• Published 21st Oct 2021
  • 797 Views, 7 Comments

Hum Drum’s Power - PPEF1

Hum Drum finally gets powers like the other Power Ponies

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Hum Drum’s Power

The Power Ponies had saved the city of Maretropolis from being taken over by Mane-iac once again for what probably had been the millionth time.

“Great job Power Ponies!” announced Masked Matter-Horn.

The six all put their hooves in the middle.

“Wait a minute. We’re missing Hum Drum,” said Radiance.

Matter-Horn looked over to the side seeing that Hum Drum was looking off to the side.

“Hey Hum Drum! Come on in. Hooves in the middle.”

“Huh? Oh, right.” Hum Drum slowly walked up to the other ponies, placing his hoof in the middle.

“Pony Power on three!” Fili-Second stated. “Three, two, one…”

“Pony Power!” they all cheered excitedly, except Hum Drum. But since it was six cheering ponies versus one silent pony, the others did recognize the lack of excitement in Hum Drum’s voice.

“I think we should have a celebration for saving the city for like the millionth time,” said Zapp.

“How about cupcakes?” asked Fili-Second.

“Ooh. That sounds nice,” replied Saddle Rager.

The other ponies nodded their heads in agreement while Humdrum who was staring off in the distance again.

“Alright then.” Fili-Second ran off and came back with a box full of cupcakes within a blink of an eye.

“Good. Let’s head back to the lair.”

The Power Ponies headed back to their secret lair. While walking away, Matter-Horn noticed Humdrum trailing behind.

“Come on Hum Drum.” Matter-Horn grabbed the little pony by his cape.



The Power Ponies were in their lair enjoying their cupcakes. Everypony had a cupcake in their hoof except Hum Drum, staring off again.

“Don’t you want a cupcake Hum Drum?” asked Saddle Rager.

“Oh, no. I’m not hungry.”

“You sure sweetness?” Radiance assured.


Matter-Horn gave the little ‘hero’ a confused look. “Okaaay. Well, if you change your mind, you’re free to get one.”

“Thanks.” Hum Drum then walked to his room of the lair.

The rest of the Power Ponies continued to chat and enjoy their cupcakes. A few minutes later, the six decided they were done for tonight and headed to their separate rooms, getting ready for bed.


Mane-iac was back at her headquarters, raging about her millionth loss to the Power Ponies.

“Ugh!! How are they ALWAYS ruining my plans from taking over the city?!”

“Maybe it’s because-”

“ENOUGH!!!” She grabbed the henchpony with her green, tentacle-like mane and launched him far from the headquarters, leaving a hole in the roof.

“Now matter how hard I try, they always foil my plans. Even when taking their powers away, that Hum Drum is always somehow saving them.”

Mane-iac looked at the hole in the roof to think about her next plan.

“What if we just blasted them away like you did to that other pony?” suggested another one of her henchponies. “That way, you’ll have more time to take over Maretropolis.”

“No. That wouldn’t work. Radiance or Masked Matter-Horn could just teleport and the rest back here.”

Suddenly, an idea popped into the villain’s head. “I’ve got it! We’ll disable their powers by making a robot.”

“But you just said that even when you try to, Hum Drum is there to save them,” reminded the henchpony.

“Yes, I did. Which is why said robot will take care of him too.”

“Why though? The pony doesn’t have any powers. Using the robot on him would just be useless. The only use he has is saving the other Power Ponies.”

“He won’t be able to when the robot gets hold of him and the others. When it does, it’ll put them captive in a case that’ll drain not only their powers, but their energy to fight.”

“How are you gonna get any of that?”

“I have my wa-”

Suddenly, a weird creature busted the door to the shampoo factory.

“Who are you?”


Chrysalis broke into the old castle of Celestia and Luna.

“So this is the place that used to belong to the princesses?”

She then rummaged around, hoping to find some useful resources. Few seconds later, she encountered a reading room. Entering in, Chrysalis sees books scattered around. However, one of those books caught her eye, surprisingly.

It was a comic titled The Power Ponies. Chrysalis saw that the book was opened to the last page. At the bottom of the page was a small piece of text. She tried to read it but the writing was too small. Using her magic, she grabbed a magnifying and hovered it over the text.

“You can return to the place you started when the Mane-iac is defeated. Take a closer look to join the adventu-Oh why am I wasting my time on a children’s book?!”

As she was about to walk away, the book started to illuminate bright light. It then started to suck the queen changeling in.

“Wait! What’s happening?! AAAAHHHHHH!!!”


Chrysalis was now in Maretropolis. The changeling took a good wonder at her surroundings.

“Where am I?”

Confused, she started to walk further into the city until she spotted a building with a neon sign with a pony applying shampoo.

“I bet there are ponies in that factory for me to drain love from for me to gain power and rule Equestria.”

