• Published 28th Nov 2021
  • 4,164 Views, 811 Comments

Agate's Vigil - Wingnut

A filly trying to escape from the Crystal Empire's takeover by Sombra gets lost in the north, eventually discovering a strange tribe of ponies.

  • ...

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Fertile Soil

As it tended to happen sooner or later when representatives of the three snowpony tribes gathered in one place, they started talking about the differences between their respective peoples. Dream Step and Spear Throw were only one each from the southern and western tribes, but that was enough to spark a discussion.

"So these thunderbirds..." Spear Throw began, though he seemed uncertain how he should continue.

"Yes?" Strongback chuckled.


"Yes, they do tend to leave ponies speechless, haha!" The old stallion laughed, the other northerners joining in.

"How do you live with such creatures nearby? Aren't they dangerous?"

"Now that's an extremely strange question, coming from a westerner. Didn't your people make friends with half the animals in their forests, including the predators?" Sharp Nose snorted.

"Yes, but you haven't made friends with them! And we made friends with them with the implicit understanding that we can and will fight them and hunt them down if they try to hunt us. They respect strength, that is nature's way. Meanwhile, this entire settlement is warded and hidden in a forest, in case they decide to come down from their mountains for a snack!" Spear Throw protested.

"Did that ever happen, by the way?" Dream Step asked.

Sharp Nose shook his head. "Not exactly. The adults uproot trees from the forests for their nests, but they don't really hunt while they do that. Their chicks did come down several times, though, which caused a bit of a panic each time, given that even their chicks are... Sizable, to put it mildly. Still, ponies found places to hide, and no one got eaten."

"Living with such creatures as neighbors seems excessively risky," Spear Throw shook his head, to which the northerners laughed.

"Oh? As opposed to... What? The danger of floewolf attacks on the other islands? Beasts from the deep snatching you out of the water? Windigoes? Colt, life just about everywhere in our tribe's lands is risky."


There wasn't all that much Spear Throw could say, given that, despite all the dangers, the northerners were certainly doing quite well for themselves. Certainly, there were more lives lost prematurely than in other tribes, but their population was growing, not shrinking, and even their seemingly inhospitable and barren lands had valuable resources that they could use both for themselves, and for trade.

"Now, perhaps you can answer something I've been wondering about for a while," Strongback grinned.

"I can try," Spear Throw shrugged.

"So, your tribe made friends with all kinds of creatures, yes? Birds, bears, and so on?"

"Well... Not everyone, but yes, more or less."

"Then what in the world do you crazy ponies have against seals?!"


Agate sniggered with the rest of the northerners as Spear Throw furrowed his brows. That wasn't an entirely new question, and it was posited to the westerners by the northerners from time to time. And the answers were almost always amusing, at least to the northerners.

"We don't really have anything... Against them," Spear Throw said slowly.

"Yeah, right," Sharp Nose chuckled.

"Yes, you make friends with all sorts of creatures that can eat you, but don't even become polite neighbors with the ones that are calm and don't care about taking a bite out of you?" Strongback added.

"Hey, they bite ponies from time to time. And their bites are no joke," Spear Throw protested.

"Only way that happens is if you get in their face and annoy them," Sharp Nose shook his head.

"And how are we supposed to know what annoys them? They're not like bears, or wolves, or birds, or even yetis. Bunch of weirdo animals. They don't talk the same, they don't sound out warnings if they feel threatened the same, they don't act in a way we can understand... Big bouncy blobs of flippered, slappy weirdness."

"Ha! That's some way to describe our best allies in the north," Strongback shook his head with a grin.

"Well, you can have them," Spear Throw huffed. "They're clearly much more in tune with you northerners. Strange creatures that can't seem to decide whether they're beings of land or water."

"Pfff hahhahah! Seems like you western beastmasters simply can't quite find an agreeable way to work with them, and are sore about it," Sharp Nose laughed.

"Eh. Like I said, you can have them."

"And we will! Our lovely, squishy seal friends!"

"Hm. So many creatures..." Dream Step muttered.

"Hm, yes, the southern plains are a bit plain, aye?" Strongback smiled, Dream Step groaning at the joke.

"Yes, there's fewer animals than what the westerners have. We do have forests on the southern edge of our territory as well, but even there, they're not as common."

"Well, you do only have the one true river in the south," Spear Throw nodded. "You have many lakes and some creeks, but the rivers bring sustenance to a great amount of creatures."

"True river?" Sharp Nose asked in confusion.

"One wide and deep enough for the salmon to use as a breeding ground," Spear Throw nodded.

