• Published 24th Nov 2021
  • 1,008 Views, 9 Comments

La Danza D’Amore - Undome Tinwe

Rarity dances with her lovers at a gala.

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Sacred geometry, where movement is poetry, visions of you and me forever

Author's Note:

Second Song: Dark Waltz, by Hayley Westenra

After the first dance, Celestia had bid Rarity farewell and left to mingle among the crowd, as was her duty. Rarity took one last longing look at her beloved's departing form before she was hidden by the crowd, despite her height.

And then, darkness fell upon the ballroom.

It wasn't a natural darkness, a simple absence of light. No, Rarity could feel the shadows in the room consuming the torches, smothering them into a dim light. At the same time, a presence crept into her heart, filling it with a secret thrill that brought a smile to her face as she saw the air around her begin to shimmer.

The crowd gasped as the Mistress of Dreams stepped out from a fog of shadows that had formed in the middle of the room.

Luna held out a hoof towards Rarity. "My diamond among the stars, I have heard your call, and have come to dance with you."

"Thank you, my princess." Rarity took her hoof, and the world fell away.

The other nobles were still there, staring in awe, but Rarity could only see their silhouettes, faceless shadows against a violet canvas. She turned back to face her lover, seeing a familiar glint of playfulness in her eyes.

"Shall we show these fools the meaning of beauty?" The Princess of Dreams asked, and Rarity nodded, closing her eyes as Luna bent down to touch their horns together.

The next song began, a low, haunting melody that lodged itself in Rarity's soul and tempted her to give in to her deepest desires. The moment Rarity felt Luna's horn against her own, she gave in to that temptation, allowing her lover's magic to mingle with her own. Ancient, eldritch energy filled her soul, a screaming abyss of chaos and madness that was kept at bay only by mutual force of will.

The power roiled within Rarity, making her feel very, very small and very, very young, but she anchored herself to Luna's presence, to the mercurial spirit that led her through the maelstrom and allowed her to become one with it.

Rarity opened her eyes.

Lights. So many lights surrounded them, not visible to the naked eye but perceived using the second sights granted to her by her princess. Rarity knew that Luna saw so much more than anypony else, but it always left her breathless to see just how vibrant her lover's world was. The colours danced around them, swirling about each other in a frenzied dance, combining and splitting and flying off and coming together in an endless kaleidoscope that dazzled Rarity.

She shook her head, freeing herself from the ensorcellment for a moment, and lit up her own horn, casting a spell that Luna had taught her. In the background, the music ebbed and flowed, a soulful dirge that the lights around her danced in time to.

As the spell completed, Rarity and Luna also began to dance. It was a simple set of movements, the most basic of waltzes, back and forth and back and forth.

But that was not where the spectacle lay.

The dream motes began to coalesce around them as they danced in the eye of a magical storm. Outside the veil of shadows, Rarity could see the other nobles whispering to one another, could hear the gasps of awe and wonder as she joined her magic with Luna's, and together, they pushed the motes into reality.

Visions of herself and Luna began to flash in and out of existence, depictions of hundreds of realities woven from the threads of infinite possibilities. They were dancing together in all of them, in forests and palaces, atop the roof of a metal skyscraper and among the flames of a dead civilization.

The styles and clothes they wore varied as well, but were always breathtakingly gorgeous. After all, these were all fantasies created by Rarity and Luna, and they would never have looked anything but their best in them.

The "ooh"s and "ah"s of the crowd spurred Rarity on, and she continued to spin dream after dream, melding her desires with her beloved's as they built a vision of themselves dancing beneath the moonlight to the very same melody that now played, and broadcasted it for all to see.

No words were shared as they created beauty from nothing; none were needed, for they were connected on such a deep level that there was no need to do anything but dream, and their shared magic would bring their visions to life.

The music began to fall, tapering off into nothingness, and so did Rarity and Luna allow their creations to fade as well, appearing less and less frequently until their veil showed nothing but shadows once again.

Silence filled the ballroom as Luna dispelled the shadows, and the world returned to its normal brightness. Applause roared in Rarity's ears, but she didn't care for that. Her eyes were fixed on Luna's, eyes that shone with love and devotion and something that only they could understand, for only they had partaken in that act of Creation.

"I shall see you again in your dream tonight, my diamond in the stars," Luna promised, and then she was gone, vanished as if she were never there, and leaving Rarity with a void in her heart as she returned to dull reality.