• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 3,741 Views, 152 Comments

A Dazzling World - Spyder27

Adagio tries to find a way to be happy in this new world and ends up falling in love with her old enemy, Sunset Shimmer.

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Bonus Chapter I: A Siren's Call

Bonus Chapter I: A Siren’s Call

Author’s Note: Hello, everyone! Thanks for reading my story so far! It’s probably surprising to see an update to this story after it was completed a few months ago, but I have a special reason why I’m making this bonus chapter. Today is Mon’s birthday! Mon668 is one of my best friends and the beta reader for my current story, so I wanted to celebrate her birthday with a big surprise~! Mon always wanted bonus chapters for this story to see even more moments between Sunset and Adagio, so I plan on writing TWO bonus chapters~ Yep, two! This bonus chapter takes place during chapter 9 of my story right after the first scene, since the second scene takes place a few weeks afterward~ This chapter aims to show a couple more times Sunset and Adagio hung out before chapter 9’s sleepover~ As with everything, I hope everyone has a good day~ Please wish Mon a very happy birthday in the comments, even if you’re late to the party~! It would mean a lot to me and even more to her~ Anyway, enjoy the show!


Walking into the studio, I can’t help but sigh to myself, rubbing my forehead slightly. There wasn’t much sound within the studio other than faint guitar sounds from one of the closed off rooms, but sound isn’t the reason why my head hurts. Honestly, I am not sure why my head hurts. I just woke up with this big migraine despite my attempt at getting a full night’s sleep. The lack of work at the studio is both lucky and unfortunate at the same time. I’ve only been working here for around a week now and I kind of wish we had more customers, but the quiet atmosphere actually helps with my migraine today.

Walking around to the counter, I lean on it slightly and look at Fleur, once again sporting a new attire and hairdo. “Hey, Fleur. Anything on my schedule?” I ask in a tired voice, trying to assess how much I need to get done today before I can leave. Honestly, all I really want to do today is talk to Sunset… It was really nice the last time we hung out, so maybe she would be willing to see me again? I mean, she admitted we’re friends, so there’s no reason to be that worried, right…?

Looking up from the monitor, Fleur’s expression turns to one of confusion as she sees my pained face. “Are you alright, Dazzle?” she asks in a polite tone, looking concerned just before pulling out my file from a drawer next to her.

“I will be… Thanks for asking, though.” Looking down at the file in Fleur’s hand, I try to make out the names on my schedule, even though they appear upside down to me.

“Alright, it looks like you have an appointment in an hour with a girl named Silver Spoon, but after that? Nothing until the end of your schedule.” Huh… Silver Spoon, huh? From how she acts to me, I didn’t assume she wanted to come back and learn from me since our interaction four days ago, but I guess she treats everyone like that. Hopefully, she will be better this time around, but I doubt it.

“Okay, thanks, Fleur,” I state blandly, walking away from the counter after she nods. I wish I had known I could have woken up an hour later, but I suppose I can use this time to… do what exactly? Think about Sunset more…? Actually, I could… text her, right…? She wasn’t totally against me contacting her besides our meetups, right?

Opening the door to my office, I can’t help but breathe in with relief, now that I can finally have some privacy from my long walk here. Quickly, I take out my phone, walking over to my chair behind my desk. Navigating to the text icon on my screen, a small smile comes to my mouth, seeing the three contacts saved in my phone. The first one is Rainbow Dash. Oddly enough, she and I get along pretty well. She also works here at the studio, which was a surprise to me, but I don’t know if I can call her a friend yet. The second contact is a… friend… At least, that’s what Apple Bloom says we are. Since I’m still new to this whole friendship thing, it’s hard for me to know exactly what qualifies as a friend. I suppose if two people enjoy their company enough, then they qualify as friends? Two people who can… have a meaningful conversation in a taco shop of all places. Does it still qualify as friendship if one party thinks about the other and what they like? That’s kind of where Sunset and I are at this point. Sunset says we’re friends and all, but I guess it feels odd, thinking that maybe she doesn’t enjoy our meetups as much as I do.

