• Published 9th Dec 2021
  • 244 Views, 9 Comments

Lunar 5 - Erstwhile Tail

Something is wrong aboard the new Lunar 5 space station... but what?

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Firefly 3

0900 Hours Cloudsdale Time: EBS Conference room 2

Travis sat at the large table, as press ponies, military ponies, and even ponies he couldn't quite place, trickled in and found a seat or a place to stand along the wall. Many were whispering to each other, but all went quiet as Router walked in, followed by a grease covered Earth Pony Mare, who looked oddly like Router. Both sat on either side of him, the grease covered Mare leaning back and putting her hind legs up, reclining in her seat. Odd looks were given to the mare, as she begun to twiddle a wrench on the end of her hoof. Travis noted the scars along her hide. She began chewing gum. Travis leaned to Router, "You sure about this one, looks like she works at one of those gang mechanics."

Expecting her to be angry he braced himself but Router only chuckled. "She's my Cousin. Best damn mechanic this side of Canterlot, she's got a masters degree in electronics, engineering, mechanics, physics and the science of decision. Why the last one I have no idea, she's almost as smart as the Princess herself."

Travis looked back at the mare, then back to Router. "I don't see it..." He said.

"Trust me, you will," She looked to the mare, "Hey Pliers, say the car won't start, you open the bonnet and find smoke coming from below the pistons, what could it be?

"Depending on the car, probably an oil leak, nothing to major unless it's the alternator, then you have oil dripping onto electrical components, never a good mix, you'd have to replace the alternator, oil, oil pan, oil filter, as well as the alternator belt just to be safe. Hell I'd even check the whole oil system for other leaks, or impurities." Pliers, then looked smug, "Don't tell me your car is doing that thing again, is it?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No, just trying to prove a point," She looked right at Travis, with a smugness that even Jeremey Clarkson couldn't have come up with. "Told you."

By now there were several more ponies, many of military and scientist backgrounds. Many of which, gave sideways glances at 3 ponies sitting at the head of the table, reserved for the more leaders of the E.S.B. Suddenly, Colonel Lukowitz trotted in, quite urgently, followed by a large Alicorn. Her mane flowed like the Ruler before her, everypony immediately bowed, but Princess Twilight waved a hoof.

"Thank you My Little Ponies, but we have no time, if what the Colonel has told me we haven't a moment to lose." She sat down across from Travis, Router, and Pliers. Lukowitz took a seat at the head of the table, the crowd of ponies went silent as he spoke.

"Several hours ago, Lunar 5 went into Meteor shower lockdown, we last heard from them was that that they had taken critical damage, and were losing power. Before we lost contact completely. We have no idea if they are even alive. None of the Lunars can reach them in time. Which leaves the only option, which is a Emergency Launch to reach them."

A scientist then raised a hoof, "But sir, none of our operational ships can reach them in under a few days, and by our calculations given what data we have on the condition of the ship they have less then 2 at best."

"I understand your reasoning, but one ship can make it. Fillies and Gentlecolts, for those of you who don't know, this, is project Celestial," The Colonel took a step back, while the screen behind him changed from the logo of the E.S.B. to a craft, the likes of which, Travis had only seen in early rockets, back when the organization was still new.

Instantly a stallion reared up, and slammed his forehooves onto the table. "Have you gone mad!? Project Celestial Is nothing but a failure, Fireflies 1 and 2 both crashed, 2 didn't even make it to the launch pad, 35 PONIES DIED THAT DAY, and you want to send the UNTESTED one, of a failed family of rockets, to rescue ponies trapped in a space station orbiting the fucking moon?" Ponies started to mumble in agreement, Twilight then raised a hoof, silencing them all.

"If I recall correctly, when my friends and I were the element bearers, the military said that 6 untrained civilian ponies will never be able to stop Equestria from falling if they were overwhelmed. Yet, time and time again, my friends and I pulled through, and spread the magic of friendship to not just ponies but all of this planet. I say we give it a shot, Colonel, you have my approval. What do you need?"

"Thank you Princess, I need a pilot, the best there is."

A Pegasus Mare with a highly decorated uniform stepped forward. "We have some of the best pilots in the Air Force, we can get you some in a few hours." She saluted.

"That will not be necessary, We have secured a former employee of ours, Aileron. She is the only one who can do this."

There was once again more sounds of disapproval. Even Twilight looked uncertain. Twilight then looked to Travis, who was busy running calculations in his head while furiously writing down statistics. She cleared her throat, and everypony stopped and stared at her, before following her gaze to Travis, who feeling the attention, looked up to see the princess looking at him, he gulped.