"Ahhh, salmon. Our tribes had a spat over that back in the day. Agate here was involved herself," Strongback snorted.

"I was. Though many would say that the salmon was just an excuse, and overblown pride was the real reason," Agate nodded.

"The salmon was not just an excuse. The great bounty the rivers provide is sacred," Spear Throw sighed. "You have no idea of the sheer amount of huge, fat, amazing fish a single salmon run can get you."

"Yeah, right. Tag along on a fishing expedition to the sea sometime," Sharp Nose grinned. "And fish is fish. Not to start up the spirit war again, let's ask a neutral arbiter from the south. Dream Step, you stayed in the west through the winter, right? Did you get to partake in their salmon?"

"I... Did, yes. I was busy working and enchanting, so I didn't go anywhere near the rivers and didn't see what it was like, but the fish was... Pretty good."

"Pretty good, eh? Doesn't sound all that special. Wait until you get to taste some of our northern crabs," Strongback chuckled.

Spear Throw rolled his eyes at the jabs, though he was fully aware that the northerners did not do it with truly ill intent. Ever since the spirit war, the disparate tribes tried to understand each other better. Needless to say, explaining the differences in their traditions and lifestyles often lead to one or the other concluding that theirs were better, leading to good-natured bragging contests like that one.

❅ ❆ ❅

It didn't take long for the young couple to deal with their tasks and settle in, and before long, they were setting off northwest, towards one of the so-called crap coasts. Dream Step was going there out of simple curiosity, while Spear Throw's goal was also partially business-oriented, the stallion going with an empty cart that he was going to load with soil.

Agate accompanied them as well, acting as a guide through the unfamiliar terrain. While some parts of the route were easy to follow due to the many hoofprints and ruts left by the ponies that came before them, several stretches had nothing but rocks and tall boulders, which were easy to get lost and turned around in.

"This island... While I'm still wary of the thunderbirds, I think I can understand why the northerners are so eager to live here. Not only is it massive, but it is unbelievably warm, too," Spear Throw mused.

"I still can't believe I wasn't dreaming. That creek that we passed a while ago was steaming. Steaming!" Dream Step shook her head.

"Heh, yeah. Green Land is really something, alright," Agate agreed with a chuckle. "There are spots where the ground is so hot, it'd scorch your hooves."

"Are there spots like that on this route?" Spear Throw asked with some trepidation.

"No, the earth is quite calm and safe on this shore. Really, the island is not as dangerous as you think. The northerners just so happened to set up their first settlement on a shoreline that's relatively close to the fire mountains. Afterwards, the scouts found quite a lot of land that didn't have any fire mountains near it, including several large peninsulas."

"Why didn't they set up in there, then?"

"They did. There's already a good dozen settlements on the island, growing steadily. At first, though, they wanted terrain they could hide in from the thunderbirds."

"Can't fault them for that, I suppose..."

While Green Land was getting settled, the route towards the coast itself was not well suited for building villages in. Bit by bit, the day ran its course, and the travelers had to stop and rest. Agate led them to a small, shallow cave that was artificially extended by other ponies that plied the same route.

Agate made sure to point out the runes and waypoints carved into the boulders they were passing so that Spear Throw would be able to find his way there in the future, or if he went on any trips through other regions of the island. The entrance of the cave had one final set of instructions that left the young couple a little confused.

"Break... A boulder, pay your debt to the travelers?" Dream Step squinted, trying to understand the message in the evening's gloom.

"It means that you should extend the cave if you sleep in here, to pay back for the ones that did the same before you. Not by much, just a rock will do," Agate explained, pointing to a large pile of small rock chippings piled up in front of the entrance.

"I'll deal with that," Spear Throw nodded, picking up a small boulder with a pointed end. "Dream, could you start a fire?"


After a loud smash and another bunch of rocks tossed outside, the travelers sat down to eat. The fuel was scarce, but enough to heat up a bit of water to make some tea, and warm the ground a little bit. Unrolling the bedrolls, the tired couple soon went to sleep, snuggling up together without even thinking about it. Agate watched the whole thing with a faint, knowing smile.

Their journey went similarly for the next two days as well, the only difference being that they met other ponies engaged in the same activity. Some hauled soil, while others had herbs or lumber in their carts. It was quite clear that the crap coasts were really rich in resources, despite the somewhat unsavory name. It also explained the request to dig out a bit of rock every time you went, since the makeshift shelters became quite cramped with more ponies.

Once they finally reached the forest, Spear Throw stood in front of it for a long time with an evaluating look. It seemed to amuse Dream Step greatly, the mare bumping into his side with a grin.

