• Published 1st May 2023
  • 625 Views, 31 Comments

The Mane Seven Adventures of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - RedSoarDash

Join the Mane Seven as they continue to travel with Sora, Donald, and Goofy to help find their friends and help find this mysterious girl.

  • ...

Chapter 3 The Forgotten Girl...

The Mane Six and the Trinity Trio were up the next floor after heading through worlds Wonderland and Olympus Coliseum. Though they have been worried about what else they will have to go through next.

Donald starts to say, "Hey, I wonder if there's anything we've forgotten..."

Goofy starts thinking if they would forget anything else. Then he replied, "Hmm... If we did, what would it have been?"

Goofy shrugged and said, "I can't think of anything, so maybe that means that I really am losing my memories.But whatever they were, they couldn't have been very important memories, right?"

Sora then said, "Right, or else I don't think you would have forgotten it."

Twilight says, "Yeah. I hope our most important memories didn't get lost or erased."

Sora then said, "Hey look."

Rarity asked, "What is it Sora?"

Sora answered the element of generosity, "A good luck charm Kairi gave me. It's special to her, so I promised that I would return it. I'll never forget making that promise. It's why I could never forget Kairi."

Red smiles at this and was very happy to see how much Kairi means to Sora, as did the rest of his friends.

Fluttershy smiles at this also, but looks at Red. She thinks about this.

The shyful pony remembered asking Sora about this and could remember the memory.

Fluttershy looks at Sora holding the good luck charm. Then she asks him, "Hey Sora. What is that?"

Sora answers, "Oh this? This is the good luck charm Kairi gave to me. Something she gave to me. She told me about these kind of shells that she made with this. That if we ever get separated this will always help us get connected with each other."

She nods at him and starts thinking.

She thought, 'Connected.....'

Fluttershy was thankful that memory wasn't gone. Then she looks at Red. She had an idea, but she is going to save it until she gets back to Equestria with her friends.

Sora smiles as he thought, 'Am I right, Kairi?'

He imagines the red headed teen and smiles thinking of her

But what's strange is that when he turned, he saw a girl with blonde hair, a white dress, and having a notebook on her. Though she seems similar to Kairi. But he couldn't figure it out.

He then said out loud, "Do I know...that girl?"

They look at him while being concerned.

Donald asks, "Hey, Sora. Where did you go?"

Pinkie Pie says, "Yeah! You kinda dazed out for a while."

Sora chuckled and tells them, "Sorry. Never mind."

Rainbow Dash says, "Then we better keep moving if we want to find the king and Riku."

While they went, Sora thinks about that girl for a second before going up to the door. He held up another world card and the door opened for them.


They went in the world and looked around. Until Goofy spots something wrong.

He exclaimed, "Look, Sora! Someone's in trouble!

Seems to be a young man with black hair holding a sword and was surrounded by heartless

Red exclaims, "We'd better do something!"

They rush into the fight and get ready to help out.

Sora asks, "Mind if we help?"

The stranger says, "Thanks! I thought I was done for!"

After fighting them a lot, more keeps coming up.

Donald exclaims, "They just keep coming!"

Twilight says, "We better think of something fast then."

The stranger, named Aladdin then said, "Guess we'd better see if the legends are true. Magic lamp, my first wish! Get rid of these Heartless!"

When Aladdin holds up the lamp, blue clouds were appearing from the lamp as the Genie in the lamp came out.

Genie exclaims, "Stand back, kids! Genie of the lamp coming through! Ain't nothin' I can't make right as rain-well, if we HAD rain in the desert. But enough dry jokes! One Heartless disappearing act, coming right up!"

The heartless were gone as everyone is relieved.

Red speaks out, "Thank Celestia that we got through that."

Rainbow Dash looks at Aladdin and asks, "Why didn't you call him in the first place?"

Aladdin starts to explain by saying, "It's not that simple. You see—"

Genie interrupts by saying, "I couldn't have said it better myself. But I will anyway! I'm strictly limited to three wishes per master. And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes!"

Sora asks, "So you've got two wishes left?"

Twilight tells him, "Better use them carefully then."

Aladdin starts saying, "I've got to get back to the palace somehow. But with all these Heartless..."

Goofy suggests, "Hey, we're headed that way too, so why don't we go with Aladdin?"

Applejack answers, "Sounds like a plan then."

They all headed through the world to find the palace. Until Goofy wanted to know something.

He asks, "So uh why are you going to the palace Aladdin?"