Clicking on the third contact, the messages from when we set up the last time we spent time together instantly show up, making me smile a little more. I still don’t know why I smile so stupidly, thinking of her. Whenever I think of her… cute smile, I can’t help but blush and hide my face behind the scarf Sunset gave to me. Regardless, my fingers get into position to send a text, but hesitate as soon as I realize I don’t know what I want to say… What should I say? Just a hello? Wouldn’t it be weird to just text her out of the blue without trying to set up another time to hang out together? Or is that something that friends do…? God damn it, Adagio… Even when I set my mind to do something as simple as texting someone, I still find a way to overanalyze it… Sunset should be fine with a simple hello. Right?

Breathing out in anger, I finally type in a message, not bothering to read it again before sending it. “Hey, Sunset.” Honestly, she probably won’t reply for a while. She has a busy schedule or she might be doing something else right now. Which means I won’t be able to spend my free time texting her, even if she doesn’t think it’s awkward-

Within a minute of me sending the message, my phone buzzes in my hand, surprising me a little bit. “Hey, Adagio~ I was just thinking about you! How are you doing?” How was she able to text back so fast? It usually takes me a few minutes to think of what to say… Maybe that’s me just being too nervous? “Also, I’m glad you texted~ I was a little scared to text you since I didn’t know what you would think, but I do have some cool news to share~ I finally bought myself a copy of Love Story~” her message details in a seemingly enthusiastic tone. It’s… cute when Sunset expresses herself so freely, not afraid of judgment for what she likes.

“I’m alright. What’s Love Story exactly?” I ask in response, trying to be as quick in my reply as she was in hers. This time, I don’t even bother turning my phone off since she seems to have the time to talk, so it would just end up in a lot of unwanted buzzing if I kept turning it off every time I answer a text.

“Love Story is a movie I’ve been wanting to see for a long time now~ I never had the chance until now because I’ve been trying to find a version of it on disc since I can’t afford streaming.” Huh. Sunset’s wanted to watch this for a long time? I wonder what other films she’s wanted to watch… Then again, what is streaming…?

“Hey, I don’t want to seem stupid or such, but what exactly is streaming?” I text her back quickly, unsure of what she meant by her last statement.

“Oh? You don’t know what streaming is? Do you have a laptop or use the internet?” she asks innocently enough within a minute of my response. I’m really surprised she’s actually responding this fast… Maybe she does like talking to me…?

“No… I haven’t used the internet before other than maybe using it to text people? I’m not sure if that counts.”

Despite her usually fast response times, a couple minutes pass by without a message being sent, making me feel a little worried. Did I possibly annoy her…? “No, Adagio~ That doesn’t really count~ Data and the internet are different things, even if they are similar. I suppose it really depends on who you ask, but it’s cute that you’re trying to understand~” Instantly, I can feel relief wash over me as I see her text pop up on my screen. I… never want to annoy her or give her a reason to stop being my friend since… Well, I really enjoy our friendship… I love seeing that bright smile of hers and being able to spend time with her whenever I can. “Streaming is kind of like a library~ Basically, you get to see and read every book there as long as you have a membership with them, but you don’t own the actual books or physical copies of them.” The icon that shows someone is texting pops up again right after she sends the most recent message, making me raise my eyebrow in anticipation. “When you have a subscription to a streaming service, you can watch any movie or TV show they have available, provided you have an internet connection~ Rainbow Dash has a subscription to Equestria+, but I don’t have the kind of money for one yet. Maybe someday~”

“I see. How much is a subscription then?” I type in with a small frown on my face. This subscription idea sounds like it would offer a whole variety of entertainment to watch, possibly even offering other things that Sunset would like to watch.

“Oh? Well, it really depends on what streaming service you want to sign up for~ I think the normal rate is close to 15 dollars per month, but that can go up or down. Right now, I’m trying to save up for some mode of transportation before I can really spend on that type of entertainment~ But we should definitely watch a movie together sometime~”

Honestly, I feel really surprised to see that… Sunset would like to watch something with me. We haven’t been able to hangout a lot together as of yet, so I just assumed that it would be weird for her if we watched something together. “You’d like to watch a movie with me…?” I hesitantly type in, sinking in my chair slightly.