"So then, how is it? Were the northerners correct? Is it more lush than your forests?"

"It is... Lush, though, the trees are not nearly as large. There are parts of the woods with some truly impressive ancient trees back home," The stallion eventually shrugged.

"I think it's because the thunderbirds come here to uproot the trees for their nests," Agate shrugged. "They grow fast here, but the big ones get picked out."

"Right, those things. Let's not dally out in the open too long," Spear Throw huffed, dragging the cart under the tree line.

Both the mare and the stallion kept glancing around nervously, getting spooked by the smallest noises. Despite the northerners confirming that the forests did not have any unusual spirits and the island lacking large predators, both of them were not used to forests that were safe. Especially forests this lush and rich, which would usually mean some kind of animal claiming it for themselves.

After trotting uphill for a while, Spear Throw found a number of holes in the ground, where the soil was deemed to be the richest by the farmers. He got to work digging, while Dream Step and Agate went for a trot through the woods, looking for rare herbs and mushrooms.

Seeing Dream Step's ears twitching, Agate shook her head with a smile. "Come on, Dream Step. While you're not my student any more, that's not an excuse to forget what I taught you."

"Yeah? Like what?" The mare huffed.

"If you're not sure if something is hiding around you, use your spirit sight. Remember the mist in the western woods?"

"...Right. I knew that."

"Yes, you did. When I reminded you."





❅ ❆ ❅

Before long, they loaded up on what they came there for, securing their haul in the cart. Drinking the last bits of the water they brought in a few clay pots, Dream Step looked at a nearby creek with a mix of longing and disgust. As Agate's family told her, the water was indeed most definitely not the kind anyone would have drank willingly.

"More water next time," Spear Throw muttered under his breath.

"No, not if I don't come. This was interesting, but I'm no herbalist. I have shamare stuff to do. Are you going to be alright doing this work? You'll be gone for almost a week at a time," Dream Step asked.

"Well, the northerners did say there are no predators save the thunderbirds, so I think I should be fine. I've no problem with sleeping a little rough for a while," He shrugged.

"You two are sweet. You already have trouble separating for a longer time," Agate noted with a smile.

The couple shared a look, looking away with their ears folded. Glancing at Agate, Dream Step cleared her throat.

"Shush, spirit."


With some chuckles, the trio left the fertile, but occasionally badly-smelling forest behind. Fortunately for them, there were clean water sources along the route, so they didn't have to suffer from thirst through the entire journey back. Spear Throw delivered the cart of soil, while Dream Step sold off the herbs to the herbalists, spending the profits and some of her wealth on acquiring materials to make dreamcatchers with.

That slowly became their new routine. The southern mare and the western stallion found their places on the island of the northerners, finding ways to occupy themselves and earn a living. Spear Throw performed various physical tasks that he was both suited for and enjoyed, while Dream Step got to making dreamcatchers again, the exotic good once more swiftly catching on among the population.

As before, Agate largely left them and their relationship to develop by itself. For their part, they seemed to be growing closer by the day, no longer protesting when Agate or the others pointed out the obvious any more. Eventually, the thoughts of staying together inevitably turned their thoughts towards one simple concept: family.

Not just the family they were going to become, though, but also the families that they already had. While Spear Throw only left his a few months ago, Dream Step's knowledge journey had stretched out to well over a year. Capable as she was, she still wanted to catch up with them, and Agate began finding her meditating and practicing her dreamwalking again.

"As you said, the distance doesn't really matter, right?" She asked Agate one evening, refreshing her memory of dream magic.

"It does matter a little bit, but it's really insignificant, so yes. It only really matters if you think it matters, so don't think it matters, and you'll make it there in a blink of an eye," Agate nodded.

"Right, of course," Dream Step chuckled at the perverse logic of the dream realm. "Anything else to know?"

"Well, they might think they just dreamt a dream about you when they wake up. That it wasn't actually you that visited them."

"Huh. How do I convince them?"

"Remind them that you're a dreamwalker and that you have the power to do what you're doing, I guess? They're your family. You should know something that'll catch their attention," Agate shrugged.

"Alright. I can do that, I think."

❅ ❆ ❅

"So, how'd it go?" Spear Throw asked, the couple sitting outside, enjoying the morning.

"I think it went well? Relatively speaking. I visited my mother, talked to her for a while... And then I thought about going back, which was a mistake. I was back in my body before I could realize what was happening, which was not what I originally planned. I wanted to talk to my father as well, but I was too tired to actually try that then," Dream Step explained.