Aladdin explains, "That no good royal vizier, Jafar. He tricked me into getting this magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders. The cave was crawling with Heartless. I'm lucky I made it back to Agrabah in one piece!"

Twilight asks, "Wasn't there anyone else there to help you out? This Jafar seems very evil with power."

Genie then says to Aladdin, "I know how you feel, Master. People have been ordering me around for 10,000 years. And what help do I get? I keep wishin' someone will wish me outta this gig. But go figure the odds on that."

Aladdin then had an idea as he asks, "Well, how 'bout I use my third wish to set you free?"

Genie was shocked by this as he asked, "Doth my pointy ears deceive me? Master, you'd do that for me? You're not just pullin' my topknot now, are you?"

Aladdin shook his head before saying, "I promise, Genie. Anyway, there's only one thing I really want."

Genie exclaims excitingly, "Then we'll just have to DO something about that, Al! Can I call you Al? So, what'll it be? Fame? Fortune? A herd of luxury camels to call your very own?"

Aladdin then starts to explain, "Well, there's this girl. Her name is Jasmine. She's princess of Agrabah. And...that's the problem. It's hard for a 'street rat' like me to get a chance to see her. That's how this all started. I thought if I went to the Cave of Wonders, I could get the treasure, and maybe then Jasmine would want to meet me."

Genie quickly says, "Well I've got just the package for you! You'll not only meet the lady, you'll go in style... ...as PRINCE ALI! How d'ya like the sound of that, Al?"

Aladdin, while surprised by the suggestion of the wish, asks, "Me, a prince! Can you really do that?"

Genie answers, "In an Agrabah minute!"

Aladdin nods before saying, "I guess the legends were true after all. C'mon, let's get to the palace!"

They finally made it to the palace as Donald spotted something.

Donald exclaims, "Wak! Look at that!"

Fluttershy says, "Look! Someone's in trouble."

Aladdin exclaims, "It's Jasmine!"

Goofy says, "She needs our help!"

Sora exclaims, "We'll never make it in time!"

Rainbow Dash smirks and was about to fly over there.

The element of loyalty said, "Looks like I'm gonna have to go and save-"

Rainbow Dash exclaims, "D-Dude!"

Aladdin cuts her off by saying, "Genie, I wish for you to save Jasmine!"

Genie rushed in to save her. She was safe. They all went to check on her

Rarity says, "Seems like she is okay."

Rainbow Dash was upset as she said, "But you wasted your second wish! I could've gone and rushed over there to save her."

Aladdin realized this and was frustrated that he wasted his wish like that.

But then heartless started showing up again.

He said, "Not again! Sorry, Genie. But you're the only one who can-"

Red cuts him off to stop him by saying, "Wait! This is your last wish! Don't waste it.

Sora nods and tells him, "This time, let US handle the wish-granting!"

After the fight, everyone was relieved.

Rainbow Dash says, "See? We didn't need Genie this time."

Aladdin nods and says, "Thanks, but I'm still down to my last wish..."

Suddenly a flash of light appeared and blinded everyone for a second.

Donald exclaims, "Wak! What's happening?"

Fluttershy says, "I'm not sure... seems something blinded us."

Aladdin notices that the lamp wasn't in his hands.

He exclaimed. "Oh, no! The lamp! It's gone!"

They look around to see if it's around. Until, they heard a voice walking to them. It seems to be Jafar. There was also a red parrot with him, named Iago.

He says, "Hmm it seems my plans have gone amiss. I was certain you'd waste your last wish... ...what with poor Jasmine in distress and these delightful creatures to deal with. But no matter. At last the lamp and its genie are mine to command!"

Aladdin was upset and he asks, "Why are you doing this Jafar? You've got the lamp! What more do you want?"

Jafar answered with an evil grin, "Such an interesting question. You see, I knew you were going to use the lamp to try and win Jasmine's heart. But we can't have that, now, can we? Because I am the one Jasmine will marry!"

Everyone exclaimed, "You?!"

Jafar gave an evil laugh before continuing, "Certainly you realize that if I marry the Princess, then nothing can stop me from becoming Sultan! You're nothing more than a pawn in my game street rat! Genie! My first wish! Deliver Jasmine to me!"

With that, Genie was forced to bring Jasmine to Jafar.

Aladdin yells, "Genie! What are you doing?!"

Genie sadly says to him, "Sorry Al. My hands are tied on this one. I gotta obey whoever has his mitts on the lamp."

Jafar then says before leaving, "Precisely. Farewell, Aladdin...you fool!"

He disappeared leaving everyone behind.

