• Published 12th Dec 2021
  • 853 Views, 12 Comments

A Canterlot Party - PioneerofImagination

When the 3 pony tribes get together for a huge party, what can go wrong? More than a pony might think... If Sprout can't pull things together, a party thrown to bring ponies together may just end with them further apart.

  • ...

A Canterlot Party

Sprout Cloverleaf had never been the most popular pony in his town, not even close. And after the fiasco he caused when he became the acting sheriff and made himself stallion-in-chief he all but cemented himself as the least favorite pony. While he had some good intentions it quickly got out of hoof as he forced the other ponies to build a huge robot that he would use to attack the pegasus and unicorns. But just as he was about to do that he attacked several ponies who had to work together to stop him. After the fiasco an earth pony by the name of Sunny Starscout brought back magic for all ponies. Afterwards, Sprout thought perhaps that would help ponies forget about his recent actions.

He was wrong.

"Well I guess I'll have to think twice before I leave you in charge of things while I'm gone," Hitch Trailblazer told Sprout as he paced back and forth outside the cell Sprout was in. "I'd probably be better off leaving the critters that follow me around all the time in charge. And speaking of which,” Hitch turned to the critters, “can you all please give me some space?"

The critters backed up but not by much. Or at all. So Hitch had to shoo them with his hoof.

"Well that's a bit too far don't you think," said Sprout. “And putting me in here is especially out of line!”

"Causing panic, mistreatment of workers, possible war crimes, endangerment of others, property damage, vandalism, and being a massive idiot." Hitch tapped a list. “You’re the one who’s out of line, Sprout.”

"Since when is being an idiot a crime?"

"Since today," Hitch answered. Hitch made his way over to his desk to get out his bottled water and some Tylenol, which was something he had been taking more often ever since Sprout became deputy sheriff. Hitch had tried to be quite tolerant of Sprout’s shortcomings, but days like this made it very difficult to do so. He kept Sprout because he was organized and could get others to do what he needed them to do..

Sprout sat down and started to rub his temples.

As he did, Phyllis Cloverleaf (Sprout's mother entered the sheriff's office. While she had not approved of how her son had recently run things, she was shocked to see her son behind bars.

"Oh honestly Sheriff Hitch, don't you think this might be going a bit too far?"

"Well let me think. Causing panic, mistreatment of workers, possible war crimes-"

"Yes yes I'm aware of what happened," Phyllis interrupted. "I was there, remember? That’s more than I can say for you."

"I beg your pardon Ms. Cloverfield?" Hitch asked, a little upset.

"Well all I'm saying is that maybe if you were here, this wouldn't have happened."

"I was busy trying to find/help/arrest Sunny along with a bunch of other ponies who almost got killed by Sprout's war machine."

"Mommy! Hitch keeps bringing that up, but I said I was sorry!"

"No you didn't," Hitch said. "In any case you're his mother, and you should have kept him in line and not allowed him to cause a panic. Which is pretty close to what I told you to do before I left," Hitch finished looking over to Sprout.

"Okay," Phyllis said as she walked over to Sprout’s cell. "You're right, I'm sorry Hitch. I was just trying to help motivate my son. He may not have been an ideal sheriff, but don't lock him up! My little baby is too sensitive for that," Phyllis added as she patted Sprout on the head before holding his chin gingerly. "Isn't there something we can work out?"

"I doubt it, but for the sake of being fair what do you have in mind?"

"Well, could we try community service?"

"Community service?" Hitch and Sprout asked simultaneously.

"Yes," Phyllis answered. "For the huge party the pegasi are throwing soon."

"Party? what party?" Hitch asked.

"You didn't know? I thought everypony in Maretime Bay knew by now." Phyllis produced a flier, giving it to hitch.. "The pegasi are throwing a huge party in Canterlot the day after tomorrow, and they've invited all 3 tribes to make up for all that time we were separated from each other."

"Wait, Canterlot?" Hitch asked. "Don't you mean Zephyr Heights?"

"They're calling it Canterlot for the party," Phyllis answered. "Apparently that's what it was called a long time ago back when ponies and even other creatures were friends. Or they named their home that for the party, I can't remember which. Either way, perhaps Sprout can help out at the party instead. You know, supervise everything to make sure the party goes wonderful so all the ponies will get along."

"I'd love to go to a party!" Sprout said jumping joyfully but stopped when Hitch glared at him. "To make sure I do all that stuff my mommy said I could do," Sprout said sheepishly.

"Please Hitch, my baby has potential he just needs a chance to get pushed in the right direction. This could be that push. I know he screwed up royally today-”

“Hey!” Sprout objected.

“Quiet Sprout!”

“Yes mommy.”

“-But he can really do some good. I know he can, just give him a chance.”

Hitch stopped to think for a moment. Reluctantly, he opened Sprout’s cell.

"For the record I don't fully agree with what Ms. Cloverfield is talking about, but I think I grew a bit when I was with Sunny and the other ponies on our little adventure. I think it might do you some good as well."

"Oh thank you Sheriff Hitch," Phyllis said before she left the building with Sprout. "You won't regret this," she promised as the door closed behind them.

"Let's hope so," Hitch said to himself.

The critters, sensing he needed some comfort, huddled onto his legs .

"Okay seriously we need to have a talk about personal space."


"Mommy I'm sorry for all the damage I did. I was just trying to be a good sheriff."

"Well if you want to make it up to me, you can make sure that the party at Canterlot goes off perfectly."

"I will mommy, I will!"