"That's... Still a success... I think?" Spear Throw praised her uncertainly, though it was pretty clear that the stallion didn't really have much grasp on shamaric powers at all.

Dream Step didn't seem to mind, though, snorting in amusement and nuzzling his cheek. "It was. Do you want me to carry a message to your family, too?"

"Eh... I think I could just pay a merchant to carry something for me, if I wanted to. No, they'll be fine for a while."

"If you say so. Guess I'll just focus on my family for a while. It has been a while since I saw them last... Though it shouldn't be too long until I see them in the flesh again."

While Spear Throw was simply accumulating resources and keeping busy until they moved on again, Dream Step's goals included trying to teach the northern shamares dream magic. It was an undertaking that took a while - besides spending a fair amount of time making dreamcatchers, there were a lot of interested candidates.

Part of it was simply the allure of learning a mostly forgotten and lost art, while another was the knowledge that Dream Step was Agate's student. The spirit's reputation tended to rub off at least a little on those who associated with her, and, as word spread, shamares kept arriving from distant islands to try their hoof at dreamwalking.

As such, spring passed them by, then summer, and autumn was well underway when Dream Step finally concluded that she probably taught the northerners all that she could teach them. The three travelers gathered near a fireplace one evening, sitting down to discuss their future plans.

"Winter is almost upon us once more," Agate said. "Time to make a choice."

"Are you going to winter with Agate's family, like you did with mine in the west? I wouldn't mind staying here," Spear Throw asked.

Dream Step hummed, looking a bit distracted. "I noticed I've been putting on weight for winter, even though it's not that cold on Green Land."

"Cold or not, your body knows the seasons are changing. My coat's thickening already," Spear Throw nodded.

"...Or that's what I thought at first," The mare breathed, smiling nervously.

Spear Throw furrowed his brows, tilting his head slightly at the seeming non-sequitur. "What?"

"Well... You know how I've been dreamwalking to my family? Telling them about me, about Agate, about... you?"

"Yes? Do they... Not approve of me?"

"No, no, they are happy for me and are eager to meet you. No, I... I spent a lot of time doing magic, teaching ponies. I would get very hungry afterwards."

"I don't see how these things are related. What are you trying to tell me, Dream? Please, I'm not good with all this shamaric mystique and riddle stuff, you know that," Spear Throw sighed.

Taking a deep breath, Dream Step looked him in the eyes. "When I was dreamwalking, I noticed something strange about me. I was preparing to go meet my family, stabilizing my form and checking myself over before moving out. And there was this... Glow. A being. A different spirit. Small, fragile. Around me. Near me. ...Inside me."

Spear Throw's eyes went wide, the stallion swallowing nervously. "What are you trying to say, Dream Step?"

Clutching one of his forelegs, she brought it over to her slightly distended belly. "You're going to be a father, Spear Throw."

"W-what?! But... You said..." He sputtered, making Agate raise her eyebrows.

"What's wrong? If you took your relationship to the point of, ah... Plowing your fields, then you should have expected some seeds to sprout, yes?"

"Well, kind of," Dream Step grinned, the smile a bit crooked. "From what older mares told me, the magic mostly happens in spring. So, while we were tempted, we... Held off for a while. "Maybe next year," we agreed. We still had a lot of work and travelling to do. But then, we ended up sneaking to one of the obsidian caves in late summer, and, well... I guess my soil turned out to be more fertile than I expected."

"Ah. That does happen," Agate nodded. "I even heard of foals conceived in the depths of winter, though that is a very rare occurrence. What happens now, then?"

"Well... I think we need to get a move on. Travelling with foal while it's still this small isn't too much of a strain. Travelling with a foal would be much harder, and dangerous. I don't feel like spending... I don't even know, two, three years more in Green Land until it's born and grows strong enough to travel safely. I'd... I'd like to bring it into this world with my family," Dream Step explained, chewing on her lip.

"...Then we need to gather our things and move swiftly. We don't have much time to spare," Spear Throw stated firmly, having recovered from the surprise, or perhaps simply choosing to focus on something else.

"Soon. I have just one last thing to do. One week. We shall travel in one week. Is that an acceptable amount of time?" Dream Step asked, addressing both Agate and Spear Throw.

Agate was the one to answer, having more experience with northern winters. "Yes, this is fine. In fact, it is around this time that groups of young travelers are going to start forming and getting ready to travel south. While the Gathering is not our goal, we can join them anyway, and then either go to Snowpitt and continue our journey from there, or go straight towards your village once we reach Nilas."

"Oh, good, I was a bit worried we put it off for too long," Dream Step nodded. "Let's do it, then."