Aladdin says sadly, "Great. Now I've lost Jasmine AND the lamp."

Redshook his head and tells him, "You can feel bad about it some other time! If you don't pull yourself together you'll never see Jasmine again!"

Sora agreed by also saying, "You lost the lamp. So what? You can still save her on your own! Losing someone you care about is bad, but not as bad as never getting them back!"

His friends were very impressed with what he has to say. Aladdin was also.

He then tells him, "Sora... You're right. I can't give up now! I've gotta save Jasmine!"

Donald, however, said, "But Jafar's got the lamp. We can't just walk up to him and expect to win..."

Everyone realized that Donald was right. No way they can win when Jafar has Genie. But Aladdin had a plan.

He said, "Maybe we can. I've got an idea. Listen up!"

He told everyone the plan as they understood it. They then rushed to find where Jafar is.

They found him as they glare at Jafar.

He turns to see them before asking, "What's this? Has Aladdin given up on his precious Jasmine already? Well, I'm not going to waste a wish on the likes of you. I'll deal with you myself!"

This has everyone exclaimed, "Aladdin! Now!"

Aladdin jumped from one of the buildings and was about to run to him until Genie was in the way.

Jafar told Genie, "Genie seize him!"

Genie then says, "Al forgive me!"

Aladdin got hit as he flew back. He groaned in pain before getting up.

You fell for it Jafar," said Aladdin as he smirks.

Jafar asks while being shocked, "What do you mean?!

Rainbow Dash chuckles and says, "He means that you just wasted your second wish. Now you have one left."

Jafar listens as he smirks evilly.

He said, "Well well. The cunning of a rat. But unfortunately, you can't see beyond the bait. Your little ploy changes nothing! I can crush you once and for all AND make Jasmine my own! Genie! My last wish! Transform me into an all- powerful genie!"

After the fight against Genie Jafar, the world is back to normal.

Donald says, "We rescued Jasmine AND we got the lamp back!"

Applejack looks at Aladdin and says, "Ya still have one wish left Aladdin."

Genie nods and starts to explain,"He sure does. Time for me to make a prince outta this guy! Course, I'd like to be free, but like they always say, genies can't be choosers. You're probably miffed about that whole puppet-of-Jafar thing anyway. Go on, Al. Wish for what's really in your heart. Be a prince. Get the girl."

Genie felt about being Jafar's puppet as he blamed himself.

Aladdin looks at him and says, "Okay here goes. Genie, I wish for your freedom!"

Genie then starts to change as he now has two legs and was free.

Aladdin then says, "Now no one like Jafar can use you for evil again. Genie, you're free!"

Genie was very grateful for this.

"Al I'll never forget this. But what about Jasmine? What are you gonna do," asked Genie.

Aladdin thinks about this and says, "I was wrong Genie. If I used your help to win Jasmine... ...I'd be no better than Jafar. Jasmine means the world to me. I want to show her the real me."

Sora says, "That's the spirit!"

Aladdin then told them, "Thanks. And good luck to you too."

Red asked, "What for?"

Aladdin starts explaining, "I was ready to give up back there but what you and Sora said really kept me going. That's when it hit me. You must be looking for someone you care about too."

Sora nods to agree with what he's saying.

Aladdin starts saying, "Listen Genie..."

Genie cuts him off by saying, "Say no more little pal! I know JUST what you're thinking. Here you go!"

He then made a card appear and it has him on here.

Genie explains, "Whenever you need me just call. That okay with you Al?"

Aladdin answers, "Of course!"

Fluttershy asks, "Are you sure?"

Genie answers, "Anytime at all. Hey, without you guys, I might never have been able to ditch that lamp! And I think Aladdin will be fine without me for at least a little while."

Twilight said, "Well thanks for this then."

They all headed out of Agrabah and was in Castle Oblivion again. While they were heading to the stairs out of the room, Sora stops to think.

The brunette teen said to himself, "Who could that have been before in my memory? It wasn't Kairi... But another...girl? Maybe... I think her name was..."

Donald exclaimed, "Sora! Let's go! You want to find Riku and the king don't you?"

Rarity says, "That's right darling. We wouldn't want to miss them."

Sora nods and starts to walk.

He thinks, 'It was right on the tip of my tongue...'

Meanwhile, the girl from before was busy drawing. But it was of her, Sora, Kairi, and Rika.

Back with the ponies and the trinity trio, They were about to head to the door to the next world until...

"I remember!"

They turn to see that Sora was the one that spoke.