Sprout then got ready to head out and make his mother proud, Phyllis made arrangements for Sprout to be made a supervisor for the party, though he’d be more like a volunteer. Shortly after that Sprout made his way to Zephyr Heights (now going by Canterlot for the party), determined to make sure everything went perfect like his mother wished.


"Alright,” Sprout said to himself, “this party is going to go off without any problems. If I can get other ponies to help me make a giant robot, I can easily make sure there are no problems for this party. In fact all I’d really need are slime cannons!"

Sprout continued to monolog until his voice slowly drowned out. Drowned out by a singing voice that was nothing short of heavenly, which –on top of Sprout– was attracting quite a few other ponies. Sprout and the other ponies made their way to the stage where a purple pegasus with a pink mane and tail was singing. When she finished her song the crowd, Sprout included, cheered!

"Oh gosh, thank you all but you don't have to cheer that hard," The pegasus said as she clutched the microphone nervously. "Oh gosh..."

"Of course they do Star Song," Princess Pipp said as she flew down to greet the singing pegasus. "Anything else would be an insult to your voice."

"Oh, thank you Princess Pipp," Star Song replied, so grateful to get praise from the pony she always looked up to! "I'm a huge fan of your videos!"

"Well thank you, I love you, and all my pipsqueaks," Princess Pipp said as she turned to the crowd who cheered again. Star song could tell many of them were also loyal followers of Pipp. Princess Pipp smiled at them, as she loved their admiration, but suddenly her smile disappeared when she saw Sprout. As much as she loved the attention she remembered the trouble that earth pony caused and wanted to know what he was doing here. It would probably be a very bad idea to let him run around wherever he wants.

"Well my loyal pipsqueaks, Star Song seems to have things under control. Let's make sure the other parts of the party are doing the same." Quick to follow the princess's suggestion the crowd dispersed to make sure other parts of the party were doing well.

"I guess I'll rest my voice," Star Song said.

"Sure, you go do that," Princess Pipp said.

"Hey, where's everypony going?” Sprout asked. “Is the show over already? I wanted to hear more. I wanted to hear more of that singing," he said when suddenly Princess Pipp flew off the stage to land right in front of him.

"Just what exactly are you doing here?" Princess Pipp asked, clearly remembering Sprout for the mess he caused in Maretime Bay.

"Well, my mommy thought this would be a nice way to make up for, uh, well–"

"Attacking us with a giant killer robot," Princess Pipp finished.

"Yeah. That. I'm here to make sure that everything at this party goes perfectly, and I'm good at making things go perfect. You know, because I'm so perfect myself."

"Uh huh," Pipp said with a very unconvinced tone and a look to match. "Well you just make sure you don't cause any trouble, we have a million things to do before tomorrow, and we don't need anypony causing problems."

"Don't you worry I’ll have things under control in no time Pipp."

"That's Princess Pipp to you."

"Well then that's former stallion-in-chief of Maretime Bay and now current Deputy Sprout to you."

"No," Princess Pipp said again with her stoic look and tone to match.

"Uh, okay," Sprout said.

"I've got my eye on you, and if you screw up,” Princess Pipp held up her phone, “all my pipsqueaks are gonna know all about it."

"You have kids?" Sprout asked.

"No, my pipsqueaks are my loyal followers. And speaking of which, it's about time I gave them an update." Princess Pipp flew off, leaving Sprout alone. He looked around, seeing if there was something he could do. But unfortunately for him everypony had left, so he figured he'd have to look elsewhere.

"Uh excuse me," Star Song called out. "You, the red earth pony." Hearing that Sprout turned around and saw the pegasus from before waving over to him. "Can you help a bit with the equipment please?"

"All right," Sprout said with a shrug. "I want to help make sure the party goes great, so I guess this is as good a start as any." Sprout made his way to the Star Song and got the equipment on the stage in hardly any time.

"Thank you," Star Song said. "That was actually quite impressive. I heard that earth ponies were strong, but it's still quite impressive you were able to carry all that."

"Oh it's nothing,” Sprout said as he was panting and trying to hide it, but did a bad job of that. “I'm good at all kinds of things, and I work out like a lot," Sprout said with a cocky smile as he rubbed one of his forelegs against his chest before blowing on it. "I have all kinds of talent."

"I see," Star Song paused while trying to think of something to say in order to change the subject. "So did you like my singing?"

"Oh yeah it was great. You were great."

"Thank you," Star Song said embarrassed. "I used to be rather shy but I've learned, or rather I'm still learning to come out of my shell. Princess Pipp helped with that, you know."

"She did?"

"Yeah, I follow her online all the time. It inspired me to sing more in public. Do you have somepony like that?"

"Uh, no. Maretime Bay doesn't have a princess."

"No silly, I mean do you somepony that inspires you."

"inspires me?" Sprout paused to think, hoping that would help him answer the question. "No," Sprout answered coldly. "I don't have anypony that inspires me. I'd like to think that I kind of inspire others but, no I don't. I'm not like Hitch who is admired by pretty much everypony in Maretime Bay and I'm not like Sunny who ventured off to bring the magic back.” Sprout hiccupped, “I'm inspired by nopony and nopony is inspired by me."

Sprout sank to the floor, resting his head on his forelegs. Star Song couldn't help but feel sorry for him and placed a hoof and the top of his head. "Hey listen, I kind of have to rest my voice for a little bit, so I won't be singing for a while. Do you want to go get something to eat?"

"I guess that would be nice," Sprout said as he sat up, starting to feel a little better. "This is supposed to be a really big party, so they should have some really good food, right?"

"Let's hope so."


Sunny and Izzy, having made their way to Canterlot, wasted no time in going to where all the food was. "This party looks like it's going to be great," Izzy said as she looked around for something good to eat.
"Yeah," Sunny agreed. "They're really going all out on this. I just got here and I'm already having fun. It's that good."

