• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago


Tired always.


The hybrid of ponies and changelings, cursed by his good intentions.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 10 )

Color me intrigued, your hook worked perfectly (the pic was probably half of it), and you have my attention. :pinkiehappy:


Score! I finally got a working hook!

I'll probably be updating the dark stories tomorrow and maybe the day after... I don't like the world much right now.

Interesting, looking for more

quite interesting, most likely an experiment gone wrong? Can't wait to see further updates on this as to what this character is. Keep up the good work man. :eeyup:

Seems alright. Can't wait for more

“The world really sucks, your highness.”

Well now.

Whoa, now it have been revealed of who he is. I wonder what would happen if Princess Luna shows up.


Damn bro. I know I asked for more. But I hadn't really expected it this soon. Awesome job!
*desires more*

Im jumping up and down right, screaming out- MOAR MOAR!

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