“Of course~! I think it’s a nice activity to share with a friend~ That is if you want to, of course. I wouldn’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do~” Once again, the typing icon shows up right after she messages me, clearly showing that Sunset has more to say. “Maybe we could even watch Love Story together…? I was planning on watching it tonight, but I could wait for you if you want~” Why does she have this effect on me…? She always finds a way to make me smile, no matter what circumstance I’m in. Even if it’s just a text, I can always imagine her voice saying the words she sends and it brings happy thoughts to my mind. I haven’t watched a lot of movies before, but the thought of spending it with a friend like her is… magic.

“If you want to wait for me, I wouldn’t mind watching it with you~ I’m just surprised you want to hang out with me again.”

“Why wouldn’t I~?” she almost instantly responds with a smiling emoji. At least, Apple Bloom says the little faces with different emotions are called emojis. Honestly, some of their weird faces just creep me out more than anything, but I can sorta see the appeal of the colorful expressions. “You always bring an interesting point of view to our activities together, so it’s nice to be around you~ That and I’m honestly glad we can be friends,” she messages again with an orange heart at the end of her statement, my cheeks blushing to the words she sent.

“I’m glad we can be friends too, Sunset,” I am barely able to type, my flustered face still causing me to revel in the soft scarf around my neck. “When do you want to watch the movie together?” my fingers type in the words without thinking, my mouth still in the shape of a smile.

“If you have Friday free, we could watch it then~ That’s the only day I have off this week from my internship. It’s really busy~”

“I can do Friday as long as it’s after two,” I type into my phone, quickly pulling out my schedule from a drawer in my desk. Fleur often has the updated schedule, but in general, I should be free after two since it’s the end of my shift. “Until then, would you still like to text?” I hesitantly type into my phone, seeing the letters pop up onto screen before sending the message.

“Of course, Adagio~ We can text~ I can talk more tonight as well, if you’re up for it? Although, I should probably go now. My lunch break is almost over.” So, that’s why she was able to respond so quickly. She was on her lunch break. I just hope I didn’t disturb her meal.

“Sorry, did I get in the way…?” I ask her quickly, hoping to catch her before she puts her phone away. “And yeah, I would like to talk more tonight.”

“No, no~ You didn’t get in the way~ I enjoyed our conversation~ I can’t wait to talk more tonight,” she messages back quickly with another smiling face. Before I can even try to respond to her statement, a new message pops up quickly. Instead of being a few lines of text, this time it’s a picture, showing the cover of the movie she had finally bought herself, her hand only showing slightly from the side of the picture. “I’ll text you more tonight, okay~?”

“I’ll be looking forward to it~ Just stay safe, okay?” I type in my response, my smile fading slightly due to our goodbye.

“Will do~ Make sure you do the same, alright~?” Her message somehow makes my smile come back to me even stronger, chuckling slightly at the way she always cares for others. No matter what happens, she always tries to look out for everyone else, even if it means she’s screwed over in the process. She’s really… kind.

“I will~ Goodbye, Sunset~”


The last light of the day already left a while ago, leaving my apartment in a dark state other than the small lamp I have on in the living room. My shift ended hours ago, so I decided to take a nap to avoid boredom and the cold temperature. At least it’s less detectable when I’m asleep… When I’m awake, I often have to get up and hit the wall next to the heater again just to get my mind off the cool air. Now that I’m awake again, it’s completely dark out, leaving me groaning at the sight. Hopefully I didn’t sleep for too long…

Turning over slightly on the couch, I reach over and grab my phone off the coffee table, feeling the cold surface with my fingertips. The small blanket over my body doesn’t protect much from the cold, but it is just enough for me to avoid getting up and resetting the heater. Quickly, I flip open the phone to look at the time, only for my heart to begin racing as I see my screen… Not only is it midnight, but there’s a text icon from Sunset, alerting me to a message. Damn it! Why did I sleep for so long?! I thought I set an alarm!

