• Member Since 16th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago


Just another pony who works with his hooves, never stops learning, and enjoys hanging out with the herd in the paddock.

Comments ( 65 )

Will this story be as long as the previous one?

Probably not as long. But still longer than most. I have already divided it up into several arcs for it. I even have two possible endpoints chosen, one of which allows for an additional arc at least.

I think I found some errors in the title summary or whatever it is before clicking on the story

Please pm them to me and I will correct them. I do appreciate it.

If you need any OCs for this, let me know via PM.

If you have an OC that you would like to see in the story, I would be glad to add them if they fit in with the path that I have set out for the story. Feel free to message me a description and background on such a character. I will not guarantee how long we may see them in the story, but will see what we can do. In the upcoming chapters that are still in the can, I have some new characters that we will be introducing as well.

Thank you for asking and I hope to hear from you more.

Great chapter loving it cant wait for more

I am really glad you are enjoying it, The next chapter will be out in two weeks. I have a couple of chapters already written and waiting for a final edit before posting them so that we can keep a consistent pace. I think you probably will enjoy the upcoming chapters as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

Hmm, the song link is broken, all I could find was a song called "I Had Me a Girl" by a group called "The Civil Wars".

Other than that the story is up and running. I see there aren't many comments on the first several chapters, perhaps that's to be expected? I appreciate how you are running several stories at once in each chapter it gives a broader overview of what's going on. It might be interesting if you had a character in there who remains loyal to the Enclave no matter what, even though he, or she, has to question a lot of what's going on, but that is just a thought...

Thanks for the heads-up on the broken link. That actually is the version of the song I had intended, so I am glad you could find it. As for your suggestion, well we will just have to see where the loyalties end up going. But I do understand where you are coming from on that suggestion.


Then Tater says, “Yeah, we have to watch our oxygen. Anything that causes a flame burns it up. No full auto underground, period.”

Okay, I'm no chemist, but I thought gun powder, everything from black powder on up, produced its own oxygen when it burned. Now it's probably not a good idea to go full auto in an enclosed space, but is loss of oxygen a worry? :applejackconfused:

Actually, while the flame from the bullets comes from a chemical reaction inside the round, once fired, the flames coming out of the barrel will burn up additional oxygen from the environment. Outside this is no problem, inside a tunnel or cave, it is a big problem. I actually learned this from a friend of mine who went through underground warfare training in the US Army. I was really surprised when I learned that.

Sorry for your loss, hopefully you and yours are doing well getting over it? Interesting chapter, a good mix of action and memories. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you for your condolences. I do appreciate them. While I do miss my father, due to his health, he told me he was ready to go just the weekend before he passed, so I take consolation in that. I am really glad you enjoyed this chapter as well as it was a fun one to write.

Great chapter and im so sorry for your loss

Thank you on both counts. I do appreciate it.

Ah, and at last I have caught up to where this story currently is. Nice story so far, I like the way you have it broken into 4 voices, you certainly get a broader perspective on the story through the voices of more characters. I also like you have kept up with ending each chapter with a song, most of them fit the chapter, and I like a lot of them as well. Looking forward to more chapters. :pinkiehappy:

When I first read the title of the featured song I thought it was was Tempest Shadow's song from the movie, then I saw how old it was and realised this came out long before the movie did. Huh. I don't know how I missed this all these years, but I got it now. Thanks, Trooper.

Thank you, I am really glad to hear you are enjoying it.

A very good song to go with a formal mess. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you. I am glad you liked it. By the way, it is good to have you comment again. I always look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Do characters based off of the Nazca Lines appear in this or the previous story?

No, I have not had any of them. But that is not a bad idea. I tend to lean toward the Celtic and Nordic lore as I know those better. If you have a couple of ideas feel free to do me.

Interesting story, looking forward to how it plays out. I'm surprised no one has been commenting the last several chapters. I like the music, good choices.

Thanks. I am glad you are enjoying it as well as the music. I really appreciate your comments and letting me know how you feel about it. It has been a while sincei have heard from you and I have hoped you are doing well.

Well, this just took a turn for the more serious. It would be interesting to see the Enclave have a major victory, even though they ultimately lose the war, just to keep the story more spiced up, and because in real wars things like that do happen. But I'm just saying. And yeah, that song is rather stirring.