Twilight asked, "Remember what?"

Sora answers, "There was another girl!"

They all look around.

Goofy asked, "What? A girl? Where?"

Sora tells them, "No no. I mean on the islands where I used to live. Besides Kairi and Riku, there was one other girl I was friends with. The four of us played together all the time."

Pinkie Pie says happily, "Wow! You never told us about her Sora. Maybe she's a good friend just like Kairi is."

Red however was confused as Pinkie Pie said something very true and confusing.

He said, "Yeah... We never heard you talk about her."

Jiminy came out of Sora's hood and says, "Indeed. Seems to me that's the first time you've mentioned her Sora."

Sora sadly spoke, "Yeah...I guess I forgot all about her. I think...she just suddenly went away when I was still really little."

Twilight asked, "...So what exactly caused you to remember about this girl?"

Sora shrugged before explaining, "I'm not sure. But it's been coming back in pieces as we go through the castle."

Fluttershy asked, "What about her name?"

Sora tries to remember it, but he couldn't.

"I don't remember. I feel kinda dumb. We said we weren't gonna forget our friends and well now... I can't even remember her name," said Sora.

Applejack told him, "Well I'm sure it'll come back to ya sugarcube."

Goofy agrees and says, "Yeah! If it's been coming back to you in pieces... You're sure to remember her name just like everything else!"

Rarity tells him, "Just give yourself some time to remember."

Sora looks at his friends and smiles at them.

Then they walked to the door and Sora hold up a world card. The door opened and they went inside.


They looked around as they were in a very strange place.

Sora said, "What a weird place! Everything's kinda springy and soft."

PInkie Pie was bouncing on the ground as she seems to be enjoying herself.

Goofy said, "Nice and warm too. I'm startin' to feel like a nap."

They were about to talk, they heard a young voice.

"I think you should be a little more worried," said the voice.

They heard it and start to get freaked out.

Donald asks, "Who's there?"

The voice spoke again, "You're inside the belly of Monstro the Whale."

Jiminy hears the voice and says, "Why I know that voice... Pinocchio? Pinoke, it's you! Come on out!"

Pinocchio was peaking out of the corner as he sees them.

He asked, "Is that you, Jiminy? Gosh, I thought I'd never see you again!"

Jiminy smiles and said, "Gee there's no way you wouldn't find me again. I'm your conscience. And your conscience will always be your guide. Remember?"

Pinocchio nods and replies, "Sure Jiminy. And I've been a good boy, promise. I didn't tell a single lie."

Then suddenly his nose starts growing which means that he is lying if course.

Jiminy sighed from this.

The wooden boy then asked, "How did you end up inside Monstro anyway?"

Red answered, "We uh... sort of used a special way..."

Pinkie Pie included, "Yep! It's super special that we don't even know how we even got here."

Pinocchio said sadly, "That's too bad... I was hoping you could help me and Father get out of here."

Jiminy was surprised before asking, "Well I'll be! Geppetto's here too?"

Pinocchio answered, "Sure he is. Follow me!"

They went and followed Pinocchio inside through the whale. Finally they entered the mouse area and see an old man. Jiminy seems to recognize him.

He exclaimed, "Geppetto!"

The old man named Geppetto turns to see them.

"Bless my soul it's Jiminy Cricket. How in the world did you get here," asked the old man.

Jiminy answered, "You tell me! How does a clockmaker wind up in the belly of a whale?"

Geppetto starts to explain, "Well, it's a long story..."

Rainbow Dash groaned quietly and Twilight hears her.

She secretly elbow her and said, "Make sure to listen."

They all listen to Geppetto.

Donald said, "So you sailed out to look for Pinocchio..."

Goofy included, "...and Monstro swallowed you!"

Geppetto nods and says, "Yes but I found my son. I would do anything for my Pinocchio."

Fluttershy asks, "But aren't you stuck here sir? Doesn't it get scary being in the inside of a whale?"

Geppetto replied, "Not if Pinocchio and I are together. That makes everything a little bit better. There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about."

Sora says, "Yeah... I know what you mean."

Red also said, "Same here..."

Though the red stallion meant with having to find all his friends after being separated from them.

Geppetto continues, "I don't care if I'm trapped here so long as I have Pinocchio. He's such a good boy."

Jiminy chuckled nervously before saying, "Well he still tells fibs. But with a little help from me..."

Geppetto cuts him off and says, "Oh Jiminy you worry too much."

Sora then notice something as he said, "Speaking of Pinocchio... Where is he?"