"It's so good I had fun before we even got here," Izzy said.

“Wow, the table cloths even have the three crystals on them!" Sunny said, amazed.

"Yeah this is much more fun than the last time we came here."

"Kind of a low bar there Izzy."

"True we did get locked in a dungeon. Granted it was a dungeon with a massage chair, but still."

Just as Izzy finished speaking, Princess Zipp Storm and her mother Queen Haven touched down in front of Izzy and Sunny along with several royal guards. While they were on the verge of throwing a really big party, they weren’t about to decrease their security. Plus the guards wanted to take a look at what there was to eat, two birds one stone they figured.

"Hi Zipp,” Izzy smiled, “it's nice to see you again."

"Please, it’s Princess Zipp," Queen Haven said.

"It's all right mom, they can just call me Zipp."

"Oh honestly Zephyrina, I wish you would take your role and title as princess a bit more seriously like your sister does."

"But they're my friends. mom. I'm fine with other ponies calling me princess, but not ponies that I'm close to."

"Oh alright. I suppose it's the least we can do for Sunny here."

"Yeah she brought back all the magic for everypony," Izzy said.

"Yes my little pony, I was there," Queen Haven said as she flew up and did a backflip in the air.

"Wow your majesty, that was amazing," Sunny said as she and Izzy clapped.

"Thank you, I guess all that time using the wires helped out."

"Is there anything we can do to help with the party in Zeph–, er, in Canterlot your highness?" Sunny asked.

"I suppose there are little things here and there you can help with, but no need to go overboard. We pretty much have things under control. Come along now Zipp."

"But mom, I want to spend time with my friends."

"You can do that later. Now come along." Queen Haven and the guards then flew off with Zipp reluctantly following her mother.

"Don't feel bad, Zipp. You can party with your friends later. For now we need to help the ponies become much closer, that's up to us after all."

"It is?" Zipp asked, confused.

"Of course! This is our party after all. Plus look how advanced our society is compared to the others. I'm not trying to be offensive, but look at how far we've come compared to the other tribes."

As the royal ponies and their guards flew off below them, Star Song had led Sprout to the courtyard where the pegasi had put up many of the food stands. Quite a few of which featured food said to have been famous delicacies from Canterlot.

Star Song treated Sprout to some food at the first stand they got to. That one had small food that didn’t have any flavor whatsoever. Neither of them liked that, so they went to another one. The next one had tomato and lettuce based soup which smelled of lavender and hot sauce. Star Song and Sprout both agreed it was a little too strong. The final stand had daisy sandwiches, honeyed tea, and an apple tart.

Star Song ate a bite of tart, "What do you think?"

"This is really good," Sprout answered. "You pegasi really know how to make food."

"Actually, I didn't make it. I'm not much of a chef myself," Star Song said "but the ones that are really can cook."

“Amazing that you guys still have recipes from Canterlot so long ago.”

Star Song shrugged. “It is rather amazing.”

"So, why do you like singing so much?"


"I don't know," Sprout replied. "I'm just trying to get to know you better."

"Oh, well I've always liked it ever since I was a filly. It's kind of hard to understand, or I mean to explain. It's just fun, singing is a great way to express myself and it's something other ponies can enjoy as well."

"Wow," Sprout said, taken aback by Star Song's answer. "That was a much more complicated answer than I thought I was going to get. Way more. ‘Something that's a great way to express myself and other ponies can enjoy as well,’" Sprout repeated as that part of the answer rather struck a chord with him.

"Sprout what are you doing?" Phyllis asked as she approached her son. "You don't have time to sit around eating, we have work to do."

"Mommy,” Sprout shuttered, “what are you doing here?"

"Mommy?" Star Song asked, surprised that a grown stallion would say a word like that.

"This is my mother, Phyllis Cloverfield," Sprout said.

"Hello I'm Star Song," Star Song said as she offered her hoof, which Phyllis shook right away.

"Nice to meet you, now come along Sprout we have work to do."

"But mommy I'm still hungry."

"You can eat later, Sprout now come along," Phyllis ordered as she turned around and walked off. Sprout then decided to walk off joining his mother, but hoped to catch up with Star Song later.

"Um, Sprout," Star Song said, still sitting.

Sprout turned all the way around but Phyllis only did with her head. "Could I– would it be all right if I helped you and your mother with the party?"

"Well I don't know," Phyllis said as she rubbed her head a little bit. "We sort of have a lot of ponies helping us already."

"Oh come on mommy, please?" Sprout asked, standing right next to her and smiling widely.

"Oh alright," Phyllis said, making Sprout literally jump for joy. While rather childish it brought a smile to his mother's face. She was proud; Sprout had always had problems making friends and now he seemed to have found one at the party.


Many ponies had taken it upon themselves to make their own additions to the party, even despite quite a few of the pegasi –including the queen– saying they had it under control. Sunny had even brought some smoothies before having a look around with Izzy.
Phyllis, as well as quite a few other earth ponies including Hitch, had come over to add their own event to the party.

"Is all of this even necessary, Phyllis?" Hitch asked just as several of the bunnies jumped on top of him causing him to yelp.

"Of course it's necessary," Phyllis answered. "We need to help all of the pony tribes come together, it's up to us earth ponies after all."

"It's up to one of the three tribes to get all three of the tribes to unite?" Hitch asked as he brushed the rabbits off of him, only for one more to jump on the top of his head which was followed by a few more jumping on him as well. "Ah come on!"

