• Published 27th Dec 2021
  • 874 Views, 5 Comments

A Hearth's Warming Star - sunsetshimmer_13

A Hearth's Warming fic special by yours truly <3

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Hearth's Warming For A Friend

Twilight's Castle

Rainbow Dash is at the doorstep of the architecture. The snow covered parts of the castle's roof and froze some of its sides while its strong enough to keep the cold from getting in. It was pretty exceptionally cold out in this kind of weather but it was no big deal since she has the appropriate attire to keep her warm. The castle doors open as an alicorn peaks her head out until opening the door completely.

"...Rainbow Dash?"

"Hey, Twilight. Mind if I come in?" she asks. Twilight is a bit hesitant but she welcomes her into her home. As the cyan blue pegasus comes in Twilight quickly closes off the door to keep the cold from getting in. "So... it's been a while," Dash says.

"Well, managed to keep myself busy these days I guess."

"For almost an entire year?" the athlete pony adds. Twilight doesn't want to answer that remark so she stays silent and shrugs it off. She gestures for her friend/guest to follow her.

It has been a while since Twilight even had any complete contact with her friends. She barely talks to them any more or even joined them in certain activities, Not since... well, the so called 'trauma' Twilight had. She would rather not talk about so her friends wouldn't worry, but the more she holds the spiritual weight on her back, the more guilt she carries, the more shame and pressure she feels.

They head into the alicorn's bedroom where it is more warmer in the entire castle, a fireplace not too close or too far from her usual important objects in the entire space. She also happens to have a hot chocolate dispenser. She uses it to brew some hot chocolate for herself and Rainbow. She even put tiny little marshmallows as an extra feature. She offers a drink to Rainbow Dash. The rainbow maned pony accepts the offer and takes it with her wings to get a quick sip. Both of the mares take the time to enjoy and savor their warm little beverages.

"Hey, what's that present?" Twilight points to the present that Rainbow Dash brought in with it.

"Oh nothing. Pinkie wanted me to bring this present to you I guess," she says.

"Ok then. Before I open it, you said you wanted to talk to me about something? And please don't let it be anything that involves 'hanging out'."

"It's not..." lied Rainbow.


"...what? Why don't you believe me?"

"Pretty sure it's hard to believe a pony who I have barely talked to throughout the year begging me to 'hangout' about 32 times total," she says in the most firm tone possible.

"Well can you blame me? It's kinda your fault that I asked so many times since you kept saying no?" she says almost as if it was supposed to be a joke. The alicorn princess raises an eyebrow, signaling more of her suspicion. "Ok ok maybe I could've stopped asking."

"You think?" she giggles a little as her guest shows a little embarrassment. "So I guess it's been a while, huh?"

"Like I said it's almost been a whole year," she informs her. "Honestly I'm still getting used to you having wings," she jokes.

Twilight flexes her alicorn wings as Rainbow lets out a laugh. "Well I am. It's a bit fun when flying honestly."

"Yeah. Looks good on you... uh well not trying to sound like Rarity. You look awesome," the athlete pony compliments her.

"Thank you. But, why do you visit? Really."

"Look it's just that you haven't been talking with us Twilight."

"Well like I keep saying I've been busy lately. I mean it should be obvious..."

"That you're an egghead?" Rainbow pokes fun at the alicorn's intelligence. She raises her eyebrow once again, a bit irritated at that remark. "Hey can't help it if it's true. Besides you barely even talk to us at all. We only ever see you at Pinkie's parties," she explains.

"Well Pinkie throws the best parties they're fun. Can we just not talk about this." Twilight tries to avoid this talk, she knew exactly where this is going.

"Talk about what? I mean you don't have any time for us, you never look like you're having fun when you're at a party," the alicorn zips her lips, trying to not let this subject develop any further. "Look... I know you. And even I know that you wouldn't be the pony to blow off her own friends."

"I'm not blowing them off. I was busy like I said," she lies. She's holding back on the truth. The mare can feel the incident coming back to her.

"Twilight. Why haven't you been with us? You know you can tell us anything," RD pushes her to just tell her the truth but she refuses to show any weakness.

"Like I said... I've been busy," the mare doubles down on her lie once again, she doesn't know how long she could hold in the feeling she's having.

Rainbow opens her mouth but then shuts it for a bit. Silence fills the room and even all throughout the entire castle. There's nothing but the sound of wind and snow blowing around outside of the window as they just stood silent. At this point Twilight already can't handle this and attempts to make Rainbow leave.

"Just get out," she says regretfully.


"Just GET OUT," she screamed at her. Twilight's horn glows as she uses her magic to force her out the bedroom door. She was instantly about to close it but Rainbow quickly breaks out of the magical hold and prevents the door from completely closing.

"Twilight! What is your problem? Just say something I'm only trying to help!"

"I told you I'm completely fine!" she denies her offer.

"Twilight you haven't been the same ever since we first fought Tirek," Rainbow tries to get through to her.

"And that's the point. I never told you or the others because I was afraid..."

"Afraid of what...?"

"...of losing you."

The commotion died down as Twilight stops trying to force her out. The moment she stopped trying to avoid this situation was the moment she starts to cry. Tears going down her face. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle laid down by each other, both of them on opposite sides of the door. Nothing but the sound of the cold blizzard snow fills the air once again until Rainbow speaks. "Twilight... you think we're not afraid of losing you? I mean even I was afraid of losing you by Tirek... and that's coming from me."

"Nothing is the same anymore. Ever since I became an alicorn I... just don't know. I don't know why I have to be chosen to be an alicorn just because of passing that test. I feel like ever since then... it's just that I don't think I deserve this," Twilight explains. "We barely even came back defeating Tirek but ever since then what if... what if there are other forces willing to get to me? I thought about those things and I thought about... losing you."

"So... that's why you were 'busy'," she finishes her thought. "Twilight, look, we're your friends for a reason. You don't need to feel like protecting us. We're right there by you every step of the way, you don't have to be alone just to keep us safe."

"I know..." the alicorn opens the door as Rainbow stands up. The two mares move closer and bring each other into a firm hug. They savor the warm embrace for a good minute before the athlete pony breaks the silence.

"By the way... about that present..."

"Oh right," Twilight breaks the embrace and wipe away her leftover tears with her hoof. She teleports the present into her hooves. She casually opens up the top of the box to find a special star that matches her purple color scheme.

"Also before you ask... This gift was actually me. Well, Rarity kinda helped me picked it out so yeah," says RD.

"I love it."

The two share a kiss and give each other another warm hug as they stay with each other in this castle for the rest of this Hearth's Warming evening.

Author's Note:

Only criticism or any response I'm taking is the one who requested this so don't expect me to respond to any criticism other than the one who is the requester.

Comments ( 2 )

This was a super sweet story.

Thank you for writing it :pinkiehappy:

This is pretty good and interesting.

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