"What do you think, Travis?" Twilight asked him, "Should we let this Pony fly Firefly? Or should we get another pilot?"

Travis, looked at Router, who shrugged, then to Pliers, who rolled her eyes and said, "Oh for fucks sake, its not that hard of a choice buddy."

Travis looked to the Colonel , and nodded to him. "She was reckless, and impulsive. Even before her, um... stunt, she was indeed one of the best pilots on recorded in Equestrian History to this day. I say she's our best bet."

With that the Colonel , knowing that nopony would go against the word of the princess, even if she had somepony else speak for her. The rest of the meeting,
"Firefly 3 will launch in less then 24 hours, Army medics and escorts will accompany a crew consisting of Aileron, and Pliers. Firefly will be fueled and stocked full of enough repair tools, and medical supplies as we think they will need. Hopefully the crew is still alive. Good luck, and may Luna smile upon your journey." The Colonel said, saluting the few in the room who would take part in the rescue.

1050 Hours Cloudsdale time: Manehatton

Aileron stared questioningly at the dragon in her living room, who was just a tad bit to big for their couch, but she didn't care as she paced back and forth, her foals had been sent to her sister's place with Propwash,

"I swore I would never go back," she told spike for the millionth time, "I have children, I can't just up and go up to fucking space on some wild rescue mission. I have a life. I have responsibilities!"

"I know I know, but the crew aboard that space station have families as well, I know for a fact that if they die up there, 4 foals will grow up missing a parent, and I know what that's like, it's not fun." Spike replied, gingerly sipping some tea that Propwash had prepared for him before he'd himself, left, "Please, we'd be more than willing to compensate you if you take on this mission."

"How much?"

"Half a million bits per day starting when you agree, to when Firefly 3, the craft you're taking, lands back in Equestria after it's mission is complete." Spike said, pulling out his notes giving them a quick once over, spending his whole life with Twilight had helped him with his speed reading. He looked up at Aileron. "So, are you willing too?'

"What if I don't make it," Aileron said, "What if I die on this mission, who will be there for my family?"

"If that happens, they will be looked after, I promise you that. All you have to do is agree to help those stranded on Lunar 5." He reassured her.

Aileron looked at Spike, and she could tell that this wasn't just a politician trying to win a second term, he was trying to help those astronauts in space. Aileron nodded, "I'll do it."

1300 Cloudsdale Time: Firefly 3 Hanger, Cloudsdale

"So this is Firefly 3," Travis said, as he along with Router, Pliers, and the Colonel stepped onto a catwalk, overlooking the massive Thunderbird. The craft was a orange red color with white and black stripes going around it at certain places, it seemed to breathe and rumble as the 3 main liquid fuel rockets were tested and calibrated, it's cargo bay door was open and ponies were loading materials and boxes marked with a red cross. There was a cough, the 3 ponies looked over to see that the Colonel had opened a door to what looked like a lounge. There were a few rows of 5 of what looked to be recliner like chars, a hand full of them were full of ponies dressed in camo, marked with Army symbols, most had the medic insignia on their forehoof sleeve, but one seat had a unicorn mare, she was in civilian clothes but looked right at home.

"Excuse me," Travis started, "are you Aileron?"

The turquoise unicorn looked up, "Yes, I am. Best pilot this side of well, anywhere." She shook his outstretched forehoof.

Travis would have continued the conversation, when Colonel Lukowitz cleared his throat, and the 4 ponies quickly took a seat.

"Welcome, everypony, let's skip the formalities. You are all here because there is a problem on Lunar 5, it has been hit by an asteroid, and is severely damaged, we have lost all long range contact with the crew, but we still believe that there is short range communications. You will travel aboard the experimental craft we call Firefly 3, the third of our Firefly line of craft, part of Project Celestial the previous 2 have failed before and during takeoff, catastrophically. That risk is likely still a problem, so if any other you feel that this is to much of a risk, you may leave now."

He looked around at the several ponies, none of them moved. So the Colonel continued.

"Aileron, you and Travis will go to the cockpit, and plot your course to the space station, Router, and Pliers, you 2 need to see what could be wrong on the Lunar 5 and how to fix it, if it can be. You have 4 hours. Firefly launches in 6 1/2 hours. Good Luck."

The ponies in the room all went to their respective duties. Some only knew that they were going on a rescue mission, others knew that the survival of life on this planet hangs in the balance of their true mission.

To Be Continued...