Cool new chapter! I like the chapter song, it seems almost like it is what's going on in Ball Lightning's heart set to music. :fluttershysad:

Hello again and thank you for your feedback. I am really glad you enjoyed this chapter as well. What I am excited about, is how you understood the dedication song and its relation to Ball Lightning and what he is going through. That was exactly how I was thinking of it as well.

Comment posted by crazybronie07 deleted Dec 22nd, 2023

Good chapter, and good song. Was it part of the game or was that just the graphics, do you know? :rainbowhuh:

I am really glad you liked this song. I have to admit I do not know if it was part of the game as I have not played it yet. I must admit I have a more than passing interest in WW1 and how it has affected the world since. If I find out I will let you know.

Well, this chapter was more intense than some of the others. From a reader's pov it is rather hard to see the team caught up in a major loss although it is good from he pov of the story that they don't just win continually but have to deal with losses and setbacks, just like in real life. Good story so far, looking forward to the next chapters. :pinkiesmile:

I am glad you enjoyed the chapter, as well as understand the necessity to show that not everything can go the way the heroes would desire.

I hope you enjoy the up coming chapters as well.

An interesting chapter, more war action in this one. Also, Pirates! As in real "We're here to rob you and we won't take no for an answer" type pirates, not "Yo-Ho matey" movie type pirates. :pinkiegasp:

And it was cute the way Sunny put his hoof in his mouth by forgetting that Cowlick was a bull, though I suppose that also says a lot about how well Cowlick has blended into the team if they see him as "one of us" and not "our resident bull". Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

ok wow this story is hitting the ground hard and moving fast..
i am really liking this.

I am really happy to hear you like how I started it.

That's definitely a "Prepare for War" song and it fits both parties, most especially Ball Lightning right now. Just curious though, would he really be allowed to stop leading his troops in the middle of a battle to check on his family? I know he did it, but I suspect that somepony in authority is going to have some stern consequences for him somewhere down the line. Same for the troops under his command who did the same thing. Hope they don't become Dashites for this.

As for Choo and her squad they made a good find, though it did seem they found the password to get in awfully easy. Well, it was good they did get in and could rescue the last of the hibernating ponies, especially Choo's sister. Thanks to Volrathxp for letting you use the setting and the characters. "Starlight" was a good story. :pinkiehappy:

Normally an officer would not be able to check on their family like this, however, in this instance, he had not diverted out of his way. He realized at that point where he was and saw that there was an issue. By this point in the battle, I figured his subordinates would have been reorganized enough that he could step back as a proper battalion XO should. At that rank, an officer normally only leads from the front in an emergency. With that said, he had a hard choice of returning to the fight, which was winding down, or taking care of his family. That is the moral choice he had to make and determine which duty was higher. As for the end consequences, you are right, they will have to be paid in time. It just may take some time for the bill to come due, partly because of some of those in higher positions who may be protecting him.

As for the password being found so easily, I thought it was simple, but you need the credentials to get in. They would have had a vastly different experience without Choo having her badge. But that is a good question and perhaps something I should have explained more fully.

so this is the story of choo choo and her new Cutie Mark.

Yes it is. I hope you enjoyed it.

love the chapter..
a interesting pick for the song as i have the movie version for my ring tone.

kind of surprised you did not bump in to gearing at the Reapers home base. :scootangel:

Are you sure they didn’t? The one Pegasus the kept running into fit his description when he has his spell matrix working.i have been reading that story for a while as well.

a good pick for a chapter song..
but i was thinking of this song during the chapter.

“Hay, Nurse Heart Beat, are you ok?”
He turns to me and I see a look in his eyes that reminds me of a combat vet who has seen too much. He looks in my direction but instead of looking at me, he almost seems to look through me. Finally, he hesitantly replies, “Am I ok?” He pauses, then he looks up at me again, “No, no I am not. I, I cannot even begin to tell you how ok I am not. Sorry Sir, but I have to go.

i have a family member who was over playing in the sand box, i know that look. he hides it but there are times i see it.

“My name is Hela, Val has told me about you.”

and Ball Lightning has just mate a spirit and he knew about him.

Well, that was a song, I might have to look into Overwatch. Seems like a lot of good music survived the Last Day, lol. So Ball Lightning is making his way up the ranks, it will be very interesting to see what eventually happens to him. The Repair ponies are trying to march in a straight line to fulfill their mission, but right now fate keeps having them run around in circles. Well, at least they are able to help the orphaned foals and the ghoul who is watching over them. So, on to the next instalment, when it's ready, of course. :yay:

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