Sitting up quickly, I click on Sunset’s contact, looking for the message she had sent. What I thought was one message turns out to be three, all sent at different time periods. “Hey, Adagio! I just got home~ I won’t be able to text until around eight tonight, so I hope that’s alright~” Sunset’s message details, being sent at around six. “Hey, Adagio~ Are you available now? If not, that’s alright as well~ I was just wondering. I was also wanting to ask you what your thoughts on musicals are?” Sunset’s second message states, marked as being sent at 8:15 PM. Her final message was sent just an hour ago, though… “Sorry for texting so much, but I thought I would go ahead and tell you that I really enjoyed our talk earlier today~ I was hoping to talk more tonight, but I assume you were doing something important. I hope we can talk again soon~”

Why did I let myself sleep for so long…? If I had just woken up an hour ago, I would have been able to text back and have another talk with her. Damn it, Adagio… why… Maybe I can still text her goodnight? I don’t know, is that weird? Is it weird for friends to text each other goodnight? I didn’t mean to let her down… Letting my fingers fly, I type in the letters as quickly as I can, trying to form a kind goodnight note with an apology. “Hey, Sunset! I’m really sorry for being late to respond to your text! I really don’t have a good excuse for missing them other than being asleep for virtually the whole day ever since I got home… Again, I’m sorry. I really hope I didn’t put you out. I enjoyed our conversation a lot too and I was hoping to talk with you tonight as well, so hopefully we can soon. Have a good night, okay?” Once again, my mind regrets the words I typed as soon as my finger hits the send button. Was that a good enough message…? I didn’t mean to sleep for so long… She wouldn’t hold a grudge for something like that, right…? Even when I try to be a good friend to her, I end up screwing something up… I just hope she will respond sometime soon… I don’t want to annoy her.

My eyes widen instantly as I feel the buzz of my phone, picking it up quickly and flipping it open. She’s still awake…? Please don’t feel too bad about my absence. “I was wondering what you were doing~ You must have been really tired, huh? It’s alright though, I understand that feeling~ I can talk now if you want? I can’t really sleep tonight until I get this homework done~” Talk now…? At midnight? Should I even take her up on the offer…?

“Are you sure you can’t sleep yet? I wouldn’t want to get in the way,” I hesitantly type back, sinking back into the couch’s soft cushions. Gently, I reach up above me and turn the lamp off, leaving the living room in almost complete darkness, except for the small amount of light coming from the blinds and my phone.

“I’m sure~ Although, it may be better if we call so that I can talk while I’m doing my homework instead of text every minute, you know?” she states in a moment after I send my own message, causing my lips to betray me once more. Out of anyone I could have chosen as a friend, I had to choose the person who makes me smile.

“You want to call…? I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you want to, I just don’t want to make you think you have to,” I type into the message box, unsure of whether I should send it or not… Taking a deep breath, I finally click send, closing my eyes. I guess I want to convince myself that I didn’t send it, but it can’t be undone now. Instantly, my phone starts vibrating in my hand as a loud ringtone echoes throughout the room, causing me to open my eyes quickly. My hands fumble with the device, trying to stop the shaking, finally hitting the accept button out of desperation to avoid the ringing. Did she really just call me…? Bringing the phone to my ear slowly, I can’t help but feel a knot form in my throat, unsure of what I should do during a call. “Hello…?” I whisper into the speaker, listening for Sunset’s voice. My eyes open a little wider as I hear a familiar chuckle on the other end of the line, my nerves making me tense up slightly… What should I even say…?

“Why wouldn’t I want to call you, Adagio~?” she asks me in a quiet tone, giggling a little more from her tease. Knowing Sunset, she’s probably grinning to herself, finding the whole ordeal a little humorous. That warm smile… “Seriously though, it’s nice to talk again~ I was beginning to miss you~” Sunset states with a quiet chuckle, one that is somehow able to soothe the nerves along my back.

“Well, I… missed you too, Sunset.” After a moment, I take a breath and close my eyes pulling the blanket back over me. “Hey, I’m sorry again. For not waking up in time to talk earlier. It probably would have been easier to talk then instead of when you need to do some homework.”

“Don’t worry about it, Adagio~ It’s alright~ I understand the need for a nap sometimes, especially after this hectic week of mine. What’s been happening for you though?” For some reason, just hearing her reassuring words is able to soothe me from any remaining nerves, smiling at the sound of her voice.