Donald said, "He was here a minute ago. Where's he gone this time?"

Geppetto starts to explain, "I expect he's off exploring. That boy has been poking around just about everywhere inside this monster. He won't tell me why it's so important. I tell him it's dangerous, but he won't listen."

Jiminy then says, "That boy's a handful!"

He then turns to his friends and says, "If you all don't mind..."

Sora sighed before saying, "I know I know. You want us to help you find him, right? C'mon, guys, let's get going!"

Twilight said, "You can count on us to bring back Pinocchio sir."

They then headed inside to find where Pinocchio is. Finally they were in the bowels of the whale and found him.

Some of them were very upset.

Jiminy exclaimed, "Pinocchio! What are you thinking?! You know Geppetto worries when you wander off by yourself."

Donald exclaimed, "Jiminy was worried too!"

Twilight also said, "You shouldn't even be out here all alone. Heartless would've came and hurt you."

Pinocchio says, "I'm sorry..."

Sora asked, "What are you doing anyway? Looking for something?"

Pinocchio answered nervously, "Um...yeah I'm looking for treasure!"

Though his nose grew from the lie he told.

Jiminy sighed before saying, "Here we go again!"

Goofy then suddenly spoke, "Now don't be so hard on the little fella Jiminy. We promise not to get mad Pinocchio. Is that why you're afraid to tell? No need to fret. Tell us the truth. We'll understand. Put yer trust in Goofy!"

They were impressed with his words. It was like he had some sort of instinct to help with this. Some sort of fatherly instinct.

Pinocchio looks at Goofy before explaining, "I was looking for a way out. Father says he's happy, but it's my fault we're stuck here. I shouldn't have run away from home. I want to help Father get home to the workshop. But he'll worry if I tell him what I'm doing."

"So that's why you thought you had to tell a lie," said Jiminy as he understood why he lied and didn't tell anyone.

Applejack smiles and said, "Ya did it 'cause you love your dad!"

Red listens as he looks at Pinocchio. Maybe he needs courage. He smiles as he is happy to help him. So the element of courage goes to talk to him.

"All you need now is courage then Pinocchio," said the red stallion

Pinocchio asked, "What?"

Red smiles and continued, "Tell Geppetto the truth. With little or some courage you can do it! If you tell him how you really feel, I bet he'll help you find a way out. Just be brave when you tell him. And if you like... we'll come with you and help out."

The ponies were very impressed with what Red said to help cheer up Pinocchio.

Pinocchio smiles more and asks, "Really? You'll help us? Okay I'll give it a try! Wish me luck Jiminy!"

Jiminy nods before saying, "No more keeping secrets then. Have we got a deal?"

The wooden boy happily nodded at the cricket.

"Sure! I'll be brave and tell Father how I really feel. No lies this time," said the wooden puppet.

Jiminy replied, "Great! Then your nose won't-"

Suddenly he was cut off from the rumble.

Fluttershy asks, "Wh-What was that?"

Twilight looks up and exclaims, "Watch out!"

Jiminy exclaims, "Pinocchio run for it!"

Unfortunately the heartless already got him. Everyone worked together to help fight off the Parasite Cage and save Pinocchio.

After fighting the heartless, it seemed like there is no hope.

Pinocchio exclaimed in fear, "Help! I'm trapped! Help me! I'm scared!"

Red then starts to say, "Pinocchio! You gotta be brave!"

Pinocchio asked, H-How?"

Red continued, "Don't give up! Try fighting your way out!"

Pinocchio hears his words and tries to be brave. As he tried the heartless was defeated.

The others ran to see if he is okay.

Jiminy asks, "Pinocchio are you all right?"

The wooden boy said, "Don't worry I'm okay. Just a little sticky..."

Pinocchio then gets up as he had an idea.

"But I have a great idea! That thing spit me out when I started fighting back. Why don't we try the same thing with Monstro," said the wooden puppet.

The others think as this seems like a good idea.

Sora says, "Of course! If we're lucky, Monstro might cough us up!"

Rainbow Dash says, "Great idea! Let's go deeper inside and try it!"

Pinocchio then says, "I'm going, too!"

Jiminy hears him and shook his head.

"No it's too dangerous," said Jiminy.

Pinocchio said, "Aww c'mon..."

Jiminy told him, "You should be with Geppetto. No use escaping from Monstro if you two get separated again!"

Rarity tells him, "Don't worry sweetie. We have it covered."

Pinocchio then tells them, "I guess you're right. Be careful everybody!"

They then reached the deepest part of Monstro and starts to fight enemies.

