• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I am the Knackerman. Most of my writing deals with horror, suspense, and tragedy. And yes, there will be gore.

Comments ( 41 )

WoW! And here I thought we'd seen the last of the Candy Mare after she went to Hell and then found peace! Can't wait to read this one!

Haven't even read it yet, but I already know it's going to be a absolute banger. Literally just created this account to like your SSTB stories, because imo they're some of the best stories on this site.

Wow, who wants to bet that the little filly is the candy mare's good half: pumpkin patch

You know, one thing I've always wondered about this series - aside from how Luna had managed to defeat the Candy Mare - is why in SStB:2, the Candy Mare seems to almost relish prolonging Luna's suffering. Don't get me wrong, I fully understood why the Candy Mare needed Luna alive; she needed Luna's magic to access and manipulate the dream realm. However, I always wondered why exactly the Candy Mare seemed to take great delight in Luna's suffering, seemingly above everypony else she's tortured. Initially, I thought, "Well, it's more than likely that, seeing as Luna was the only pony to have actually succeeded in defeating her, the Candy Mare feels some retribution is owed."

Now, however, I fully understand just why she was so happy to torture Luna for as long and as harshly as she did.

It wasn't just bitter recompense for having been bested; Luna tortured her relentlessly in the dream realm with figments of her mother and father, plaguing her fragmented mind with speculations that, for all we know, could be true or untrue (Lemon Drop being her potential father though, holy- I did not expect that). Once the Candy Mare had succeeded in capturing Luna, I imagine she was only too eager to return fire - not only against Luna, but against Celestia as well.

This was a gem to read, Knackerman. I honestly wasn't expecting another story featuring the Candy Mare, but I am far from disappointed. This was a spectacular prequel and you managed to answer a lot of questions that I, and likely other fans of the series have had for a long time. Thank you for taking the time to write this, can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Thank you so much for your comment. I’m glad that I was able to answer some lingering questions for you, but I’m more glad that you enjoyed the story - even if it was kind of a long time coming. I hope you enjoy my future works as well, and thanks again!

Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the story.


It's nice to finally have some answers on how Luna bested the seemingly unbeatable Candy Mare! Aside from the first two Something Sweet stories, this is probably the best addition to the series. Though it does make me desperately want to see the more powerful Candy Mare from Cult if the Candy Mare take on Daybreaker. I feel like that might be the only thing that could put her down for good.

Also, I'm usually not one to nit pick on minor errors but you do seem to have mixed up the definitions of peek and peak.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the new addition!

Also, I'm usually not one to nit pick on minor errors but you do seem to have mixed up the definitions of peek and peak.

Ah, a good example that one can't rely solely on spell check for everything

This will not end well for neither Flash nor Hurricane at all.😨😨😨😨😨😨

What a gruesome fight! I genuinely didn't expect that ending. What a surprise!

Loving the setup so far. From the framing device to the story itself. Still, it's an odd tail. I'm already left wondering how it will end.

What a horrible end to such a hero! I was appropriately shocked at the death but it makes sense from a narrative perspective.

The setup so far is almost a little simple but promising! Lots of potential ways this can go horribly wrong.

I love the entire Candy Mare saga. I'm excited to see where this story is going! You never disappoint. The aftermath of that death, that dark 'message'. So wonderfully gruesome!

Oh my. This suddenly started heading to Tartarus really fast! You had set this up but a reader would have had no reason to question it, being familiar with the source material. Bravo!

This can't possibly end well. Not that it ever does with the Candy Mare! I really hope their plan is more formed than it is in my head.

There it is! Beautiful! I was hoping there was something big you were building towards, a meaning to why they're doing what they're doing and what it means metaphorically. What a poetic and terrible idea! I loved the imagery here. I loved the way the interior just became more and more horrific, and the final reveal and then the speech! Don't think I didn't catch the references! There's lots of wonderful references in this story.

There's a few homophone mistakes here and in earlier chapters, maybe only you're/your (see "your both in control") and a missing period during a moment of battle ("at close range") but obviously nothing that ruins the atmosphere you've built.

You've done something wonderful here, by using well-known show history as your setting: we're doubley intrigued how this is going to end. There's two naive possibilities: 1) We can either suspect the past will somehow continue into the present as it should (maybe come full circle to the first story as it's being hinted at?) or 2) go off on its own tangent and become an Alt Universe fic. Considering this series is very comfortable with alternate dimensions, timelines and universes, really anything could happen! So far reading, I hope it's either the first or some unobvious third option. Not because it'd be less satisfying but because you're a creative and clever enough writer I know you could make something truly poetic!

Woah. I think I see what you're doing now. If I'm right, holy crap. That's awesome. If I'm wrong, I'm still going to be impressed at how you're going to subvert it!