"Of course it's up to us, Hitch. One of our own was the one that showed us the way and brought magic back, so if the rest of us work together and try to do what Sunny did, who knows what we'll be able to accomplish. Who knows, maybe I'll become a super unicorn too."

"They're called alicorns, Phyllis," Hitch corrected, finally getting the bunnies off him.

"Right. How do you know that again?"

"Sunny's dad," Hitch answered.

Phyllis’ smile disappeared. "Ah yes, Argyle. He and I didn't really see eye to eye on anything. But he was always so pleasant to the others, and never gave up on the idea that all ponies can be friends one day. Though I bet if he was still here he'd be telling me all day about how he told me so."

"Yeah probably," Hitch answered with a smile, remembering Sunny's father.

"Well," Phyllis said as she shook her head a bit. "Let's not focus on the past. It's time to look towards the future, the future we're going to help make in the present. Hitch, can you move those crates over there?" Phyllis asked.

Before Hitch could take action, more bunnies showed up for the sole purpose of jumping on him.

"I'll get right on that in just a minute." He strained.

Meanwhile Sprout was moving things around with help from Star Song.

"And that's how my mommy manages to keep her mane so curly," Sprout said as they moved the last of the crates Phyllis had asked him to move.

"Wow," Star Song said. "Hey not to get you to change the subject or anything but are you close with Sunny Starscout?"

"Uh, we're not the closest of friends exactly, but I know her. Why?" Star Song got out her camera phone. "I was hoping that I could talk to her for a minute and take her picture to help me get some followers like Princess Pipp. I still need to figure out what to call my followers. Maybe the Star Song Strung? Maybe Sunny Starscout will know what to call them. I really gotta find her before the party ends."

"Well there's no hurry," Sprout said. "You could just go visit her at Maretime Bay."

"Yeah I don't really want to go there."

"Why not? It's a nice place, that's why I live there."

"I'm sure it is, but I'm rather afraid to go there."

"How come, Star Song? We're not gonna eat your brain or anything."

"Well Sprout, I heard that when Queen Haven and the princesses went there they got attacked by a rather crazy earth pony operating a killer giant fighting robot."

Sprout kind of looked away as Star Song continued.

"I mean what kind of lunatic would do a thing like that to another pony? Even if they aren't part of their own tribe, I mean come on. I also heard that a crazy pony even attacked his fellow earth ponies that's just-" Star Song stopped as she saw the strange look on Sprout's face and wondered what was the matter. She was about to ask but before she did the pieces fell together. "Oh."

"Yeah, probably not my proudest moment, definitely not,” Sprout added. “That's why I came here: to help make up for what I did." Star Song wasn't sure what to say but nothing came to mind, thus leaving the two to sit in awkward silence. Eventually a question formed on Star Song’s lips.

"...Why did you do it?"

"Huh?" Sprout asked.

"Why did you attack them with the robot?"

"I was just trying to keep the peace while Sheriff Hitch was gone. Then my mommy told me how that meant I was in charge. Other ponies were worried about what would happen and that got me worried too. Before I knew it, one thing led to another and… here I am. I was just trying to be a good sheriff, I figured that by going after our enemies I'd make sure they wouldn't go after us. I was just trying to protect us."

"Well," Star Song said, not wishing to go back to the awkward silence from before. "At least you're making an effort to make up for what you did. That's noble, somewhat."

"Yeah, you're right. Plus I got to meet you, that's really nice."

"It is?"

"Of course it is, Star Song. I'm really glad that I got to meet you."

"Aw," Star Song replied, blushing. "Thank you Sprout I'm glad that I got to meet you too." The two then sat in silence once again but not as awkward this time around. The two continued to simply sit in silence, rather looking around themselves instead of each other, hoping they’d think of something to say. But as the seconds dragged on it just got more and more awkward.

"Sprout, listen there's something I think I have to tell you."

"Really? What is it?"

"Sprout," Phyllis said as she approached Sprout and Star Song. "Stop bothering this pegasus, we still have a lot of work to do."

"Oh no, he's not bothering me," Star Song said. "We were just having a nice conversation."

"Well then you can finish it later when we finish setting up all of the nice things we brought from Maretime Bay."

"Mommy isn't that too much for a party?"

"Of course not, Sprout," Phyllis answered with a bit of a huff. "These aren't just party supplies, well some of them are, but that's not the point! We brought these things all the way from Canterlogic just to show them to the pegasi and unicorns."

"Not exactly something to brag about Phyllis,” Hitch interjected “when most of that is just stuff from the anti-pegasus and unicorn technology that just got remodeled a bit."

"That's not the point, Sheriff Hitch," Phyllis said as she approached Hitch.

"Well what exactly is the point?” Hitch raised his eyebrows “Because it just seems like the point is to show off. Am I wrong."

"Well, what better place to do that than at a party?"

"The whole point of this is for us all to come together,” Hitch explained, “and it's hard to come together with somepony that won't stop showing off."

"Oh nonsense, we're just showing them what we can do."

"Fine," Hitch answered with a huff of his own. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

"Oh please, when have I ever been wrong. Don't answer that." Phyllis looked at Sprout who was still with the pink pegasus. "Sprout, hurry up with the Canterlogic supplies,"

"Right mommy. Sorry mommy. I’ll get right on it mommy. I’ll put it all where you want me to put it mommy. I’ll-"

“I get it,” Phyllis said.

Sprout got to work putting the Canterlogic supplies in place. With Star Song helping him, that cut the work time in half.

"All right, finally," Sprout panted, laying on the ground.

"I told you not to push yourself so hard," Star Song said as she gave him some water and was patting his head a little bit.