“Well, I got that new job I was going to interview for the last time we talked. Nothing much has really happened other than getting used to the new schedule and workload, you know?” The only sound I can hear from Sunset’s end is an understanding chuckle, one that doesn’t cease to make me smile yet again, rolling over to my side.

“That’s good~ I’m glad you got the job!” she says in a congratulatory manner, sighing happily to herself for a moment. The sound of Sunset taking a breath as if she is going to say something can be heard for a second, leaving me anticipating what she was going to say.

“Are you alright…?” I ask slowly, a little worried at Sunset’s new silence. Honestly, as nervous as I was to call her, it’s actually… really nice to hear Sunset’s voice. Even if it is really late at night…

“Yeah yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it,” Sunset states quickly, trying to disregard the question completely. The one downside of calls is that I can’t see her reactions to certain things and I mainly have to rely on vocal cues. “Can I… let something off my chest?” Sunset slowly voices her sentence, sounding like her thoughts were preoccupied with something else. In the past, I wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass about Sunset’s feelings, but now, I can’t help but worry for her and find myself thinking about her each consecutive day. I guess that’s something that comes with friendship, huh?

“Of course, Sunset. I want to be here for you if you need to talk,” I try to say as caring as I can, but I still feel like I failed at that objective…

“Well, I was just thinking recently. We’re friends now and I… I just wanted to say I’m really proud of you~” Sunset’s words come out slowly, but their effect on me was just as strong, once again making my stupid cheeks flush.

“Proud of me…? For what exactly?”

“Well, you’ve been trying really hard lately to turn your life around and I… guess I feel inspired, you know? You came to ask if we could be friends, you help Apple Bloom on a regular basis and you got a new job as well~ I guess I just… feel pretty happy that we can be friends now, after everything that happened~” Sunset’s voice leaves off her statement with a content sigh, small breaths barely audible from her end. At times, it almost feels like she’s actually here, talking right in my ear.

“About that… I… I’m sorry,” I state in almost a whisper, closing my eyes instinctively and concentrating on her voice. “I’m sorry for everything that happened back then. I really am glad we are friends now since I really like spending time with you.” Have I really apologized enough for my actions back then…? Have I really done enough to deserve this friendship with Sunset? Honestly, I’m not sure… It’s hard for me to try and think I’ve done enough, but the only thing I can do now is apologize.

“Adagio~ You don’t have to apologize~ I know you’re sorry for what happened and I appreciate the apology.” Sunset leaves a small pause in her statement, taking a breath before she thinks of what else to say. “But I appreciate you in general~ You’re trying so hard, but I just want you to know that you do deserve good things, Adagio~”

“You’re one to talk. You’re always so kind and caring, yet you don’t believe you deserve half of the things you do have,” I state with a small chuckle of my own, hearing Sunset giggle on her end.

“What? Are you saying I do deserve the things I have~?” Sunset asks with a teasing tone, giggling more to our conversation. For a moment, I can’t exactly bring myself to say anything, the right words avoiding my thoughts. The truth is that Sunset doesn’t just deserve what she has right now. She deserves a lot more. She should have the best in life, including friends and family. Maybe that’s why I feel inadequate as her friend… I know I’m not the best.

“You deserve the world, honestly,” I say quietly, not even realizing the words coming out of my mouth before it’s too late. Did I really just…? Bringing my hand to my mouth, I try to hide the embarrassment, curling up in a ball, never bringing the phone away from my ear.

Silence is the only thing shared between us for a few moments, my nerves acting up once again. Honestly, I wasn’t even controlling myself when I said that, so the quiet atmosphere is my fault. Before I can say anything, I hear Sunset take a breath on her end, a sigh leaving her. “That is really nice of you, Adagio~ I don’t really know what to say other than you deserve the world too~” she states with a happy tone in her voice, making me want to see her even more…

“Did I make it awkward?” I ask quietly, concerned that maybe I made her say that.