Chrysalis busted through the doors of the shampoo factory. As she was about to attack, she immediately stopped as she saw what looks like the antagonist of the comic, being a purple pony with long green, tentacle hair.

“Who are you?” asked the villain.

“I should be asking YOU that.”

“I’m Mane-iac. I’m trying to put a stop to the Power Ponies and rule the city of Maretropolis. You?”

“I’m Queen Chrysalis, queen of the changelings.”


Oh right. I’m in a completely new world. “Changelings, like me. I try to suck the love out of ponies to gain more power and rule over Equestria.”

Hearing that gave Mane-iac an idea. “Suck the love? As in energy?”

“Uh, yes. Pretty much.”

“Well, that’s exactly what I wanted to do to the Power Ponies. Tell you what? Let’s work together to stop the Power Ponies. I get to rule my world and you get to gain power and rule over your… uh…”


“Yeah, that. It’s a win-win. So what do you say? Deal?”

A wide smirk appeared on Chrysalis’ face. “Deal.”

“Perfect! The Power Ponies will have no idea what’s coming for them tomorrow.”


The Power Ponies woke up the next morning, their senses telling them that Mane-iac was up to no good. They quickly rushed over to the shampoo factory.

Entering in, they see a giant robot with the Mane-iac controlling, and a strange creature above the ceiling.

“Who’s that?” asked Zapp.

“Chrysalis. Queen Chrysalis. With this robot and her on our side you ponies don’t stand a chance.

“We’ll see about that.”

Masked Matter-Horn and the rest of the Power Ponies started bum rushing towards the robot. She and Radiance charged up their horns, Mare-velous whipped up her lasso, Fili-Second zoomed up towards the robot, Saddle Rager turned into a hulking behemoth, Zapp grabbed her medallion in her mouth, and Hum Drum… gave it his all.

While Fili-Second ran ahead, the robot swiftly swiped her in its grasp.


“Fili-Second!” shouted the Power Ponies, stopping their attacks.

“Hang on! I’ll get you!” Mare-velous launched her lasso to free Fili-Second but the robot quickly stopped it then started to whip the lasso in the air with Mare-velous still grabbing on to it.

“AAAAAHHH!!!” Mare-velous screamed with her mouth still closed on the lasso.

The robot then released the lasso, sending Mare-velous flying into the wall, crashing into it. The robot grabbed the pony in the same hand with Fili-Second in it.

Two ponies down, well, in a robot’s hand. Both Matter-Horn and Radiance charged up their horns again, shooting beams towards the robot. Suddenly, Chrysalis jumped shooting a beam of her own.

The three beams were fighting back and forth.

“How ‘bout a little bit of this?”

Mane-iac sprayed a spray-bottle can all over Chrysalis. That spray gave the queen changeling more power. Her one energy beam blasted the unicorns with incredible force.

Mane-iac let out an evil cackle. “You can’t stop me now. I have a Power Pony-proof robot.”

“And we have a raging monster,” Zapp retaliated.

The buffed-up Saddle Rager went running up to the robot, blowing a forceful punch. The robot, surprisingly, didn’t even have a dent from the punch, nor did it fly back.

“When I said this was Power Pony-proof, I meant it. Now, let’s double the power!”

The robot demonstrated a punch that sent the pegasus flying into the wall, leaving a dent in it this time. The robot collected Saddle Rager with the others.

Zapp put her lightning bolt medallion back into her mouth, aiming a thunderbolt towards the robot.

A lightning bolt struck straight through the roof and into the robot, hitting its head directly, but the robot just absorbed the lightning bolt.


“Let me demonstrate.”

Mane-iac pushed a button transforming one of the robot’s arms into a gun. It shot a lightning bolt straight towards Zapp, cooking her as she limply fell to the ground.

The robot grabbed the burnt pegasus and had collected six of the seven Power Ponies. Chrysalis willingly put each one of them in a cocoon.

“Now for you little Hum Drum.”

Hum Drum had a terrified look on his face as the robot’s hand came towards him, just as Mane-iac planned. As the hand of the robot was inches away from him, Mane-iac decided against it.

“On second thought, I don’t even know why I thought using the robot on you was a good idea. Chrysalis, take him away.”

Chrysalis flew down from the ceiling and took hold of the little colt.

“Hey! Let me go!”

Hum Drum tried to break out of the changeling’s grasp but to no avail. Chrysalis put him in a cocoon of his own.

“Fantastic! Now I can rule over Maretropolis!”

“And I can gain power to take over Equestria,” Chrysalis added.

Without anypony noticing, Hum Drum’s eyes opened, slightly. He could see Chrysalis sucking the love out of him and the other Power Ponies.

“I’ve, ugh… I got to do something.”

Hum Drum slowly tried to move. Suddenly, his eyes started to glow white.