Sprout drank eagerly, recovering enough to be able to stand up. "Thank you Star Song."

"You're welcome."

Suddenly several fireworks exploded in the twilight sky, bringing a huge smile to Star Song. "Oh my goodness fireworks I love fireworks! Let's go see them Sprout."

"Uh,” Sprout sat back down, “we can just watch them from here can't we?"

"Yeah but I rather want to set off a few too, wanna come?"

"Oh all right," Sprout said as he tried to get up but was having trouble moving his tired limbs. "Maybe I'll just meet you there."

"I have a better idea." Star Song then picked up Sprout by the sides of his stomach, flying him to where the fireworks were being held. "You're rather light for a full grown pony. No wonder they call you Sprout."

"Shut up! My mommy says I just haven't finished my growth spurt!" Sprout said, a little embarrassed. which Star Song couldn't help but laugh at. Which just embarrassed Sprout more, making him even redder than he already was.

In no time the two made it to where the fireworks were set off. Contrary to their expectations, there were no firework stands. Instead, a bunch of unicorns were gathered together. Somehow they had found a way to charge their newly acquired magic then shoot it up into the air, causing it to explode once high enough.

"Wow that was amazing Alphabittle," Izzy said as she and Sunny had also made their way over to what they thought were fireworks.

"How did you figure out you could do that?" Sunny asked.

"A bunch of us unicorns were experimenting in the woods, just seeing what we could do with all this magic," Alphabittle answered. "There's a couple other things we can do, but we decided to focus on this when he heard about this party in Canterlot.”

Looking a little past Alphabittle’s large frame, Sunny spotted a not so large earth pony standing with a pink pegasus. "Sprout is that you? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Star Song here wanted to see the fireworks," Sprout answered, still a little out of breath.

"Oh, fans of our work I see," Alphabittle said with a prideful smile. "Not that I blame you, it is quite a wonder to behold." Alphabittle then shot up his magic half a dozen times making quite the collection of fireworks. "I'm as good as that as I am at dancing."

"Oh I don't know,” Sunny smirked, “I remember you weren't all that great."

"Oh yeah?" Alphabittle challenged. "Well I remember beating you 2 out of 3."

"How about a rematch?"

"You're on!" Sunny and Alphabittle ran off to see who could out dance who. While that happened, Sprout sat down to get his energy back and Star Song flew around meeting the various unicorns that were making the firework spells. She was amazed by all the sorts and colors and shapes they came in. Star Song quickly befriended several of the unicorns and sang a song.

"All right finally," Sprout said, wishing to look for Star Song, finally feeling like he was back to 100 percent. He was just stretching out his legs when Sunny and Alphabittle came back from their dance off.

"All right! Best of five, I am the champ," Alphabittle said once again with pride.

"Yeah, you are," Sunny said, humbled. "But don't think I'm not going to ask for a rematch."

"Anytime, Sunny. Anytime."

"Has anypony seen Star Song?” Sprout asked, looking around. “I kind of lost track of her when I was doing nothing?"

"Who's that? One of the ponies that helped you build that death machine of yours? Hah!" Alphabittle jabbed.

"It wasn't a death machine, it was a war machine," Sprout replied before he hit himself in the head, realizing too late that didn't help his case.

"Do you mean the pegasus you were with?" Sunny asked. Sprout nodded. "I think she was hanging out with Izzy last time I saw her. After she sang that beautiful song the two of them got to talking and just kind of walked off."

"Yeah she was hanging out with Izzy," Izzy said as she walked over to the others with Star Song by her side. "And she has such an amazing singing voice."

"Oh stop, you're going to make me blush," Star Song said.

"What? It's incredible," Izzy said. "Just like you."

"Well you're pretty incredible too Izzy," Star Song said. "Like how you were able to copy that firework spell with your horn."

"Yeah,” Izzy smirked. ”I can also bounce a can of beans several times with it too."

"Wait, Izzy, did I hear right?" Sunny asked.

"I don't know, what did you hear?" Izzy asked.

"You already figured out how to use that firework spell?"

"Yeah you did hear right, Sunny. Watch." Izzy then tried to charge her horn and she did just that but when she fired the spell it fell to the ground the second it left Izzy's horn and popped, hardly making any noise. Still, it had quite a bit of color. Despite the spell not lasting very long the colors were bright enough to get attention.

"Uh, still working on it."

"I think you're just tired," Star Song said. "It is getting rather late. "Oh hey, Sprout!"

"Hey, Star Song, I was looking for you."

"Oh, really? Well, it's getting ate. Uh, maybe too late for you to walk back to Maretime Bay, right? There's a hotel nearby that you can stay in for the night. I can show you the way if you want."

"Okay," Sprout yawned, "I could probably really use a goodnight's sleep. Sprout followed Star Song to the hotel. Meanwhile, Sunny decided to have a dance off with another unicorn.

"I should probably turn in as well," Izzy said.

"Well before you go you should probably practice that firework spell a little more to make sure we're at our best," Alphabittle said.

"We do?"

"Yeah, after all it is up to us unicorns to bring the tribes together."

"It is?"

"Of course the other tribes may have gotten it back, but magic is our specialty."

"Alright," Izzy said. She didn't quite agree with what he said but decided it might be best not to argue with him at the moment as she was getting tired.


Sprout soon checked into the hotel and found that Sunny was staying there as well.

"Uh Sunny," Sprout called out.

"Yes, what is it Sprout?"

"Uh, I," Sprout said as if he forgot what he wanted to say to the pony that brought back all of the magic to all of the ponies. "That is to say, goodnight Sunny."