❅ ❆ ❅

Spear Throw immediately busied himself with organizing the logistics, purchasing some winter clothes, new saddlebags, dried fish and other supplies for a long trip, as well as trying to find some ponies to travel with. While it was no longer the all-encompassing yearly reunification of the tribes, the Gathering was still an event that every snowpony was expected to attend at least once in their lives.

As such, there were still plenty of ponies preparing to attend. And given that the travelers were mostly on the younger side, they could be relied on to travel swiftly and carry their weight, something Spear Throw liked. While he was from a seaside village, he was still wary of the deep waters of the northern seas and their denizens, especially now that he had a pregnant mare travelling with him.

For her part, Dream Step kept the task that she wanted to accomplish secret, even from Agate. It wasn't hard to guess that shamares were involved somehow, though beyond that, it was impossible to say. She kept her lips tight as she trotted back and forth, carrying crystals, gold nuggets, and other things to shamares and merchants, coming back with her bags empty.

At first glance, it looked like she was trading in her accumulated wealth for something that was easier to transport, like she did when she moved out of Sandy Shell. On closer inspection, though, that wasn't the case. Again and again, her saddlebags were completely empty each time she came back, with no indication of just where it all went.

Given the deadline of one week, though, the mystery couldn't really remain one all that long. The day before they were due to move out, Dream Step called Spear Throw outside, gesturing to Agate after a moment as well. Curious, the pair followed her, where she led them to a small boulder stuck in the earth. There was some kind of a long, thin object on it, covered by Dream Step's cloak. It hid the physical sight of it, but Agate could see the magic even through the cover.

Of course, she didn't spoil the surprise for Spear Throw, electing to remain quiet. Meanwhile, Dream Step seemed to be unsure on what to say, fidgeting in place with furrowed brows. After a short while, Agate couldn't help but snigger, making the young mare give her a flat look.


"I didn't say anything. But neither did you. Are you going to stand there and fidget until night falls?"

"And why not? Aren't you old spirits supposed to be patient, or something?"

"I don't know. It's strange. On one hoof, I am patient. On the other hoof, when I see ponies acting silly for no reason, the same way I saw them acting hundreds of times before, I tend to poke them a little bit," Agate shrugged.

"...Right. Well, anyway. Since I can't really find any fancy words in my head right now, I'll just speak plainly. I learned some things about the northerners during my time here. Not much I could use myself, but they have some very interesting and unique skills. Such as the ability to make... These," She said, dramatically pulling the cloak off.

Spear Throw's eyes went wide at the sight, while Agate just gave a small nod. The object that Dream Step concealed was a glimmering spear made of ice, a specialty of the northern shamares. They usually cost a fair amount, which cleared up the mystery of where Dream Step's accumulated wealth was going.

"This is... These are usually given to accomplished heroes, are they not?" The stallion breathed, not daring to touch the weapon.

"Not quite," Agate shook her head. "Given, yes, when shamares decide to reward a particularly brave explorer or selfless warrior. However, that does not even remotely mean that ponies don't simply buy them. Of course, that doesn't mean that they're cheap or easy to come by, either."

"Mmm-hmm," Dream Step confirmed. "It took me most of what I earned making dreamcatchers to get this made, but I'd say it was worth it, if your expression is anything to go, by, heh."

"It... It's beautiful. What am I even supposed to do with such a grand gift?"

"Use it, of course," Dream Step chuckled, approaching him and nuzzling his neck. "Protect me. Protect your foal."

"I... I will. I will protect you. To the last of my days and beyond," The stallion swore, suddenly trotting forward and taking the spear, giving it a few experimental swings and testing its weight.

"Is it good? You might not know about shamaric stuff, but I hardly know what makes a good spear."

"It is... Unusual, but... I like it. I can feel its power. The point and the edges are keen. It will serve me for many years, if not decades, I can feel it," Spear Throw nodded, hefting the weapon and examining it with a keen eye.

"Good to hear. I am certainly looking forward to those decades with you by my side. There are things to be done, though. Let's pack up the last of our things. Did you find any ponies to travel with?"

"Yes, I have. Since we're not going to need it any more, instead of using the kayak, I thought it'd be better if we just sold it and joined a merchant going south..."

❅ ❆ ❅

"Well then... Guess you're leaving again," Hoarfrost sighed, looking at the waves in the harbor.

"So I am. Traveler spirit, as you ponies keep calling me," Agate shrugged with a faint smile.

"Going to disappear for a long while once more?" Strongback chuckled.