Sora and Red worked together by using some attacks. Applejack lassoed some heartless for Rainbow Dash to come and kick them as hard as she could. Donald uses magic to fight against some of them. Goofy and Pinkie Pie worked together also to take out some heartless. Fluttershy went to kick a few heartless while trying to make sure she doesn't get hit. Twilight and Rarity both worked together to finish some off.

After a while, all the heartless were defeated.

Sora said, "Whew..."

Rainbow Dash asked, "Did it work?"

Rarity says, "I don't know..."

Suddenly they felt a rumble.

Fluttershy asks, "What was that...?"

Jiminy exclaimed, "It's working! Monstro's gonna sneeze!"

After the whale sneezed, everyone was on the ground out of the whale.

They all get up.

Twilight asks, "Is everyone okay?"

Rainbow Dash gets up and groans as she said, "Define okay..."

Red gets up and stretches himself. He sees Fluttershy getting up as he helped her.

She told him, "Thanks..."

Applejack asks, "Where's Pinocchio and his dad?"

Jiminy looks as he said, "They're gone. They must've gotten out safely."

Sora looks at Jiminy before saying, "Without you Jiminy? I thought there was no escaping your conscience!"

Jiminy hears him and sighed.

he sadly said, "I don't mind being left behind as long as they're both safe. Maybe Pinocchio doesn't need me after all."

Rarity asks, "What do you mean darling?"

"That little puppet used to have trouble telling right from wrong. But he's come a long way. Maybe he doesn't need Jiminy Cricket anymore. Seems like he's got a conscience of his very own," said Jiminy.

Sora looks before saying, "Don't you remember what Geppetto said? 'There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about.' I bet Pinocchio's counting the days till he can see you again."

Twilight also said, "He's right Jiminy. Pinocchio

Jiminy thinks about what he said and smiled.

He said, "Well what do you know... You might be right."

They all headed out of the world and went into Castle Oblivion again. Then they turn to Sora to ask him more about the girl he mentioned.

Donald asked him, "Sora is there anything else you remember about that other girl?"

Sora thinks before saying, "Hmmm...just bits and pieces."

Twilight says, "Maybe you can tell us more about her. That way we can be able to help you remember."

Rainbow dash says, "Yeah. I bet she is a cool person is she is your friend."

Sora starts explaining, "Uhh... She was quiet...and always drawing. When we'd go to the beach she'd draw a picture instead of swimming. Sometimes she'd draw us too! She was really good. I remember Riku and I fighting over who she'd draw next. But one day she was gone just like that. I think the grown-ups knew the reason. They might even have tried to explain some of it to me. But I was little. I probably didn't understand what was happening. I remember crying after she was gone. But...that's all. I still don't remember her name."

Everyone felt bad for him as they understand how they would feel.

Donald suddenly says, "Oh I bet you'll remember it in no time!"

Jiminy came out of Sora's hood to say, "I must point out. Sora keeps remembering things instead of forgetting them. It seems to me forgetting things may be the only way to reach the memories buried deeper down inside each of us."

Applejack asks, "So we should forget in order to remember?"

Twilight thinks about this and says, "Well... it's like those guys in the black coats said... 'Our most precious memories lie so deep in our hearts, that they're out of reach.' Maybe thats what they meant.

Goofy tells Sora, "Gawrsh Sora. I think I'm a little jealous of ya. How come we can't remember more stuff from our memories?"

Donald smiles and says, "Come on, Goofy! Let's get going. We've got to forget things faster."

Everyone seemed reluctant, but they agreed. Rarity, however, seems to have a bad feeling about this.

Meanwhile back with Axel and Larxene, they were discussing about Sora and the others.

Larxene said, "Just as we intended."

Axel then said, "We'll continue with our plan. Let's see how far this group will go."

Larxene however stops him by saying, "You had your fun on the first floor. So this time, it's my turn."

Axel then threw her the world cards and she catches them.

Larxene smirked and said, "I'm not going to just give it to him."

Axel said with a hint of worry, "Don't break him."

Larxene replies, "Well... Do I detect a soft spot? I'm not going to break the toy. I'm not dumb."

Axel reminded her by saying, "Don't forget. Sora is the key. We need him if we're going to take over the Organization."

"I know that you're in on it too... But keep it under your hood at least until the time is right," said Larxene before she disappeared.

Axel smirked before saying, "You would have been wise to have done the same Larxene."

Author's Note:

Another girl? Weird.... Where did she came from.... We'll just have to find out next time. 😈