Merry Christmas, eh I mean Hearth's Warming.

What an ending! It really did tie everything into a nice, morbid little bow! Truly a Hearth's Warming Tale for the ages!
It really does show just how much thought was put into the Candy Mare mythos. I frequently compare The Candy Mare series to "the best of 80's horror movies" to others who are unfamiliar with the series when I try to sell it to them but you've done so much better than them at crafting something coherent throughout that always abides by rules and stories prior. It really does feel like a series made from whole cloth, despite all the wonderful twists and different types of horror throughout. The way the series tied up Nightmare Night, Hearth's Warming, the story of the past and everything else is masterful. Borderline new head-canon even! I'll always have a soft spot for the Teen slaughtery shenanigans of the Equestria Girls streak, just because I found that incredibly fascinating, the true beauty is here back in Equestria. Not to mention the cosmic horror so beautifully woved in.

This is easily my favorite horror series. Thank you for giving my Hearth's Warming and Christmas a satisfying close!

Such glowing praise makes for a marvelous present for the yuletide season. Thank you so much for reading my story and for your comments and reaction. It's always a gift when it feels like a story of mine reaches its audience, so I'm very glad that you enjoyed this and have enjoyed the series. I'm glad I could be part of your holidays, and hope that they will be very merry indeed!

Now I want to see a picture of the Snow Mare:raritycry:

I hope Hurricane does NOT die. 😱😱😱😱😱

Your very welcome and I'm amazeded that you can still come up with inspiration on the Candymare.

Why don't they just like blow up the castle so she can't hide anywhere

Because she escaped when they tried to blow her up directly - if they tried to blow up something as big as a castle not only might she escape again but they might just give her an even better hiding spot in the resulting unstable rubble. Comparatively a castle is easier to navigate and they want to make sure that they’re close enough to eliminate her once and for all - hopefully without giving her the chance to flee.

I like when the candy mare loses sometimes
It makes the stories more entertaining

"They do seem to just love to pull new bullshit powers out of nowhere."

You're one to talk🤣

This was great glad to see more of Candy😊
Also i have a question
Where does the prologue and last chapter take place timeline wise?
Is this after her awakening in the first story or is this a new universe completely and she's really just taking her time?
Or is this one of the new Candymares from the universes that the OG hadn't touched?


Where does the prologue and last chapter take place timeline wise?

It happens between Something Sweet to Bite and Something Sweet to Bite Too, when the Candy Mare is starting to spread her influence over all of Equestria but before she's had the time to absorb Princess Luna's abilities completely.

Yes, she is just screwing around and taking her time here, but she has a lot of feelings to work through and sometimes it helps to talk to someone about it - Before ripping them to shreds, of course.

Was it ever revealed what happened to Fluttershy in the original Candy Mare’s universe?

Yes. She appears in the first sequel Something Sweet to Bite Too and then she shows up again in Something Sweet Bites Back - although her ultimate fate is kept a little open ended.

I mean after Equestria was conquered, but something sweet bites back you say? I will look for her death.

But witch chapter of something sweet bites back?

I think she appears in the chapters titled 'Am I Demon', 'Black Candy', 'With A Girl Like You', 'I Don't Mind The Pain', and 'Her Black Wings'.

In the Candy Mare’s original universe how did she go about invading Starlight’s village?

Also how does the Crystal Empire’s return fit into that timeline?

She didn't - in the original timeline the candy curse swept over Equestria once the Candy Mare gained Luna's powers to enter ponies dreams. Basically every pony became a candy ghoul at that point and the rest of sentient life on the planet was either wiped out in the ensuing zombie apocalypse or eventually succumbed to the curse after the planet itself turned to candy.

Hilariously! Basically their exile ended at just the worst time possible. Never stood a chance.

I adore this whole series to death!
I can't wait for more if you decide to write more :>

The Prequel stories imo has some of the best moments in all of the Sweet To Bite series.
I'd love to see our favorite Nightmare of a pony snake her way into G5!

I don’t know why, but I can’t get enough of the Candy Mare stories. It makes me glad to know that there’s so many other pony holidays to ruin. Truly, Candymare is the gift that just keeps on giving.

Damn! What a chapter! Wow!
I’m two years late and catching up with the series slowly but surely. From the prologue to this chapter, I’ve enjoyed this. Our favorite sickenly sweet, grotesque ghoul is going through it in this chapter. As irredeemable as she is, or may be, I still feel bad for her even to this day. She was once innocent, and multiple segments, chapters, and chapters, even a full story, show us that she still has pieces of Pumpkin Patch in her.
I like how self-aware Candy Mare is in this story, and the ironic remarks she’s made in this chapter have me chuckling.

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