"Hey, I wasn't gone all that long," The spirit protested.

"True enough, though it doesn't take long for the little fry to get bigger. They'll be halfway to their teenage years when you come back next," Sharp Nose chuckled, indicating the gaggle of foals that were busy giving Agate the seal-pup eyes.

"We want to go too, auntie Agate!"

"Yeah, we want to go on adventures!"

"Snowpitt and the Calling! I heard it's really loud!"

"I'll get my own kayak and come along, you'll see!"

Agate chuckled at the last one, shaking her head. "No you won't, unless you're hiding a pile of valuables somewhere, Mossy Tail. And I don't think you could even wield a paddle right."

"Yeah, well! Um...!"

"Nope. You'll just have to wait until you're older."


"Enjoy your youth while you can, you goofballs. You'll be missing it all too soon," The old spirit sighed with a wistful smile.

"Heh. I remember when she told me that one," Strongback nodded.

"This is it, then. You two be careful, alright? She's not too far along, but she shouldn't push herself too hard anyway. I don't even know about all the shamaric stuff you do, but perhaps cut back on anything strenuous in that regard as well," Hoarfrost cautioned the young couple.

"We'll manage, I'm sure. We have good and experienced travelling companions," Spear Throw nodded.

The ponies that were travelling south were quite a varied group. A bunch of youths eager to see the legendary first settlement of the snowponies, a few seasoned guides, several merchants making the last run of the season, and even a few young shamares going south on their knowledge journeys. In such a medley, Spear Throw and Dream Step hardly stood out, though Agate was a bit of an attention magnet, as always.

Spear Throw found them positions as paddlers on a merchant ship, joining half a dozen of other ponies in the effort of pushing the larger vessel across the waves. A few more similar vessels accompanied them, with a flurry of swift kayaks in between them.

They were getting ready to move out, similar scenes of families wishing well to their offspring playing out all around the harbor. One by one, they all got into their vessels, signals being given by the older ponies via sharp whistles to push off and start paddling.

"Alright, young pups, show me you have the strength of the north in your veins!" An older stallion that took point roared in a challenge, various hoots and jests getting shouted right back at him as they pushed out of the harbor, and into the open waters.

❅ ❆ ❅

The journey south was simultaneously intense and monotonous. The safest route towards the southern shore had been mapped out and followed for many centuries, dozens of generations of their ancestors having travelled that path already. That didn't mean that the ponies were relaxed, though. All of them paddled almost until they dropped, wanting to get the most draining part of the trip over with as fast as possible.

More ponies joined them along the way, from lone travelers to groups of dozens that hailed from larger islands. On one hoof, it was a draining journey, a pilgrimage and a test of endurance rolled into one, as they raced to outpace the coming winter. On the other hoof, it was an amazing, magical time.

The sheer amount of kayaks absolutely covered the shores of the islands that the ever growing fleet stopped to rest in, some ponies even having trouble finding their own vessel in the confusion, sometimes taking a similar-looking one by accident. The travelers were tired, their legs were sore and their muscles were burning after paddling for a whole day while trying to reach the next island. And they couldn't be happier.

The youths shared stories and kindled friendships, laughing and cheering before sleeping like rocks. The usual challenges and contests that tended to spring up when a bunch of unproven youths congregated in one place were completely forgone, everyone both too tired and feeling respect for each other for pushing on that hard.

When they finally reached Nilas, a great cheer rose among them, dozens of ponies jumping out on the sand and wobbling before falling over with a laugh, their balance getting disrupted by their exhaustion and the after-effects of being on solid ground after many days spent in kayaks.

"Oh, ancestors," Dream Step groaned, stretching her legs before also collapsing helplessly.

"Well, that was a unique experience," Spear Throw smiled wistfully.

"Don't tell me you enjoyed that," Dream Step grumbled into the sand.

"What if I did?"

"Enjoy it in your memories, then, because we are not doing that again."

"Well, there's still the trip across the tundra plains, but I suppose we'll be able to go at our own pace," He nodded.

"Ugh... Yeah..."

"If you want to sleep, there's better places than the beach," Agate shook her head.

"Fine, fine. Let's get up," Dream Step nodded, pulling her legs under herself and slowly standing up with a growl.

Still wobbling a little and tripping occasionally, the travelers made their way up the cliffside settlement. Nilas hadn't changed all that much over the years, though the locals were ever so slowly carving new terraces and homes into the cliffs. While it wasn't the capital of the northern tribe any more, it became an important port for traders and travelers, which meant that it remained densely populated for a relatively small settlement.