"Uh, okay, goodnight Sprout." Sunny left, and Sprout once again smacked himself on the head.

"Smooth Sprout, smooth." Sprout then decided to go to his room, hoping that after a healthy sleep he would have much more of a gift for gab.


Morning came, and Sprout decided to have a big breakfast before getting back to work on the party.
"Okay, just one more day," Sprout said, remembering that his mother told that the party was going to be held today. It was still pretty early in the day so Sprout went to help with any last minute problems the party may have, then made his way to the castle where he was supposed to meet up with Star Song. When he got there he saw Star Song along with quite a few other ponies that from the sight of it were arguing. Star Song, it seemed, was trying to stop the arguing, but wasn’t doing so well. She was starting to get worried that it would soon get out of hoof unless somepony did something.

"What the?"

"For the last time your highness we'll start off the party," Alphabittle said. He and several unicorns were butting heads with a group of pegasus

"We shall start off the events of the party. This is our home after all," Queen Haven countered.

"But Sunny, who is an earth pony, was the one that brought back all the magic and inspired this party in the first place," Phyllis said, getting between Queen Haven and Alphabittle. "We should be the ones that should start off the party."

"She didn't do that all on her own," Queen Haven said. "She did that with the help of my daughters, her earth pony friend and that one unicorn whose name escapes me."

"Izzy Moonbow," Izzy answered with a rather smooth tone.

"Uh, right thank you," Queen Haven continued.

"You're welcome," Izzy nodded.

"We're starting off the party!" Alphabittle declared, puffing out his chest a bit.

"You will not speak to me in that tone and in my city!" Queen Haven said as she got in Alphabittle's face.

"Yeah, tell him mom," Princess Pipp cheered.

"You know what, how about this, we'll do our thing and you two can talk about who should go next?" Phyllis suggested.

"I don't think so," Queen Haven and Alphabittle said at the time.

The three continued to bicker and some of the ponies with them joined in as well. As they kept arguing, Star Song saw Sprout walking towards the groups and flew over to see him.

"Sprout, maybe you can help somehow? I'm not sure how but you might be able to," Star Song said.

"What's going on?" Sprout asked.

"Alphabittle, Queen Haven, and your mommy– uh mother, keep arguing with one another."

"What are they arguing about?" Sprout asked.

Loudly, Phyllis’ voice rose, "We're starting the party!"

"No we are!"

"No, we're going to do it!"

"Never mind," Sprout said.

"I tried to get them to stop but I quickly saw that that plan wasn't a very good one. I don't know what to do."

"Maybe,” Sprout thought, “I could think of a number between one and three and whoever-"

"That does it!" Alphabittle said as he started walking over to the large stage where the party was supposed to begin. "We're starting this off, and when you see what we've been practicing, you'll see why."

"Oh I don't think so," Queen Haven said.

"For once we agree," Phyllis said. The ponies then raced each other, trying to get to the stage, but in the confusion of it all an earth pony tripped and fell on a table causing it to flip over. That table frightened a unicorn that was charging up for a firework when he got on the stage. When he got scared he fell and the spell shot over to several party decorations that lit on fire.

"No! Quick put it out!" Queen Haven ordered but the flipped table was the start of a domino effect, and by the time the fire was put out the whole place was a mess. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU LOT DID!"

"This wasn't our fault," Alphabittle said defensively.

"It was one of your unicorns that started the fire,” Queen Haven accused. “I never should have invited you lot."

"Well maybe we shouldn't have never come."

"Don't be ridiculous Alphabittle of course we should have come, it's like you told us it's up to us to get the tribes to reunite," Izzy said.

"That again?!" Princess Pipp said. "It's up to us!"

"No, it's up to us," Phyllis said.

The three groups were on the verge of a massive fight until–


Sprout heaved, catching his breath. All attention was on him. "It's not up to any one tribe! Seriously, listen to all of you. What sense does that even make? It's up to all of us to unite us all!"

"Oh, is that coming from the pony with the war machine?" Princess Pipp sassed, to which Sprout replied with a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah just don't let me forget about that. But that's why I came here, to make up for what I did. Isn't that what this whole party is about? To help everypony put their differences aside and forget about the past?

“But that hasn't been happening at all, has it?!" Sprout finished with an intense snarl. “All this fighting hasn’t done anything but divide us, do you want to do that again?”

The ponies around him were utterly shocked, none of them quite knew what to say.

"He's right," Queen Haven said, breaking the silence. "The way we've been acting is a complete shame. Alphabittle I'm sorry for the way I behaved and that I got angry at you and the earth ponies."

"I'm sorry too, your majesty," Alphabittle replied. "We hardly behaved any better. And not just at the party, just because Sprout did the stupidest thing doesn’t need we weren’t stupid. Sunny won our crystal fair and square, but when she won and I found out she was an earth pony I became a sore loser. And that’s putting it mildly.”

“And I threw her and her friend Izzy in the dungeon.” Haven grimaced, “Granted it was a dungeon with a massage chair, but still.”

“Massage chair?” Phyllis asked but then shrugged it off to question it later. "And I didn’t want to listen to her so badly I banned her from my factory. I must apologize as well," Phyllis said. "Sometimes I don't know how much is too much. I’m sorry Sunny.”

“We’re sorry too Sunny,” Queen Haven and Alphabittle said.

“It’s okay my friends and I made some mistakes as well, interrupting your factory presentation, even though I didn’t agree with, any of it. And getting you arrested Queen Haven.”

“It’s alright Sunny I should have realized how close minded I was, also, arrested?”

“Long story,” Queen Haven said. “But it was my own fault really, in a way.”

