• Published 7th Nov 2021
  • 352 Views, 14 Comments

The Mulberry Mare Disappears in the End - Yuu

Ponies are going missing, and the ones that remain are acting strangely. Could it be that some old enemies of ponykind have returned, with unfinished business?

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The Knight Whose Armour Didn't Squeak

She arrived at a confectionery store, which was roofed with decorated gingerbread. Or so they said. She entered the building and went to a mare behind the counter.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for...” the mulberry mare said and stopped.

A wave of shivers went from her head to her tail.

“I mean, I’m looking for my friend who lives upstairs,” she said, her voice unsteady.

“I’m afraid she went to see her family some days ago.”

The mulberry mare lowered her head down. The floor had a pattern of pastries and desserts. She raised her head, looked at the pony before her, and inhaled. “That’s strange, she didn’t tell me,” she said.

“I agree, it was quite a surprise for us as well. As I understood, she had some urgent family matters, but nothing drastic, I hope.”

“I see.” The mulberry mare looked around, looking for something. “May I have a look at her room? She might have left a message for me or one of our friends.”

“Of course, please go ahead.”

The mulberry mare inhaled and exhaled several times and went upstairs.

“Why can't I remember her name?” she said on her way. “Was it Funny, or Mixer?”

She stopped and touched her head from different sides with her foreleg.

“I don’t have any bruises, so I probably don’t have a concussion that might have led to memory loss. But it still feels like memory loss, just like how I can’t remember why there are so few ponies around.”

She came to a door and opened it. Inside the room there was a pink mare with an unkempt raspberry mane. She was curled up on a bed, sobbing.

“Hello?” the mulberry mare said. “What happened to you? Why are you crying?”

The pink mare moved to look at her guest. Her eyes were red and she had traces of wet fur under them.

“Go away.” She paused and coughed several times.

“Why? I came to find you, I’m here to help.”

“Just disappear. I don’t want to see more of you,” the pink mare said, frowning.

“More of me?”

“Yes, you illusions. Taunting me for being useless. Well, I've heard it before, so you're the useless one.”

“Trust me, I am not an illusion,” the mulberry mare said.

She went to the bed and tried to hug the pink mare, who jerked to the opposite side.

“Touch me, if I’m real you will feel it.”

The pink mare moved her foreleg and touched the mulberry mare. After several moments she opened her eyes and crawled closer.

“I’m so glad, you’re really real! You… sorry, I can’t remember your name, what a silly filly.”

“I have the same problem,” the mulberry mare said. “For some reason, I can’t remember any names today. I can’t even remember my own.”

“That’s very sad. So, I’m guessing you decided to gather everypony to help you figure out what’s going on?”

“Yes, you know me too well.” The mulberry mare made a small smile. “You said something about illusions, have you seen anything odd?”

“For a moment I believed you were an illusion, because I probably saw some hallucinations. They began to appear after I noticed that other ponies either couldn’t see or hear me. They also ignored me if I touched them.” The pink mare paused and slowly touched the other mare’s leg.

“I see,” the mulberry mare said.

“Well, they looked for the pony who touched them, but they couldn't find me. I even tried to write messages to them on pieces of paper, they saw the pieces but they ignored my writings. Looks like you're immune to it.”

“I hope our friends can see you too. Please go to the library, meanwhile I'll gather them.”

The pink mare sighed. “I’ll be there.”

“Thank you. See you soon.” The mulberry mare trotted out of the room, off to find the others that she somehow remembered were her friends, though she could not recall their names.