The locals were quite used to the flood of travelers every year, and were all too happy to open their doors to them for the night. Though it was done for free, it was still considered a stain on your honor to take the hospitality without leaving a small gift in return, unless you were completely destitute.

They found a place to crash for the night, and, without much talking, did exactly that. Though they were still sore and a little tired the next morning, the travelers knew that they had to move on. Thanking their hosts and leaving a small crystal as thanks, the trio slowly climbed the pathways on the cliffs, discussing their next moves.

"So, you still want to go straight to your village instead of going to Snowpitt first?" Spear Throw asked, carefully looking where he was putting his hooves.

"Yeah. Foamy Rapids isn't hard to find. You just follow the river east. If we go to Snowpitt, we'd be extending our journey by... I don't even know. Weeks, maybe."

"We need to cross a lot of tundra to get to the river, though. I heard the southern plains can be very... Uh... Wow," Spear Throw breathed out, having reached the top of the cliffs.

The first winter blizzards already passed by, and the land was covered in a light - for now - layer of snow. As always, it made the already monotonous tundra look even more indistinguishable, the shiny snow forcing them to squint against the glare. Shaking his head, the stallion gave Dream Step a flat look.

"I can't tell one bit from another. There's no trees here, no mountains. How in the world do you navigate in this place?"

"Well, uh... Okay, so I lived by the river and southern mountains myself, so..." Dream Step grinned nervously, taking in the snowy, monotonous expanse. "But it's fine! We have Agate with us, after all. She can take to the sky and tell us if we're going in the right direction!"

"There are guide-stones, too," Agate nodded. "I'm sure we can find our way, if that's what you set your mind on. We need to go... Just about straight southeast, don't we?"

"I think so, yes," Dream Step nodded. "Foamy Rapids is currently the final village before the sea. As long as we find the river, we shouldn't need more than a day or two to reach it, whether we go downriver or upriver."

"Supplies refilled?" Agate inquired.

"Yes, I restocked," Spear Throw nodded.

"And we'll be able to dig out some grass along the way. The tundra is not as barren as you think," Dream Step grinned.

"Let's go, then."

❅ ❆ ❅

The journey over land was mostly monotonous. They had no extra company this time, and the landscape was supremely dull. Even when something new happened, such as a strong blizzard blowing in from the northeast, it wasn't all that much of a big deal. With a few tips from Agate, they were able to build a tiny igloo to shelter in, cuddling up together and waiting it out.

It took a couple weeks for the young couple to finally reach Dream Step's home village. Both of them smiled, eager to sleep under a roof again. While there was a number of villages in the south, none of them lay in the route that they took, and they had to rough it in snow. While their thick coats made it manageable, that did not mean that it was enjoyable. Any pony, no matter how hardy, still preferred to curl up in front of a fireplace instead of sleeping in snow.

"And here we are," Dream Step smiled. "Foamy Rapids."

"I can see what you meant when you said that the settlement is still young," Spear Throw nodded.

"Well, it's not just that. It's not a trading port that has ponies moving through it like Sandy Shell or Nilas do. It's just a place ponies found to settle down and grow food and families in," Dream Step shrugged. "A quiet little settlement."

"Sounds like a fine enough place to raise foals, then."

"Foals, huh? As in, multiple foals?" Dream Step grinned, curling her tail around Spear Throw's.

"W-well, I mean..." The stallion stammered awkwardly.

"Heh. We'll see. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. There will be plenty time for more once we know we can take care of this one," She sighed, rubbing her belly.

"Of course, dear."

It was a crisp winter morning, the Sun barely a sliver on the horizon. The long night was almost upon them, and they made a large part of their journey in darkness. It was a mercy, really, the terrible glare from the shiny snow becoming much more bearable in the Moon's soft light.

Though activity generally declined during the winter months, some ponies were still out and about, eyeing the traveler trio curiously. Agate was a bit hard to notice in the dark, but Spear Throw's ice spear stood out even in the winter gloom, glimmering with magic.

Dream Step led them towards her home, past the houses, across a stone bridge that spanned the river, and through a small marketplace near the village's main square. Stopping briefly, she examined one trader's abode before entering, waving to the other two.

"I'll be right out. The stallion here used to sell the most amazing dried berries, and I've been craving them the entire time I was gone. I hope he still sells them."

Agate and Spear Throw nodded, waiting patiently. Soon enough, Dream Step stepped out, carrying a small sack in her mouth with a blissful expression. Tossing more of the contents in her mouth, she chewed happily while stowing the rest in her saddlebags. The distraction made her almost bump into a passing stallion, the mare only stopping herself at the last moment.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't- Oh. It's you," Dream Step said flatly, her blissful expression turning sour.