“You lied to everypony about how only the royals could fly,” Zipp Storm said rather bluntly. “And you threw Sunny and Izzy into the dungeon with the massage chair when-”

“All right dear! Let’s not get into the major details.”

Soon the other ponies apologized to each other as well, making amends.

"You know what, Alphabittle? Why don't you start things off? Your fireworks really are quite impressive. Not to mention colorful," Queen Haven said.

"No, Queen Haven you should start off. Or your daughter, she has a great singing voice," Alphabittle replied.

"Ah, thank you," Princess Pipp said, blushing.

"Hold it!" Sprout called out once again getting everypony's attention. "Nopony is performing until we get this mess cleaned up."

"But how are we going to clean up all of this son?" Phyllis asked.

"Divide and conquer, that's how," Sprout answered.

Sprout divided the ponies up and after a while managed to completely clean up the entire mess they made only moments ago.

"Wow we actually managed to do it," a pegasus guard said.

"But it's almost time to start the party," Princess Pipp said. "We may have to postpone the start of it."

"Not quite," Sprout said. "I think we might be able to manage getting things started off right on time. Star Song Princess Pipp you two come with me."

"Huh?" They said at the same time.

"I'll explain along the way. We need to find Sunny."


For all his flaws Sprout was quite organized as he managed to help them make the routine before the start of the party.
Many ponies had come to the castle and others still gathered in outlying parts of Canterlot to watch the screens that would show the opening ceremony. They were all wondering how they were going to start things off. They were quite surprised by what they saw.

Sprout opened things with a quick tap dance routine, something he learned when he was a child. This was followed by a dance routine by a few other earth ponies who were about as good as he was. When they finished, several unicorns –including Izzy– performed a short but entertaining dance with the firework spell that the crowd went nuts for. In turn, the unicorns introduced Princess Pipp doing a song with Star Song. Their voices were in perfect harmony making for a truly wonderful song. It all came to an end with Sunny showing off her combined powers of flight and levitation as an alicorn. Then all the other ponies from before came together for a combined grand finale.

"Do you think they liked it?" Izzy asked.

Suddenly all of the ponies watching in and outside of the castle cheered like crazy.

"No, I think they loved it," Sunny said.

"You were wonderful Pipp," Queen Haven said as her daughter just left the stage.

"I know, I always was great in the spotlight. But sharing it wasn't so bad," Princess Pipp looked at Star Song, who bowed gracefully.

"Thank you so much for singing with me, Princess Pipp. Doing a duet with you was like a rather wonderful dream come true."

"Ah thank you so much," Princess Pipp said as she lifted Star Song's head. "I love you and all the rest of my pipsqueaks so much." Princess Pipp hugged Star Song, who returned it gratefully. Meanwhile, Queen Haven made her way to the stage and the crowd went silent.

“Thank you all so much for coming out to meet us, and we’re so glad that you enjoyed that little performance. We have more entertainment planned for you later, but first I wanted to say a little something. This party is the culmination of the collective work of various ponies– which I’m sure you noticed are not simply pegasi, but earth ponies and unicorns as well. It took all of them to make such a great performance, which is certainly something I hope all of you take to heart after today. As a certain earth pony told me, it’s up to all of us to unite us all.”

“You have all been invited to Canterlot today to not only relive the magic of friendship, but also to come together in harmony as so many creatures did so long ago. While the archeological relation of Zephyr Heights and Canterlot is sparse, the food, the dancers, costumes, and many other things have all been lifted straight from Canterlot in its prime. A time when dragons walked in time with griffins, changelings frequented seapony salons and magic flowed through the veins of every creature. The magic may have been lost, it has been restored through harmony!” Hearing that the crowd cheered like crazy and Queen Haven loved every second of it.

“Oh thank you, you’re all too kind. Now let me show you something Alphabittle and I worked on together.”


"I really liked all of those flips and twirls you did," Izzy said to Sunny.

"Thanks,” Sunny replied. “I liked all of your colorful fireworks."

"Thanks," Izzy replied.

"Your tap dance was so adorable Sprout," Phyllis told her son. "I'm surprised that you remembered how to do that."

Sprout’s lips twitched, but guilt still lingered in his eyes. "Mommy, did I do a good job helping out with the party?"

"You did a great job," Phyllis said.

Hearing that brought a smile to Sprout’s face. He noticed Sunny about to see other parts of the party going on all over Canterlot.

"Sunny!" Sprout yelled out as he ran over to her.

"Yes Sprout?"

"The thing I wanted to tell you last night was that– I was– that I am sorry. For everything: acting like a jerk, going after you with my giant robot, and utterly destroying your house."

"I was hoping the house was going to be part of his apology," Izzy whispered to Sunny loudly so Sprout could hear her as well.

"When this party is over I'll get to work on repairing the damage I made," Sprout said.

"I think you've already started," Sunny said, which surprised Sprout. "You've really made an effort to be better from what I've seen and heard, it's nice to have my friend back."

Sunny gave Sprout a hug before leaving to party with Izzy.

After Sunny and Izzy left, Phyllis approached her son with a rather depressed look. "That was so nice of you, Sprout," Phyllis approved.

"Thanks mommy. it was the least I could do; I owed her an apology."

"And I owe you an apology," Phyllis said, shocking Sprout once again. "I was so focused on forcing my point of view on others, most of all you. I pushed you to alienate ponies with different points of view. Ponies that we learned too late were right all along.” Phyllis had to stop herself as she was on the verge of crying and didn’t want her son to see.

“I made you close minded and fearful, when you were the acting sheriff I was the one that pushed you. If I talked you out of preparing for the non existent threat I could have prevented it. But I didn’t, and I’m very sorry.”

