otsukai kudasai. Twilight to watashi wa tonari no heya ni imasu. Nani ka hitsuyōna baai wa doa o nokku shite kudasai. Kochira ga terebinorimokondesu. Soshite, mochiron, anata ga daidokoro de tabe tari non dari shitai mono wa nani demo anata jishin o tasuketekudasai. Oyasuminasai, Okubyōna!
(Feel free to make yourself comfortable. Twilight and I will be in the next room over.
Just knock on our door if you need anything. Here’s the remote for the television. And, of course, help yourself to anything you want to eat or drink in the kitchen. Good night, Okubyōna!)”

Both the girls hugged her then left the room, shutting the door behind them.

Going into their room, the girls got ready for bed and snuggled up for the night.

Sometimes, you just need a moment to breathe - The Celestial Teachings

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Mikoto 4 leave for Liberal Arts City.
  • Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari, and Saten Ruiko are randomly selected to take part in Academy City's seven-day exchange program. Here, they are taken to Liberal Arts City, an affiliate of Academy City, and are later involved in a conspiracy involving Aztec magicians. The story is set in Liberal Arts City and takes place in the time period between September 3rd to 10th.
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