The stallion huffed in disdain, looking down at her with an expression of disgust. Agate pressed her lips together as Spear Throw furrowed his brows, tensing up. Though he didn't know what was happening, Agate recognized a rather distinct accessory Dream Step had mentioned in the past. The stallion was wearing a large necklace made of dozens of yeti fangs, the article almost reaching the ground.

"Dream Step. I thought you left this village, you pestilent fraud," The stallion snorted hotly.

"I did, and I came back, you lying blowhard," Dream Step snorted right back.

"What did you call me?! What makes you think you can come back and challenge me again when I ran you out once?!"

"Ran me out?! You delusional foal! I left on my own volition, to follow my shamaric training! You have no right to tell me where I can and cannot go, overblown little mouse."

"WHAT?!" He yelled, looming over Dream Step and baring his teeth.

Spear Throw had enough at that point, trotting forward with an angry scowl and ramming into the stallion with his chest, pushing him away from his mare. As the stallion scrambled to his hooves with a surprised shout, Spear Throw gently pushed Dream Step behind, widening his stance and glaring at him.

"I don't know who do you think you are, but if you keep threatening my mare, you'll find out who I am. Painfully."

"Name's Sure Strike, pup, and I suggest you apologize immediately, lest you learn why I bear that name," The stallion growled, puffing up his chest and showing off his necklace.

"And mine is Spear Throw, and I suggest you stop threatening my mare, lest you find out why I bear that name," He said coldly, retrieving his ice spear from his back and holding it in a ready position, making Sure Strike's eyes go wide.

"Northerner's weapon..."

"Indeed. Though I used plenty of spears, this one hasn't tasted blood yet. Don't make the first taste be yours."

While the traffic was sparse, the shouts and threats inevitably attracted ponies, some of which galloped off to tell others, which brought even more witnesses to the whole thing. Agate raked her memories about the conversation she had with Dream Step as she glanced around. Sure Strike used to be greatly respected, but lost a good chunk of that respect when he blew up at the young dreamwalker. Not all of it, though.

A stranger showing up in their village and challenging one of their own was usually a good way to make someone unwelcome in that settlement, though in this case, Sure Strike was wholly the one who started the confrontation. As the stallions sized each other up, Agate weighed her options on what to do before gritting her teeth and huffing angrily, focusing on her magic.

"Don't think you can scare me with that. A weapon is nothing without a proper warrior to wield it," Sure Strike scoffed, though he looked a lot more tense and wary than before.

"And you would know what makes a proper warrior, then? Threatening pregnant young mares, is that what's considered a brave act in this village?" Spear Throw snorted, gripping his spear tightly.

The news that Dream Step was pregnant set off a wave of whispers among the observers, multiple ponies glancing at the mare's distended belly in the gloom. No matter the situation, attacking a pregnant mare was a most horrible crime. Sure Strike didn't seem to care much about it, though it did make him pause briefly while he was thinking up how to retort to that. Agate didn't give him that chance, however.


A floewolf suddenly stood among them, its furious glare fixed squarely on Sure Strike. A bunch of ponies in the crowd shrieked, scattering immediately and running into the nearby homes. Sure Strike followed their example and galloped away with a panicked yelp, while Spear Throw stood his ground, shielding Dream Step with his body.

"What in the world?!"

Turning back into herself, Agate huffed and tossed her mane. "What a prat."

Peeking from behind Spear Throw, Dream Step gaped at her. "What the thunderbird crap was that, Agate?!"

"What? I learned a few tricks over the years, even if they're not all that good. A northerner would have more than likely known that it was a fake. A real floewolf's roar is as cold as the dead of winter," The spirit shrugged with a nonchalant, though slightly smug smile.

"I never saw or heard you doing anything remotely similar!"

"Yes, well, while I am known as a silent watcher that offers advice and teaching from the sidelines, you need to remember that I did participate in my fair number of adventures. And sometimes, you can't afford to just sit and watch. Sometimes, you need to act," Agate nodded decisively.

"That was quite an act," Spear Throw nodded, slowly putting his spear on his back again.

"Sorry if I stole your thunder, Spear Throw, but he was really ticking me off."

"I don't care about that. As long as Dream Step's safe," The stallion nodded, turning around and aggressively nuzzling the mare.

"Hey, cut- mmmph - cut it- mphhh, stop that!" Dream Step complained, though she didn't really resist much.

"Come on. Let's go to your family before any more fools show up."

"Right. This way."

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