“Hahahaha! Huh?”

Chrysalis was interrupted as she gazed into the little pony’s eyes. The cocoons all of sudden shattered as the Power Ponies levitated up in the air.


As Mane-iac was about to leave the shampoo factory, she turned back to see the levitating ponies. She too, shared the same confused expression as Chrysalis.

The six Power Ponies surrounded Hum Drum, who was lifting his forelegs. A ball of aura was forming in his front hoofs.

“What’s going on?!” questioned Mane-iac.

The aura Hum Drum created looked about ten times his size. He then launched it towards Mane-iac and Chrysalis.


The aura sphere caused an explosion, blowing up the shampoo factory. Chrysalis and Mane-iac laid limply on the floor and the seven slowly landed back on the floor.

Hum Drum took a wonder after what he had just did.

“I did it… I defeated Mane-iac and Chrysalis for the first time.”

The rest of the ponies started cheering in advance as they carried him with their hooves, throwing him up and down.

“Hum Drum that was amazing!” Masked Matter-Horn complimented.

“Yeah! You totally crushed those two!” added Zapp.

“I know! That was awesome!” Hum Drum was excited like he never was before.

“Come on, ponies,” announced Matter-Horn. “Let’s head back home (as in the lair but you already knew that).”

The Power Ponies walked away from the destroyed factory. Chrysalis brushed off the debris off her.

“This is all YOUR fault!” she shouted to Mane-iac as she brushed off the broken bricks.

“MY fault?! If anything this was YOUR fault! You should’ve made your cocoons Power Pony-proof!”

“How was I supposed to know that was gonna happen?! And what do you mean Power Pony-proof my cocoons?! You can’t do that!”

“Well, if I can Pony Power-proof a robot, then surely you can Pony Power-proof your cocoons.”

“You know what?! Forget it! I’m outta here! You are the stupidest pony I have ever fought with.”

Chrysalis then flew off back to Equestria.


The Power Ponies were back at their lair. Hum Drum was testing out his new powers. Like he did before, he lifted his hooves making an aura sphere and launched it. However, the ball was much smaller and looked like it couldn’t kill (I mean, they don’t kill but, you get the point) a fly.

“Huh? Let me try again.” Hum Drum tried over and over but the aura didn’t look like it was much use for battling.

“Wait a minute.” Mare-velous then punched Zapp in her right hoof.

“Ow! What was that for?!”

“Try again Hum Drum.”

The colt did as he was told and the aura turned out to be slightly bigger and looked like it could pack a punch.

“It turns out if a member gets slightly hurt, the aura gets stronger.”

“If that’s how it is, then my powers are only useful if one of you gets injured.”

“Aw, don’t worry Hum Drum. We’ll figure out a way to make it work,” Saddle Rager reassured.

“Well, now that I have powers, I’m not useless anymore.”

“Useless?!” questioned the other Power Ponies.

“Ohhhh…” Hum Drum had just realized what he said.

“Sweety, we don’t think you’re useless,” said Radiance.

“Yeah. You’ve gotten us out of lots of sticky situations,” added Matter-Horn. “That must be something.”

“Well yeah, but I couldn’t fight on my own because I didn’t have powers at the time.”

“Is that why I caught you just staring? Because you think you were useless?”

“Yeah. That’s basically it.”

“Hum Drum, with or without powers we still love you, even if we have to fight Mane-iac on our own.”

Matter-Horn gave Hum Drum a hug. The rest of the Power Ponies started to join in.

“Aw. Thanks guys.”


Tirek and Cozy Glow were just minding their own businesses in Grogar’s underground lair. They then noticed Chrysalis walking in, and how terrible she looked.

“Don’t ask,” she said.

Author's Note:

I'm not too big of a fan of the beginning but I think the ending is better. As for the Power Ponies' characters, I kinda, sorta made them act like the Mane 6, which is kinda how I made them act. Apparently the wiki say that they argue when not fighting enemies but I didn't take that into account.

Edit: Okay, Hum Drum's power was very... forced(?) but everything else came out better than I expected

Comments ( 7 )

What does "came in clutch" mean?

it's when you need something exactly when you need it. For example, Hum Drum comes in clutch when Mane-iac has gotten hold of the other Power Ponies and they need to be saved. Basically when something isn't going your way and then a miracle happens right when you needed it

I kinda, sorta made them act like the Mane 6, which is kinda how I made them act. Apparently the wiki say that they argue when not fighting enemies but I didn't take that into account

Don't worry about it. You could just say this takes place in the aftermath where the Power Ponies learn to be better friends and not just teammates because of HumDrum

Alrighty then. Thanks :D

It nice to see story with the actual Hum Drum and Power Ponies.

Nice to see stories about these characters. Although my theory is that Hum Drum's powers relate to his ability to be unnoticed and underestimated by everyone around him.

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