"It's okay mommy."

"Sprout," Star Song said as she flew over to Sprout to give him a hug. "Thank you so much for convincing Princess Pipp to do a duet with me that was just incredible."

"Speaking of incredible," a green pegasus guard that went by the name Thunder said as he flew over to Star Song and kissed her right on the mouth. "You were too, babe."

"I rather love it when you call me babe," Star Song said as she kissed him back.

"I gotta help Queen Haven with a few things, but I'll catch up with you later," Thunder said as he flew off and both he and Star Song waved at each other.

"Who was that?" Sprout asked.

"That was my boyfriend, Thunder. I tried to tell you about him earlier but, well, I wasn't able to. I'm sorry Sprout I hope I didn't lead you on, I like you but I just want to be friends."

"That's fine, Star Song. I feel the same way."

"You do?"

"Yeah, you’re not my type, I'm into tall mares. But listen, I think I can finally take a break from helping with a party! You want to explore with me?"

"I think that would be great."

Star Song and Sprout headed off and Sprout waved goodbye to Phyllis who, now alone, allowed herself to cry.

“Oh Argyle, I’m so sorry Argyle. I wish I could take back the way I treated you, but we can’t change the past. We can only make the future into the best future it can be.” Phyllis let out a laugh as she looked up to the sky, crying. “You’re probably laughing at me from up there aren’t you?

“If only you were still here to tell Sunny how proud you are of her. But maybe she already knows.” Phyllis wiped away the tears. Soon she would join the Canterlot Party that her son, who she was very proud of, helped make possible.

Not too far away, Star Song had somehow managed to rather ditch Sprout again. After a little searching through, Sprout had managed to find Hitch. Or actually, Hitch had managed to find Sprout.

“Well,” Hitch rubbed his badge, “I must say that from what I’ve heard, you’ve done quite the job helping lots of ponies.”

“Eeyup,” Sprout said to Hitch with pride. “All in a day or two’s work.”

“Well it’s certainly nice to know that when you use your powers for good, you can do a very good job.”

“Thanks, Hitch,” Sprout said, feeling really good. “Are you heading back to Maretime Bay?”

“Not quite. But I would like to get a little further away from the castle. I think Cloudpuff saw me again, I want to get out of here before-” before Hitch could finish, Queen Haven’s dog, along with the bunnies, and even the critters from Maretime Bay showed up and mobbed around Hitch. “Nevermind. Alright you lot, let’s find somewhere to put you all for the party. Maybe Sunny and Izzy can help me find a spot to make into a petting zoo.”

“You want some help with that?” Sprout asked as the critters started to climb on his back or hold onto Hitch’s legs.

“Yeah, I think I might need some help from my deputy, or rather the co-sheriff.”

“Co-sheriff!?” Sprout said as he sprung up.

“If you play your cards right.”

“Oh I’ll play them all right,” Sprout said as he helped Hitch.

Both together and apart, Hitch, Sprout, Izzy and Sunny, Star Song, Pipp and even Zipp had a blast at the party. Hitch turned out to have the best (and only) petting Zoo at the party. Phyllis continued to laud praises upon Sprout whenever she was able, and Sunny got to apologize to Phyllis for ruining so many of Canterlogic shows. Queen Haven and Alphabittle really enjoyed Phyllis’ addition to the party, in fact they enjoyed it so much, they used it twelve times.

The rest of the unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies had an amazing time meeting each other, partaking in the activities, and sharing stories from the many moons they’d spent separated.

All in all, the party was a huge success!

The End

Author's Note:

Hope you had as much fun reading this as I had writing it. Special thanks to Merallakos, the Stardust Princess, Linesmith, editor, and proofreader. And special thanks as well to Ponigie and Nathfripony, the sister and friend of sister to Merallakos. They don't have fimfiction accounts, that's just what they want to be called.

Comments ( 12 )

Sprout Cloverleaf had never been the most popular pony in his town, not even close. And after the fiasco he caused when he became the acting sheriff and made himself stallion in-chief he all but cemented himself as the least favorite pony. "Well I guess I'll have to think twice before I leave you in charge of things while I'm gone," Hitch Trailblazer told Sprout. "I'll probably be better off leaving the critters that follow me around all the time in charge. And speaking of which can you all please give me some space." The said critters then backed up but not by much or at all, but did so when Pitch gestured them to do so with his hoof.

Who's Pitch?

Might I recommend adding this to the writing contest bookshelf? It can be found here. :twilightsmile:

I want an editor to look at it first.

That was a typo, but I fixed it thanks for pointing it out.

This was pretty nice to read.

Pretty nice. That would have made a good conclusion for the movie or at least a short bonus episode.

"Of course it's up to us, Hitch. One of our own was the one that showed us the way and brought magic back, so if the rest of us work together and try to do what Sunny did, who knows what we'll be able to accomplish. Who knows, maybe I'll become a super unicorn too."

I don't think that's how it works Phyllis:facehoof:

Sprout got to work putting the Canterlogic supplies in place. Wth Star Song helping him, that cut the work time in half.


Oh thanks.
Man no matter how many times I edited a story there's always a typo I miss.

Well this was a pretty nice story and seeing how Sprout can actually how about after his little stunt back in the movie can I did like a good Redemption story and he even made a friend named star song yes everything was kind of ups and downs especially three tribes are disagreeing with each other but good things sprouts defuse the argument and get everything in place it's really nice to see everybody getting along after all those years I'm sure Twilight and the others would be so proud of that this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

I will I will, and hey I have others stories maybe you could give those a read as well.

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