“Not at all~ I’m actually kind of flattered~” Sunset shares with the same happy tone to her voice, making me think she probably has that same warm and inviting smile pasted on her face. “You always find a way to cheer me up, Adagio~ I was kind of depressed today due to the amount of school work I have to do, but talking to you never ceases to make me smile~”

“You… do the same to me,” I am barely able to say, wrapping my arm around my legs as I rock a little to the sound of her voice. Why do I wish that she was here so much…? “I actually have a question when it comes to your schoolwork, though.”

“Oh? What is it~?” she asks with the same chipper voice she usually has when talking about something she likes.

“Why exactly are you working on homework after midnight?”

Sunset’s giggles can be heard from her end, taking a moment to let herself laugh at my question. With a single breath, Sunset finally states, “There’s only one word that can answer that question, Adagio~ Procrastination.”


“So, I guess that brings me to today~ Maud and I turned in our group project, despite all the trouble we had making it. It was weird since we were assigned with a group project so early in the semester, but Maud, Boulder and I got it done~” Over the past couple hours, I haven’t been able to put the phone down for a second, a smile remaining on my face the whole time.

“What about your other classes? Have there been any funny adventures there as well or has it just been quiet?” I ask with a smile, not bothering to open my eyes to the dark room around me. Sometimes, people are scared of the dark. I used to revel in it, but now I find it unpleasant to be in the dark outside of my home. Honestly, it’s easier to talk to Sunset in the dark. I guess it hides the many times my cheeks betray me by blushing, even if there’s no one here to see it. I can’t help but feel embarrassed every time I smile so stupidly because of one of her campy jokes or the way she stands so confidently. It’s easier to hide my reactions under a blanket than to let the universe see me.

“Well, not really, honestly. My other classes are mostly just taking notes and doing a couple assignments each week, but nothing else really happens.”

“Why do I feel like you’re the most interesting person in those classes?” I tease her with a smirk on my face, despite the fact that she can’t see my expressions.

“I’m glad you think I’m interesting~ Though, I don’t necessarily try to grab people’s attention,” Sunset states in a flustered tone, sounding like she’s embarrassed.

“Says the one with hair that shimmers like fire,” I say in a small laugh, my hand pressed against my chest as I smile at my own tease.

“W-well, I admit that I have some features that stand out~ Rainbow Dash and I have hair that gets a lot of looks usually, so I try to take care of it~” Sunset laughs a little at her statement, a sigh following after. “Though, I should say your hair is just as nice in my eyes~” For a moment, both of us go quiet, a nervous feeling going through my head. “What time is it?” Sunset asks shortly after, straining her words slightly as if she was stretching.

Looking at my phone, I sigh quietly to myself, realizing just how late it is. “It’s about four now. Do you have to go now…?” Sunset doesn’t answer my question right away, opting to take a deep breath and yawn.

“Yeah… Unfortunately, I should go now. I need at least a couple hours of sleep before my classes today. Though, it was really nice talking to you, Adagio~” Before I can try to think of a response, Sunset lets out a small chuckle, taking another deep breath. “Could we… do it again sometime?” she asks me with a hesitant tone to her voice. Of course I would love to do this again. This has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. Possibly ever. I don’t know why she has such an easy time making me laugh and smile, but I enjoy it nonetheless.

“Of course~ I’d love to~ Just um…” The right words to say seem to avoid me, leaving my thoughts completely blank as to what I should do now… I was hoping she wouldn’t have to leave so soon… “Get enough sleep, okay?”

“I will try my best~ I hope you can get back to sleep too~” Sunset lets out a light-hearted sigh as she says this, making me imagine her smile again.

“I’ll miss you,” I state quietly without processing what I was going to say. Damn it, Adagio… “I mean, I um… I was trying to say-”

“Don’t worry, Adagio~ I’ll miss you too~” Sunset says in a soothing tone, a small giggle escaping her lips. “I can’t wait to watch that movie with you on Friday~ Just make sure to text me some more before that, okay? I love hearing about the kids you teach and Rainbow’s rants~” A small laugh is shared between the two of us, letting me feel slightly better about the end of our talk for the night.

“I will. Have a good night, Sunset~” I try to say without a frown, thinking of Sunset’s smile that she undoubtedly had on the whole night.

With a small chuckle, Sunset gently sighs, exhaling the air from her lungs. “Goodnight, Adagio~ Sleep tight~”